This Is Lynching

Does the word "LYNCH" only describe the lynching of blacks?

  • No, many whites were also lynched,

    Votes: 28 93.3%
  • Yes, in today's world only blacks were lynched

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
pretty fucking funny as they were doing it when obama was around and he didn't care.

you only cause now cause you lost and need some salve for that asshurt you carry daily.

You are a lying fuck. Obama did care. He took it to the Republican Congress & they said to ignore it.

When the fuck will you quit lying?

Trump gets Russian help & you didn't care.

you said something stupid and i didn't care.

HUGE difference.

The difference is you lied when you claimed Obama did nothing about the Russian interference.

Let me know when you get as fucking brain so you don't need to lie all the time.

Quid Pro Quo - Help Trump get elected. Trump gives them Syria

You ,love it.

You don't give a rat's ass that the Russians helped pick our President & the President does therm favor after favor. Are you really this fucking stupid?

i just think you redefine stupidity at every opportunity and beyond that, i don't pay much attention to your inane ramblings that sounds less intelligent than the dump i flushed last night.
So, you have no intelligent retort.

You do nothing but lie.
there is no way to have an intelligent retort. you didn't make any sense that one could be made. Your ugliness has gotten in your brain and you have no cognitive thought

Is that how you ruined your already low IQ?

Good advice, perhaps you should take it.

I have proven that my IQ is much higher than yours.

You could not even prove 1+1=2 if your life dependent on it. Stick to your level.

By your previous posts, you are dumber than shit. Always have been.

You really need to be quite stupid to support Trump.

Real Dumb joins over to share his opinion on intelligence.

Your validation means absolutely jack shit to me as someone at least three standard deviations below me.
I know this is the internet and you will just lie over & over but hey, where did you get your college degree?
Is that how you ruined your already low IQ?

Good advice, perhaps you should take it.

I have proven that my IQ is much higher than yours.

You could not even prove 1+1=2 if your life dependent on it. Stick to your level.

By your previous posts, you are dumber than shit. Always have been.

You really need to be quite stupid to support Trump.

Real Dumb joins over to share his opinion on intelligence.

Your validation means absolutely jack shit to me as someone at least three standard deviations below me.
I know this is the internet and you will just lie over & over but hey, where did you get your college degree?
my guess would be ASS U.
pretty fucking funny as they were doing it when obama was around and he didn't care.

you only cause now cause you lost and need some salve for that asshurt you carry daily.

You are a lying fuck. Obama did care. He took it to the Republican Congress & they said to ignore it.

When the fuck will you quit lying?

Trump gets Russian help & you didn't care.

you said something stupid and i didn't care.

HUGE difference.

The difference is you lied when you claimed Obama did nothing about the Russian interference.

Let me know when you get as fucking brain so you don't need to lie all the time.

Quid Pro Quo - Help Trump get elected. Trump gives them Syria

You ,love it.

You don't give a rat's ass that the Russians helped pick our President & the President does therm favor after favor. Are you really this fucking stupid?

i just think you redefine stupidity at every opportunity and beyond that, i don't pay much attention to your inane ramblings that sounds less intelligent than the dump i flushed last night.
So, you have no intelligent retort.

You do nothing but lie.
this would be wrong.

i did not lie when i said you redefine stupidity at every opportunity.
Is that how you ruined your already low IQ?

Good advice, perhaps you should take it.

I have proven that my IQ is much higher than yours.

You could not even prove 1+1=2 if your life dependent on it. Stick to your level.

By your previous posts, you are dumber than shit. Always have been.

You really need to be quite stupid to support Trump.

Real Dumb joins over to share his opinion on intelligence.

Your validation means absolutely jack shit to me as someone at least three standard deviations below me.
I know this is the internet and you will just lie over & over but hey, where did you get your college degree?
and yet again you post and share with the world your stupidity. amazing.

look son, when you start a thought out such as, I know this is the internet and you will just lie, and then ask what college degree do you have is about as stupid as stupid can get. And I get it. You can't see your stupid because you're too stupid to understand what stupid looks like cause you're buried it in daily. thanks for stepping out and confirming your stupidity for all with your post.
Is that how you ruined your already low IQ?

Good advice, perhaps you should take it.

I have proven that my IQ is much higher than yours.

You could not even prove 1+1=2 if your life dependent on it. Stick to your level.

By your previous posts, you are dumber than shit. Always have been.

You really need to be quite stupid to support Trump.

Real Dumb joins over to share his opinion on intelligence.

Your validation means absolutely jack shit to me as someone at least three standard deviations below me.
I know this is the internet and you will just lie over & over but hey, where did you get your college degree?

