This is Terrible for Obama: New Rassmussen Daily Presidential Poll has Obama at -19.

Jan 17, 2010
This is the lowest level of strong approval yet recorded for this President. This is why he got his Gold Medal in the downhill. Nobody can believe he came down so fast.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 22% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. That is the lowest level of strong approval yet recorded for this President.

Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19.
Nice. Try.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

What you people don't realize is, Obama is LOSING support for not being LIBERAL ENOUGH!

The independents and the republicans who voted for him, are against him now for not being conservative enough, we outnumber liberals when only 20% of the nation identifies as being a liberal. Now you liberals are against him for not being liberal enough. Can we say ZERO support for this President, because it looks like it's going that way fast.:lol::lol:
America has a pattern. We elect Republicans to enact Conservative Economic principles- less spending, cuts in entitlements, tax cuts). They screw us over by betraying the principles that we elected them to uphold (like W did with his crazed overspending and expansion of entitlements and his father with his broken pledge "no new taxes"). We get mad at these betrayals so to punish the Republicans we elect a Democrat. Within a few months we realize "OMFG!!! The Democrats are complete fucking morons!! How could we have forgotten that?" and we elect a shitload of conservative Republicans to counteract the recklessness of the Executive. With Clinton this worked pretty good. He was a moderate centrist and a man who would say and do ANYTHING to stay in power. He moved sharply to the center and dropped his liberal fantasy bullshit. With Obama we have a far left ideologue who also has a tin ear and a stubborn streak, so it might get ugly fast. Especially if the Democrats try to ram Healthcare down our throats......I expect his numbers to go much, much lower. The only thing we as American can do is take back the Congress and get this spending under control. We need to remind the people that they are responsible for themselves and to not look for the Gov't to solve their problems.
America has a pattern. We elect Republicans to enact Conservative Economic principles- less spending, cuts in entitlements, tax cuts). They screw us over by betraying the principles that we elected them to uphold (like W did with his crazed overspending and expansion of entitlements and his father with his broken pledge "no new taxes"). We get mad at these betrayals so to punish the Republicans we elect a Democrat. Within a few months we realize "OMFG!!! The Democrats are complete fucking morons!! How could we have forgotten that?" and we elect a shitload of conservative Republicans to counteract the recklessness of the Executive. With Clinton this worked pretty good. He was a moderate centrist and a man who would say and do ANYTHING to stay in power. He moved sharply to the center and dropped his liberal fantasy bullshit. With Obama we have a far left ideologue who also has a tin ear and a stubborn streak, so it might get ugly fast. Especially if the Democrats try to ram Healthcare down our throats......I expect his numbers to go much, much lower. The only thing we as American can do is take back the Congress and get this spending under control. We need to remind the people that they are responsible for themselves and to not look for the Gov't to solve their problems.

This is so completely and utterly true that I wish I could rep it more than once.
America has a pattern. We elect Republicans to enact Conservative Economic principles- less spending, cuts in entitlements, tax cuts). They screw us over by betraying the principles that we elected them to uphold (like W did with his crazed overspending and expansion of entitlements and his father with his broken pledge "no new taxes"). We get mad at these betrayals so to punish the Republicans we elect a Democrat. Within a few months we realize "OMFG!!! The Democrats are complete fucking morons!! How could we have forgotten that?" and we elect a shitload of conservative Republicans to counteract the recklessness of the Executive. With Clinton this worked pretty good. He was a moderate centrist and a man who would say and do ANYTHING to stay in power. He moved sharply to the center and dropped his liberal fantasy bullshit. With Obama we have a far left ideologue who also has a tin ear and a stubborn streak, so it might get ugly fast. Especially if the Democrats try to ram Healthcare down our throats......I expect his numbers to go much, much lower. The only thing we as American can do is take back the Congress and get this spending under control. We need to remind the people that they are responsible for themselves and to not look for the Gov't to solve their problems.

