This Is So Moving: Elite School Tells Sixth Graders The Swastika Is A Symbol Of Peace

Hitler and I would not have gotten along. He hated liberals.

LOL! Hitler was a Liberal. But like every other Liberal, he was only comfortable with himself in charge. What Histler hated, was any liberal that wasn't kissing his ass; vis a vis his hatred of jews. They're not strong prostrators of laughable fools. So... naturally, Histler took offense.
Hitler was nothing like a liberal, those fled, went underground, or were killed.
Neither are you. You, and he, were, and are, progressive monsters.
I am a liberal, Mr. Mod Troll, and Hitler was mostly right-wing, not left-wing. That's Fascism, and it doesn't like liberals...

The White Power guys just need to translate the language and their propaganda is back in business since whitey is scared to death these days.

What is whitey scared about?

Did I miss a memo?
Hitler and I would not have gotten along. He hated liberals.

LOL! Hitler was a Liberal. But like every other Liberal, he was only comfortable with himself in charge. What Histler hated, was any liberal that wasn't kissing his ass; vis a vis his hatred of jews. They're not strong prostrators of laughable fools. So... naturally, Histler took offense.
Hitler was nothing like a liberal, those fled, went underground, or were killed.
Neither are you. You, and he, were, and are, progressive monsters.
I am a liberal, Mr. Mod Troll, and Hitler was mostly right-wing, not left-wing. That's Fascism, and it doesn't like liberals...

The White Power guys just need to translate the language and their propaganda is back in business since whitey is scared to death these days.

No. I'm a liberal. Liberals believe in the maximum FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT, you progressive loon. You believe the opposite. Just like Hitler you want the government to be all powerful so you can murder those you don't like at will.
Ask the asshat, how it feels in terms of success and failure of the Confederate States of America?

I mean... after all, the Spring of 1860 was a wonderful time for the Confederacy... Mint Juleps were all the rage... the Negros were singin' in the fields, the cotton was a risin' and everyone was having a grand ole time.

So, using its thesis, the CSA was a success... .
Worked for a time, defeated in the end. That's life.




You're fuckin' HELPLESS!
Ask the asshat, how it feels in terms of success and failure of the Confederate States of America?

I mean... after all, the Spring of 1860 was a wonderful time for the Confederacy... Mint Juleps were all the rage... the Negros were singin' in the fields, the cotton was a risin' and everyone was having a grand ole time.

So, using its thesis, the CSA was a success... .
Worked for a time, defeated in the end. That's life.




You're fuckin' HELPLESS!

No, just insane.
Ask the asshat, how it feels in terms of success and failure of the Confederate States of America?

I mean... after all, the Spring of 1860 was a wonderful time for the Confederacy... Mint Juleps were all the rage... the Negros were singin' in the fields, the cotton was a risin' and everyone was having a grand ole time.

So, using its thesis, the CSA was a success... .
Worked for a time, defeated in the end. That's life.




You're fuckin' HELPLESS!

No, just insane.


It works out the same man... .
Ask the asshat, how it feels in terms of success and failure of the Confederate States of America?

I mean... after all, the Spring of 1860 was a wonderful time for the Confederacy... Mint Juleps were all the rage... the Negros were singin' in the fields, the cotton was a risin' and everyone was having a grand ole time.

So, using its thesis, the CSA was a success... .
Worked for a time, defeated in the end. That's life.




You're fuckin' HELPLESS!

No, just insane.


It works out the same man... .

No. You can talk to an ignorant or even a stupid person, and they will eventually get it. An insane person though will NEVER get it.
Liberals believe in the maximum FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT...
No, that is a Libertarian, or an Anarchist. Liberals believe in Rights and Responsibilities, moderation in nearly everything, a balancing of powers, all of them, and representative government. Maximum freedom is Anarchy, not something a liberal would ever support.
That came after the happy part. Times change.

Yes... that's when failure comes.

But hey Scamp... in your defense, as a Prog thus incapable of objective reason, there is NO WAY you could have known that.
To be objective means that you'd have to look at Germany under Hitler the entire time he ruled the nation, not just at the end of the war when he was dead and Germany was defeated. You, like most, are not objective.
That's hilarious. Germany under Hitler had 5 good years. Then it all came apart. 5 years out of 13 isn't even HALF of his time in power, dumbass.
It wouldn't matter if it was five days. You have to look at all the pieces, individually. Were many Germans happy for a time? Yes. Were guns restrictions relaxed for most? Yes. Did the economy boom? Yes. Was the country put back together? Yes. Did men have jobs? Yes. Was there food on the table, leisure, music, arts, vacations paid for by the state? Yes. And so on.

