This Is Trump's Final Run

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
If he is defeated once again he claims that that'll probably be it for him. Thank God that I don't see that happening but he probably knows that if America can't be saved now that it probably never will be.

Harris up by 5 in the NBC poll and up by 4 in the CBS Poll.

It will be his last run, because after this he goes to jail.
If he is defeated once again he claims that that'll probably be it for him. Thank God that I don't see that happening but he probably knows that if America can't be saved now that it probably never will be.

The biggest problem is that Trump has shown the crazies they can be crazy and get away with it.
Harris up by 5 in the NBC poll and up by 4 in the CBS Poll.

It will be his last run, because after this he goes to jail.

First of all I've said this multiple times before but polls doesn't win the election, votes do. Second of all haven't you lefties been saying that he'll be thrown in jail since the spring? Good luck with that.
If he is defeated once again he claims that that'll probably be it for him. Thank God that I don't see that happening but he probably knows that if America can't be saved now that it probably never will be.

If he loses..he'll run..errr..walk...or ride his rascal to DC.
...and you all will vote for him again...LOL!
Politicians HATE that they have to answer to voters and beg voters to re-elect them. They long for a monarchy where the people are TOLD how it's going to be. To pull that off politicians have been flooding the country with millions of dirt poor illegals since they duped Reagan into the first amnesty. Get ready, the mother of all amnesty's is coming and with it RIGGED elections for decades. Rigged by paying 10's of millions of illegals to vote as they are told for government handouts paid for by you.
LOL! Your Topic..Trump claiming that this is it for him....when we all know that if he loses and if he's still breathing in 2028...he would run.

So? What if he changes his mind and does run after all? I don't get what you're trying to prove.
You don't know that yet.
Actually, we can know that..because, just as in 2020, when Trump started to get an inkling that he was going to lose--he started dog-whistling rumors that 'the fix was in'.

this very site had dozens repeating those talking points for weeks BEFORE the election.

Same as today, now every wingnut is using the same, "Millions of illegals voting" phrase.
Trump is already setting it all up.

That was why Trump wanted the govt. that when the govt. shut-down, he could claim that the Dems shut it down because they were afraid of the truth that the SAVE act would reveal..

Too bad for him..Congress saw some sense.
Actually, we can know that..because, just as in 2020, when Trump started to get an inkling that he was going to lose--he started dog-whistling rumors that 'the fix was in'.

How are you so sure that he's going to lose?

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