This is so completely and utterly true that I wish I could rep it more than once.

really? you think so? I think its a bunch of BS.


and for the insane freaktoid O/P who keeps spewing all over the board....

Obama's still at about 50%... he goes up a point...he goes down a point.

the whiners are still the same people who wouldn't have voted for him if he walked on water.
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America has a pattern. We elect Republicans to enact Conservative Economic principles- less spending, cuts in entitlements, tax cuts). They screw us over by betraying the principles that we elected them to uphold (like W did with his crazed overspending and expansion of entitlements and his father with his broken pledge "no new taxes"). We get mad at these betrayals so to punish the Republicans we elect a Democrat. Within a few months we realize "OMFG!!! The Democrats are complete fucking morons!! How could we have forgotten that?" and we elect a shitload of conservative Republicans to counteract the recklessness of the Executive. With Clinton this worked pretty good. He was a moderate centrist and a man who would say and do ANYTHING to stay in power. He moved sharply to the center and dropped his liberal fantasy bullshit. With Obama we have a far left ideologue who also has a tin ear and a stubborn streak, so it might get ugly fast. Especially if the Democrats try to ram Healthcare down our throats......I expect his numbers to go much, much lower. The only thing we as American can do is take back the Congress and get this spending under control. We need to remind the people that they are responsible for themselves and to not look for the Gov't to solve their problems.

This is so completely and utterly true that I wish I could rep it more than once.

really? you think so? I think its a bunch of BS.


and for the insane freaktoid O/P who keeps spewing all over the board....

Obama's still at about 50%... he goes up a point...he goes down a point.

the whiners are still the same people who wouldn't have voted for him if he walked on water.

That is because you are confusing his likability with his job performance. He's a nice guy, he just stinks at the job. His job approval ratings are miserable.
This is so completely and utterly true that I wish I could rep it more than once.

really? you think so? I think its a bunch of BS.


and for the insane freaktoid O/P who keeps spewing all over the board....

Obama's still at about 50%... he goes up a point...he goes down a point.

the whiners are still the same people who wouldn't have voted for him if he walked on water.

That is because you are confusing his likability with his job performance. He's a nice guy, he just stinks at the job. His job approval ratings are miserable.

I still have hope for us that he will get better at it. I didn't vote for him, and am not a big fan of his performance thus far. At the same time, he seems like a likable guy, very personable. I would invite him to go fishing anytime. I also think Mrs. Obama is quite a lady. Every time i see her being interviewed she holds her own, and takes the high ground.
I agree, the Obama family is very personable, and very hard to dislike.
I still hold out hope that not only will he improve in the way he serves, but that improvement will result in less division between the American people.
Let's face it, he walked into a bad situation, anybody would have had a tough time even getting to the point where he is now.
really? you think so? I think its a bunch of BS.


and for the insane freaktoid O/P who keeps spewing all over the board....

Obama's still at about 50%... he goes up a point...he goes down a point.

the whiners are still the same people who wouldn't have voted for him if he walked on water.

That is because you are confusing his likability with his job performance. He's a nice guy, he just stinks at the job. His job approval ratings are miserable.

I still have hope for us that he will get better at it. I didn't vote for him, and am not a big fan of his performance thus far. At the same time, he seems like a likable guy, very personable. I would invite him to go fishing anytime. I also think Mrs. Obama is quite a lady. Every time i see her being interviewed she holds her own, and takes the high ground.
I agree, the Obama family is very personable, and very hard to dislike.
I still hold out hope that not only will he improve in the way he serves, but that improvement will result in less division between the American people.
Let's face it, he walked into a bad situation, anybody would have had a tough time even getting to the point where he is now.
I agree. He is likeable and so is his family.
I'd love for things to become better, but the only sustainable way to cure the economy is to stop meddling with it. Cut spending, cut entitlements, cut taxes, pay down the deficit. He is never going to do that.

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