To be rational about Hitler means you have to use more than dogma to describe him.
You're a hoot pmh. Here's the deal, fool.... "rational" thought is for people who are too lazy, too stupid, or too insane to think logically. "Rational thinking" is a cop out used by morons who aren't smart enough to actually do a proper analysis of a problem so decide flailing is better than thinking.
Your projection is noted. You, like Keys, suffer from black and white thinking, the kind that says we can't have an FAA because the Founders didn't have an FAA, even though they had no need for an FAA and we do.
Liberals believe in the maximum FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT...
No, that is a Libertarian, or an Anarchist. Liberals believe in Rights and Responsibilities, moderation in nearly everything, a balancing of powers, all of them, and representative government. Maximum freedom is Anarchy, not something a liberal would ever support.

Wrong as always... You don't know shit about political ideology other than progressivism. And you only like that because it allows you to murder those you don't like. BTW why is it you post and then run away? Afraid of something?

"Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government. It developed in 18th-century Europe and drew on the economic writings of Adam Smith and the growing notion of social progress. Liberalism was also influenced by the writings of Thomas Hobbes, who argued that governments exist to protect individuals from each other. In 19th- and 20th-century America, the values of classical liberalism became dominant in both major political parties. The term is sometimes used broadly to refer to all forms of liberalism prior to the 20th century. Conservatives and libertarians often invoke classical liberalism to mean a fundamental belief in minimal government."
Hitler was a socialist. Liberals decided that was "right" :lmao:
Hitler was no socialist. He was a Fascist. There are elements of all kinds of things in that but they are primarily right-wing things, nationalism, militarism, expansionism, racism, state-sponsored capitalism, family, competition, indoctrination, etc. Socialism is economics, not politics and governing.
Yes... that's when failure comes.

But hey Scamp... in your defense, as a Prog thus incapable of objective reason, there is NO WAY you could have known that.
To be objective means that you'd have to look at Germany under Hitler the entire time he ruled the nation, not just at the end of the war when he was dead and Germany was defeated. You, like most, are not objective.
That's hilarious. Germany under Hitler had 5 good years. Then it all came apart. 5 years out of 13 isn't even HALF of his time in power, dumbass.
It wouldn't matter if it was five days. You have to look at all the pieces, individually. Were many Germans happy for a time? Yes. Were guns restrictions relaxed for most? Yes. Did the economy boom? Yes. Was the country put back together? Yes. Did men have jobs? Yes. Was there food on the table, leisure, music, arts, vacations paid for by the state? Yes. And so on.

To be rational about Hitler means you have to use more than dogma to describe him.
You're a hoot pmh. Here's the deal, fool.... "rational" thought is for people who are too lazy, too stupid, or too insane to think logically. "Rational thinking" is a cop out used by morons who aren't smart enough to actually do a proper analysis of a problem so decide flailing is better than thinking.
Your projection is noted. You, like Keys, suffer from black and white thinking, the kind that says we can't have an FAA because the Founders didn't have an FAA, even though they had no need for an FAA and we do.

"Projection":lmao::lmao::lmao: You resort to the most simplistic form of "thinking" and think you're smart!

"Rational" thinking is for retards and sociopaths.
Hitler was a socialist. Liberals decided that was "right" :lmao:
Hitler was no socialist. He was a Fascist. There are elements of all kinds of things in that but they are primarily right-wing things, nationalism, militarism, expansionism, racism, state-sponsored capitalism, family, competition, indoctrination, etc. Socialism is economics, not politics and governing.
Hitler was a socialist. Liberals decided that was "right" :lmao:
Hitler was no socialist. He was a Fascist. There are elements of all kinds of things in that but they are primarily right-wing things, nationalism, militarism, expansionism, racism, state-sponsored capitalism, family, competition, indoctrination, etc. Socialism is economics, not politics and governing.

