This is how your kids become Indoctrinated


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Pretty sick. Thank you for pointing this out.

A quick note for you; Years ago I spoke with a friend about referring to her children as kids. I told her I did not raise "kids" I have children. "kids" is more of a reference to them being goat like. Goats will eat most any ole type of trash and weeds. Children brought up to be selective in what they are allowed to eat (intake) are called little Lambs of God for a reason.
Pretty sick. Thank you for pointing this out.

A quick note for you; Years ago I spoke with a friend about referring to her children as kids. I told her I did not raise "kids" I have children. "kids" is more of a reference to them being goat like. Goats will eat most any ole type of trash and weeds. Children brought up to be selective in what they are allowed to eat (intake) are called little Lambs of God for a reason.

The site is pretty sickening, they are also the ones teaching 8 yr olds dropping the F bomb i'm not sure if you ever saw that video I posted potty mouthed princess......... This site is suppose to be about equality if they are so much about equality wth are they teaching little girls to hate men for.

They are pushing this gay tranny bs onto children it's such a web of bs being pushed unless people are on to this game they never see it, and how it is being pushed within the school system.

I think using the term kids depends on what part of the Country are from too. Some people have grown up saying kids, etc.
The site is pretty sickening, they are also the ones teaching 8 yr olds dropping the F bomb i'm not sure if you ever saw that video I posted potty mouthed princess......... This site is suppose to be about equality if they are so much about equality wth are they teaching little girls to hate men for.

They are pushing this gay tranny bs onto children it's such a web of bs being pushed unless people are on to this game they never see it, and how it is being pushed within the school system.
Hopefully parents will get more options in the future to not only have a way to block such trash but to be able to put together school options for their children.
My two oldest grands jumped all over the youngest one day for saying "ewww" to the gay push. One of the older one's also thought a 'bj' wasn't really sex. They are old enough now that they are learning how badly the system attempted to brain wash them and they are not very happy about it.
I think using the term kids depends on what part of the Country are from too. Some people have grown up saying kids, etc.
Yes I know but the more these little things like use of word in context and other misconceptions are corrected the sooner some will be able to get back on the right track.

You folks are doing a bang up job :eusa_clap:
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I am going to be honest...I think it is a good thing if our kids believe in science, education, critical thought and being civilized. We fight war against islamic groups like the isis and taliban so our kids can believe in these things.
Why do we have to say anything at all? Teach the kids the basic biology of sex and let them figure out who and what they want to be on their own. If they are gay they will figure it out fast enough and if straight they will also figure it out fast enough. Having a Ad where two 10 year olds sucking face gay or straight is inappropriate. Rather than force adult issues on kids lets just teach them general respect of all people and let them have their childhood.
The site is pretty sickening
Thankfully you stumbled upon it (heh heh) while doing your latest round of "research" on children and sex for the forum and were able to alert the rest of us to this latest danger.

Kind of like Pete Townsend's research that got him arrested.

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