Where you got your gender studies degree made so that dumb people could feel intelligent certainly does not interest me one bit.
Just watching the MSM whine about Trump's use of the word "lynch".
In a tweet Trump said that he was being "lynched" (metaphorically).
However, the dictionary's description of lynch doesn't include race.
Lynchings did not necessarily involve a black person, white people were lynched too.

Definition of LYNCH
Definition of lynch
transitive verb

: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission

So the MSM continues the "lynching" of Trump by playing the race card every chance they get. As Newt said on the View today, most people saw lynchings on TV, such as on the old westerns, and they were of white criminals, not blacks. Blacks were NOT the only people lynched.

NAACP | History of Lynchings

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That still doesn't move the needle saying that lynchings were not just of blacks. Blacks can't play the race card and try to copyright the word "lynch". It simply doesn't work that way, especially after Biden and Nadler used it to describe the Clinton impeachment. Trump can use it to accurately describe the current House "partisan lynching".
Trump is not getting lynched. And the only people ever to play the race card have been white. Since 1776.
yes he is. This is in fact the definition of lynching. look it up.

Lynching= death by hanging.

Not the case with trumpy.

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Just watching the MSM whine about Trump's use of the word "lynch".
In a tweet Trump said that he was being "lynched" (metaphorically).
However, the dictionary's description of lynch doesn't include race.
Lynchings did not necessarily involve a black person, white people were lynched too.

Definition of LYNCH
Definition of lynch
transitive verb

: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission

So the MSM continues the "lynching" of Trump by playing the race card every chance they get. As Newt said on the View today, most people saw lynchings on TV, such as on the old westerns, and they were of white criminals, not blacks. Blacks were NOT the only people lynched.

NAACP | History of Lynchings

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That still doesn't move the needle saying that lynchings were not just of blacks. Blacks can't play the race card and try to copyright the word "lynch". It simply doesn't work that way, especially after Biden and Nadler used it to describe the Clinton impeachment. Trump can use it to accurately describe the current House "partisan lynching".
Trump is not getting lynched. And the only people ever to play the race card have been white. Since 1776.
yes he is. This is in fact the definition of lynching. look it up.

Lynching= death by hanging.

Not the case with trumpy.

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ah grasshopper, why do you leap out like that. hly fk the stupid. grasshopper.

here to complete the definition that you conveniently left off.

Learn to pronounce
gerund or present participle: lynching; noun: lynching
  1. (of a mob) kill (someone), especially by hanging, for an alleged offense with or without a legal trial.
Just watching the MSM whine about Trump's use of the word "lynch".
In a tweet Trump said that he was being "lynched" (metaphorically).
However, the dictionary's description of lynch doesn't include race.
Lynchings did not necessarily involve a black person, white people were lynched too.

Definition of LYNCH
Definition of lynch
transitive verb

: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission

So the MSM continues the "lynching" of Trump by playing the race card every chance they get. As Newt said on the View today, most people saw lynchings on TV, such as on the old westerns, and they were of white criminals, not blacks. Blacks were NOT the only people lynched.

NAACP | History of Lynchings

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That still doesn't move the needle saying that lynchings were not just of blacks. Blacks can't play the race card and try to copyright the word "lynch". It simply doesn't work that way, especially after Biden and Nadler used it to describe the Clinton impeachment. Trump can use it to accurately describe the current House "partisan lynching".
Trump is not getting lynched. And the only people ever to play the race card have been white. Since 1776.
yes he is. This is in fact the definition of lynching. look it up.

Lynching= death by hanging.

Not the case with trumpy.

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According to a leftist a woman is a person with a dick.

I believe we can have some liberties.
NAACP | History of Lynchings

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That still doesn't move the needle saying that lynchings were not just of blacks. Blacks can't play the race card and try to copyright the word "lynch". It simply doesn't work that way, especially after Biden and Nadler used it to describe the Clinton impeachment. Trump can use it to accurately describe the current House "partisan lynching".
Trump is not getting lynched. And the only people ever to play the race card have been white. Since 1776.
yes he is. This is in fact the definition of lynching. look it up.

Lynching= death by hanging.

Not the case with trumpy.

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According to a leftist a woman is a person with a dick.

I believe we can have some liberties.
I wonder when the anvil fell on their heads.
never happened,,,or you would have a long list of KKK republicans, but all we have is KKK democrats

Today's Repubs are yesteryear's Dems. They have the same values anyway...
What values are those? Slavery?? KKK?? lol

Idiotic pakeha!!!

Yep. Todays republicans are white supremacists who would gladly support slavery.

I disagree. I'd say Trump supporters not Repubs. There are a lot of Repubs who hate Trump. They just hated Hillary more.
Donald Trump uses another racially insensitive word to demonstrate his inbred racism.

He compared the impeachment process to a lynching.

Trump calls impeachment inquiry a 'lynching' - CNNPolitics
Are you a Russian Ass or a Russian Asset?

