This is What GZ Wanted to Avoid

who was the "professional fighter"

cite it.

you are fucking lying POS. taking a few professional classes does not make you trained you fuckwad. i can't believe you think one class means i'm trained.


He trained for a year..

Cat shit eater..

No....he only trained 2 or 3 days...

From the link I just gave you in another post should read the whole story and get your facts straight.

Pollack said that Zimmerman began working out in October 2010 in order to lose weight and get in shape. Pollack said that Zimmerman trained “two to three days at most,” attending sessions between work and school.
Zimmerman's MMA instructor says he was a lousy fighter | The Daily Caller
just like the people who believe bush ordered 9/11 and that obama was born in kenya...we we will have fools who believe zimmerman cornered martin and started the fight...despite even jeantel saying she believes martin swung first

hopefully cookoo threads against zimmeman will soon all be moved to the conspiracy forum

It doesn't matter who threw the first punch. ZImmerman provoked the fight by stalking Martin to start with.

It's not stalking unless Z followed Martin MORE THAN ONCE. He followed him, lost him....then Martin confronted him. Why is that so hard for you to accept? He told dispatch he "lost him" then headed back to his truck to wait for the police. Why do you have to make up shit?

That's when he said, "these assholes always get away" and "fucking coons... Cold... er...Punks", right?
Not even comparable.

Zimmerman wasn't hunted down by Martin. He was hunting Martin and Martin turned on him after being cornered.

There was also only one unarmed Martin facing a professionally trained fighter armed with a gun..and having a weight advantage.

And Martin was experienced at fight....proved that with the texts that were shown. One kid wanted him to show him how to fight! Martin liked watching them "bleed". Even if Zimmerman DID have some training, he was not experienced like Martin was.....and Martin enjoyed it!

Yeah..real "experienced".

So much so that none of Zimmerman's "injuries" required more than a bandaid.

Those were called "boo boos" in my day..and we didn't bother with bandaids.
hey up to the professional who trained him

Hey punk.

Gonna fill you in on some google fu..

Let me google that for you

Now you may gotz da skillz..


Lol! Here's one of the links from your Google search

SANFORD, Fla. – The owner of the mixed-martial arts gym where George Zimmerman worked out testified Monday that Zimmerman’s fighting skills registered at between a “1” and “1.5” on a ten point scale.

Adam Pollack, owner of Kokopelli’s Gym, called Zimmerman “nonathletic” and “just physically soft.”
Zimmerman's MMA instructor says he was a lousy fighter | The Daily Caller

Martin knew how to "street" fight, he liked watching people bleed....I'd say he was most likely a lot stronger and more agile than Zimmerman. Doesn't matter if Z might have weighed more than Martin, Martin knew more about fighting and was more experienced.

Yeah..I noticed that too.

Seems that alot of Georgie's friends went to bat for him.

The cool thing about that ol Georgie has a police record.

He went up against a cop.

You don't do that if you, yourself think your fighting skills are bad.

But you folks seem to forget that Georgie is technically a criminal. And that was before the murder.
who was the "professional fighter"

cite it.

you are fucking lying POS. taking a few professional classes does not make you trained you fuckwad. i can't believe you think one class means i'm trained.


He trained for a year..

Cat shit eater..

You do know that the trainer said GZ had no skills and was the worst fighter he had ever seen,right?
You can tell yourself that.

How about this. Go ahead and start following some random teens around and see how many of them pick a fight with you. Oh, you're not allowed to have your Penis Compensater with you when you do it.

So might makes right, eh joe? If someone is big and strong enough it should give them carte blanche to intimidate? A person that is mildy offended by someone following them has the right to beat them to a pulp?

You are a fucking neanderthal. nothing more.

Uh, guy, Zimmerman was the bigger guy here.

The point is, he had no business following Martin, was in fact told by the cops NOT to follow him, and he chased the guy anyway.

Now, absent any identification, for all Trayvon knew, this was a pervert out to rape him. Frankly, most people would draw that conclusion.

Again, go follow some kids around, see how well that turns out for you.

