This is inhumane

The parent has a future too, with their children. They don't have to experience one hell while subjecting their children to another.
They feel as though they do, as they obviously feel the hell at home is worse. Again, surely you understand if i give your opinion to the contrary zero weight, as you share exactly no knowledge or experience with them. I think it is clear you won't even try to imagine feeling compelled to male such a decision. Odd, since you started the discussion.
1) they didn't have the money to smuggle themselves and their children

You don't need money, just sheer strength of will. When it comes to you and your child's welfare, money should be no object or concern.

Anyone genuinely concerned for the welfare of these people will help them free of charge, not take advantage of them. for profit. That's what these cartels do. They don't ensure the parents their children will be safe on the journey. They take the money regardless if the child lives or dies.

2) they believe the children will be given asylum if they arrive without parents while also believing that, if they go as a group, they will be sent back as a group (after spending their life savings)

The parents may just as easily be given asylum too. So, what's the point of sending the child alone?

3) They see two futures for their children at home: rape and death. This isn't as bad as those

The parent has a future too, with their children. They don't have to experience one hell while subjecting their children to another.

4) the children are not even all from the same family, and a few families compiled savings to send them

I'm sorry, what?
I don't think anybody is saying the cartels are good people.
However ... You cannot even hazard a guess as to what the parents are thinking.
You are close minded, and cannot fathom anything other than what you think should apply.

Like I said.

America has been in existence for 244 years. Long enough for her values of self-sacrifice and personal responsibility to permeate the world over. I can hazard a guess that they have been exposed to those values in some way or another. Given that, I would expect them to know that what they're doing is cruel and unconscionable.

Parents are supposed to be there to support their children, not wantonly exposing them to danger on the fleeting hope these children have better lives elsewhere.
1) they didn't have the money to smuggle themselves and their children

You don't need money, just sheer strength of will. When it comes to you and your child's welfare, money should be no object or concern.

Anyone genuinely concerned for the welfare of these people will help them free of charge, not take advantage of them. for profit. That's what these cartels do. They don't ensure the parents their children will be safe on the journey. They take the money regardless if the child lives or dies.

2) they believe the children will be given asylum if they arrive without parents while also believing that, if they go as a group, they will be sent back as a group (after spending their life savings)

The parents may just as easily be given asylum too. So, what's the point of sending the child alone?

3) They see two futures for their children at home: rape and death. This isn't as bad as those

The parent has a future too, with their children. They don't have to experience one hell while subjecting their children to another.

4) the children are not even all from the same family, and a few families compiled savings to send them

I'm sorry, what?
I don't think anybody is saying the cartels are good people.

They aren't. And that's the thing, the parents know it. Yet they choose to put their children in the hands of dangerous people.

There is no goodness on either side of the equation. Just the ruination of pure innocence.
And it is a reasonable assumption to think these parents have been exposed to American ideals, even where they are.

So as I see it, they should know better.

Sorry Templar, it is very noble of you to have such high ideas about how significant you, or what you think, may be.

But dude ... You have no freaking idea what these people do during their day.
That little girl could have been selling seashell necklaces, she made herself the night before, to fat-cat American tourists drinking buckets of Dos Eques beer on the beach.
Then she could take the money she made peddling her goods, combine it with the change her mother made, and maybe have enough to feed the family that night.

Do you honestly think they were sitting around watching Opera, and catching up on the latest trends in American Idealism?

Do you honestly think they were sitting around watching Opera, and catching up on the latest trends in American Idealism?

Thing is, caring for your children is a universal human concept, not just an American one. What am I supposed to think of someone who so blatantly disregards it?
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Do you honestly think they were sitting around watching Opera, and catching up on the latest trends in American Idealism?

Thing is, caring for your children is a universal human concept, not an American one.

Also, why do you think being there for your child in the midst of unimaginable danger is such an elitist concept? There's nothing elitist or closed-minded about it.

I don't give a damn what they do during their daily lives, these parents. All I am concerned with is that they gamble with the lives of their children and sometimes lose. The child dies, the parents never see through that better life for their child. They misplace their trust on such faint hope. Or ultimately, the parent never comes for the child they sent into the wilderness.

I consider such behavior to be the highest form of moral depravity. On par with what Hamas does to their children during Israeli airstrikes.
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This makes my blood boil.

What kind of parent sends their poor child thousands of miles alone across treacherous territory to cross our border illegally?

A parent who wants a better life for their child? No. That's a big fat lie. Parents should be with their children through thick and thin, danger and safety, but the parents of this little one aren't.

What these parents have done to these unaccompanied minors is beyond inhumane.

So anyone saying "they want a better life for their child" can promptly screw off. Sorry. I will always have a soft spot for children, no matter who they are or where they come from.

