This is sick!! Baby in stroller diliberatly shot in face.

The only thing that will defer thugs is strength. Like all cowards, they only prey on those they believe weaker than them. Time to stop with the "underage" protection crap and the juvey hall stuff. If they fear what could happen to them, they may think twice. Then again, maybe not.

Thugs like those two are not afraid of consequences. They have no clue what awaits them in prison. Their homey's won't take them under their wing. They will kill them for killing a baby.

Good. boggles my mind the mother began gathering the childs belongings YESTERDAY. She was shown on the news...and all the kids stuff was getting ready for donation. WTF??? Is this how she is dealing with it? If so....I can't imagine the pain. But the other part of me is still thinking WTF???

It took me TWO WEEKS just to gather my dogs stuffed animals and toys after he died.
This is a case where the judge should have a .45 sitting on his bench and when the jury comes back with a guilty verdict, put 2 rounds in his forehead.

This kid needs killing.

All fine and dandy... but does not address the actual issue of why the hell we are raising kids that do this, does it.

Of course, it's far easier to be emotional and rant about what 'justice' looks like for these kids... but, ideally, it would be preferable if we didn't create them in the first instance.

Speak for yourself CG. I did not raise my kids to do things like this. And they don't. When I got sick n 2011, my daughter was going to give her mother the master suite and my son was going to spot me $2k/month. It's not just me. They are kind and generous and help many worthwhile causes. If you want to slap down Americans don't throw the term 'we' into it. Yourself, perhaps, but not we. boggles my mind the mother began gathering the childs belongings YESTERDAY. She was shown on the news...and all the kids stuff was getting ready for donation. WTF??? Is this how she is dealing with it? If so....I can't imagine the pain. But the other part of me is still thinking WTF???

It took me TWO WEEKS just to gather my dogs stuffed animals and toys after he died.

Each in our own way.
Two words: Capital punishment.

No mercy for the merciless.

How many senseless, brutal, horrible murders happen in the USA each and every year?

In 2012 in all the USA, 43 people were executed for committing capital crimes. That is about 3-1/2 people per month or fewer than 1 per week. The average number of years on death row from the time they are convicted until they are executed - just over 10 years. One guy in 2012 had been on death row for 26 years.

There were more than 14,700 murders in the USA in the last posted statistics I could find. A fairly small percentage of the murderers are convicted but I didn't take time to locate a verifiable number.

Chicago alone averages more than 40 murders every month - from 2001 to present, more than twice as many Americans have been murdered in Chicago than have died from all causes in Afghanistan during that same period.

So looking at statistics like that, it is pretty easy to see that most people who commit murders and other senseless crime feel like the odds are pretty good that a) they won't be caught and b) if they are caught they won't be convicted and c) if they are convicted, they won't have to spend all that much time in prison and the odds against them ever being executed are great. Most especially the young feel pretty invincible.

We need a return to conscience, responsibility, accountability, and reverence/respect for the lives and rights of others. Obviously the legal system isn't accomplishing much in the way of deterrance.

The bold part is where I agree with you. We need to revamp our morals in this system, we need to teach kids to respect other countrymen/women, and other things you stated, but along with that we should also use the death penalty more often because I believe this will probably deter murders since if caught they won't just spend life in jail, but having no life at all, and it doesn't waste our tax dollars on ingrates and pathetic excuses for human life.
Two words: Capital punishment.

No mercy for the merciless.

How many senseless, brutal, horrible murders happen in the USA each and every year?

In 2012 in all the USA, 43 people were executed for committing capital crimes. That is about 3-1/2 people per month or fewer than 1 per week. The average number of years on death row from the time they are convicted until they are executed - just over 10 years. One guy in 2012 had been on death row for 26 years.

There were more than 14,700 murders in the USA in the last posted statistics I could find. A fairly small percentage of the murderers are convicted but I didn't take time to locate a verifiable number.

Chicago alone averages more than 40 murders every month - from 2001 to present, more than twice as many Americans have been murdered in Chicago than have died from all causes in Afghanistan during that same period.

So looking at statistics like that, it is pretty easy to see that most people who commit murders and other senseless crime feel like the odds are pretty good that a) they won't be caught and b) if they are caught they won't be convicted and c) if they are convicted, they won't have to spend all that much time in prison and the odds against them ever being executed are great. Most especially the young feel pretty invincible.

We need a return to conscience, responsibility, accountability, and reverence/respect for the lives and rights of others. Obviously the legal system isn't accomplishing much in the way of deterrance.

The bold part is where I agree with you. We need to revamp our morals in this system, we need to teach kids to respect other countrymen/women, and other things you stated, but along with that we should also use the death penalty more often because I believe this will probably deter murders since if caught they won't just spend life in jail, but having no life at all, and it doesn't waste our tax dollars on ingrates and pathetic excuses for human life.

I have no problem with a death penalty that is fairly, honestly, honorably, and equitably applied across the board. It should be reserved for the most unconscionable and horrible of crimes.

And it should not be applied out of a sense of vengeance. It should be applied as the legal consequence of a deliberate action. If you are caught and convicted of jaywalking, the consequence of that is a $10 fine. Whether you are prince or pauper, you can expect to pay a $10 fine.

