This is sick!! Baby in stroller diliberatly shot in face.

I wonder if the president of the NRA said the story would have turned out differently if the baby had been armed?

Only you would be insensitive and ignorant enough to politicize this.

Only Republicans and conservatives could be such fucking shitheads as to block background checks, support assault rifles and condone weapons of mass baby slaughter. Go tell the parents of 20 murdered babies who is "insensitive and ignorant". Explain to them why so many Americans support the murderer over the children.

considering your sophomoric logic, I find your avie incredibly ironic...
Only you would be insensitive and ignorant enough to politicize this.

Only Republicans and conservatives could be such fucking shitheads as to block background checks, support assault rifles and condone weapons of mass baby slaughter. Go tell the parents of 20 murdered babies who is "insensitive and ignorant". Explain to them why so many Americans support the murderer over the children.

considering your sophomoric logic, I find your avie incredibly ironic...

I guess he just doesn't understand irony.
Given how few "assault weapons" are used in murders, why are libs being so loud about it? More people die from hammers.

Also, how would background checks, etc have stopped Newtown? HE STOLE THE FUCKING GUNS.

And how many times did he have to change clips? And he stole from his mother, who may not have had those weapons if there had been a back ground check. And hint, they weren't beebee guns.

He didnt change clips.
He didnt use an assault weapon( didnt have one).
He left his bushmaster 223 in his car and carried 4 pistols into the murder scene.

he must have changed magazines or as for those unfamiliar with firearms say "clips" at least a few times

there is no such thing as an "assault weapon" that is a made up term by the gun grabbers

currently they are using"weapons that look like military weapons"

he certainly did use a 223 inside the school

the footage as viewed by many as a "bushmaster" coming out of the shooter trunk

was a shotgun not a bushmaster
Given how few "assault weapons" are used in murders, why are libs being so loud about it? More people die from hammers.

Also, how would background checks, etc have stopped Newtown? HE STOLE THE FUCKING GUNS.

And how many times did he have to change clips? And he stole from his mother, who may not have had those weapons if there had been a back ground check. And hint, they weren't beebee guns.

He didnt change clips.
He didnt use an assault weapon( didnt have one).
He left his bushmaster 223 in his car and carried 4 pistols into the murder scene.

Oh, well that makes it OK then. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.
Adam Lanza was white. He was a gun crazed murderer. The two who shot the baby are black. They are misunderstood black youth.
I wonder if the president of the NRA said the story would have turned out differently if the baby had been armed?

Yea because and illegally obtained handgun would have been stopped by a background check. Like in Venezuela, gun control won't have prevented this two monsters from obtaining a gun, so your point is a cheap and heartless attack to promote your failed agenda!
He didnt change clips.
He didnt use an assault weapon( didnt have one).
He left his bushmaster 223 in his car and carried 4 pistols into the murder scene.

he must have changed magazines or as for those unfamiliar with firearms say "clips" at least a few times

there is no such thing as an "assault weapon" that is a made up term by the gun grabbers

currently they are using"weapons that look like military weapons"

he certainly did use a 223 inside the school

the footage as viewed by many as a "bushmaster" coming out of the shooter trunk

was a shotgun not a bushmaster
He used no rifle inside the school.
As has been clearly reported even by the liberal media.
The guns used were 4 semi automatic pistols.
But liberals never allow the truth to get in the way of a good story.

the liberal media as usual got it wrong

lanza used a bushmaster as his primary firearm

he used a pistol to off himself

no matter how you slice it

it was never a "good story"

go back and look at the footage of the firearm taken

out of the trunk by the cops you can clearly see that it is not

a bushmaster
He didnt change clips.
He didnt use an assault weapon( didnt have one).
He left his bushmaster 223 in his car and carried 4 pistols into the murder scene.

Oh, well that makes it OK then. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.
Nobody said it was ok.
That's the problem with liberals, disagree with their agenda, they throw out straw man arguments.

You are happy that this mother wasn't armed?
Couple of your beloved criminals might be dead today if she was armed.
That would be terrible wouldnt it!!!
The innocent living and the criminals dead!!
You are overjoyed at the death of this child aren't you?

You and Obama don't like white people.

we do not know why she was not armed

perhaps she could not legally seems she moved from one crappy area

to another
What did the cops report?
The injuries reported would not be caused by a jacketed 223 round.
It would pass through a body causing injury.

A 40 cal pistol round would cause dismemberment.

