This Is Lynching

Does the word "LYNCH" only describe the lynching of blacks?

  • No, many whites were also lynched,

    Votes: 28 93.3%
  • Yes, in today's world only blacks were lynched

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
never happened,,,or you would have a long list of KKK republicans, but all we have is KKK democrats

Today's Repubs are yesteryear's Dems. They have the same values anyway...
What values are those? Slavery?? KKK?? lol

Idiotic pakeha!!!

Yep. Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery.
You're pathetic... just a pathetic joke.

If you had any fucking brains what so ever, you'd be taking some time off hoping people here would forget some of the ASININE comments you've made. But you won't. I firmly believe you're simply too fucking stupid.

Go cry about it at stormfront.
Don't you have some windows to smash or a highway to block with your antifa gang?
never happened,,,or you would have a long list of KKK republicans, but all we have is KKK democrats

Today's Repubs are yesteryear's Dems. They have the same values anyway...
What values are those? Slavery?? KKK?? lol

Idiotic pakeha!!!

Yep. Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery.

You are stupid.....the only openly, proudly racists are in the leadership of the democrat party......they wear blackface and suffer no consequences........they hang out and pal around with openly racist people and there are no consequences.....the democrat party has been and always will be the home of all racists...
Keep telling yourself this. If you are a racist, you are most likely a Republican.
Donald Trump uses another racially insensitive word to demonstrate his inbred racism.

He compared the impeachment process to a lynching.

Trump calls impeachment inquiry a 'lynching' - CNNPolitics
Are you a Russian Ass or a Russian Asset?

Hillary Clinton said you are both.
Pretty funny, you bringing up Russian assets, Comrade.
Pretty funny/fucking stupid ANYONE continues to blame Russia.
Pretty funny/fucking stupid anyone claims Russia did not influence.

Why did they want Trump anyhow? For situations like Syria?

Nope; they got Syria through Obama.

Not too bright, are you.

Obama was working to replace Assad. He was working with the rebels. Russia was backing Assad.

Your fat assed orange piece of shit buddy, just gave it to Russia. He moved our troops & allowed the slaughter of our allies.

Deny that, assfuck.
Yep. Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery.

Until these republicans stop saying what they do about democrats of today, this is going to be my response to those white republicans who keep telling that lie. Those white republicans who do not will be respected.

With "Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery" you are disrespecting every Republican. The assertion is clearly wrong, and you know it. In effect, you are disrespecting yourself promulgating nonsense behind which you clearly cannot stand.
Of course it was appealing to his base. These are politicians. They say whatever they need to say in order for their supporters to continue to support them no matter how ridiculous or offensive their comments are.

Why is this even a topic that either side would argue about.......... (baffled)

Remember when McCain scolded and contradicted that woman who would denounce then-candidate Obama as an America-hating Muslim?

It takes just one counter-example to demonstrate an absolute assertion is wrong. So, your denunciation, "They [politicians] say whatever they need to say...", is categorically false.

Did you ever wonder why Hillary used no part of the Steele dossier in her campaign? Just imagine, it might be because quite a few - yes, even among politicians - would accept limits to what they do or say, even though in the age of Trump these barriers are being dismantled at an astonishing rate.

Yes, you make great points BUT those are exceptions and not the normal approach. Poor McCain was totally fucked over by his party for................Trump. I mean geesh, a respected leader of the republican party was hung out for trump who is barely a human being and no where close to honorable. I certainly was not a blind supporter of McCain but I could at least believe him.

these past 3+ years have been an embarrassment at the highest form for this country. People twisting themselves inside out to make excuses for this President. It's a sad thing to witness so many turn their backs on the ideals America was built on and aspires to be.
Today's Repubs are yesteryear's Dems. They have the same values anyway...
What values are those? Slavery?? KKK?? lol

Idiotic pakeha!!!

Yep. Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery.

"Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery."

Dude, you are truly delusional, and after this there is absolutely no reason to take anything you say seriously.

Another white republican that cannot take the truth.
Tell us all about DEMOCRAT SENATOR ROBERT BYRD... you know... the KKK MEMBER...

I have a thought. Pull your fat head out of Trump's ass & look up the definition of "Today's".

Byrd joined the KKK as a young man. A few years later, he left & denounced the KKK. Go back to the 60's, a lot of people in the South were racist. Now the South is represented by primarily Republicans.

The Proud Boys & the Neo Nazis are Republicans./
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
What values are those? Slavery?? KKK?? lol

Idiotic pakeha!!!

Yep. Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery.

"Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery."

Dude, you are truly delusional, and after this there is absolutely no reason to take anything you say seriously.

Another white republican that cannot take the truth.
Tell us all about DEMOCRAT SENATOR ROBERT BYRD... you know... the KKK MEMBER...

