This Is So Moving: Elite School Tells Sixth Graders The Swastika Is A Symbol Of Peace

Hitler was a socialist. Liberals decided that was "right" :lmao:
Hitler was no socialist. He was a Fascist. There are elements of all kinds of things in that but they are primarily right-wing things, nationalism, militarism, expansionism, racism, state-sponsored capitalism, family, competition, indoctrination, etc. Socialism is economics, not politics and governing.

You think that Stalin wasn't into nationalism, militarism, expansionism, racism? Give me a break. The one poster was right; you're just trying to muddy the waters.
Stalin wasn't a fascist, he was a communist. We have nationalism here, and propaganda, in times of war. Does that mean Hitler and FDR were the same? No, but they sure as hell had things in common.

They were both collectivists; and they both trounced upon human rights for the alleged good of their states.
Should FDR not have defend the US?
Jesus naked died on the cross.

And subsequently rose from death 3 days later.

The Kingdom (meaning Reign) of God is still not here

LOL! Nonsense... God's reign has been present since the moment of the light. As this is God's Universe.

He was wrong

Golly... a decision. Trust you... an braying fool, who in this very thread has humiliated itself a dozen times pushing insanely foolish position, or the Creator of the Universe, the designer of reason?

Hmm... I know it seems odd to take such a bold choice, but I'm going out on a limb and I'm gonna stand with God again.

If you study the Jesus cult at that time you'll discover that when Jesus died so did the cult essentially.

Ya mean like Jesus expected? Golly, that's weird.

That's why it took Paul, who never met Jesus, changing the cult into a Gentile movement when Jesus came only for the Jews, he didn't even bother to preach to the Gentiles.

ROFL! So Jesus didn't BOTHER to preach to the gentiles? LMAO! And this is evidenced in what? Jesus avoiding all the Gentiles hanging out in Galilee?

LOL! You are such a pitiful demon. The coolest part of you is that you've no shame. You have absolutely no sense of shame so you just keep coming back to humiliate yourself no matter how deep or how often the humiliations come.
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Far Right ...

There is no such thing as a 'Far Right'.

And without exception... there is no one who is 'Right' who denies the self-evident truth regarding the Left's attempt to erase the Jewish Race in the 1930s, 40s through the German Government and in the 1950s through the Soviet Government.
Hitler was a socialist. Liberals decided that was "right" :lmao:
Hitler was no socialist. He was a Fascist. There are elements of all kinds of things in that but they are primarily right-wing things, nationalism, militarism, expansionism, racism, state-sponsored capitalism, family, competition, indoctrination, etc. Socialism is economics, not politics and governing.
No, he was a progressive. Fabian socialists try and muddy up the waters but the political spectrum is not a circle. It is a teeter totter. On the left is total government control and on the right is anarchy. If you are for any amount of government control you are a collectivist. If you are for no government control you are an anarchist. The best countries are those that enjoy a healthy mix of the two philosophies. Something you can never understand because you're stupid and batshit crazy.
Help for you, again:

Fabian Socialist bullshit propaganda. I read it all long before you were born. It was shit then, and it is shit now. But it fools brainless tards like you all the time.
But it does strongly suggest that those who do approve of the Nazi doctrine find something about the Confederate States of America appealing.
I greatly admire and respect Adolf Hitler, but I am completely disgusted by the confederate flag and the mentally weak people who proudly display it.
Why respect him? He was a failure in every sense of the world.

From your point of view, but certainly not from mine.

Hitler went from being a nobody to being the Fuhrer of his country. He became one of the most recognizable faces in human history. He was extremely charismatic, and was a master at inspiring and manipulating others. I highly commend his constant pursuit of power, and he accomplished far more in his life than most ever will.

And I have massive respect for his creative side as well as his destructive side. I wouldn't expect you to understand.

If destruction is your goal then yes, he was very accomplished. Genghis Khan on the other hand TRULY is the greatest leader the world has ever seen. If you wish to admire someone. Admire him. He ACCOMPLISHED things and he will be known for long, long after Hitler is forgotten.
Madame Blavatsky (a Russian Luciferian) was the person who brought the Swastika back from Tibet. She was the first to introduce it to Europe. Hitler adopted it later on. It's an ancient occult symbol. The parents ought to pull their children out of that school.
You're a nut, truly.

History of the Swastika

"The swastika has an extensive history. It was used at least 5,000 years before Adolf Hitler designed the Nazi flag. The word swastika comes from the Sanskrit svastika, which means “good fortune” or “well-being." The motif (a hooked cross) appears to have first been used in Neolithic Eurasia, perhaps representing the movement of the sun through the sky. To this day it is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Odinism. It is a common sight on temples or houses in India or Indonesia. Swastikas also have an ancient history in Europe, appearing on artifacts from pre-Christian European cultures"
History of the Swastika

Madame Blavasky went to Tibet and while there was shown the symbol of the swatstika - she introduced the symbol to Europe and it was used prior to Hitler adopting it for the Nazi's.

