This Is So Moving: Elite School Tells Sixth Graders The Swastika Is A Symbol Of Peace

Histler was an unprincipled demon... the purest manifestation of evil.
Nope, just a man with a plan, that worked for a time. Men with plans are always dangerous, especially if they can rally the pitchforks.

That, BTW, is being objective.


See how evil works folks?

Got a little misguided HOPE FOR some undefined CHANGE!

Historically, here's what it leads to:

Hope and change is how the nation was founded, although plenty of evil happened to make it what it is today. Do try again?

War, BTW, is evil.
I am a liberal, and I said what I said, which is not that above, not even close.

What you said is in writing available for the Reader to consider.

THAT is the BEAUTY of the TEXT FORUM. It doesn't allow the Left to alter the record, as they have always done in oral conversation.
Anyone who reads what I said versus what you said I said will see, very clearly, that you are lying, as usual.

I'm fine with that...

Reader... here's what was said:

Hitler was nothing like a liberal...


I greatly admire and respect Adolf Hitler, but I am completely disgusted by the confederate flag and the mentally weak people who proudly display it.

... At one point there were some pretty happy Nazis and Germans walking the earth, the economy on a roll, German pride and hopes up again, other nations once again respecting German, that Olympics thing, and then even later most of the world wasn't unhappy that he was killing the Jews since they didn't like them either. Hardly a failure in all things, not to mention losing two elections but still becoming a dictator...


Hitler was a Prog, just like you... and the policies for which you advocate would do precisely what they did for Histler, just as they inevitably lead Hitler to precisely to where he failed.

Because that is what evil does, and that is where evil leads... dumbass.
My words are correct. Your version of them, clearly, is not.

LOL! No?

How so? And please... be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow.

(Reader, watch this carefully... it promises to be a gas.)
No explanation is required. What I said is perfectly clear, it's just not to you because you see everything, including people, in black and white terms. That's common in highly irrational minds like yours.
I greatly admire and respect Adolf Hitler, but I am completely disgusted by the confederate flag and the mentally weak people who proudly display it.

...At one point there were some pretty happy Nazis and Germans walking the earth, the economy on a roll, German pride and hopes up again, other nations once again respecting German, that Olympics thing, and then even later most of the world wasn't unhappy that he was killing the Jews since they didn't like them either. Hardly a failure in all things, not to mention losing two elections but still becoming a dictator...

Now Reader, in the above comments you see two of our in-house Progs (fascists)... in their own words... being what anyone of reason knows Progs to be, but which on any given day, they would deny for all their worth, that such was even remotely the case.

I have never claimed to be a "liberal", "progressive", "conservative", "republican", "democrat", "fascist", etc... I just express my views and if someone agrees, good for them, but I would rather not be confined to the mindsets of any of those types of people. My Weltanschauung is far too complex for that

Histler was an unprincipled demon... the purest manifestation of evil.
Nope, just a man with a plan, that worked for a time. Men with plans are always dangerous, especially if they can rally the pitchforks.

That, BTW, is being objective.


See how evil works folks?

Got a little misguided HOPE FOR some undefined CHANGE!

Historically, here's what it leads to:

Hope and change is how the nation was founded, although plenty of evil happened to make it what it is today. Do try again?

War, BTW, is evil.

No.. Hope and change is no where close to how the United States was founded. And it sure as hell was not misguided hope set upon undefined change.

The US was founded upon a specific set of precisely defined principles.
I greatly admire and respect Adolf Hitler, but I am completely disgusted by the confederate flag and the mentally weak people who proudly display it.

...At one point there were some pretty happy Nazis and Germans walking the earth, the economy on a roll, German pride and hopes up again, other nations once again respecting German, that Olympics thing, and then even later most of the world wasn't unhappy that he was killing the Jews since they didn't like them either. Hardly a failure in all things, not to mention losing two elections but still becoming a dictator...

Now Reader, in the above comments you see two of our in-house Progs (fascists)... in their own words... being what anyone of reason knows Progs to be, but which on any given day, they would deny for all their worth, that such was even remotely the case.

I have never claimed ...

No one cares what you claim.
The Swastika was ripped off and inverted from an ancient Indian symbol of peace. But... if memory serves, I think the symbolism took a bit of a beating when it stood as a Leftist standard over the death of 10s of millions of innocent people.

Same thing happened to the confederate flag. Are you saying that those that fly a symbol of the confederacy are 'leftist?'

I greatly admire and respect Adolf Hitler, but I am completely disgusted by the confederate flag and the mentally weak people who proudly display it.

