This is What GZ Wanted to Avoid

And TM was a choir boy,right? And I fail to see why anything his trainer may have done would have any bearing what so ever.
Keep grasping's amusing.

Of course you "fail" to see it.

Why is what anything this POS has done relevant?

He was a WITNESS at the TRIAL.

And his VERACITY was key.

He beat up a woman, threatened to cut off her fingers and toes..then denied it.

How is it this stuff gets by you folks?

You want to question GZ garbageman as well? I mean if guilt by association is what your after why stop at a trainer?

The garbageman testified?

hey up to the professional who trained him

Hey punk.

Gonna fill you in on some google fu..

Let me google that for you

Now you may gotz da skillz..

I went to the first site that came up on the google search. They used a photoshop pic of GZ fighting in the UFC. If thats the best you can do is use a lying site to back up your lies than you prove what everyone here says about you, YOURE A FUCKING LYING IDIOT.

Trayvon wasn?t trained in MMA fighting, but George Zimmerman was! |

Even if GZ did train in MMA that doesnt mean he was good at it.

I worked with kids for years teaching them football. One kid comes to mind that his father wanted him to play pro football and threw thousands at football camps and pros to train the kid. When I saw him the last time he had quit playing because no matter how much he trained he just didnt have the skills to be a QB. His first two years of high school JV football were spent riding the bench because he wasnt good enough to even play another position.
hey up to the professional who trained him

Hey punk.

Gonna fill you in on some google fu..

Let me google that for you

Now you may gotz da skillz..

I went to the first site that came up on the google search. They used a photoshop pic of GZ fighting in the UFC. If thats the best you can do is use a lying site to back up your lies than you prove what everyone here says about you, YOURE A FUCKING LYING IDIOT.

Trayvon wasn?t trained in MMA fighting, but George Zimmerman was! |

Even if GZ did train in MMA that doesnt mean he was good at it.

I worked with kids for years teaching them football. One kid comes to mind that his father wanted him to play pro football and threw thousands at football camps and pros to train the kid. When I saw him the last time he had quit playing because no matter how much he trained he just didnt have the skills to be a QB. His first two years of high school JV football were spent riding the bench because he wasnt good enough to even play another position.

When you post "lie" you should know that that means..fatty.

That link was meant to show the user how to use google..since the user didn't seem to have a clue.

Once's up to the user to check the links.

"Professionally" trained..means just that.

The trainer was a professional fighter. Says so on his profile.

Unless of course he's lying.

Then again..he may have been lying about Zimmerman's skill level.

Not like you folks ever engage in critical thinking.. :lol:
Of course you "fail" to see it.

Why is what anything this POS has done relevant?

He was a WITNESS at the TRIAL.

And his VERACITY was key.

He beat up a woman, threatened to cut off her fingers and toes..then denied it.

How is it this stuff gets by you folks?

You want to question GZ garbageman as well? I mean if guilt by association is what your after why stop at a trainer?

The garbageman testified?


Good God you're stupid.
Say your buddy robs a liquor store. Are you guilty by association?
What the hell does this guys past have to do with GZ?
For all you know the guy who shows up at your house to unclog the shitter is an axe murderer,I guess that makes YOU guilty as well.
Pat Mahaney, North College Hill 'boredom beating' victim has died

CINCINNATI - A man assaulted and robbed by six teens during a "boredom beating" in North College Hill has died.

Pat Mahaney, 46, passed away Friday at University of Cincinnati Medical Center a little less than a year after the vicious beating that caused him to suffer internal bleeding and put him in the hospital for four days.

Investigators determined the teens instigated the August 2012 attack because they were "bored" and looking for something to do.

North College Hill Police Chief Gary Foust said the juveniles jumped Mahaney from behind, hit him in the head and knocked him to the ground with a six-pack of beer he had just purchased.

"As they were approaching the individual they actually discussed this event, before actually doing the event," Foust said.

The people that did this (and I use the word people very broadly) were aged 13 to 14.

So yeah, a fucking kid can kill you easily by simply knocking you out then stomping you to death.

How does SIX kids beating a guy to death compare to an armed adult stalking and murdering ONE kid?

FAIL. Huge huge FAIL.
Not even comparable.

Zimmerman wasn't hunted down by Martin. He was hunting Martin and Martin turned on him after being cornered.

Except the evidence in the trial showed martin coming back after Zimmerman AFTER zimmerman had lost sight of him and was heading back to his car.

Liar Liar.

That would be during the four minutes no one knew where exactly Martin was lurking. Four minutes during which he had more than ample time to returns to his father's place, about a 30 second trip by court testimony. After all, that was the mission Martin backers claim. Pick up his Skittles and watermelon drink and return to his dad's place.

But instead the young black thug bit off far more than he could chew. R.I.P.

And following around some kid that meets the description of someone who has been robbing houses does not give said kid the right to pummel me if all I do is follow him.

I'm still saying you should go follow some kids around without your penis compensator and see how many of them attack you. It would be funnier than shit.

The only one compesating for thier penis in this thread is you, or your lack of one thereof.
Not even comparable.

