
Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
How can the Democrats put up a person who can not walk, can not talk, and can not even hold ceremonies? Do they realize, the only person Trump can defeat is Biden in a general election? And suppose Biden defeats Trump. Do they want Harris?

I do not know what has happened to this country. Democrats want to lambast Trump. That is fine and dandy. But forget the idiotic Trumpsters. Don't you Democrats think you could find someone who could lead this country? Why would you put up a person mentally challenged, the only person who could lose to Trump, and then defend this person for their incompetence.

I have never been more confident when I say------------->that people on this board are paid shills. Both sides are CRINGING looking at what appears to be their choices; and yet low and behold, we got people defending both sides of idiocy.

Another candidate? Nope, no way, both sides are all in for their person, to hell with the country, we are gonna win..............while we watch the country melt.

Look how IDIOTIC it actually is----------------->nobody is talking, or debating what we should do; because they are to busy defending both guys, lol. Is it the border? NOPE, it is either the laptop from hell, or the indictments; depending upon who is PAYING the posters. Is it your 401K under pressure? Is it retirees taking it in the shorts? Is it interest rates in the stratosphere? I have not even seen a transfer of wealth thread THIS YEAR, where it is going, and how much people are losing because of it.

I actually seen a thread on here, on how the GOP is in disarray, lol. They certainly are, but so are the Democrats, meaning we are all in deep doo.

All I can ask BOTH sides is------------->do you think these 2 people are the best we have to put forth? And do you think that it is wise to put forth 2 candidates who by all statistical analysis, are the most likely to LOSE! We ALL deserve better than this, and BOTH sides should demand it.

Just think people, THINK! Biden is praying to whatever God he prays to, that his opponent is Trump, because that who he has the best chance to beat........the indicted one. Trump is also praying, that his opponent is Biden................because he can not walk, talk, or think for himself. So, if they face off, no matter who wins, WE LOSE! Again, do we not deserve better from BOTH political party's?
How can the Democrats put up a person who can not walk, can not talk, and can not even hold ceremonies? Do they realize, the only person Trump can defeat is Biden in a general election? And suppose Biden defeats Trump. Do they want Harris?

I do not know what has happened to this country. Democrats want to lambast Trump. That is fine and dandy. But forget the idiotic Trumpsters. Don't you Democrats think you could find someone who could lead this country? Why would you put up a person mentally challenged, the only person who could lose to Trump, and then defend this person for their incompetence.

I have never been more confident when I say------------->that people on this board are paid shills. Both sides are CRINGING looking at what appears to be their choices; and yet low and behold, we got people defending both sides of idiocy.

Another candidate? Nope, no way, both sides are all in for their person, to hell with the country, we are gonna win..............while we watch the country melt.

Look how IDIOTIC it actually is----------------->nobody is talking, or debating what we should do; because they are to busy defending both guys, lol. Is it the border? NOPE, it is either the laptop from hell, or the indictments; depending upon who is PAYING the posters. Is it your 401K under pressure? Is it retirees taking it in the shorts? Is it interest rates in the stratosphere? I have not even seen a transfer of wealth thread THIS YEAR, where it is going, and how much people are losing because of it.

I actually seen a thread on here, on how the GOP is in disarray, lol. They certainly are, but so are the Democrats, meaning we are all in deep doo.

All I can ask BOTH sides is------------->do you think these 2 people are the best we have to put forth? And do you think that it is wise to put forth 2 candidates who by all statistical analysis, are the most likely to LOSE! We ALL deserve better than this, and BOTH sides should demand it.

Just think people, THINK! Biden is praying to whatever God he prays to, that his opponent is Trump, because that who he has the best chance to beat........the indicted one. Trump is also praying, that his opponent is Biden................because he can not walk, talk, or think for himself. So, if they face off, no matter who wins, WE LOSE! Again, do we not deserve better from BOTH political party's?

