This is someone who black America desperately needs as a leader. Smart, no BS and screw all of this focus on the past and move on.

That's not what I said they did you illiterate moron. I said a trans man who still had a working female reproductive system could still get pregnant. A trans man is someone born a biological female that identifies as a man, no need to transplant female plumbing, it was already there.

This trans fantasy you’re groomed to believe is making you very angry. Science says the “tranny” is a woman. Now this woman can certainly pretend to be a man that is her choice. You may choose to believe in the woman’s fantasy but I don’t recommended it. Forcing this fantasy on the world is not going to reverse thousands of years of science. If I were you I would ask myself who is duping you and why are are you being used to achieve this goal.
CG won't answer; he needs trespassers to make himself feel superior to someone.

He won’t because he can’t…not with any evidence or logic anyway.
But you’re right, filth loves to be surrounded by other filth for the reason you stated.


Already answered. Post #144. BrokeLoser was too pussy to respond.

Their children that are born here automatically become US citizens and will help displace the white majority demographics and by extension, their political and social power. This is all very easy to see. Why are you so stupid? 😄

It's only from a hilariously fearful white racist perspective that Hispanics immigrating here should frighten black people. It doesn't. At least not this black person. I welcome the browning of America and the supplanting of your ignorant and deplorable white racist culture. 😁

Already answered. Post #144. BrokeLoser was too pussy to respond.

It's only from a hilariously fearful white racist perspective that Hispanics immigrating here should frighten black people. It doesn't. At least not this black person. I welcome the browning of America and the supplanting of your ignorant and deplorable white racist culture. 😁
You need someone lower than you on the pay scale.

Already answered. Post #144. BrokeLoser was too pussy to respond.

It's only from a hilariously fearful white racist perspective that Hispanics immigrating here should frighten black people. It doesn't. At least not this black person. I welcome the browning of America and the supplanting of your ignorant and deplorable white racist culture. 😁
My son-in-law is Hispanic and has 10x your IQ.
As the loons like to remind everyone constantly the Democratic Party controls the Black community and they will not stand for any person of color deviating from the mandated script. I bet money the attack dogs from the left have already hounded the shit out of her.
"If you ain't Democrat you ain't Black"

Joe Potatohead

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