This is someone who black America desperately needs as a leader. Smart, no BS and screw all of this focus on the past and move on.

I don't think that. My wife and I love South Africa and are thinking of buying a home in Cape Town. Most black nations and black people are still struggling with the depravities and injustices of colonialism, slavery and racism but I have nothing but hope for the future. You shouldn't though. You don't even have a plan to keep your own country. 😄
Is your wife a woman?
That's not an argument.
It is. If you remove the affects of colonialism, slavery and exploitation from the history of Africa and its people and try to imagine what it would look like today your answer will be pure speculation because you have no facts as a frame of reference.
It's racist attitudes like the above that keep Africa 'struggling.' Did you even watch the video?
No. I don't watch silly internet videos and then take them as irrefutable evidence of anything. If an argument you heard there impressed you, by all means, relay it but thr fact is South Africa is still dealing with the affects of colonialism and apartheid and they will be for some time, acknowledging that reality isn't racist you Snowflake.
It is. If you remove the affects of colonialism, slavery and exploitation from the history of Africa and its people and try to imagine what it would look like today your answer will be pure speculation because you have no facts as a frame of reference.
You can't remove history. Slavery was a bad thing, but it ended with civilization for you savages. Try looking at the big picture. Dumb spear chucker.
Hahaha…you are so confused on so many levels.
You want to live in a dark nation but you left a dark nation to ride the coattails of whitey but you want whitey gone?
Dark people can keep America on a positive trajectory but they haven’t been able to build their own nations because slavery and colonialism?

Do you really expect to be taken seriously?
Do you? If so why are you losing your country? 😆
You can't remove history. Slavery was a bad thing, but it ended with civilization for you savages. Try looking at the big picture. Dumb spear chucker.
Civilization was brought to you by black Civil rights leaders. Until then you were a backwards nation of ignorant racists.
Not all the time. Some females are born without ovaries, some are born with testes in the place of ovaries and in the case of trans men some have had them removed.
Those are abnormalities and rare. I'm talking about the normal majority, idiot. When you have to rely on a microscopic minority to make a point, you have nothing.
Those are abnormalities and rare. I'm talking about the normal majority, idiot. When you have to rely on a microscopic minority to make a point, you have nothing.
You're retreating because you're an ignorant coward. I have never suggested trans people were a large portion of the population. 😄
I am 85 years old.

I have heard the most articulate and uplifting speeches from various African American leaders.

As most will agree, African Americans sure know how to preach and get people clapping their hands in agreement.

Sadly, nothing changes.

All the inspiring words of African American leaders never change anything.

A lot of African Americans still act badly toward their own people and others.

They sure know how to talk the talk. Give them credit.

But as far as walking the walking, not so much.

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