This is sick!! Baby in stroller diliberatly shot in face.

Obama/Sotoro/Dunham is.
Hence his silence, it's called a celebratory silence.
One less redneck honkey cracker to worry about!!

You're a sick fuck, aren't you? Nearly 43? What stunted your development at the age of 12?
Nothing stunted my development fucktard.
You liberals need to take responsibility for your actions.
This murder is an obamacult plan.
Look at what the obamacult has done to the mother since the killing?
The attacks, the abuse, the death threats.
Because the obamacult think she is racist for talking about the horrific murder of her child!!
You dumb fuck retarded liberal donkey!

I'm far from Liberal, boy. I'm simply rational. I dislike racists, idiots and children that Puff out their chest.
Nothing stunted my development fucktard.
You liberals need to take responsibility for your actions.
This murder is an obamacult plan.
Look at what the obamacult has done to the mother since the killing?
The attacks, the abuse, the death threats.
Because the obamacult think she is racist for talking about the horrific murder of her child!!
You dumb fuck retarded liberal donkey!

I'm far from Liberal, boy. I'm simply rational. I dislike racists, idiots and children that Puff out their chest.

Ok your messiah spoke out for Henry gates( I had dinner with him last week at MENTON, we both agree that Barbera Lynch is the USAs finest chef.
We disagree on her brothers chances of gaining the senate seat.
Your messiah spoke out for his son. Trayvon.

He said nothing about his sons shooting this honkey redneck cracker baby to death.
They did look like his sons didnt they?
Trayvon did, right?

It is your obamessiah that is racist, not I.
I could post a few photos of family, showing otherwise, but you liberal fanatics are a tad unpredictable.
Suffice to say, you Are a retard, I am not racist, your Obama is a racist .

Sound about right to you , retardo ?

Don't call me boy, you fucking kkk nazi fuckwit.
I am a man.
Pity you ain't!!!

You aren't nowhere near a man, you punk-ass little shit.

I will repeat. I am at least as Conservative as anyone else around here. The difference between me and you is I'm not an asshole. Got it? Or will you need me to repeat this again in say, 47 hours?
Omg! I think the idiot that called my post stupid better apologize to ME right now!!!!
Suit yourself, asshole. You could have made an ally here. Instead, you made an adversary; likely, you've made others with your attitude. I predict a short future for you here.
dude, seriously, how old are you?

43 in april.
How indoctrinated are you?
wtf are you babblin' about, slapdick?

Here's a fuckin' clue for ya'.....obama isn't commenting on this, because he has nothing to gain politically by doing so....obama isn't commenting on this, because he's not a leader....obama isn't commenting on this, because he has a tendency to firmly shove his own foot in his mouth, based on the fact that he's not as smart as his cultist like followers desperately want to believe he is.....obama isn't commenting on this, because his handlers are most likely telling him to keep his mouth shut, rather than allowing him to go out and completely embarrass himself, as he has done repeatedly in the past.....and last, but not least, you're making yourself look like a moronic, immature hack, sparky.

Suit yourself, asshole. You could have made an ally here. Instead, you made an adversary; likely, you've made others with your attitude. I predict a short future for you here.

I don't need Obama apologists as allies , dick wad.
I will be around longer than you, chickenshit !
You and your pathetic , implied threats.
You are a disgusting coward , you make me sick, hippy!

Get a shower, you stink!

You're laughable. You've been here 8 days and already you have me pegged as an obama apologist. I suppose you can supply links to support that claim?

So... I lost interest in researching you. How many forums HAVE you been banned from "for constant insulting posts" since 7/4/2010?
Suit yourself, asshole. You could have made an ally here. Instead, you made an adversary; likely, you've made others with your attitude. I predict a short future for you here.

I don't need Obama apologists as allies , dick wad.
I will be around longer than you, chickenshit !
You and your pathetic , implied threats.
You are a disgusting coward , you make me sick, hippy!

Get a shower, you stink!

You're laughable. You've been here 8 days and already you have me pegged as an obama apologist. I suppose you can supply links to support that claim?

So... I lost interest in researching you. How many forums HAVE you been banned from "for constant insulting posts" since 7/4/2010?

having a good time

working pauli all up tonight

I don't need Obama apologists as allies , dick wad.
I will be around longer than you, chickenshit !
You and your pathetic , implied threats.
You are a disgusting coward , you make me sick, hippy!

Get a shower, you stink!

You're laughable. You've been here 8 days and already you have me pegged as an obama apologist. I suppose you can supply links to support that claim?

So... I lost interest in researching you. How many forums HAVE you been banned from "for constant insulting posts" since 7/4/2010?

having a good time

working pauli all up tonight


Meh... The board hasn't had a decent melt down in a while.
you're laughable. You've been here 8 days and already you have me pegged as an obama apologist. I suppose you can supply links to support that claim?

