This is sick!! Baby in stroller diliberatly shot in face.

But nice side step.
You clearly don't give a fuck about this crime( you probably don't think it was a crime)!
The obamessiah wants to make shooting white babies the new national pastime!

That's why he says nothing about this murder, because he is pleased by it.

today one of the mothers of the perps

said her son is also a victim
But nice side step.
You clearly don't give a fuck about this crime( you probably don't think it was a crime)!
The obamessiah wants to make shooting white babies the new national pastime!

That's why he says nothing about this murder, because he is pleased by it.

today one of the mothers of the perps

said her son is also a victim
The mother is one stupid ****.
She raised him.
All his family are pointless wastes of oxygen.
I wish them all pain and misery!!

If she calls Obama he might come to her assistance!

as they say

it starts
But nice side step.
You clearly don't give a fuck about this crime( you probably don't think it was a crime)!
The obamessiah wants to make shooting white babies the new national pastime!

That's why he says nothing about this murder, because he is pleased by it.
I seriously doubt "he is pleased by it", but the fact of the matter is, saying anything does not advance his loony leftwing political agenda.....It's not going to fire anybody up within the base, the way the phoney George Zimmerman outrage did...And we all saw how that blew up in the faces of he and the loons when actual facts started coming out, just the way his "police acted stupidly" comments blew up in HIS face when the true facts came out.

Fact of the matter is, Obama has stuck his foot in his mouth more than any President in history. And that points to the fact that he's a lousy leader, and not as smart as his cultist type supporters desperately want to believe he is...No doubt, his handlers are telling him to keep his mouth shut on this one.
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How long before we start hearing about the babies mother's drug use? Liberals are all too predictable when they have to defend the indefensible.
I don't think some here intend to be politicizing it. I sure don't. But it's hard to get around the politics entirely when we try to evaluate how society processes something this terrible and how we seek to understand it. A society that does not accept personal responsiblity for its own behavior and that of its offspring is created by something. And sometimes that something is promoted or encouraged or permitted from political motives.

So if it is political motives that generates irresponsibility, contempt for the best values that guide us, produces sociopathy, excuses unconscionable behavior, etc., then that component of politics is fair game for discussion.

I don't disagree... in fact, I agree with you... but we misuse the concept of 'personal responsibility' when we throw kids in front of violent tv and allow them access to violent computer games for countless hours and then expect them to become normal adults.

Until we deal with the real issues, we will continue to have these tragedies. It is one of the many reasons why I despise politicians, and both Democrats and Republicans. They care more about political point scoring and hyperbole than our future generations.

I agree entirely. Certainly young people with good role models and most especially those blessed with a faith in God are far less likely to do terrible things to people. But our society doesn't focus on good parenting. It instead encourages bad parenting by rewarding irresponsibility again and again. And our government is the worst offender in doing it.

And it is easy to see how young minds are desensitized to murder, death, pain, blood, mayhem when they are allowed, even encouraged to play games over and over and over that feature such things as fun. Most especially when they are provided nothing to mitigate that. It is difficult to encourage kids to take responsibility for their behavior when they see the government rewarding bad behavior again and again. And it is difficult to promote reverence and respect for life in a culture that features such terrible things for entertainment and condones and defends the abortion of 3700 babies each and every day and holds in contempt anybody who promotes and speaks out for a return to better values.

I don't know, I think these 2 monsters learned to not value human life from their lives on the streets not video games. I support the death penalty for these 2.
Two teen boys arrested in shooting death of Georgia infant in stroller
Two teenage boys were arrested Friday in the shocking shooting death of an infant, killed in the stroller his mother was pushing in a coastal Georgia town.

Seventeen-year-old De'Marquis Elkins is charged as an adult with first-degree murder, along with a 14-year-old who was not identified because he is a juvenile, Brunswick Police Chief Tobe Green said.

The mother, Sherry West, was wounded in the apparent attempted robbery Thursday morning. The precise motive still is under investigation.


Two teen boys arrested in shooting death of Georgia infant in stroller | Fox News

If that were my son those two animals would better pray they get sent to prison for life or even executed because they wouldn't want me to get hold of them.
But nice side step.
You clearly don't give a fuck about this crime( you probably don't think it was a crime)!
The obamessiah wants to make shooting white babies the new national pastime!

