This Is So Moving: Elite School Tells Sixth Graders The Swastika Is A Symbol Of Peace

You claimed that your words were clearly stated. That they were therefore NOT NUANCED
That's correct, since they were facts and no gray area or shading was required. Water is wet, usually. That's all one need say if you fell in the pool and people want to know why you are dripping on the carpet.

So you're back to declaring that your words were clearly stated without need of nuance... .

Yet, the discussion is of the literal meaning of your words... as you stated them, without nuance.

You're now here to nuance the meaning of your original statement. You're not here defending the original statement.

Therefore, you're once again presenting an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being repeatedly contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder; specifically known as DELUSION.

You're hereby DISMISSED!

Reader, it is always sad when we find individuals suffering from mental disorder participating in public forums, but such is the case far too often.

I wish we lived in a world where we did not spend money to sustain the otherwise perfectly healthy, and instead used our public surpluses to track down these crackpots to put them away, or at least get Britain to strip them of the means to get on line.

Yes... the above cited contributor is NOT a US Citizen, contributing from a US town... it is yet another example of a mouthy British socialist pretending to be a US citizen, as a means to influence those ignorant of that otherwise self evident truth.

In fact, the bulk of the mouthiest anti-Americans on this site are not US Citizens... but Euro-peons. And nearly without exception they are all sexual degenerates... as reason suggests they must.

At the end of the day, they're all bat-shit crazy... .
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The Swastika was ripped off and inverted from an ancient Indian symbol of peace. But... if memory serves, I think the symbolism took a bit of a beating when it stood as a Leftist standard over the death of 10s of millions of innocent people.
Agree that the Nazi swastika is a Leftist symbol.

only in the syphilitic mind of your rightwing goyim ,because hitler was a rightwing christer
Time to school you again Guano. National SOCIALIST Party. That is Left wing pal.
It was about as socialist as North Korea is democratic. Drop it, it makes you sound stupid. it's a name, not a description.

BTW, you would have loved it. Lots of whities among other things:

. It's SOCIALISM. What the Democrat party is becoming. Nazis were against individual freedom. Hitler had total control like Stalin. That is not right wing ideology.
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Hitler was a socialist. Liberals decided that was "right" :lmao:
Hitler was no socialist. He was a Fascist. There are elements of all kinds of things in that but they are primarily right-wing things, nationalism, militarism, expansionism, racism, state-sponsored capitalism, family, competition, indoctrination, etc. Socialism is economics, not politics and governing.

You think that Stalin wasn't into nationalism, militarism, expansionism, racism? Give me a break. The one poster was right; you're just trying to muddy the waters.
Stalin wasn't a fascist, he was a communist. We have nationalism here, and propaganda, in times of war. Does that mean Hitler and FDR were the same? No, but they sure as hell had things in common.
... a strict adherent to the principles of individual rights and responsibilities.
That's a liberal, not a Christian.

Liberal... as in the proponent of individual liberty... which is a primary thesis in Christianity; the core tenet of which is individual responsibility.

This is antithetical to and diametrically so, from Collectivism, which strips the individual of responsibility, and which hijacked the title: liberal.

There is nothing liberating about collectivism and no one has ever been liberated by a collectivist.
... a strict adherent to the principles of individual rights and responsibilities.
That's a liberal, not a Christian.

Liberal... as in the proponent of individual liberty... which is a primary thesis in Christianity; the core tenet of which is individual responsibility.
Nope. Christianity is about being faithful to God, not the individual having the ability to do whatever the fuck they like. One goes to Heaven, the other to Hell. That's hardly a "do your own thing" philosophy, and Jesus didn't teach that either.
Ah, where's the do your own thing part?

Matthew 19

The Rich and the Kingdom of God

16Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”

17“Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”

18“Which ones?” he inquired.

Jesus replied, “ ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, 19honor your father and mother,’c and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’d

20“All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?”

21Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

22When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.

23Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
Stalin wasn't a fascist, he was a communist.


That is tantamount to declaring: "Stalin wasn't a man! He was a MALE!"

We have nationalism here

Is there a problem with nationalism?

What would that be? And as always, I'm looking for SPECIFICS... . and by specifics, I mean: clearly defined or identified: precise and clear in making statements belonging or relating uniquely to the particular subject.
Nope. Christianity is about being faithful to God.

Which is what? Is it one's option... a suggestion, that oen should do so if it fits into their lifestyle, but that if it doesn't, well, don't worry about it, all will be forgiven? OR... it is ones INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY?

Go one now... 'feel' it through.
... a strict adherent to the principles of individual rights and responsibilities.
That's a liberal, not a Christian.
Individual rights is liberal ideology? Explain Obamacare and what right I have to opt out? Fool,
You are going to pay up either way, because society is going to be paying either way. Welcome to Rights and Responsibilities...

Your dodge is noted. What right do I have to opt out?
... a strict adherent to the principles of individual rights and responsibilities.
That's a liberal, not a Christian.
Individual rights is liberal ideology? Explain Obamacare and what right I have to opt out? Fool,
You are going to pay up either way, because society is going to be paying either way. Welcome to Rights and Responsibilities...

Your dodge is noted. What right do I have to opt out?
You don't, nor should you have the option. You can either buy in or pay up? Your choice.
Is there a problem with nationalism?


OH! So you need to conflate Nationalism is what happens to it when socialists try to use it?

Well... sure, it's a disaster. But the same thing happens to everything Left-think infects, from Freedom to Sex.

And asshat, when you're so fucked up that you screw up sex... you're a fuckin' menace to the species.

But don't fret. God has a plan.

I know you're all down on Christianity, but Jesus is comin' back and he's going to fix all this.

Go find a Bible and turn to the last chapter. It will help you understand how you've been mislead all this time.

Ya see, you have been told that Christ is this door mat that was sent here to get his ass beat by a pack of lyin' Jews... literally hung out to dry and that despite that, he forgave everyone and anyone who wants to avoid responsibility for anything they've done can just ask to be forgiven and they will be.

ROFL... It's not true. And it's not true by a long shot.

LOL! It turns out that Christ is a serious player, who came here to save humanity from its self... which means its own self destructive nature, to which I refer to as "relativism".

Anywho... he was so intent upon doing so, and felt so strongly about personal responsibility, that he stood up for everyone... going so far as to take the beating of a life time and allowed himself to be LITERALLY nailed to a cross to pay for the sins of those who recognized God as their Father and him as their savior.

Fast forward to the end and thousands of years later... the world sinks into this cess pool of degeneracy... and Christ returns... Well, I don't want to spoil the whole ending for ya. But... suffice it to say, the Left does NOT survive, at all; except... you idiots don't actually die... you sorta get tortured in unquenchable escalating torment for all eternity, but I know you don't believe, so ... that just makes it that much sweeter!

You GOTTA check it out man!

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