This is what Fundamental Transformation looks like

Developed world

The US continues to be comfortably the best-performing of the advanced economies. Real GDP grew by 3.5% in the third quarter, after expanding at a blistering rate of 4.6% in the second. Employers have created more than 200,000 jobs in each of the last ten months, which is proving a catalyst for other improvements: consumer spending is nearly 70% of US GDP, so when more jobs are created, more income is available to be spent. This in turn gives businesses the confidence to invest and leads to more hiring. Consequently, consumer confidence in November was at its highest level since 2007, and applications for unemployment benefits are at multi-year lows. Federal, state and local governments, which spent little during the depths of the slowdown, are allocating money again for roads, schools and defence. Only wage growth, which has been at just 0.3% in inflation-adjusted terms, has been a disappointment, but the decline in the unemployment rate is such that we expect faster growth in remuneration in the coming quarters.

EIU global forecast - US stands out amid gloom elsewhere
We're Number 2!! We're Number 2!!! Praise Allah, the USA is Number 2 -- Obama
That has been predicted long before President Obama took office. Think Nixon. China is still shithole for most Chinese. But feel free to praise China.
China needs to cut their carbon footprint, maybe implement Dodd Frank AND ObamaCare! That'll slow them up
I'm just glad that it officially happened under mrobama and I'm glad that I'm not part of the ' ilk ' that elected him to office !!

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