That's why he says nothing about this murder, because he is pleased by it.

today one of the mothers of the perps

said her son is also a victim

Do you have a link to that? How is her son a victim? Did the slide on his semi knick his poor precious knuckle?
But nice side step.
You clearly don't give a fuck about this crime( you probably don't think it was a crime)!
The obamessiah wants to make shooting white babies the new national pastime!

That's why he says nothing about this murder, because he is pleased by it.

today one of the mothers of the perps

said her son is also a victim

Do you have a link to that? How is her son a victim? Did the slide on his semi knick his poor precious knuckle?

She probably means his life of hardship on the streets but in either case, its bullshit. Being poor doesn't give you an excuse to kill babies, this is a monstrous action. If this were my son I'd have to let him go.
Do you have a link to that? How is her son a victim? Did the slide on his semi knick his poor precious knuckle?

She probably means his life of hardship on the streets but in either case, its bullshit. Being poor doesn't give you an excuse to kill babies, this is a monstrous action. If this were my son I'd have to let him go.

I think Obama is proud of his sons action.
One less honkey, redneck, cracker in the world.

A great victory for racist liberalism!!

I don't think anyone can be proud of this.
You have to realize, someone who would do something like this is in a class of their own. and their way of thinking and reasoning is not something we will ever be able to understand. logical, moral, sensible, compassion do not enter the equation here
You have to realize, someone who would do something like this is in a class of their own. and their way of thinking and reasoning is not something we will ever be able to understand. logical, moral, sensible, compassion do not enter the equation here

You forgot "human"

This is a subhuman piece of shit I would have less trouble dispatching than a cockroach.
I think Obama is proud of his sons action.
One less honkey, redneck, cracker in the world.

A great victory for racist liberalism!!

I don't think anyone can be proud of this.

Obama/Sotoro/Dunham is.
Hence his silence, it's called a celebratory silence.
One less redneck honkey cracker to worry about!!

You're a sick fuck, aren't you? Nearly 43? What stunted your development at the age of 12?
You have to realize, someone who would do something like this is in a class of their own. and their way of thinking and reasoning is not something we will ever be able to understand. logical, moral, sensible, compassion do not enter the equation here
It's called liberal education and indoctrination.
Creating heartless selfish narcissists.
Teaching anti white hate, this was exactly what liberals knew would happen when they started spouting their hate!
We who experienced the same thing elsewhere tried to warn you, but as liberals your arrogance made you believe you knew better!
Typical liberals, repeating what has failed elsewhere hoping for a different result.

Reminds me of something Albert Einstein said!

Yes this is in a class by itself. How big is that class? How many members does the class have? That's where the promlem lies. This isn't a couple of kids we can lock up and forget. This kind of sadism is epidemic

I saw an interviee with Sherri West the mother. Her baby was shot because she had no money. She was shot because she had no money. Since the shooting she has gotten harassed by people threatening to kill her. She wants to leavr the state. Since this sick and diseased culture created the circumstances under which both her childred were murdered we should be paying all her expenses and buy her a house.
So his silence is the fault of Cambridge PD and George Zimmerman!!
You probably blame bush too!
Dude, seriously, how old are you?

43 in April.
How indoctrinated are you?
WTF are you babblin' about, Slapdick?

Here's a fuckin' clue for ya'.....Obama isn't commenting on this, because he has nothing to gain politically by doing so....Obama isn't commenting on this, because he's not a leader....Obama isn't commenting on this, because he has a tendency to firmly shove his own foot in his mouth, based on the fact that he's not as smart as his cultist like followers desperately want to believe he is.....Obama isn't commenting on this, because his handlers are most likely telling him to keep his mouth shut, rather than allowing him to go out and completely embarrass himself, as he has done repeatedly in the past.....And last, but not least, you're making yourself look like a moronic, immature hack, Sparky.
Dude, seriously, how old are you?

43 in April.
How indoctrinated are you?
WTF are you babblin' about, Slapdick?

Here's a fuckin' clue for ya'.....Obama isn't commenting on this, because he has nothing to gain politically by doing so....Obama isn't commenting on this, because he's not a leader....Obama isn't commenting on this, because he has a tendency to firmly shove his own foot in his mouth, based on the fact that he's not as smart as his cultist like followers desperately want to believe he is.....Obama isn't commenting on this, because his handlers are most likely telling him to keep his mouth shut, rather than allowing him to go out and completely embarrass himself, as he has done repeatedly in the past.....And last, but not least, you're making yourself look like a moronic, immature hack, Sparky.

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