Who, beside Trump, can put this country back on the right track?
Vote your conscious in the primary.....Consolidate behind the nominee in the general. That is the way it's supposed to work.....Being butt-hurt over the primary results gets you a leftist dem.
Sadly, the person who could pull our failing republic out of the hole we are in is smart enough to remain a private citizen. No, I have no idea who they are. But I do know that in a country the size of ours they certainly exist.
Perhaps, with some kind of divine intervention, that person will come forward. I doubt they will, but it is possible. If there was ever a time we needed a hero sent by heaven, it is now.
How can the Democrats put up a person who can not walk, can not talk, and can not even hold ceremonies? Do they realize, the only person Trump can defeat is Biden in a general election? And suppose Biden defeats Trump. Do they want Harris?

I do not know what has happened to this country. Democrats want to lambast Trump. That is fine and dandy. But forget the idiotic Trumpsters. Don't you Democrats think you could find someone who could lead this country? Why would you put up a person mentally challenged, the only person who could lose to Trump, and then defend this person for their incompetence.

I have never been more confident when I say------------->that people on this board are paid shills. Both sides are CRINGING looking at what appears to be their choices; and yet low and behold, we got people defending both sides of idiocy.

Another candidate? Nope, no way, both sides are all in for their person, to hell with the country, we are gonna win..............while we watch the country melt.

Look how IDIOTIC it actually is----------------->nobody is talking, or debating what we should do; because they are to busy defending both guys, lol. Is it the border? NOPE, it is either the laptop from hell, or the indictments; depending upon who is PAYING the posters. Is it your 401K under pressure? Is it retirees taking it in the shorts? Is it interest rates in the stratosphere? I have not even seen a transfer of wealth thread THIS YEAR, where it is going, and how much people are losing because of it.

I actually seen a thread on here, on how the GOP is in disarray, lol. They certainly are, but so are the Democrats, meaning we are all in deep doo.

All I can ask BOTH sides is------------->do you think these 2 people are the best we have to put forth? And do you think that it is wise to put forth 2 candidates who by all statistical analysis, are the most likely to LOSE! We ALL deserve better than this, and BOTH sides should demand it.

Just think people, THINK! Biden is praying to whatever God he prays to, that his opponent is Trump, because that who he has the best chance to beat........the indicted one. Trump is also praying, that his opponent is Biden................because he can not walk, talk, or think for himself. So, if they face off, no matter who wins, WE LOSE! Again, do we not deserve better from BOTH political party's?
Biden will win.

People know tRump is worse.
How can the Democrats put up a person who can not walk, can not talk, and can not even hold ceremonies? Do they realize, the only person Trump can defeat is Biden in a general election? And suppose Biden defeats Trump. Do they want Harris?

I do not know what has happened to this country. Democrats want to lambast Trump. That is fine and dandy. But forget the idiotic Trumpsters. Don't you Democrats think you could find someone who could lead this country? Why would you put up a person mentally challenged, the only person who could lose to Trump, and then defend this person for their incompetence.

I have never been more confident when I say------------->that people on this board are paid shills. Both sides are CRINGING looking at what appears to be their choices; and yet low and behold, we got people defending both sides of idiocy.

Another candidate? Nope, no way, both sides are all in for their person, to hell with the country, we are gonna win..............while we watch the country melt.

Look how IDIOTIC it actually is----------------->nobody is talking, or debating what we should do; because they are to busy defending both guys, lol. Is it the border? NOPE, it is either the laptop from hell, or the indictments; depending upon who is PAYING the posters. Is it your 401K under pressure? Is it retirees taking it in the shorts? Is it interest rates in the stratosphere? I have not even seen a transfer of wealth thread THIS YEAR, where it is going, and how much people are losing because of it.

I actually seen a thread on here, on how the GOP is in disarray, lol. They certainly are, but so are the Democrats, meaning we are all in deep doo.

All I can ask BOTH sides is------------->do you think these 2 people are the best we have to put forth? And do you think that it is wise to put forth 2 candidates who by all statistical analysis, are the most likely to LOSE! We ALL deserve better than this, and BOTH sides should demand it.

Just think people, THINK! Biden is praying to whatever God he prays to, that his opponent is Trump, because that who he has the best chance to beat........the indicted one. Trump is also praying, that his opponent is Biden................because he can not walk, talk, or think for himself. So, if they face off, no matter who wins, WE LOSE! Again, do we not deserve better from BOTH political party's?

