This Is Lynching

Does the word "LYNCH" only describe the lynching of blacks?

  • No, many whites were also lynched,

    Votes: 28 93.3%
  • Yes, in today's world only blacks were lynched

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
Donald Trump uses another racially insensitive word to demonstrate his inbred racism.

He compared the impeachment process to a lynching.

Trump calls impeachment inquiry a 'lynching' - CNNPolitics

It is a lynching. Black people don't own the term retard.
And you are an insensitive fool. How come some many people came out against the statement. Including Republicans.

Because like you they are hyperpitical fuckwits.
The side of my father's family is about as white as the day is long. Way back in the 1800s, two brothers were suspected of killing a man and stealing some of his possessions. A lynch mob gathered and tracked them down, hanging them from a tree.

Many years later, a man on his deathbed admitted to the killing and told others where to find the items he stole from the man to prove his story. He admitted to framing the two brothers for the crime by claiming he saw them do the deed, and giving one of them a stolen powder horn belonging to the dead man.

Two Westerns that I love to watch have lynchings at the heart of the storyline. They are "Hang'em High" with Clint Eastwood starring, and "The Ox Bow Incident" with Henry Fonda and Harry Morgan starring.
Wrong answer white boy. I'm black and my parents, grandparents and many other older blacks explained to me why blacks switched parties. You racists are peddling a lie, hoping to get enough blacks fooled so that you can implement your agenda. You whites have got free shit since 1776 and free shit is why your white asses are republicans today.

I'm not the one crying.

Spewing words like you did above is crying... Life is not fair... :crying:Woe is IM2
Telling the truth to racist whites about themselves is not whining. Whining is crying about being lynched because you're being held accountable for your actions. Life is not fair you say. That's another dumb ass white racist opinion from a group of people who elected a racist piece of shit because you think life is unfair to white people now.
Telling the truth to racist whites about themselves is not whining. Whining is crying about being lynched because you're being held accountable for your actions. Life is not fair you say. That's another dumb ass white racist opinion from a group of people who elected a racist piece of shit because you think life is unfair to white people now

You just can't stop crying and playing the victim card can you? Man up and grow a pair...

Donald Trump uses another racially insensitive word to demonstrate his inbred racism.

He compared the impeachment process to a lynching.

Trump calls impeachment inquiry a 'lynching' - CNNPolitics

Oh is this where I'm supposed to be outraged, after you folks have invoked Hitler, the Holocaust, genocide and concentration camps at every turn, and called me a terrorist for owning legal guns???

ho hum ho hum, I'm completely unaffected over here.
Hang 'em high.

In theory, another Clint Eastwood classic, High Plains Drifter was also based on a lynching, that of Marshall Jim Duncan although the device was a whip. And the revenge came in the form of Jim Duncan's "ghost" who reveals his identity when his friend completes the inscription.

Trump's white nationalist brand is losing steam. he will get shellacked in 2020, and the GOP will never recover.

The GOP is to blame for this....they've double downed on white supremacy in the last couple decades.

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Just watching the MSM whine about Trump's use of the word "lynch".
In a tweet Trump said that he was being "lynched" (metaphorically).
However, the dictionary's description of lynch doesn't include race.
Lynchings did not necessarily involve a black person, white people were lynched too.

Definition of LYNCH
Definition of lynch
transitive verb

: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission

So the MSM continues the "lynching" of Trump by playing the race card every chance they get. As Newt said on the View today, most people saw lynchings on TV, such as on the old westerns, and they were of white criminals, not blacks. Blacks were NOT the only people lynched.
The Democrats make everything about race because they are racist


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So, you got nothing other than more crap you pulled straight outta your ass.

Notice this ploy folks! It happens all the time.

It's a ploy to get you to waste your time chasing down links & it happens all the time.

And when you come back an hour later with 45 links...they don't give a shit.

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