No, he was a progressive. Fabian socialists try and muddy up the waters but the political spectrum is not a circle. It is a teeter totter. On the left is total government control and on the right is anarchy. If you are for any amount of government control you are a collectivist. If you are for no government control you are an anarchist. The best countries are those that enjoy a healthy mix of the two philosophies. Something you can never understand because you're stupid and batshit crazy.
The Swastika was ripped off and inverted from an ancient Indian symbol of peace. But... if memory serves, I think the symbolism took a bit of a beating when it stood as a Leftist standard over the death of 10s of millions of innocent people.
Agree that the Nazi swastika is a Leftist symbol.

only in the syphilitic mind of your rightwing goyim ,because hitler was a rightwing christer

No he wasn't. He was an atheist progressive. That's why all the progressives loved him and Mussolini they felt that dictatorship was the ultimate form of government. Progressives are all alike. Murderous scum.
That's why the Far Right in Europe use the Confederate Flag, because they're forbidden from using the Swastika in some countries. :rolleyes:
Your projection is noted. You, like Keys, suffer from black and white thinking, the kind that says we can't have an FAA because the Founders didn't have an FAA, even though they had no need for an FAA and we do.

Reader let's reveiw:

My words are correct. Your version of them, clearly, is not.

LOL! No?

How so? And please... be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow.

(Reader, watch this carefully... it promises to be a gas.)
No explanation is required. What I said is perfectly clear, it's just not to you because you see everything, including people, in black and white terms. That's common in highly irrational minds like yours.



I told ya it would be a gas!

It opens with 'No explanation is required. What I said is perfectly clear'.

Now what does that mean to you? It means to me that the individual is setting the meaning of the words it advanced as precisely what they imply, with no intended nuance, no hidden meaning.

Which is of course, how its words were quoted and how they were represented and taken.

Of course, if that were the case; meaning that if they intended no nuance... if they intended no hidden meaning... if they were not trying to hide something... we wouldn't be having this conversation, would we?

Which leads us the hysterical part... after if declares that its words require no interpretation... that they are perfectly clear... it accuses YOU; the Reader, of 'seeing everything in BLACK AND WHITE! Meaning that you're incapable of seeing the nuanced gray... that blends it all together. And in a delightfully sweet Irony... it then accuses you of being IRRATIONAL!

Which is to say that it accuses you of being: illogical, or unable to follow an intellectually sound construct, conveying a valid construct to a logical conclusion.


You can NOT make this crap up!
Liberals believe in the maximum FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT...
No, that is a Libertarian, or an Anarchist. Liberals believe in Rights and Responsibilities, moderation in nearly everything, a balancing of powers, all of them, and representative government. Maximum freedom is Anarchy, not something a liberal would ever support.
Wrong as always... You don't know shit about political ideology other than progressivism. And you only like that because it allows you to murder those you don't like. BTW why is it you post and then run away? Afraid of something?

"Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government. It developed in 18th-century Europe and drew on the economic writings of Adam Smith and the growing notion of social progress. Liberalism was also influenced by the writings of Thomas Hobbes, who argued that governments exist to protect individuals from each other. In 19th- and 20th-century America, the values of classical liberalism became dominant in both major political parties. The term is sometimes used broadly to refer to all forms of liberalism prior to the 20th century. Conservatives and libertarians often invoke classical liberalism to mean a fundamental belief in minimal government."
That is correct but notice it does not say MAXIMUM FREEDOM. It's a balance, which is always a tricky thing in liberalism, where to draw the line. How much freedom is too much freedom, how much free speech is too much free speech, etc.

And they do invoke it, and are wrong. Just as the Founders created, we need a government that works for us and our times, and they expected us to create that as well as rewrite the Constitution, every generation.
... it accuses YOU; the Reader, of 'seeing everything in BLACK AND WHITE! Meaning that you're incapable of seeing the nuanced gray...
Most here are like you, they suffer from Black and White thinking, and I use the term loosely, very loosely since most of you couldn't think your way out of a wet pop-tart box.
... it accuses YOU; the Reader, of 'seeing everything in BLACK AND WHITE! Meaning that you're incapable of seeing the nuanced gray...
Most here are like you, they suffer from Black and White thinking, and I use the term loosely, very loosely since most of you couldn't think your way out of a wet pop-tart box.

At least they think. Unlike you. You are monochrome. That means there is no thought, merely animalistic reaction of the most base nature.

You're not human, you're a critter....and not a well advanced one either.

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