This is the American that Trump wants

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Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Trump wants a docile, obedient people.


Oh, well. We are not his people.
Trump wants a docile, obedient people.


Oh, well. We are not his people.
/----/ He was joking but you already knew that. BTW why did Obozo lie about Trump never becoming president?

I really think most Obama voters weren't serious people.

Many thought it would be cool to vote for a black president.
I saw through this fraud's act after doing some rather extensive research.
Why would anyone running for president want to hide his past????
The folks that voted for him didn't care.
They never took the time to find out who he was or what kind of people helped him get in the White House.

Now we're paying a terrible price because of that.
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Good morning, Bleipriester: I see you got out on the wrong side of the bed again.

Trump and Kim are you kinds of leaders.
Trump wants a docile, obedient people.


Oh, well. We are not his people.
/----/ He was joking but you already knew that. BTW why did Obozo lie about Trump never becoming president?

I really think most Obama voters weren't serious people.

Many thought it would be cool to vote for a black president.
I saw through this fraud's act after doing some rather extensive research.
Why would anyone running for president want to hide his past????
The folks that voted for him didn't care.
They never took the time to find out who he was or what kind of people helped him get in the White House.

Now we're paying a terrible price because of that.

I know, right?
Great economy
Millions of jobs
equal pay for equal work

It just couldn't get worse. No doubt about it. It was the black.
Trump wants a docile, obedient people.


Oh, well. We are not his people.
/----/ He was joking but you already knew that. BTW why did Obozo lie about Trump never becoming president?

I really think most Obama voters weren't serious people.

Many thought it would be cool to vote for a black president.
I saw through this fraud's act after doing some rather extensive research.
Why would anyone running for president want to hide his past????
The folks that voted for him didn't care.
They never took the time to find out who he was or what kind of people helped him get in the White House.

Now we're paying a terrible price because of that.

I know, right?
Great economy
Millions of jobs
equal pay for equal work

It just couldn't get worse. No doubt about it. It was the black.

Not every American has health care. Many in the conservative red states that didn't join the exchanges and Obamacare don't have insurance. trump and his DOJ is going to make it worse if a judge agrees with them to rule that protections for preexisting conditions is unconstitutional. Millions of Americans will lose their insurance and their health care.

No there isn't equal pay for equal work in America. There should be but that's not reality here in America. Especially if you're a a woman.

Yes the economy is good right now. However if trump and the republicans would not have taken steps to sabotage it we wouldn't have to endure the coming downturn.

It's a combination of a handful of things. trump's trade war. The fed raising interest rates. Removing tax deductions on property over 500 thousand dollars. The deregulation of wall street and the banks again. The laws that were put in place after the bush boy and republicans collapsed the economy have been mostly repealed by trump and republican congress.

By removing that tax deduction, the republicans in congress have put a big restraint on buying property above that 500 thousand dollar threshold. Which means property above that value will lose value because not as many people will buy it. Which stifles upward mobility and capitalism.

In case you didn't know, interest rates are a way that the fed uses to manipulate the economy. To slow or speed it up. It takes 6 months for the change to be felt through the entire economy. The fed has raised rates twice so far since trump has become president. The latest being last week. They also announced last week that they plan to raise rates again later this year.

Raising that rate will slow the economy and spending. Putting that tax penalty on property above 500 grand will slow the rate of property sales and the economy. The tariff wars will do the same thing.

Last, we Americans demand cheap food. The owners of farms demand cheap labor with working conditions that are barely legal. Americans have wised up. Americans won't work under such conditions for such low wages. So farmers rely on undocumented workers to do that job. trump and republicans have waged an all out war on those workers. Farmers have a shortage of workers and crops have rotted in fields. All of that is causing the cost of food to cost a lot more. On top of the sudden and fast rise in fuel prices for their farm machinery. Add in the new tariff war and food is going to cost a lot more very soon.

So hold onto your wallet. Have fun paying a lot more for everything. It's already started. Try to buy a gallon of gas around 2 dollars a gallon like we did in the Obama years. Try going to the grocery store for food and you'll find everything on the shelves costs a lot more today than it did just 2 years ago. It's going to get worse. Thanks to trump and our republican congress.
Trump wants a docile, obedient people.


