This is the “social injustice” future for all of us if we don’t fight back now

It's time for us Constitution loving Americans to stand our ground as resist this anti-White ideology infecting the left and Soros implanted DA's across the country. It's all about survival now!

We Constitutionalists are holding our ground the best we can with our limited forces. We accomplished what we could accomplish, did what we were sent to do. We knew that we could not win as we were told long ago that we would not prevail. We are taking as many of them as would listen with us. Our mission is over like time to be evac'd outta here & head home. I could use some R&R, how about you?
I find little pleasure in the fact that our youth are digging their own grave. They'll get exactly what they deserve which is a world of poverty and government dependence, devoid of freedom and liberty. When that happens, and it surely will, being able to say 'I told you so' won't make anyone feel any better.
It's time for us Constitution loving Americans to stand our ground as resist this anti-White ideology infecting the left and Soros implanted DA's across the country. It's all about survival now!

When they have nothing left to lose they will build killdozers

How many more like him are already out there ..and what's coming .....uh boy


I imagine Not to much longer

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It's time for us Constitution loving Americans to stand our ground as resist this anti-White ideology infecting the left and Soros implanted DA's across the country. It's all about survival now!
In my opinion, it is too late to "resist."

1. Americans (many of them reluctantly) agreed to the changes of the 1960s.

2. The result was migration to the suburbs by many Caucasians, and the appearance of violent crime in areas (such as downtown) that were previously safe.

3. Caucasians are simply not having enough children while Hispanic people continue to have many children, and African Americans continue to have children, too.

4. All of our largest cities are now predominately people of color. The voters are electing mayors, district attorneys, etc. of color. A few liberal Caucasians are also voting for them.

5. Instead of "resisting," it would be more realistic to be "adjusting."

a. By 2050, demographers tell us Caucasians will no longer be the majority ethnicity. They will, however, remain the largest single group for a while.

b. Therefore, Caucasians will have time to adjust to the new realities.

i. In the coming decades, for example, probably all presidents will be people of color. Maybe a token Caucasian will be chosen for vice president.

6. Some years back, some activists of color used to say something like: "If you Caucasians do not like these population changes, then get out. Leave this country."

a. In my opinion, some Americans WILL be leaving this country in the next century, and maybe there will even be some peaceful division of this country where Caucasians will be allowed to live in their own safe zone.

i. And do not forget: Many Caucasian liberals say that there is no need for Caucasians to panic. They reassure us that life will be better for everyone in a truly multi-racial society.
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It's time for us Constitution loving Americans to stand our ground as resist this anti-White ideology infecting the left and Soros implanted DA's across the country. It's all about survival now!

Daniel Penny choked a man to death for 15 minutes. If this was a black man doing this to a white man, there wouldn't be any question about a charge.

Daniel Perry drove into a crowd of people and shot one of them to death after ranting on social media about how he wanted to shoot BLM Protestors. He was RIGHTFULLY convicted of manslaughter.
For what exactly?

You don't really know do you

Wait till your ss checks just stop

Good luck

Because the shot reduced your chances of getting Covid... or spreading it. That's why he should have gotten the shot if that was what his employer mandated.

Mine never mandated it, but they considered it.
When they have nothing left to lose they will build killdozers
View attachment 784994

How many more like him are already out there ..and what's coming .....uh boy


I imagine Not to much longer

What are you waiting for? You people have been talking this same shit for most of this century and you still just sit on your fat ass and do nothing but talk.
We Constitutionalists are holding our ground the best we can with our limited forces. We accomplished what we could accomplish, did what we were sent to do. We knew that we could not win as we were told long ago that we would not prevail. We are taking as many of them as would listen with us. Our mission is over like time to be evac'd outta here & head home. I could use some R&R, how about you?

Where are you heading to?
Even the CDC admitted neither of these were true. Why do you still repeat the lies? Is it too difficult to just admit they were wrong?

CDC admitted nothing of the sort.

I mean, it's easy to be brave now that most of the population has been vaccinated and the virus has burned itself out.
Total bullshit. The shot caused more problems than it solved.

Look, I realize you need to believe that, but the fact is we went from losing 4000 people a day when the program started to losing so few people now that they aren't even recording the numbers anymore.
Daniel Penny choked a man to death for 15 minutes. If this was a black man doing this to a white man, there wouldn't be any question about a charge.

Daniel Perry drove into a crowd of people and shot one of them to death after ranting on social media about how he wanted to shoot BLM Protestors. He was RIGHTFULLY convicted of manslaughter.
Penny and Perry are both innocent. Anti-White jurys have no place in the courtroom.

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