Looked way too boring didn't read.
OP is very gullible . Can’t he recognise directed theatre when it is in front of his nose ?The Dumbos have not even the slightest intention of using Piss Pot for another term .

Ahhh...but the question is, "How are the Dumbos going to eject Piss Pot"?

Now if this were Russia, I suspect it would be something like Polonium tea. But the Dumbos are far to polite to do that to anyone, unless they're a Republican.
I don't cringe one bit at my choice for Trump. And I don't give one damn about his personality, his business, his golf score, his skin color.

HE IS THE ONLY PERSON that the WEF says will stop their takeover of our country by 2030. He told them so. He put them 4 years behind schedule already. I'd like another 4 years of freedom before the destruction of lives begins.
The people coordinating the 2030 takeover are ruthless. Gates tell us that they want to kill us, then says, "Here, take this new Pfizer serum". Biden gave WHO and CDC complete control of our health. He signed their treaty, and Gates runs their shows. If they say mask, we mask. If they say lock down, then we lock down, and if they say Covid ID/social ID/CBDC system (and they plan on doing just that) then we comply or starve to death just like they did in China.
They are in the process of creating the whole new Central Bank Digital Currency system of social credit score vouchers that they have complete control over. 100 of our banks are installing the CBDC system already. If they want your house then they won't give you enough vouchers to pay your taxes, and voila, you lose your home and 10 illegals move right in.

If Trump is their ONLY OBSTACLE, then Trump needs to be sitting in the WH for the next 4 years.
How can the Democrats put up a person who can not walk, can not talk, and can not even hold ceremonies? Do they realize, the only person Trump can defeat is Biden in a general election? And suppose Biden defeats Trump. Do they want Harris?

I do not know what has happened to this country. Democrats want to lambast Trump. That is fine and dandy. But forget the idiotic Trumpsters. Don't you Democrats think you could find someone who could lead this country? Why would you put up a person mentally challenged, the only person who could lose to Trump, and then defend this person for their incompetence.

I have never been more confident when I say------------->that people on this board are paid shills. Both sides are CRINGING looking at what appears to be their choices; and yet low and behold, we got people defending both sides of idiocy.

Another candidate? Nope, no way, both sides are all in for their person, to hell with the country, we are gonna win..............while we watch the country melt.

Look how IDIOTIC it actually is----------------->nobody is talking, or debating what we should do; because they are to busy defending both guys, lol. Is it the border? NOPE, it is either the laptop from hell, or the indictments; depending upon who is PAYING the posters. Is it your 401K under pressure? Is it retirees taking it in the shorts? Is it interest rates in the stratosphere? I have not even seen a transfer of wealth thread THIS YEAR, where it is going, and how much people are losing because of it.

I actually seen a thread on here, on how the GOP is in disarray, lol. They certainly are, but so are the Democrats, meaning we are all in deep doo.

All I can ask BOTH sides is------------->do you think these 2 people are the best we have to put forth? And do you think that it is wise to put forth 2 candidates who by all statistical analysis, are the most likely to LOSE! We ALL deserve better than this, and BOTH sides should demand it.

Just think people, THINK! Biden is praying to whatever God he prays to, that his opponent is Trump, because that who he has the best chance to beat........the indicted one. Trump is also praying, that his opponent is Biden................because he can not walk, talk, or think for himself. So, if they face off, no matter who wins, WE LOSE! Again, do we not deserve better from BOTH political party's?
So he didn’t walk off the plane, on to the plane, give the speeches etc last week?

Seems to me I remember seeing that he did. So either you’re incredibly ignorant or you’re lying. I think we deserve better posters than you.
How can the Democrats put up a person who can not walk, can not talk, and can not even hold ceremonies? Do they realize, the only person Trump can defeat is Biden in a general election? And suppose Biden defeats Trump. Do they want Harris?

I do not know what has happened to this country. Democrats want to lambast Trump. That is fine and dandy. But forget the idiotic Trumpsters. Don't you Democrats think you could find someone who could lead this country? Why would you put up a person mentally challenged, the only person who could lose to Trump, and then defend this person for their incompetence.