So... I lost interest in researching you. How many forums have you been banned from "for constant insulting posts" since 7/4/2010?

having a good time

working pauli all up tonight


meh... The board hasn't had a decent melt down in a while.

Ok your messiah spoke out for Henry gates( I had dinner with him last week at MENTON, we both agree that Barbera Lynch is the USAs finest chef.
We disagree on her brothers chances of gaining the senate seat.
Your messiah spoke out for his son. Trayvon.

He said nothing about his sons shooting this honkey redneck cracker baby to death.
They did look like his sons didnt they?
Trayvon did, right?

It is your obamessiah that is racist, not I.
I could post a few photos of family, showing otherwise, but you liberal fanatics are a tad unpredictable.
Suffice to say, you Are a retard, I am not racist, your Obama is a racist .

Sound about right to you , retardo ?

Don't call me boy, you fucking kkk nazi fuckwit.
I am a man.
Pity you ain't!!!

You aren't nowhere near a man, you punk-ass little shit.

I will repeat. I am at least as Conservative as anyone else around here. The difference between me and you is I'm not an asshole. Got it? Or will you need me to repeat this again in say, 47 hours?

I'm more man than you dick wad!!!
You stinking unwashed druggie hippy biker!
Keep gobbing off.
I did more for the USA whilst fighting in a forign army than you ever will in your little bike gang.
Repeat everything in 47 hours you pathetic twat.
You are nothing.
Liberal with empty threats!!!!

What a nob!!
Dickless chickenshit.
And what foreign Army exactly did you fight for, and where and when did you fight, lil' man?

And don't even try lying about it, because I will bust you.

I'm taking it, based on your sissified insults like, "gobbing off" and "nob", that you're a Brit (Limey),...and if that's the case, there's a respected member of this board, who shows up occasionally, who is a former brit (respected Limey) Paratrooper, who will absolutely light you a new asshole if you're fucking lying, you lil' twit.

Now, Ernie is one of the very few true conservatives on this board, who isn't wishy washy about his beliefs, and would never sell out his beliefs at the expense of this great country....He's also not someone who would say something so completely ignorant and asinine about our inept President, for no other reason to try and score cheap political points.....Obama exposes himself by his complete ineptness and lack of leadership ability, but, there is no way in hell he is happy about this tragedy, nor is he celebrating it, dumbass.
Obama/Sotoro/Dunham is.
Hence his silence, it's called a celebratory silence.
One less redneck honkey cracker to worry about!!

You're a sick fuck, aren't you? Nearly 43? What stunted your development at the age of 12?
Nothing stunted my development fucktard.
You liberals need to take responsibility for your actions.
This murder is an obamacult plan.
Look at what the obamacult has done to the mother since the killing?
The attacks, the abuse, the death threats.
Because the obamacult think she is racist for talking about the horrific murder of her child!!
You dumb fuck retarded liberal donkey!

So hot for calling somebody any name you can think of you just start making up shit????
Wouldn't you think a liquor store would be the logical target for these maniacs? Why try to hold up (and kill) a woman and a baby unless you consider the woman and baby were white and the maniacs were black. Hate crime? Hummm.
Those worthless, neanderthals only need understanding, education , rehabilitation and forgiveness so that they may turn whats left of their lives around and become productive citizens when they are paroled...............

JK............Execute those mindless savages
Wouldn't you think a liquor store would be the logical target for these maniacs? Why try to hold up (and kill) a woman and a baby unless you consider the woman and baby were white and the maniacs were black. Hate crime? Hummm.
Strange how professional criminals tend to avoid robbing liquor stores.
The staff are, apparently unpredictable.

My sisters brother in law, a former armed robber often spoke of his experiences.
Banks are no good, the pay out is too small, same with convieniece stores, liquor store workers fight back and are often armed.
Safest target with big payouts, according to him, were car wash businesses.

This was a race crime.

Obama won't speak out because he hates white people.

Car washes? Hmmm. What I've heard is that armed robbery is regularly becoming less profitable because of time secured vaults, etc. both in banks and private businesses and because we are increasingly becoming a cashless society. And with concealed carry being adopted in more and more states, the risks are becoming much higher for the professional crooks who are looking for profits.

But. . . .when the drugged out punks need an immediate fix or another pint of booze, they will hurt anybody to get it. And muggings, purse snatchings, car jackings, etc.--any target of somebody who is unlikely to be able to fight back--are a quick way to get it. The creep who shot the baby, however, is more than just another drug crazed punk though. He is a savage, heartless sociopath who will kill again at the slightest provocation or just for fun.

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