This Is So Moving: Elite School Tells Sixth Graders The Swastika Is A Symbol Of Peace

The Swastika was ripped off and inverted from an ancient Indian symbol of peace. But... if memory serves, I think the symbolism took a bit of a beating when it stood as a Leftist standard over the death of 10s of millions of innocent people.
Agree that the Nazi swastika is a Leftist symbol.

only in the syphilitic mind of your rightwing goyim ,because hitler was a rightwing christer
Time to school you again Guno. National SOCIALIST Party. That is Left wing pal. Try to remember this time.
The Swastika was ripped off and inverted from an ancient Indian symbol of peace. But... if memory serves, I think the symbolism took a bit of a beating when it stood as a Leftist standard over the death of 10s of millions of innocent people.
Agree that the Nazi swastika is a Leftist symbol.

only in the syphilitic mind of your rightwing goyim ,because hitler was a rightwing christer
Time to school you again Guano. National SOCIALIST Party. That is Left wing pal.
It was about as socialist as North Korea is democratic. Drop it, it makes you sound stupid. it's a name, not a description.

BTW, you would have loved it. Lots of whities among other things:

... it accuses YOU; the Reader, of 'seeing everything in BLACK AND WHITE! Meaning that you're incapable of seeing the nuanced gray...
Most here are like you, they suffer from Black and White thinking, and I use the term loosely, very loosely since most of you couldn't think your way out of a wet pop-tart box.
At least they think. Unlike you. You are monochrome. That means there is no thought, merely animalistic reaction of the most base nature.

You're not human, you're a critter....and not a well advanced one either.
Your trolling is noted...
... it accuses YOU; the Reader, of 'seeing everything in BLACK AND WHITE! Meaning that you're incapable of seeing the nuanced gray...
Most here are like you, they suffer from Black and White thinking, and I use the term loosely, very loosely since most of you couldn't think your way out of a wet pop-tart box.
At least they think. Unlike you. You are monochrome. That means there is no thought, merely animalistic reaction of the most base nature.

You're not human, you're a critter....and not a well advanced one either.
Your trolling is noted...


Now it's a CITIZEN!

Isn't that ADORABLE? A troll... lamenting TROLLING!

Reader, You can NOT make that crap up!
Hitler was a socialist. Liberals decided that was "right" :lmao:
Hitler was no socialist. He was a Fascist. There are elements of all kinds of things in that but they are primarily right-wing things, nationalism, militarism, expansionism, racism, state-sponsored capitalism, family, competition, indoctrination, etc. Socialism is economics, not politics and governing.
No, he was a progressive. Fabian socialists try and muddy up the waters but the political spectrum is not a circle. It is a teeter totter. On the left is total government control and on the right is anarchy. If you are for any amount of government control you are a collectivist. If you are for no government control you are an anarchist. The best countries are those that enjoy a healthy mix of the two philosophies. Something you can never understand because you're stupid and batshit crazy.
Help for you, again:
... it accuses YOU; the Reader, of 'seeing everything in BLACK AND WHITE! Meaning that you're incapable of seeing the nuanced gray...
Most here are like you, they suffer from Black and White thinking, and I use the term loosely, very loosely since most of you couldn't think your way out of a wet pop-tart box.
At least they think. Unlike you. You are monochrome. That means there is no thought, merely animalistic reaction of the most base nature.

You're not human, you're a critter....and not a well advanced one either.
Your trolling is noted...
Send him a warning..
But it does strongly suggest that those who do approve of the Nazi doctrine find something about the Confederate States of America appealing.
I greatly admire and respect Adolf Hitler, but I am completely disgusted by the confederate flag and the mentally weak people who proudly display it.
Why respect him? He was a failure in every sense of the world.

From your point of view, but certainly not from mine.

Hitler went from being a nobody to being the Fuhrer of his country. He became one of the most recognizable faces in human history. He was extremely charismatic, and was a master at inspiring and manipulating others. I highly commend his constant pursuit of power, and he accomplished far more in his life than most ever will.

And I have massive respect for his creative side as well as his destructive side. I wouldn't expect you to understand.

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That is correct but notice it does not say MAXIMUM FREEDOM. It's a balance, which is always a tricky thing in liberalism, where to draw the line. How much freedom is too much freedom, how much free speech is too much free speech, etc. ...


Yes... these would be heavy questions.

IF and WHERE they were asked in a socialist vacuum.

Because it is only in a vacuum that the question could be asked without consideration of the RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL... to exercise their God given rights, which comprise their FREEDOM, without infringing upon the means of another to exercise their rights.

Ya see, within that American Paradigm we do not worry about too much freedom... because no such thing, EXISTS.
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... it accuses YOU; the Reader, of 'seeing everything in BLACK AND WHITE! Meaning that you're incapable of seeing the nuanced gray...
Most here are like you, they suffer from Black and White thinking, and I use the term loosely, very loosely since most of you couldn't think your way out of a wet pop-tart box.


You claimed that your words were clearly stated. That they were therefore NOT NUANCED... thus there was no GRAY TO BE DISCERNED, DEXTER.

It was at that point that you then tore off on the 'Gray is where it's at' tangent. My guess being that your words in black and white, exposed you as a prattling fool. Thus leaving no other place to run but to the fabled cloister of Grayhaven. Where anything said can and usually does... mean anything.

As noted repeatedly: YOU ARE HELPLESS!
Why respect him? He was a failure in every sense of the world.

From your point of view, certainly not from mine.

Hitler went from being a nobody to being the Fuhrer of his country.

Yep.. and he did so through deceit, fraud and ignorance. His tactics were deception and brute force, including mass-murder and not only of his enemies, but of his own people.

That you 'respect' any of that, merely indicates your own sociopathy... and could well be used, in a viable culture as evidence to strip you of your freedom and set you into a mental institution. Where your insane notions of virtue could not be used to infect others.
But it does strongly suggest that those who do approve of the Nazi doctrine find something about the Confederate States of America appealing.
I greatly admire and respect Adolf Hitler, but I am completely disgusted by the confederate flag and the mentally weak people who proudly display it.
Why respect him? He was a failure in every sense of the world.

From your point of view, certainly not from mine.

Hitler went from being a nobody to being the Fuhrer of his country. He became one of the most recognizable faces in human history. He was extremely charismatic, and was a master at inspiring and manipulating others. I highly commend his constant pursuit of power, and he accomplished far more in his life than most ever will.

And I have massive respect for his creative side as well as his destructive side. I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Not many will but your position is clear as a bell. The Will to Power, a Man on a Mission.

FYI, others: Will to power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hitler was a socialist. Liberals decided that was "right" :lmao:
Hitler was no socialist. He was a Fascist. There are elements of all kinds of things in that but they are primarily right-wing things, nationalism, militarism, expansionism, racism, state-sponsored capitalism, family, competition, indoctrination, etc. Socialism is economics, not politics and governing.

You think that Stalin wasn't into nationalism, militarism, expansionism, racism? Give me a break. The one poster was right; you're just trying to muddy the waters.

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