I have never been more confident when I say------------->that people on this board are paid shills. Both sides are CRINGING looking at what appears to be their choices; and yet low and behold, we got people defending both sides of idiocy.

Another candidate? Nope, no way, both sides are all in for their person, to hell with the country, we are gonna win..............while we watch the country melt.

Look how IDIOTIC it actually is----------------->nobody is talking, or debating what we should do; because they are to busy defending both guys, lol. Is it the border? NOPE, it is either the laptop from hell, or the indictments; depending upon who is PAYING the posters. Is it your 401K under pressure? Is it retirees taking it in the shorts? Is it interest rates in the stratosphere? I have not even seen a transfer of wealth thread THIS YEAR, where it is going, and how much people are losing because of it.

I actually seen a thread on here, on how the GOP is in disarray, lol. They certainly are, but so are the Democrats, meaning we are all in deep doo.

All I can ask BOTH sides is------------->do you think these 2 people are the best we have to put forth? And do you think that it is wise to put forth 2 candidates who by all statistical analysis, are the most likely to LOSE! We ALL deserve better than this, and BOTH sides should demand it.

Just think people, THINK! Biden is praying to whatever God he prays to, that his opponent is Trump, because that who he has the best chance to beat........the indicted one. Trump is also praying, that his opponent is Biden................because he can not walk, talk, or think for himself. So, if they face off, no matter who wins, WE LOSE! Again, do we not deserve better from BOTH political party's?

It's good that you finally realize trump is a lying pig. Unfortunately, you still seem to believe all those lies trump and his MAGAs have told about Biden. Do you think he always told the truth about Biden, and just lied about other stuff?
How can the Democrats put up a person who can not walk, can not talk, and can not even hold ceremonies? Do they realize, the only person Trump can defeat is Biden in a general election? And suppose Biden defeats Trump. Do they want Harris?
You are falling for a recycled hoax.

How can the Democrats put up a person who can not walk, can not talk, and can not even hold ceremonies? Do they realize, the only person Trump can defeat is Biden in a general election? And suppose Biden defeats Trump. Do they want Harris?

I do not know what has happened to this country. Democrats want to lambast Trump. That is fine and dandy. But forget the idiotic Trumpsters. Don't you Democrats think you could find someone who could lead this country? Why would you put up a person mentally challenged, the only person who could lose to Trump, and then defend this person for their incompetence.

I have never been more confident when I say------------->that people on this board are paid shills. Both sides are CRINGING looking at what appears to be their choices; and yet low and behold, we got people defending both sides of idiocy.

Another candidate? Nope, no way, both sides are all in for their person, to hell with the country, we are gonna win..............while we watch the country melt.

Look how IDIOTIC it actually is----------------->nobody is talking, or debating what we should do; because they are to busy defending both guys, lol. Is it the border? NOPE, it is either the laptop from hell, or the indictments; depending upon who is PAYING the posters. Is it your 401K under pressure? Is it retirees taking it in the shorts? Is it interest rates in the stratosphere? I have not even seen a transfer of wealth thread THIS YEAR, where it is going, and how much people are losing because of it.

I actually seen a thread on here, on how the GOP is in disarray, lol. They certainly are, but so are the Democrats, meaning we are all in deep doo.

All I can ask BOTH sides is------------->do you think these 2 people are the best we have to put forth? And do you think that it is wise to put forth 2 candidates who by all statistical analysis, are the most likely to LOSE! We ALL deserve better than this, and BOTH sides should demand it.

Just think people, THINK! Biden is praying to whatever God he prays to, that his opponent is Trump, because that who he has the best chance to beat........the indicted one. Trump is also praying, that his opponent is Biden................because he can not walk, talk, or think for himself. So, if they face off, no matter who wins, WE LOSE! Again, do we not deserve better from BOTH political party's?
Preach it, brother. If we don't wake up, the American experiment is over.
Vote your conscious in the primary.....Consolidate behind the nominee in the general. That is the way it's supposed to work.....Being butt-hurt over the primary results gets you a leftist dem.
Fuck you

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