No matter how many times you repeat a lie,it won't become the truth.
So stop with all the shit that has already been debunked.
Damn!! It's just like having a meaningful conversation about racism in America,one side is so blind stupid it's impossible.
poor sallow, still can't name the so called professional who trained him

and he is calling the gym owner a liar that zimmerman did it to lose weight, not to become a fighter

conclusion: sallow is a puny bitter loser who needs to lie in order to feel better

Funny how these Zimmerman stories fall apart in the end

Don't worry, they have more


Instructors - ADAM


390 Sansu Court,
Longwood, FL 32750

25+ Years as an Instructor

PROPTA - Director/Examiner/MPPT
(Master Professional Personal Trainer)

Professional Boxing, Muay Thai, and Mixed Martial Arts Instructor/Trainer

Professional Cornerman

Certified Girevoy Sport Competition Instructor

Seminar Presenter

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He has instructed both amateur and professional fighters for events and organizations including UFC, Pride Fighting, King of the Cage, Elite XC, IKF, ISKA, USA Boxing and many others.

He has instructed, trained with, and/or competed against elite athletes including world champions as well as a number of Guinness Book World Record Holders. He has successfully competed at a national level as an amateur and at an international level as a professional.

Trained and/or competed by/for legends such as Ed Couzens (legendary Boxing Instructor), the Urquidez’s (legendary Kickboxing Family), Lou Thesz (Catch Wrestling legend), Carl Loveday (Racquetball and Squash Legend), David Luna [Guiness World Record Holder, former co-chairman of the President’s Council on Exercise* (*now Fitness, Sports & Nutrition)]as well as a host of other notable instructors.

Represented Team USA at the 2007 Girevoy Sport World Championships.
Instructors - ADAM

Here's some more on this "sparkling" guy:

Adam Pollock, the 43-year-old owner of Kokopellis Gym in Longwood, Fla. where Zimmerman once trained, was arrested March 11 and charged with misdemeanor battery, his lawyer, Paul Ghezzi, told Crimesider earlier this month.

Although police initially arrested him on charges of felony battery by strangulation, false imprisonment and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, Ghezzi said those charges were never officially filed.

Ghezzi said that Tina Mangiardi, the woman who pressed charges against his client, has "no credibility whatsoever," and said Pollock is innocent.

Mangiardi pleaded guilty in March after being accused of taking more than $2 million from investors as part of a Ponzi scheme. Pollack was one of her investors.

According to the arrest report, Mangiardi told police that when she visited Pollock at his gym on March 11, he strangled her, pushed her against a wall, slapped her and demanded money from her.

Mangiardi told police Pollock then put on a pair of black gloves, picked up a knife and told her that he was going to take her fingers and toes as collateral. When Pollock turned his back, Mangiardi claims she was able to flee the gym and notify police.
Adam Pollock Update: Witness in Zimmerman trial threatened to cut off woman's fingers, toes, arrest report alleges - Crimesider - CBS News

Real fucking gem..that one.

No matter how many times you repeat a lie,it won't become the truth.
So stop with all the shit that has already been debunked.
Damn!! It's just like having a meaningful conversation about racism in America,one side is so blind stupid it's impossible.

kind of hard to have a meaningful conversation when you ignore the obvious.

Oh tell me wise sage. What would the obvious be?
I mean besides your stupidity.
who was the "professional fighter"

cite it.

you are fucking lying POS. taking a few professional classes does not make you trained you fuckwad. i can't believe you think one class means i'm trained.


He trained for a year..

Cat shit eater..

You do know that the trainer said GZ had no skills and was the worst fighter he had ever seen,right?

You do know the trainer threatened to cut a woman's fingers and toes off right? Then said he just slapped her around a little.

Funny..Zimmerman slapped around his old lady too.

You guys have some strange heroes.

No matter how many times you repeat a lie,it won't become the truth.
So stop with all the shit that has already been debunked.
Damn!! It's just like having a meaningful conversation about racism in America,one side is so blind stupid it's impossible.

kind of hard to have a meaningful conversation when you ignore the obvious.

Saint Trayvon is dead and you have made a sainted martyr out of him because of the color of his skin.

you never deified Ron and Nicole didya?

end of conversation
He trained for a year..

Cat shit eater..

You do know that the trainer said GZ had no skills and was the worst fighter he had ever seen,right?

You do know the trainer threatened to cut a woman's fingers and toes off right? Then said he just slapped her around a little.

Funny..Zimmerman slapped around his old lady too.

You guys have some strange heroes.