If you are caught and convicted of bank robbery, the consequence of that is 1 to 10 years in prison for a first offense--the sentence based on the degree of danger and/or harm done to others.

If you are caught and convicted of the worst kind of crime, the consequence of that is death. And that should be the consequence only if there is no question of guilt and a reasonable time (three months should be the maximum) is allowed for appeal. People sitting on death row for 10, 15, 20, 25 years is ridiculous and in no way approximates a deterrent to would be criminals.
The teens shot the child because the rich white bitch mother had no money to give them she was too poor and broke so they had to teach her a lesson.

You cannot fix this kind of barbarism and savagery. These are rabid animals who should be put down. They don't even deserve the dignity of a death penalty. Just put them down with a shot to the head.
AND....if the family of the creeps continue to try to protect them....pack them off to prison for lying to protect pond scum with no conscience.
I just don't even know what to say right now...
This is just beyond belief.
I just don't know how this woman is going to get through this.

I am not religious but I hope there is a way this woman can receive some measure of comfort
from family and friends and the community...

Truly a sad day..

Do you agree that hate crime laws are stupid then?

Why should the killer of a baby in a stroller be treated less harshly than killing an adult (who has a chance to escape at least) becaues the adult is gay or black or whatever protect class? Killing a baby is a lot more heinous, but the law treats the killing of the baby less harshly.

How so?
Come ON!! Obama had nothing to do with this!! Why say such a thing? Jeez.
Only you would be insensitive and ignorant enough to politicize this.

Only Republicans and conservatives could be such fucking shitheads as to block background checks, support assault rifles and condone weapons of mass baby slaughter. Go tell the parents of 20 murdered babies who is "insensitive and ignorant". Explain to them why so many Americans support the murderer over the children.

Given how few "assault weapons" are used in murders, why are libs being so loud about it? More people die from hammers.

Also, how would background checks, etc have stopped Newtown? HE STOLE THE FUCKING GUNS.

the universal back ground check is just a run around to a registration policy

and registration leads to confiscation

the assault weapons ban has little to do with preventing murders
Only you would be insensitive and ignorant enough to politicize this.

Only Republicans and conservatives could be such fucking shitheads as to block background checks, support assault rifles and condone weapons of mass baby slaughter. Go tell the parents of 20 murdered babies who is "insensitive and ignorant". Explain to them why so many Americans support the murderer over the children.

You are full of more shit than a bark part. What? Did you get tired of fucking TM?
What is a "bark part?"
Wow. That's terrible. What kind of person shoots a baby? You have to be totally without any morals or a shred of humanity :(

This is the 2nd child this woman has lost, the 1st a few years ago to gang violence, now this. I can't even imagine.

When people don't know enough to protect themselves and the people they love, then things like this occur. Whether it's the mean streets of Georgia, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Los Angeles, or The Loop. This woman and her children are the product of their environment.
Oblamer is looking to destroy suburban areas and pack everyone into cities. Once done atrocities such as this will be more common place than they are today. Of course this goes along with complete gun control. boggles my mind the mother began gathering the childs belongings YESTERDAY. She was shown on the news...and all the kids stuff was getting ready for donation. WTF??? Is this how she is dealing with it? If so....I can't imagine the pain. But the other part of me is still thinking WTF???

It took me TWO WEEKS just to gather my dogs stuffed animals and toys after he died.
Your reasoning certainly applies to the majority, but there are exceptions to every rule.

I'm recalling something many years ago in Brooklyn when the infant of a woman we knew died from pneumonia and she almost immediately started giving away and discarding all of its clothes, the crib, blankets, etc. While there was the expected amount of criticism for that behavior, people close to her said she was so wracked with grief she wouldn't accept reality of the loss and was erasing all memories.

Also, I recall reading something about people who fall into states of amnesia in which all memory of an intolerably painful trauma in their lives is totally erased -- as if it didn't happen. I believe there was a movie dealing with that theme, too.
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Two teen boys arrested in shooting death of Georgia infant in stroller
Two teenage boys were arrested Friday in the shocking shooting death of an infant, killed in the stroller his mother was pushing in a coastal Georgia town.

Seventeen-year-old De'Marquis Elkins is charged as an adult with first-degree murder, along with a 14-year-old who was not identified because he is a juvenile, Brunswick Police Chief Tobe Green said.

The mother, Sherry West, was wounded in the apparent attempted robbery Thursday morning. The precise motive still is under investigation.


Two teen boys arrested in shooting death of Georgia infant in stroller | Fox News

Lord help me, it's times like this that make me wanna shout at the top of my lungs "GODDAMN WORTHLESS PIECE-OF-SHIT *******...!"
Only you would be insensitive and ignorant enough to politicize this.

Only Republicans and conservatives could be such fucking shitheads as to block background checks, support assault rifles and condone weapons of mass baby slaughter. Go tell the parents of 20 murdered babies who is "insensitive and ignorant". Explain to them why so many Americans support the murderer over the children.

Given how few "assault weapons" are used in murders, why are libs being so loud about it? More people die from hammers.

Also, how would background checks, etc have stopped Newtown? HE STOLE THE FUCKING GUNS.

And how many times did he have to change clips? And he stole from his mother, who may not have had those weapons if there had been a back ground check. And hint, they weren't beebee guns.

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