Don't try to justify this behavior. Don't give me any excuses about "well the parents are helping their children flee from violence"--- if that were true, they would be fleeing with them. I see no love in these actions. None whatsoever.
First of all, most of these kids are not that young, typically 13 to 17 which in the countries they come from is not a kid. Secondly, they do not travel alone. They often travel with other members of the family, friends or neighbors. Most of the parents have little or no chance of being legally admitted but the children do. So when young kids enter the US without parents they are detained and questioned as to where their parents are and do they have any relatives in the US. Typically the first question is not answered and second one is. So eventually they end up in the custody of relatives in the US or foster homes.
I have no idea why decisions like that are made, but I suspect that with the danger in south American countries, and the cost being so high, some of the parents can only afford for their children to go, and hope they can be reunited with relatives in the US. Desperate choices by desperate people often turn out worse than hoped for.
If things are s tough over there, why are they well dressed and healthy when they arrive?
Does a child who is sent over 1000 miles in the dessert in a nice coat pants and shoes better off than the veteran with ptsd living on the streets if San Francesco? I say yes. I have seen the videos. They are better dressed than any homeless American.
Do I feel bad for the children? Yes. Why? Because their parents are selfish assholes.
When faced with a life of poverty and the mercy of neighborhood gangs who typical control the local police, sending them to the US is often the best alternative. Rich or poor, no parent wants to lose their children. For them it is choosing between two bad choices. Keep in mind that a large percent of these children are runaways. The parents are not sending them.
By no means I'm I trying to justify what these parent's do. However, I suspect the culture of theses people is to let their children fend for themselves much more than American children do. Just over 100 years ago, American children would be expect to do farm jobs that we would consider to dangerous for children to do today, and the children would often not be under the supervision of an adult.

100 years ago the age of consent in the USA was 10.

Society evolves.
By no means I'm I trying to justify what these parent's do. However, I suspect the culture of theses people is to let their children fend for themselves much more than American children do. Just over 100 years ago, American children would be expect to do farm jobs that we would consider to dangerous for children to do today, and the children would often not be under the supervision of an adult.

100 years ago the age of consent in the USA was 10.

Society evolves.
Problem is that the society that is sending such young children on the dangerous trek is perhaps 100 years less evolved than our society.

If the child was sent here unaccompanied they should be put up for adoption. The parents and relatives should have no say in the matter and no custody or visiting rights should ever be granted any parent or relative afterwards. The child was abandoned.


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This makes my blood boil.

What kind of parent sends their poor child thousands of miles alone across treacherous territory to cross our border illegally?

A parent who wants a better life for their child? No. That's a big fat lie. Parents should be with their children through thick and thin, danger and safety, but the parents of this little one aren't.

What these parents have done to these unaccompanied minors is beyond inhumane.

So anyone saying "they want a better life for their child" can promptly screw off. Sorry. I will always have a soft spot for children, no matter who they are or where they come from.

Don't try to justify this behavior. Don't give me any excuses about "well the parents are helping their children flee from violence"--- if that were true, they would be fleeing with them. I see no love in these actions. None whatsoever.

Every situation is different...I hate to broad brush them all. If the life they are in is so dangerous and violent their children are threatened then maybe it seems the best option. They pay huge amounts of money to coyotes to get their children out safely and of course the coyotes just want the money...they shouldn't trust them but they do.

When Germany began it's anti-Jewish campaign that became the Holocaust, Jews desperately tried to get their children out - any way possible.

This was just one of the ways:

But there were many others who smuggled children out as well, and I suspect not all were benign.

The lawlessness, violence and lack of federal control in some of these Central American regions are well documented. It makes it hard for me to judge the parents in one broad brush.
By no means I'm I trying to justify what these parent's do. However, I suspect the culture of theses people is to let their children fend for themselves much more than American children do. Just over 100 years ago, American children would be expect to do farm jobs that we would consider to dangerous for children to do today, and the children would often not be under the supervision of an adult.

Yeah, well, we evolved away from doing that for a reason.
However ... You cannot even hazard a guess as to what the parents are thinking.
You are close minded, and cannot fathom anything other than what you think should apply.

Like I said.

America has been in existence for 244 years. Long enough for her values of self-sacrifice and personal responsibility to permeate the world over. I can hazard a guess that they have been exposed to those values in some way or another. Given that, I would expect them to know that what they're doing is cruel and unconscionable.

Parents are supposed to be there to support their children, not wantonly exposing them to danger on the fleeting hope these children have better lives elsewhere.
What a twisted view. You think parents in a dangerous country should consider what someone in the US might think, and ignore the reality they face every day. Grow up, you idiot.
By no means I'm I trying to justify what these parent's do. However, I suspect the culture of theses people is to let their children fend for themselves much more than American children do. Just over 100 years ago, American children would be expect to do farm jobs that we would consider to dangerous for children to do today, and the children would often not be under the supervision of an adult.

100 years ago the age of consent in the USA was 10.

Society evolves.
Problem is that the society that is sending such young children on the dangerous trek is perhaps 100 years less evolved than our society.
How do you know?

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