...At one point there were some pretty happy Nazis and Germans walking the earth, the economy on a roll, German pride and hopes up again, other nations once again respecting German, that Olympics thing, and then even later most of the world wasn't unhappy that he was killing the Jews since they didn't like them either. Hardly a failure in all things, not to mention losing two elections but still becoming a dictator...

Now Reader, in the above comments you see two of our in-house Progs (fascists)... in their own words... being what anyone of reason knows Progs to be, but which on any given day, they would deny for all their worth, that such was even remotely the case.

I have never claimed ...

No one cares what you claim.

How mundane it must be to live in a subjective universe where one subjectively perceives everything as either "liberal" or "conservative"

Same thing happened to the confederate flag. Are you saying that those that fly a symbol of the confederacy are 'leftist?'


Hmm... No. And FTR, I'm also not saying that Hammers and refrigerators grass Wednesday, boxing to horse paddle Frank townhouse.

But I would be very interested in trying to understand what the fuck it is that you're saying.
I greatly admire and respect Adolf Hitler, but I am completely disgusted by the confederate flag and the mentally weak people who proudly display it.

...At one point there were some pretty happy Nazis and Germans walking the earth, the economy on a roll, German pride and hopes up again, other nations once again respecting German, that Olympics thing, and then even later most of the world wasn't unhappy that he was killing the Jews since they didn't like them either. Hardly a failure in all things, not to mention losing two elections but still becoming a dictator...

Now Reader, in the above comments you see two of our in-house Progs (fascists)... in their own words... being what anyone of reason knows Progs to be, but which on any given day, they would deny for all their worth, that such was even remotely the case.

I have never claimed ...

No one cares what you claim.

How mundane it must be to live in a subjective universe where one subjectively perceives everything as either "liberal" or "conservative"

How delusional it is to believe that everything is not.
I greatly admire and respect Adolf Hitler, but I am completely disgusted by the confederate flag and the mentally weak people who proudly display it.

...At one point there were some pretty happy Nazis and Germans walking the earth, the economy on a roll, German pride and hopes up again, other nations once again respecting German, that Olympics thing, and then even later most of the world wasn't unhappy that he was killing the Jews since they didn't like them either. Hardly a failure in all things, not to mention losing two elections but still becoming a dictator...

Now Reader, in the above comments you see two of our in-house Progs (fascists)... in their own words... being what anyone of reason knows Progs to be, but which on any given day, they would deny for all their worth, that such was even remotely the case.

Watch the video, and learn about the Happy Germans, under Hitler, who WW says was a total failure only, he wasn't at all...

You mean all of those "happy" Germans who died under a rain of bombs and bullets? Who got to witness the utter destruction of their cities, farms, and road and rail systems......those Germans?

When you look at the success or failure of a political system you don't get to just look at the happy beginning, moron. You have to look at the totality of the experience and the experience was one of happiness for all of maybe 5 years, then when the war began it was one of sadness, deprivation, and ultimately destruction.
That came after the happy part. Times change.

Yes... that's when failure comes.

But hey Scamp... in your defense, as a Prog thus incapable of objective reason, there is NO WAY you could have known that.
To be objective means that you'd have to look at Germany under Hitler the entire time he ruled the nation, not just at the end of the war when he was dead and Germany was defeated. You, like most, are not objective.

That's hilarious. Germany under Hitler had 5 good years. Then it all came apart. 5 years out of 13 isn't even HALF of his time in power, dumbass.
The school, since “The adults in our community understand the horrific context of this symbol and our responsibility to teach our students what this image evokes,” she said. “At ECFS we have zero tolerance for any actions, including speech, that violate our humanist philosophy.” would never allow a Steve_McGarrett on its grounds.
Hitler and I would not have gotten along. He hated liberals.

LOL! Hitler was a Liberal. But like every other Liberal, he was only comfortable with himself in charge. What Histler hated, was any liberal that wasn't kissing his ass; vis a vis his hatred of jews. They're not strong prostrators of laughable fools. So... naturally, Histler took offense.
Hitler was nothing like a liberal, those fled, went underground, or were killed.

Neither are you. You, and he, were, and are, progressive monsters.
You mean all of those "happy" Germans who died under a rain of bombs and bullets? Who got to witness the utter destruction of their cities, farms, and road and rail systems......those Germans?

When you look at the success or failure of a political system you don't get to just look at the happy beginning, moron. You have to look at the totality of the experience and the experience was one of happiness for all of maybe 5 years, then when the war began it was one of sadness, deprivation, and ultimately destruction.