I have a thought. Pull your fat head out of Trump's ass & look up the definition of "Today's".

Byrd joined the KKK as a young man. A few years later, he left & denounced the KKK. Go back to the 60's, a lot of people in the South were racist. Now the South is represented by primarily Republicans.

The Proud Boys & the Neo Nazis are Republicans./
Blah, blah... blah, blah, blah... blah, blah... you radical twits always spew the same crap like a broken record. GROUP THINK and GROUP SPEAK like the good little brain washed bubble heads you are. Not a one of you ever has an original thought, or has an ounce of individualism. It's all been indoctrinated out of you.
Just watching the MSM whine about Trump's use of the word "lynch".
In a tweet Trump said that he was being "lynched" (metaphorically).
However, the dictionary's description of lynch doesn't include race.
Lynchings did not necessarily involve a black person, white people were lynched too.

Definition of LYNCH
Definition of lynch
transitive verb

: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission

So the MSM continues the "lynching" of Trump by playing the race card every chance they get. As Newt said on the View today, most people saw lynchings on TV, such as on the old westerns, and they were of white criminals, not blacks. Blacks were NOT the only people lynched.

NAACP | History of Lynchings

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That still doesn't move the needle saying that lynchings were not just of blacks. Blacks can't play the race card and try to copyright the word "lynch". It simply doesn't work that way, especially after Biden and Nadler used it to describe the Clinton impeachment. Trump can use it to accurately describe the current House "partisan lynching".
Trump is not getting lynched. And the only people ever to play the race card have been white. Since 1776.
NO MORE CALLS! Most fucked up statement of the decade award is now awarded to IM2


On March 26, 1790, the United States of America decided who could be a citizen of this country for the first time. This was a congressional decision named The Naturalization Act of 1790. The act states: “any alien, being a free white person,” could apply for citizenship, so long as he or she lived in the United States for at least two years, and in the state where the application was filed for at least a year. The new law also provided that “children of citizens of the United States that may be born … out of the limits of the United States shall be considered as natural born citizens.”

That is playing the race card son.

Dred Scott v. Sandford.

On March 6, 1857, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, of the United States Supreme Court, declared that “The negro has no rights which the white man is bound to respect”; in a decision to deny a Black Slave, Dred Scott, and his Family their freedom.

That is playing the race card son.

The Donation Land Claim Act of 1850, Section 5

“And be it further enacted, That to all white male citizens of the United States or persons who shall have made a declaration of intention to become such, above the age of twenty-one years, emigrating to and settling in said Territory between the first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty, and the first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-three; and to all white male citizens, not hereinbefore provided for, becoming one and twenty years of age, in said Territory, and settling there between the times last aforesaid, who shall in other respects comply with the foregoing section and the provisions of this law, there shall be, and hereby is, granted the quantity of one quarter section, or one hundred and sixty acres of land, if a single man; or if married, or if he shall become married within one year after becoming twenty-one years of age as aforesaid, the quantity of one half section, or three hundred and twenty acres, one half to the husband and the other half to the wife in her own right, to be designated by the surveyor-general as aforesaid: Provided always, That no person shall ever receive a patent for more than one donation of land in said Territory in his or her own right: Provided, That no mineral lands shall be located or granted under the provisions of this act.”

That is playing the race card son.

Poll Taxes
Begun in the 1890s as a legal way to keep African Americans from voting in southern states, poll taxes were essentially a voting fee. Eligible voters were required to pay their poll tax before they could cast a ballot. A “grandfather clause” excused some poor whites from payment if they had an ancestor who voted before the Civil War, but there were no exemptions for African Americans.

That is playing the race card son.

Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation laws for public facilities as long as the segregated facilities were equal in quality – a doctrine that came to be known as "separate but equal".

That is playing the race card son.

1920s–1948: Racially Restrictive Covenants
Used nationwide to prevent people of color from purchasing homes in white communities.

That is playing the race card son.

I could create a website on examples of whites playing the race card and it would be huge.

Whites have played the race card since 1776 and I am being generous when I say that.

Yep. Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery.

Until these republicans stop saying what they do about democrats of today, this is going to be my response to those white republicans who keep telling that lie. Those white republicans who do not will be respected.

With "Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery" you are disrespecting every Republican. The assertion is clearly wrong, and you know it. In effect, you are disrespecting yourself promulgating nonsense behind which you clearly cannot stand.
You're trying to respond rationally to a radical democrat liar.

I guarantee you, it's going in one ear and coming out the other. These leftists are fully brain washed.
Yep. Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery.

"Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery."

Dude, you are truly delusional, and after this there is absolutely no reason to take anything you say seriously.

Another white republican that cannot take the truth.
Tell us all about DEMOCRAT SENATOR ROBERT BYRD... you know... the KKK MEMBER...