Oh, well. We are not his people.
/----/ He was joking but you already knew that. BTW why did Obozo lie about Trump never becoming president?

I really think most Obama voters weren't serious people.

Many thought it would be cool to vote for a black president.
I saw through this fraud's act after doing some rather extensive research.
Why would anyone running for president want to hide his past????
The folks that voted for him didn't care.
They never took the time to find out who he was or what kind of people helped him get in the White House.

Now we're paying a terrible price because of that.

I know, right?
Great economy
Millions of jobs
equal pay for equal work

It just couldn't get worse. No doubt about it. It was the black.

/——/ Only in LiberalPropagandaville
Trump wants a docile, obedient people.


Oh, well. We are not his people.
/----/ He was joking but you already knew that. BTW why did Obozo lie about Trump never becoming president?

I really think most Obama voters weren't serious people.

Many thought it would be cool to vote for a black president.
I saw through this fraud's act after doing some rather extensive research.
Why would anyone running for president want to hide his past????
The folks that voted for him didn't care.
They never took the time to find out who he was or what kind of people helped him get in the White House.

Now we're paying a terrible price because of that.

I know, right?
Great economy
Millions of jobs
equal pay for equal work

It just couldn't get worse. No doubt about it. It was the black.

Not every American has health care. Many in the conservative red states that didn't join the exchanges and Obamacare don't have insurance. trump and his DOJ is going to make it worse if a judge agrees with them to rule that protections for preexisting conditions is unconstitutional. Millions of Americans will lose their insurance and their health care.

No there isn't equal pay for equal work in America. There should be but that's not reality here in America. Especially if you're a a woman.

Yes the economy is good right now. However if trump and the republicans would not have taken steps to sabotage it we wouldn't have to endure the coming downturn.

It's a combination of a handful of things. trump's trade war. The fed raising interest rates. Removing tax deductions on property over 500 thousand dollars. The deregulation of wall street and the banks again. The laws that were put in place after the bush boy and republicans collapsed the economy have been mostly repealed by trump and republican congress.

By removing that tax deduction, the republicans in congress have put a big restraint on buying property above that 500 thousand dollar threshold. Which means property above that value will lose value because not as many people will buy it. Which stifles upward mobility and capitalism.

In case you didn't know, interest rates are a way that the fed uses to manipulate the economy. To slow or speed it up. It takes 6 months for the change to be felt through the entire economy. The fed has raised rates twice so far since trump has become president. The latest being last week. They also announced last week that they plan to raise rates again later this year.

Raising that rate will slow the economy and spending. Putting that tax penalty on property above 500 grand will slow the rate of property sales and the economy. The tariff wars will do the same thing.

Last, we Americans demand cheap food. The owners of farms demand cheap labor with working conditions that are barely legal. Americans have wised up. Americans won't work under such conditions for such low wages. So farmers rely on undocumented workers to do that job. trump and republicans have waged an all out war on those workers. Farmers have a shortage of workers and crops have rotted in fields. All of that is causing the cost of food to cost a lot more. On top of the sudden and fast rise in fuel prices for their farm machinery. Add in the new tariff war and food is going to cost a lot more very soon.

So hold onto your wallet. Have fun paying a lot more for everything. It's already started. Try to buy a gallon of gas around 2 dollars a gallon like we did in the Obama years. Try going to the grocery store for food and you'll find everything on the shelves costs a lot more today than it did just 2 years ago. It's going to get worse. Thanks to trump and our republican congress.

/——/ Unequal pay for equal work has been illegal since 1965. Any woman who takes a lower pay than a man has legal avenues to take. It’s another non issue spread by libtards.
No wall.

No cheaper healthcare for everybody.

No massive numbers of manufacturing jobs coming back.

And so on and so on.

While the economy is red hot, which would have put Obama in the 60s, Trump still can't get out of the low 40s, and the Congressional generic gives the Dems a plus 50.

Trump is a failure.
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