Yes... and well said.

Ask the asshat, how it feels in terms of success and failure of the Confederate States of America?

I mean... after all, the Spring of 1860 was a wonderful time for the Confederacy... Mint Juleps were all the rage... the Negros were singin' in the fields, the cotton was a risin' and everyone was having a grand ole time.

So, using its thesis, the CSA was a success... .

Test that for me... I'd do it myself, but for some reason I seem to have lost comm with the little intellectually less fortunate fucker.
Hitler and I would not have gotten along. He hated liberals.

LOL! Hitler was a Liberal. But like every other Liberal, he was only comfortable with himself in charge. What Histler hated, was any liberal that wasn't kissing his ass; vis a vis his hatred of jews. They're not strong prostrators of laughable fools. So... naturally, Histler took offense.
Hitler was nothing like a liberal, those fled, went underground, or were killed.
Neither are you. You, and he, were, and are, progressive monsters.
I am a liberal, Mr. Mod Troll, and Hitler was mostly right-wing, not left-wing. That's Fascism, and it doesn't like liberals...

The White Power guys just need to translate the language and their propaganda is back in business since whitey is scared to death these days.
That came after the happy part. Times change.

Yes... that's when failure comes.

But hey Scamp... in your defense, as a Prog thus incapable of objective reason, there is NO WAY you could have known that.
To be objective means that you'd have to look at Germany under Hitler the entire time he ruled the nation, not just at the end of the war when he was dead and Germany was defeated. You, like most, are not objective.
That's hilarious. Germany under Hitler had 5 good years. Then it all came apart. 5 years out of 13 isn't even HALF of his time in power, dumbass.
It wouldn't matter if it was five days. You have to look at all the pieces, individually. Were many Germans happy for a time? Yes. Were guns restrictions relaxed for most? Yes. Did the economy boom? Yes. Was the country put back together? Yes. Did men have jobs? Yes. Was there food on the table, leisure, music, arts, vacations paid for by the state? Yes. And so on.

To be rational about Hitler means you have to use more than dogma to describe him.
Ask the asshat, how it feels in terms of success and failure of the Confederate States of America?

I mean... after all, the Spring of 1860 was a wonderful time for the Confederacy... Mint Juleps were all the rage... the Negros were singin' in the fields, the cotton was a risin' and everyone was having a grand ole time.

So, using its thesis, the CSA was a success... .
Worked for a time, defeated in the end. That's life.
Same thing happened to the confederate flag. Are you saying that those that fly a symbol of the confederacy are 'leftist?'


Hmm... No. And FTR, I'm also not saying that Hammers and refrigerators grass Wednesday, boxing to horse paddle Frank townhouse.

But I would be very interested in trying to understand what the fuck it is that you're saying.

More illiterate rant from the illiterate. Or would that be focus challenged?

So... what you're trying not to say, is that you have no means to explain what it is you're trying to say?

I mean I see you've taken to deceitfully applying a swastika and a "fuck you" to the Georgia State Flag... as if to say that Georgia is somehow connected to the National Socialists German Workers Party from the 1930s-40s.

Which is of course... ludicrous.

So is your point to establish yourself as a person prone toward being foolish, unreasonable, so out of place as to be amusing; thoroughly ridiculous? Because if that is what you're going for, I have to tell ya...

That came after the happy part. Times change.

Yes... that's when failure comes.

But hey Scamp... in your defense, as a Prog thus incapable of objective reason, there is NO WAY you could have known that.
To be objective means that you'd have to look at Germany under Hitler the entire time he ruled the nation, not just at the end of the war when he was dead and Germany was defeated. You, like most, are not objective.
That's hilarious. Germany under Hitler had 5 good years. Then it all came apart. 5 years out of 13 isn't even HALF of his time in power, dumbass.
It wouldn't matter if it was five days. You have to look at all the pieces, individually. Were many Germans happy for a time? Yes. Were guns restrictions relaxed for most? Yes. Did the economy boom? Yes. Was the country put back together? Yes. Did men have jobs? Yes. Was there food on the table, leisure, music, arts, vacations paid for by the state? Yes. And so on.

To be rational about Hitler means you have to use more than dogma to describe him.

You're a hoot pmh. Here's the deal, fool.... "rational" thought is for people who are too lazy, too stupid, or too insane to think logically. "Rational thinking" is a cop out used by morons who aren't smart enough to actually do a proper analysis of a problem so decide flailing is better than thinking.

Which fits you to a "T".

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