And TM was a choir boy,right? And I fail to see why anything his trainer may have done would have any bearing what so ever.
Keep grasping's amusing.
You do know that the trainer said GZ had no skills and was the worst fighter he had ever seen,right?

You do know the trainer threatened to cut a woman's fingers and toes off right? Then said he just slapped her around a little.

Funny..Zimmerman slapped around his old lady too.

You guys have some strange heroes.

And TM was a choir boy,right? And I fail to see why anything his trainer may have done would have any bearing what so ever.
Keep grasping's amusing.

Of course you "fail" to see it.

Why is what anything this POS has done relevant?

He was a WITNESS at the TRIAL.

And his VERACITY was key.

He beat up a woman, threatened to cut off her fingers and toes..then denied it.

How is it this stuff gets by you folks?

I am not trying to "dump" Mr. Zimmerman at all. I welcome him. From what I have seen/read about him he is a good man who I would welcome as a neighbor. He is a prime example of TRUE community organizing (ie: communities coming together to do GOOD for each other ---- like keeping an eye out for thugs who will break into your house, steal your stuff, and violently attack you).

Can you tell me what, specifically, you would change about the "stand your ground" laws?

I would abolish all privately owned guns, given a chance.

Sorry, I wouldn't want Zimmerman in my neighborhood. NOt taking swings at cops. Beating his girlfriend, or breaking a woman's leg because she gave him some lip at a party. Oh yeah, and shooting kids who were out buying fucking candy.

The one comfort I take, Zimmerman will be in front of a judge again, because his type always are.

So this has nothing to do with "Stand Your Ground" or George Zimmerman...this is about gun control. You want to do away with the 2nd Amendment completely. You've just peeled away all the bullshit from your so called arguments, JoeB and admitted what this is really all about.

Behavior like yours is what I can't stand about progressives. You ramble on about "racism", "Stand Your Ground" and people stalking innocent kids, saying that we need to do something about THEM but what you REALLY want to do is ban private gun ownership in America. You don't want to put George Zimmerman in jail for breaking the law (because deep down I think even someone as biased as yourself knows he DIDN'T break the law!) you want to change the law post incident and make an example of Zimmerman to scare law abiding Americans into giving up their guns.
Hey punk.

Gonna fill you in on some google fu..

Let me google that for you

Now you may gotz da skillz..


Lol! Here's one of the links from your Google search

SANFORD, Fla. – The owner of the mixed-martial arts gym where George Zimmerman worked out testified Monday that Zimmerman’s fighting skills registered at between a “1” and “1.5” on a ten point scale.

Adam Pollack, owner of Kokopelli’s Gym, called Zimmerman “nonathletic” and “just physically soft.”
Zimmerman's MMA instructor says he was a lousy fighter | The Daily Caller

Martin knew how to "street" fight, he liked watching people bleed....I'd say he was most likely a lot stronger and more agile than Zimmerman. Doesn't matter if Z might have weighed more than Martin, Martin knew more about fighting and was more experienced.

Yeah..I noticed that too.

Seems that alot of Georgie's friends went to bat for him.

The cool thing about that ol Georgie has a police record.

He went up against a cop.

You don't do that if you, yourself think your fighting skills are bad.

But you folks seem to forget that Georgie is technically a criminal. And that was before the murder.

Oh, for God's sake! George Zimmerman pushed an undercover officer's arm away from his friend because he didn't know he was a cop. The fact that the undercover officer even chose to push THAT as assault is a joke. There is a reason why it got knocked down to a non felony going forward. If Zimmerman had a good lawyer he wouldn't have even faced that. Trying to make THAT incident into a contention that George Zimmerman is "violent" is laughable when you look at who this man REALLY was.
Pat Mahaney, North College Hill 'boredom beating' victim has died

CINCINNATI - A man assaulted and robbed by six teens during a "boredom beating" in North College Hill has died.

Pat Mahaney, 46, passed away Friday at University of Cincinnati Medical Center a little less than a year after the vicious beating that caused him to suffer internal bleeding and put him in the hospital for four days.

Investigators determined the teens instigated the August 2012 attack because they were "bored" and looking for something to do.

North College Hill Police Chief Gary Foust said the juveniles jumped Mahaney from behind, hit him in the head and knocked him to the ground with a six-pack of beer he had just purchased.