I have a thought. Pull your fat head out of Trump's ass & look up the definition of "Today's".

Byrd joined the KKK as a young man. A few years later, he left & denounced the KKK. Go back to the 60's, a lot of people in the South were racist. Now the South is represented by primarily Republicans.

The Proud Boys & the Neo Nazis are Republicans./
Blah, blah... blah, blah, blah... blah, blah... you radical twits always spew the same crap like a broken record. GROUP THINK and GROUP SPEAK like the good little brain washed bubble heads you are. Not a one of you ever has an original thought, or has an ounce of individualism. It's all been indoctrinated out of you.

Seems like you "conservatives" all say the same shit. You're radicalized. No different from ISIS.
Today's Repubs are yesteryear's Dems. They have the same values anyway...
What values are those? Slavery?? KKK?? lol

Idiotic pakeha!!!

Yep. Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery.

"Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery."

Dude, you are truly delusional, and after this there is absolutely no reason to take anything you say seriously.

Another white republican that cannot take the truth.
Tell us all about DEMOCRAT SENATOR ROBERT BYRD... you know... the KKK MEMBER...

He's dead.
never happened,,,or you would have a long list of KKK republicans, but all we have is KKK democrats

Today's Repubs are yesteryear's Dems. They have the same values anyway...
What values are those? Slavery?? KKK?? lol

Idiotic pakeha!!!

Yep. Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery.

"Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery."

Dude, you are truly delusional, and after this there is absolutely no reason to take anything you say seriously.
Today's White Supremacists are likely Republicans. Fact.
todays assholes are likely you. all the assholes.

Donald Trump uses another racially insensitive word to demonstrate his inbred racism.

He compared the impeachment process to a lynching.

Trump calls impeachment inquiry a 'lynching' - CNNPolitics
Are you a Russian Ass or a Russian Asset?

Hillary Clinton said you are both.
Pretty funny, you bringing up Russian assets, Comrade.
Pretty funny/fucking stupid ANYONE continues to blame Russia.
Pretty funny/fucking stupid anyone claims Russia did not influence.

Why did they want Trump anyhow? For situations like Syria?
pretty fucking funny as they were doing it when obama was around and he didn't care.

you only cause now cause you lost and need some salve for that asshurt you carry daily.
Lynching is what the American people are going to do to the Democrat party come 2020.
What values are those? Slavery?? KKK?? lol

Idiotic pakeha!!!

Yep. Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery.

"Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery."

Dude, you are truly delusional, and after this there is absolutely no reason to take anything you say seriously.

Another white republican that cannot take the truth.
Tell us all about DEMOCRAT SENATOR ROBERT BYRD... you know... the KKK MEMBER...

He's dead.
You're not a slave today because of white Republicans, but I get that your lives were worth more as slaves than they are today.
Donald Trump uses another racially insensitive word to demonstrate his inbred racism.

He compared the impeachment process to a lynching.

Trump calls impeachment inquiry a 'lynching' - CNNPolitics
Are you a Russian Ass or a Russian Asset?

Hillary Clinton said you are both.
Pretty funny, you bringing up Russian assets, Comrade.
Pretty funny/fucking stupid ANYONE continues to blame Russia.
Pretty funny/fucking stupid anyone claims Russia did not influence.

Why did they want Trump anyhow? For situations like Syria?
pretty fucking funny as they were doing it when obama was around and he didn't care.

you only cause now cause you lost and need some salve for that asshurt you carry daily.

You are a lying fuck. Obama did care. He took it to the Republican Congress & they said to ignore it.

When the fuck will you quit lying?

Trump gets Russian help & you didn't care.
Yep. Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery.

"Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery."

Dude, you are truly delusional, and after this there is absolutely no reason to take anything you say seriously.

Another white republican that cannot take the truth.
Tell us all about DEMOCRAT SENATOR ROBERT BYRD... you know... the KKK MEMBER...

He's dead.
You're not a slave today because of white Republicans, but I get that your lives were worth more as slaves than they are today.

Who knew that only Republicans fought for the North and no Republicans fought for the South.
Are you a Russian Ass or a Russian Asset?

Hillary Clinton said you are both.
Pretty funny, you bringing up Russian assets, Comrade.
Pretty funny/fucking stupid ANYONE continues to blame Russia.
Pretty funny/fucking stupid anyone claims Russia did not influence.

Why did they want Trump anyhow? For situations like Syria?
pretty fucking funny as they were doing it when obama was around and he didn't care.

you only cause now cause you lost and need some salve for that asshurt you carry daily.

You are a lying fuck. Obama did care. He took it to the Republican Congress & they said to ignore it.

When the fuck will you quit lying?

Trump gets Russian help & you didn't care.

you said something stupid and i didn't care.

HUGE difference.

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