This is the system; March 25,2018 - March 22, 2024


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Obviously four captured tadzhiki idiots are scapegoats, the true terrorists are hiding behind.
Many Russians don't believe the Kremlin story because:

It shall be at least two or three groups of highly skilled commandos
It was impossible to light up the huge building by few gallon of gas
Someone deactivated the fire protection systems and electrical supply systems
The terror act is coincidental with Purim Feast

Any questions else?

- March 18, 2018 - Putin's election. March 25, 2018 - fire tragedy. Winter Cherry. 60 dead, 37 of them children.
- March 17, 2024 - Putin's election. March 22, 2024 - terrorist attack with fire in Crocus City Hall. The death toll 82 people, including 3 children.


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