"As they were approaching the individual they actually discussed this event, before actually doing the event," Foust said.

The people that did this (and I use the word people very broadly) were aged 13 to 14.

So yeah, a fucking kid can kill you easily by simply knocking you out then stomping you to death.

havent you heard trayvon was too nice of a kid

to do something like that
You do know the trainer threatened to cut a woman's fingers and toes off right? Then said he just slapped her around a little.

Funny..Zimmerman slapped around his old lady too.

You guys have some strange heroes.

And TM was a choir boy,right? And I fail to see why anything his trainer may have done would have any bearing what so ever.
Keep grasping's amusing.

Of course you "fail" to see it.

Why is what anything this POS has done relevant?

He was a WITNESS at the TRIAL.

And his VERACITY was key.

He beat up a woman, threatened to cut off her fingers and toes..then denied it.

How is it this stuff gets by you folks?

You want to question GZ garbageman as well? I mean if guilt by association is what your after why stop at a trainer?
Lol! Here's one of the links from your Google search

SANFORD, Fla. – The owner of the mixed-martial arts gym where George Zimmerman worked out testified Monday that Zimmerman’s fighting skills registered at between a “1” and “1.5” on a ten point scale.

Adam Pollack, owner of Kokopelli’s Gym, called Zimmerman “nonathletic” and “just physically soft.”
Zimmerman's MMA instructor says he was a lousy fighter | The Daily Caller

Martin knew how to "street" fight, he liked watching people bleed....I'd say he was most likely a lot stronger and more agile than Zimmerman. Doesn't matter if Z might have weighed more than Martin, Martin knew more about fighting and was more experienced.

Yeah..I noticed that too.

Seems that alot of Georgie's friends went to bat for him.

The cool thing about that ol Georgie has a police record.

He went up against a cop.

You don't do that if you, yourself think your fighting skills are bad.

But you folks seem to forget that Georgie is technically a criminal. And that was before the murder.

Oh, for God's sake! George Zimmerman pushed an undercover officer's arm away from his friend because he didn't know he was a cop. The fact that the undercover officer even chose to push THAT as assault is a joke. There is a reason why it got knocked down to a non felony going forward. If Zimmerman had a good lawyer he wouldn't have even faced that. Trying to make THAT incident into a contention that George Zimmerman is "violent" is laughable when you look at who this man REALLY was.

George Zimmerman pushed an undercover officer's arm away from his friend because he didn't know he was a cop.

was the guy even really a cop

wasnt he a college kid employed to conduct stings
Lol! Here's one of the links from your Google search

SANFORD, Fla. – The owner of the mixed-martial arts gym where George Zimmerman worked out testified Monday that Zimmerman’s fighting skills registered at between a “1” and “1.5” on a ten point scale.

Adam Pollack, owner of Kokopelli’s Gym, called Zimmerman “nonathletic” and “just physically soft.”
Zimmerman's MMA instructor says he was a lousy fighter | The Daily Caller

Martin knew how to "street" fight, he liked watching people bleed....I'd say he was most likely a lot stronger and more agile than Zimmerman. Doesn't matter if Z might have weighed more than Martin, Martin knew more about fighting and was more experienced.

Yeah..I noticed that too.

Seems that alot of Georgie's friends went to bat for him.

The cool thing about that ol Georgie has a police record.

He went up against a cop.

You don't do that if you, yourself think your fighting skills are bad.

But you folks seem to forget that Georgie is technically a criminal. And that was before the murder.

Oh, for God's sake! George Zimmerman pushed an undercover officer's arm away from his friend because he didn't know he was a cop. The fact that the undercover officer even chose to push THAT as assault is a joke. There is a reason why it got knocked down to a non felony going forward. If Zimmerman had a good lawyer he wouldn't have even faced that. Trying to make THAT incident into a contention that George Zimmerman is "violent" is laughable when you look at who this man REALLY was. had nothing to do with Old Man Zimmerman looking for a little professional courtesy because he worked for the DOJ.


Zimmerman skated on 2 pretty serious incidents involving violence.

He assaulted a cop and beat up his fiancee. He was also arrested for resisting a cop without violence.

3 time loser..who skated.

George Zimmerman?s relevant past
George Zimmerman, Son of a Retired Judge, Has 3 Closed Arrests

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