This is What GZ Wanted to Avoid

Yeah..I noticed that too.

Seems that alot of Georgie's friends went to bat for him.

The cool thing about that ol Georgie has a police record.

He went up against a cop.

You don't do that if you, yourself think your fighting skills are bad.

But you folks seem to forget that Georgie is technically a criminal. And that was before the murder.

Another lie another liberal fantasy. The charges were dropped. He attended a recommended course on alcohol abuse.


Man oh man you guys are pathetic.

The charges were dropped BECAUSE he made a deal to attend a class on alcohol abuse.

I suppose his pappy had nothing to do with that, right?


Are you serious? I thought you said you used to run a bar? Nobody who works in a bar gets charged with "assaulting a police officer" for simply pushing someone's arm away when they don't know it's an undercover cop. I'd be making a phone call to someone in the Police force to get a little reasonableness from a higher up in that situation. My guess is the cops had a hard on for the bar that Zimmerman was working at if they even brought that charge in the first place. It's so over the top as to be laughable.
"...Point is, your boy was considered white, he lived in a white neighborhood..."

Incorrect. His appearance is that of a mixed-race American; as much Latino as White, with a touch of Black tossed-in for good measure. And he lived in a mixed-ethnicity housing development in a mixed-ethnicity neighborhood.

"...and the cops gave him a pass because he was white. Until someone made a stink. then they just fucked up the case..."

If there was any wrongdoing on the part of either the Sanford Police Dept. or the Seminole County States Attorney Office, the Obama-Holder -led Justice Dept would have stepped-in.

Not to mention special investigators and interventions on the part of the Governor and law enforcement agencies of the State of Florida which also found no evidence of wrongdoing and whom would also have alerted the Federal government had any such thing been uncovered.

By virtue of the fact that the US Dept of Justice has NOT stepped-in with allegations of wrongdoing against such agencies, it is safe to construe that your assessment in this is incorrect as well.

"...You won the right to murder black kids..."

Again... the language of the Race-Baiter and Hate-Monger, in the tradition of Sharpton and Jackson... to be reviled and rejected by all persons of goodwill; Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Red and all the rest.

"...Until they have a fit of common sense and repeal these 'Stand your Ground' laws."

The fact that there is no serious movement underway to repeal such laws demonstrates that those favoring such legislation hold both the majority and the lion's share of common sense and backbone to resist such knee-jerk sour-grapes reactions.
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Another lie another liberal fantasy. The charges were dropped. He attended a recommended course on alcohol abuse.


Man oh man you guys are pathetic.

The charges were dropped BECAUSE he made a deal to attend a class on alcohol abuse.

I suppose his pappy had nothing to do with that, right?


Are you serious? I thought you said you used to run a bar? Nobody who works in a bar gets charged with "assaulting a police officer" for simply pushing someone's arm away when they don't know it's an undercover cop. I'd be making a phone call to someone in the Police force to get a little reasonableness from a higher up in that situation. My guess is the cops had a hard on for the bar that Zimmerman was working at if they even brought that charge in the first place. It's so over the top as to be laughable.

Sallow is another libtard liar. Don't expect him to make sense or try to explain the incongruities of his background story. It's likely fictitious anyway.

Anyone should realize that you are not responsible for 'assaulting a police officer' if you have not been informed that the guy was a police officer prior. But their efforts are so focused on slandering GZ nothing matters, not even obvious lies and smears. The UK Mail ran a story about GZ getting pulled over and given a speeding warning the other day. That is news worthy? No, but it might help slander GZ so they ran it.
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