Zimmerman wasn't hunted down by Martin. He was hunting Martin and Martin turned on him after being cornered.

Except the evidence in the trial showed martin coming back after Zimmerman AFTER zimmerman had lost sight of him and was heading back to his car.

Liar Liar.

That would be during the four minutes no one knew where exactly Martin was lurking. Four minutes during which he had more than ample time to returns to his father's place, about a 30 second trip by court testimony. After all, that was the mission Martin backers claim. Pick up his Skittles and watermelon drink and return to his dad's place.

But instead the young black thug bit off far more than he could chew. R.I.P.

No it's not.

The entire incident lasted 7 minutes.
You want to question GZ garbageman as well? I mean if guilt by association is what your after why stop at a trainer?

The garbageman testified?


Good God you're stupid.
Say your buddy robs a liquor store. Are you guilty by association?
What the hell does this guys past have to do with GZ?
For all you know the guy who shows up at your house to unclog the shitter is an axe murderer,I guess that makes YOU guilty as well.

What does this have to do with Zimmerman's professional trainer's testimony?
Question for the op and others who agree with him - Using this photo, show where those 6 kids are.



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Yeah..I noticed that too.

Seems that alot of Georgie's friends went to bat for him.

The cool thing about that ol Georgie has a police record.

He went up against a cop.

You don't do that if you, yourself think your fighting skills are bad.

But you folks seem to forget that Georgie is technically a criminal. And that was before the murder.

Oh, for God's sake! George Zimmerman pushed an undercover officer's arm away from his friend because he didn't know he was a cop. The fact that the undercover officer even chose to push THAT as assault is a joke. There is a reason why it got knocked down to a non felony going forward. If Zimmerman had a good lawyer he wouldn't have even faced that. Trying to make THAT incident into a contention that George Zimmerman is "violent" is laughable when you look at who this man REALLY was. had nothing to do with Old Man Zimmerman looking for a little professional courtesy because he worked for the DOJ.


Zimmerman skated on 2 pretty serious incidents involving violence.

He assaulted a cop and beat up his fiancee. He was also arrested for resisting a cop without violence.

3 time loser..who skated.

George Zimmerman?s relevant past
George Zimmerman, Son of a Retired Judge, Has 3 Closed Arrests

Those two "serious incidents" were brought up by the Prosecution when they tried to keep Zimmerman from being released on bail. The judge (who leaned towards the Prosecution on practically every single ruling) said that they were minor incidents.

The "assaulting a cop" and "resisting a cop without violence" are from the same incidence, you buffoon! You can't even attempt a smear without making an ass out of yourself in the process. There is ZERO evidence that George Zimmerman ever beat his fiancee. That only happened in your mind, Sallow...along with all the other things that you THINK proves Zimmerman was a racist thug. Too bad none of the EVIDENCE backed up any of your claims.
Oh, for God's sake! George Zimmerman pushed an undercover officer's arm away from his friend because he didn't know he was a cop. The fact that the undercover officer even chose to push THAT as assault is a joke. There is a reason why it got knocked down to a non felony going forward. If Zimmerman had a good lawyer he wouldn't have even faced that. Trying to make THAT incident into a contention that George Zimmerman is "violent" is laughable when you look at who this man REALLY was. had nothing to do with Old Man Zimmerman looking for a little professional courtesy because he worked for the DOJ.


Zimmerman skated on 2 pretty serious incidents involving violence.

He assaulted a cop and beat up his fiancee. He was also arrested for resisting a cop without violence.

3 time loser..who skated.

George Zimmerman?s relevant past
George Zimmerman, Son of a Retired Judge, Has 3 Closed Arrests

Those two "serious incidents" were brought up by the Prosecution when they tried to keep Zimmerman from being released on bail. The judge (who leaned towards the Prosecution on practically every single ruling) said that they were minor incidents.

The "assaulting a cop" and "resisting a cop without violence" are from the same incidence, you buffoon! You can't even attempt a smear without making an ass out of yourself in the process. There is ZERO evidence that George Zimmerman ever beat his fiancee. That only happened in your mind, Sallow...along with all the other things that you THINK proves Zimmerman was a racist thug. Too bad none of the EVIDENCE backed up any of your claims.

ZERO EVIDENCE? His fiancee took out a restraining order. Schmuck.

Between Martin and had a criminal record.

And that ONE was Zimmerman.

So in this are rooting for the criminal.
Question for the op and others who agree with him - Using this photo, show where those 6 kids are.




If I were the Defense I'd have a field day with nonsense like this! You set up a position where Zimmerman can't get to the gun in his belt? I set up a position where he can. The fight wasn't static. Zimmerman describes himself as squirming around trying to get away from the man beating him and the concrete the his head was being slammed against. If Martin is back slightly, sitting on Zimmerman's hips or upper legs then Zimmerman could very easily reach his weapon.

The fact is...there is no mention of anyone seeing a drawn weapon before that fight started so at some point it's logical that Zimmerman HAD to be able to pull the gun. Therefore at some point in the fight it's only logical that the two men were in a position where that COULD take place.
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