Hillary Clinton said you are both.
Pretty funny, you bringing up Russian assets, Comrade.
Pretty funny/fucking stupid ANYONE continues to blame Russia.
Pretty funny/fucking stupid anyone claims Russia did not influence.

Why did they want Trump anyhow? For situations like Syria?

Nope; they got Syria through Obama.


Who got it through Dumbya...and the beat goes on..
Lynching is what the American people are going to do to the Democrat party come 2020.

So you do plan on cheating to win. Again.

I said lynch not cheat.

Cheating is what Hillary did in 2016, and the result was her getting lynched.
How did Hillary cheat. By getting 3 million more votes than your orange buddy?

We know Republicans got help from the Russians.

The only thing you know is what the MSM tells you to know. Leftists don't think for themselves.
Of course it was appealing to his base. These are politicians. They say whatever they need to say in order for their supporters to continue to support them no matter how ridiculous or offensive their comments are.

Why is this even a topic that either side would argue about.......... (baffled)

Remember when McCain scolded and contradicted that woman who would denounce then-candidate Obama as an America-hating Muslim?

It takes just one counter-example to demonstrate an absolute assertion is wrong. So, your denunciation, "They [politicians] say whatever they need to say...", is categorically false.

Did you ever wonder why Hillary used no part of the Steele dossier in her campaign? Just imagine, it might be because quite a few - yes, even among politicians - would accept limits to what they do or say, even though in the age of Trump these barriers are being dismantled at an astonishing rate.

Yes, you make great points BUT those are exceptions and not the normal approach. Poor McCain was totally fucked over by his party for................Trump. I mean geesh, a respected leader of the republican party was hung out for trump who is barely a human being and no where close to honorable. I certainly was not a blind supporter of McCain but I could at least believe him.

these past 3+ years have been an embarrassment at the highest form for this country. People twisting themselves inside out to make excuses for this President. It's a sad thing to witness so many turn their backs on the ideals America was built on and aspires to be.

McCain was a Democrat in the Republican party. He broke Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment repeatedly. Poor McCain? Do you know what he was wroth upon death? The guy married into money, just like John Kerry.
Did you ever wonder why Hillary used no part of the Steele dossier in her campaign? Just imagine, it might be because quite a few - yes, even among politicians - would accept limits to what they do or say, even though in the age of Trump these barriers are being dismantled at an astonishing rate.

Hillary? You mean the same Hillary that recently referred to veteran Tulsi Gabbard as a Russian asset; stating they were behind her nomination?
Donald Trump uses another racially insensitive word to demonstrate his inbred racism.

He compared the impeachment process to a lynching.

Trump calls impeachment inquiry a 'lynching' - CNNPolitics

Whites were lynched in history too. Or perhaps you don’t know that. Idiot.

Yes they were. Mostly for supporting civil rights for African Americans.

But this isn't a racial thing.

For a person to be lynched they need to be dead.

trump is very alive and well. So he couldn't have been lynched.

Being held accountable for crimes according to the constitution isn't lynching anyone.

Was Clinton being lynched when he was impeached?

This whole thing is ridiculous. When I see trump hung upside down by his feet. Doused with gasoline then set on fire then people shoot countless bullets into him, then you can say he was lynched.

Words do have meaning. You and trump can't change that. Here is the REAL meaning of lynching. Notice the very first sentence:

View attachment 285987
Wait, you thought he was being literal?!! Christ almighty! You have got to be the dumbest person at USMB. :laugh:

He was being literal. Stop trying to make shit up to justify this fucked up punk.

I agree. Trump should have said "drive-by shooting", "gang-banging", "mugging", "looting", or "knockout game."

"Lynching" is just so ethnic.
Just watching the MSM whine about Trump's use of the word "lynch".
In a tweet Trump said that he was being "lynched" (metaphorically).
However, the dictionary's description of lynch doesn't include race.
Lynchings did not necessarily involve a black person, white people were lynched too.

Definition of LYNCH
Definition of lynch
transitive verb

: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission

So the MSM continues the "lynching" of Trump by playing the race card every chance they get. As Newt said on the View today, most people saw lynchings on TV, such as on the old westerns, and they were of white criminals, not blacks. Blacks were NOT the only people lynched.

NAACP | History of Lynchings

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That still doesn't move the needle saying that lynchings were not just of blacks. Blacks can't play the race card and try to copyright the word "lynch". It simply doesn't work that way, especially after Biden and Nadler used it to describe the Clinton impeachment. Trump can use it to accurately describe the current House "partisan lynching".
Trump is not getting lynched. And the only people ever to play the race card have been white. Since 1776.
yes he is. This is in fact the definition of lynching. look it up.

Lynching= death by hanging.

Not the case with trumpy.

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Certainly wasn't when Biden said it about Clinton, huh?

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