The swastika came most likely from Himmler and he was a follower of Norse religion and the swastika is the symbol of Odin passing through the heavens. It is called the fylfot in Norse. The oldest usage of the swastika is 12,000 years ago I have just found out.

"The earliest swastika ever found was uncovered in Mezine, Ukraine, carved on an ivory figurine, which dates an incredible 12,000 years, and one of the earliest cultures that are known to have used the Swastika was a Neolithic culture in Southern Europe, in the area that is now Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, known as the Vinca Culture, which dates back around 8,000 years."

Read more: The symbol of the Swastika and its 12,000-year-old history
Follow us: @ancientorigins on Twitter | ancientoriginsweb on Facebook exercise their God given rights....
God doesn't give you rights here, or anywhere for that matter, liberals like I do, and we are the ones protecting them as well.

In the absence of God, there are no rights.

And Rights 'given' by the Ideological Left are worth precisely what went into promising them... which is zero.

Ask those who were promised the Right to have the Cost of their Medical Insurance reduced by $2500... or those who were promised the right to keep their medical plan and/or their Doctor?

Ask those 50 million babies who lost their lives over the last 40 years, because of liberals like you, what the RIGHT TO LIFE is worth, when it's promised by "liberals".

You people can't even be honest about what you ARE... but then if Evil were honest about what it is... there'd be a LOT less evil. So... while not excusable, it's understandable.
It was about as socialist as North Korea is democratic.

WTF does socialism have to do with Democratic?

Nazi Germany was every bit as socialist as is North Korea.
North Korea is Communist, led by a dictator, but this is what they call it, dummy:

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Yes... as I said... North Korea is Socialist, as was Nazi Germany.
NK is communist, not socialist. Socialist is much more like Sweden. exercise their God given rights....
God doesn't give you rights here, or anywhere for that matter, liberals like I do, and we are the ones protecting them as well.
Wrong. Mankind is BORN with all the rights possible. Asshats like you work to strip them away.
Mankind was born with no rights, not even the right to live. You have the Constitution, written by liberals.

Who stated that the rights are given by God. I am not a theist so I choose Mother Nature as the presenter of rights. Progressives work night and day to strip people of their rights and you would love to murder all the people in the world as well so your opinion on what is correct is..... shall we say suspect....
But it does strongly suggest that those who do approve of the Nazi doctrine find something about the Confederate States of America appealing.
I greatly admire and respect Adolf Hitler, but I am completely disgusted by the confederate flag and the mentally weak people who proudly display it.
Why respect him? He was a failure in every sense of the world.

From your point of view, but certainly not from mine.

Hitler went from being a nobody to being the Fuhrer of his country. He became one of the most recognizable faces in human history. He was extremely charismatic, and was a master at inspiring and manipulating others. I highly commend his constant pursuit of power, and he accomplished far more in his life than most ever will.

And I have massive respect for his creative side as well as his destructive side. I wouldn't expect you to understand.

If destruction is your goal then yes, he was very accomplished. Genghis Khan on the other hand TRULY is the greatest leader the world has ever seen. If you wish to admire someone. Admire him. He ACCOMPLISHED things and he will be known for long, long after Hitler is forgotten.
He got his ass handed to him in Afghanistan, like Russia and the US.
It was about as socialist as North Korea is democratic.

WTF does socialism have to do with Democratic?

Nazi Germany was every bit as socialist as is North Korea.
North Korea is Communist, led by a dictator, but this is what they call it, dummy:

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Yes... as I said... North Korea is Socialist, as was Nazi Germany.
NK is communist, not socialist. Socialist is much more like Sweden.

Nope. They are the same house. Just painted a different color. One is more red than the other. That's all. The foundation is exactly the same.
It was about as socialist as North Korea is democratic.

WTF does socialism have to do with Democratic?

Nazi Germany was every bit as socialist as is North Korea.
North Korea is Communist, led by a dictator, but this is what they call it, dummy:

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Yes... as I said... North Korea is Socialist, as was Nazi Germany.
NK is communist, not socialist. Socialist is much more like Sweden.
Nope. They are the same house. Just painted a different color. One is more red than the other. That's all. The foundation is exactly the same.
Nope. Learn economics. exercise their God given rights....
God doesn't give you rights here, or anywhere for that matter, liberals like I do, and we are the ones protecting them as well.
Wrong. Mankind is BORN with all the rights possible. Asshats like you work to strip them away.
Mankind was born with no rights, not even the right to live. You have the Constitution, written by liberals.
Who stated that the rights are given by God. I am not a theist so I choose Mother Nature as the presenter of rights. Progressives work night and day to strip people of their rights and you would love to murder all the people in the world as well so your opinion on what is correct is..... shall we say suspect....
There are no natural rights, and no God-given rights. Rights are from men, usually, like here. from liberal men.

Rights BTW, boys, are what you can get enforced. If you can't get them enforced they exist only on paper, that's not valid obviously.

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