This Is News, Not Conspiracy Theory

The election laws were changed by the secretary of state in many instances. That's what I meant to say. And this is blatantly unconstitutional. And this was particularly germane to PA, in fact. Dunno why I said Attorney General. I think because it was still stuck in my mind from reading an earlier post.

Here's a relevant link.

Anyway, I have to jump off here for the night. I have other things to do. Have a good nioght, C4All.
Thanks! But that was just too vague and a bunch of hype from Rand in that article without any real specifics at all on it, BUT I just found an AWESOME INFORMATIVE site, with all the court cases for Pennsylvania and all the states!!! It gives the court case, who brought it, the decision or settlement by the courts and links to the judge's rulings and how they came to them, and same info on all appeals and upper courts!!! IT'S AWESOME! Of course, I've only been able to go through the first two, and there area gazillion and a half law suit court cases remaining to go through, but for a geek like me, who loves reading all this legal mumbo jumbo....this site, with every case all brought together by state, for the 2020 election, it's a real time saver!

It's rather straight forward. The Secretary of State lacks constitutional authority to change election laws.

This is the roll of the legislatures.

The Secretary of State bypassed the legislatures.

But whatever. The right people are on it. It won't happen again.
It's rather straight forward. The Secretary of State lacks constitutional authority to change election laws.

This is the roll of the legislatures.

The Secretary of State bypassed the legislatures.

But whatever. The right people are on it. It won't happen again.
Yes, on one court case it made to the supreme court... that although the legislature gave the power to run elections to the secretary of State, they did not give the Secretary decision power on what to do, to make the election situation, better that had problems.

The secretary's decision, will not be made again due to the supreme court decision.

It was a NOTHING BURGER, very few votes of BOTH Republican and Democratic citizens that got to get their vote counted, and would not be even close to overturning Biden's win even if all votes from the citizens were thrown out.
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Yes, on one court case it made to the supreme court... that although the legislature gave the power to run elections to the secretary of State, they did not give the Secretary decision power what to do, to make the election situation, better that had problems.

The secretary's decision, will not be made again due to the supreme court decision.

It was a NOTHING BURGER, very few votes of BOTH Republican and Democratic citizens that got to get their vote counted, and would not be even close to overturning Biden's win even if all votes from the citizens were thrown out.

I've never really cared about Biden winning, to be honest. I don't see much difference between Biden and Trump in terms of meaningful policy. They're both Keynesians. I'm of the view that they're just passing the baton back and forth.

My interest has only ever been in the maintaining the constitutionality of the electoral process itself. And protecting our system of checks and balances. What's left of it anyway.
I've never really cared about Biden winning, to be honest. I don't see much difference between Biden and Trump in terms of meaningful policy. They're both Keynesians. I'm of the view that they're just passing the baton back and forth.

My interest has only ever been in the maintaining the constitutionality of the electoral process itself. And protecting our system of checks and balances. What's left of it anyway.
Understand totally!

The case the supreme court heard on this issue, was not actually the Bookvar case, but a similar one, that argued the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania should not have allowed the ballots three extra days to arrive at election offices....when they are stamped they were mailed by election day.

Robert Wiygul, representing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, told the justices they should not step in. He said that the state high court responded in the midst of the pandemic and severe Postal Service delays in order to stop the potential disenfranchisement of Pennsylvania voters.
Plus, he said, the total number of ballots that the petitioners are challenging is less than the margin of victory in each of Pennsylvania's federal races and that the vote total certified did not include the disputed ballots.

The votes disputed, were never counted. So they did NOT affect the election results.

I thought they were counted, but were too few to affect the results, but turns out they were never included in their vote counts.

The supreme court took up the case and ruled in the legislature's favor a few months ago, because I remember someone started a thread on it here.

FYI- The secretary of state did not make the decision to go ahead and allow the extra 3 days due to the mail delays from Trump's crony P/O general, the Pennsylvania Supreme court did.

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