The police themselves reported the weapons he had, and used.
He had several weapons but USED pistols.
As the police on scene reported.

the reported the weapons he had

which included a 223 bushmaster

the doctor that conducted the autopsy

reported that the wounds came from a 223
What did the cops report?
The injuries reported would not be caused by a jacketed 223 round.
It would pass through a body causing injury.

A 40 cal pistol round would cause dismemberment.

The police themselves reported the weapons he had, and used.
He had several weapons but USED pistols.
As the police on scene reported.

the reported the weapons he had

which included a 223 bushmaster

the doctor that conducted the autopsy

reported that the wounds came from a 223
So explain how the rounds caused dismemberment?
A quick study of ammunition characteristics should clear this up for you.
The police said initially that he did not use the rifle, he used 4 handguns.
Later they changed this to fit with the political agenda of the liberal powers that be.
Drs often say what they are told to say!
Lanzas mother had passed background checks, CT has strict checks.
Proving that they don't work, but that little wont stop fanatics from demanding more pointless rules that will increase crime!!

many of the kids had several wounds

i know with my bushmaster i can cut a small tree trunk in half

with several rounds

in fact i can do that with a regular 22

they(the cops) did not change the story to fit an agenda

that would take a pretty wide path of willing conspirators


fact is lanza used a bushmaster as his primary firearm

it is what it is

do i favor bans on bushmasters

no in the least

here is a news video

of the firearm taken from the trunk of the shooters car

you can clearly see that it not a bushmaster

getting all hung up on conspiracies does not help

the pro gun folks

[ame=]Sandy Hook school shooting: Police find long gun in trunk of Lanza's car - YouTube[/ame]
Adam Lanza was white. He was a gun crazed murderer. The two who shot the baby are black. They are misunderstood black youth.

I have not read where anyone has claimed any baby-killer was misunderstood.....

Well, outside the websites.

But isn't it the obamacult mantra that all gun crime is the fault of the NRA?

Obamas sons are all victims!!

no not exactly they believe that

it is the fault of the firearm
Adam Lanza was white. He was a gun crazed murderer. The two who shot the baby are black. They are misunderstood black youth.

I have not read where anyone has claimed any baby-killer was misunderstood.....

Well, outside the websites.

But isn't it the obamacult mantra that all gun crime is the fault of the NRA?

Obamas sons are all victims!!

"Obamacult mantra?"

Not sure what the fuck that is.....appart from something you've parroted from watching too much Hannity or listening to too much Limbaugh.

Just because liberals post obscenely stupid remarks, does not mean you need to do so.
So explain how the rounds caused dismemberment?
A quick study of ammunition characteristics should clear this up for you.
The police said initially that he did not use the rifle, he used 4 handguns.
Later they changed this to fit with the political agenda of the liberal powers that be.
Drs often say what they are told to say!
Lanzas mother had passed background checks, CT has strict checks.
Proving that they don't work, but that little wont stop fanatics from demanding more pointless rules that will increase crime!!

many of the kids had several wounds

i know with my bushmaster i can cut a small tree trunk in half

with several rounds

in fact i can do that with a regular 22

they(the cops) did not change the story to fit an agenda

that would take a pretty wide path of willing conspirators


fact is lanza used a bushmaster as his primary firearm

it is what it is

do i favor bans on bushmasters

no in the least

here is a news video

of the firearm taken from the trunk of the shooters car

you can clearly see that it not a bushmaster

getting all hung up on conspiracies does not help

the pro gun folks

[ame=]Sandy Hook school shooting: Police find long gun in trunk of Lanza's car - YouTube[/ame]
Not interested in what came out of the car.
Your contention is that Lanza fired dozens of rounds into each victim?
Causing dismemberment?

When he had a 40 cal handgun that could blow limbs off his victims with one shot.
The 40 has a flat round, no point.
The 223 has a copper jacketed point designed to pass through a body at high velocity causing minimal damage because, as a military round it would injure enemy soldiers rather than kill them.
A dead soldier is one soldier off the battlefield, an injured soldier us an excuse for many soldiers to leave 'helping' the injured guy back to the rear for medical care.
I have seen the damage a 223 or 5.56 round causes and compared it with other rounds of different design.
In interesting places like Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Bosnia, Kosovo, Northern Ireland, Kurdistan and Afghanistan.

But lets not get too hung up on sidestepping the current subject.

These two savages murdering a baby, not a word from Obama !
I guess Obama don't like white babies!

cant help you

the fact is that lanza used a 223

on the students

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