This is What GZ Wanted to Avoid

They HAD to show this picture with the guy sitting up on the others chest area....if he was back farther - that would look NASTY! Lol! Anyone with a brain would know this isn't necessarily the position they were in, nobody knows that....and they certainly didn't stay in that position if they were struggling!

Anyone with a Brain knows that IS the position they were in.

Anyone with a Brain also knows that it's close to impossible to pull a gun from behind in that position.

Add in Zimmerman testified he had been knocked silly.

Add in Zimmerman testified that they both "struggled" for the gun after Martin "saw" the gun (neat trick, Martin must have had xray vision) after which, Zimmerman was able to get Martin into an "arm lock" (so much for the "poor" fighting skills) and pull his weapon away, aim it and fire a near perfect shot through the heart.

In any guys buy these inconsistencies - hook, line and sinker.

Not at all impossible nor even that difficult. Two points

1. And you can test this if you want. The assailant leans forward either to throw a punch or put pressure on the chest, the person on the bottom can arch their back plenty long enough to pull a gun

2. If the head was being bashed into the ground the assailant would have to lean forward, removing pressure from the hips and again, easy arch.

You obviously never wrestled.

That photo is almost funny when you think about it

Fights normally happen with motion

I just tried this, with my wife's assistance. I suspect the relative sizes are pretty close: I'm 5'10", ~245lbs, and, err...round. She's 5'8", lean, muscular, and very strong. She had a hard time finding an angle where I COULDN'T reach a pistol in a Maqui rig. Also note: the pistol we used was my S&W Model 29, MUCH larger than Zimmerman's.

We tried to do it with positions reversed, but her only holster is a shoulder rig, so we really couldn't.
As usual, JoeB has distorted what happened that night. It's what the Left has done with this case from the start. Zimmerman attempted to follow Trayvon Martin at a distance. JoeB throws out the charge of "stalking" to excuse Martin's subsequent attack on Zimmerman. But the legal definition of stalking...which is a crime...bears no resemblance whatsoever to what took place in Sanford, Florida that evening. So why make such a claim? Well that's easily explained...when you don't have a reason why someone would violently attack another person you need to come up with something. In this case people like JoeB try to come up with a justification for Martin's sucker punch attack of Zimmerman. They want you to believe that Martin was only "standing his ground" and was in fear of the "crazy assed Cracker" that was following him...even bringing in the specter of "rape". That whole concept can't stand on it's own feet however if you simply look at the evidence. Zimmerman has lost Martin when the teen runs away. Martin is close by the condo where he's staying when he talks to his friend Rachel Jenteal on the phone about the "Cracker". That's over a hundred yards from where Zimmerman will be walking back to his truck and where the fight starts. So if Martin is afraid of Zimmerman then why would he EVER leave the safety of the condo and walk ALL THE WAY BACK to confront someone he thinks might want to rape him? Does that in any way make sense to you?
And Zimmerman took out a restraining order against her. Does that mean that she beat him? Duh?

Martin didn't have a criminal record because he was a minor. The Police at his school chose not to bring charges against him for being in possession of stolen goods. They chose to suspend him. Now did they do that because suspending Trayvon was the right thing for Martin or did they suspend him rather than bring criminal charges against him because they wanted to make their record of lowering crime rates look good?

What a load of crap.

First off..your "story" is incorrect.

Trayvon Martin was suspended three times from school - U.S. News

He was suspended for being late, writing graffiti and having a baggie.

The only one that was probably justified was the lateness. have rap sheets available if they get into trouble. That's how police track gang membership. By the way, initially the racist Sanford police department bought Zimmerman's fairy tale hook, line and sinker. That's why they did such a shitty job investigating it. It's only after that the kid came back clean and they couldn't find his identity did anyone even begin to wonder if the kid wasn't a "suspect" of something. But they did try like the dickens to pin something on him. Like doing a tox screen. Something they didn't do to Zimmerman. It's only after Serino smelled a rat and began challenging Zimmerman that it got any movement. That was squashed and Serino was busted down to patrol.

The rest is history.

Just when I think you couldn't possibly get more uninformed about this make another post, Sallow and BAM you proved me wrong!

It was during the investigation of his writing graffiti that the School Police discovered lots of women's jewelry in Trayvon's backpack. Trayvon stated that he was holding that stuff for a "friend" but refused to say who that friend was. That jewelry subsequently was found to been stolen in a burglary not far from Trayvon's HS. Now what the School Police SHOULD have done was contact the local Police because it's obvious that you had a youngster that was involved in illegal activities. But they didn't do that! No, they wanted to make the statistics on crime prevention by themselves LOOK good so they chose to simply suspend Trayvon, putting a kid that was already in trouble for skipping school where he appeared to not want to be anyways...on the streets.

He wasn't suspended for being "late"...he was suspended for skipping school dozens of times and well as being chronically late. Nor was he suspended for having a baggie...he was suspended for having a baggie that had traces of pot in it and a pot pipe.

Despite the "full court press" by the main stream media to portray Trayvon Martin as an innocent little kid on his way back from buying candy at the store...a rather different story has slowly emerged about the kind of person that Trayvon Martin was. Young people these days live their lives through Twitter and Facebook. Is it any wonder that the Martin camp "scrubbed" Trayvon's accounts to remove pictures of him smoking weed, someone holding a gun, and going gangster with his gold teeth? Or that they got rid of text messages about him punching a bus driver or being requested by another kid to teach them how to fight?

Link it.

Link the story.

Because it's total bullshit.
And Martin was experienced at fight....proved that with the texts that were shown. One kid wanted him to show him how to fight! Martin liked watching them "bleed". Even if Zimmerman DID have some training, he was not experienced like Martin was.....and Martin enjoyed it!

Yeah..real "experienced".

So much so that none of Zimmerman's "injuries" required more than a bandaid.

Those were called "boo boos" in my day..and we didn't bother with bandaids.

I would be happy to pound your head on a sidewalk a few times to demonstrate how stupid you are!


And I'll be happy to be here for you to try!

I walk my dog in Brooklyn..Transmitter Park. Every 6am and 7pm.

Just run up and sucker punch me.

That's when the fun will start.

Last edited:
Anyone with a Brain knows that IS the position they were in.

Anyone with a Brain also knows that it's close to impossible to pull a gun from behind in that position.

Add in Zimmerman testified he had been knocked silly.

Add in Zimmerman testified that they both "struggled" for the gun after Martin "saw" the gun (neat trick, Martin must have had xray vision) after which, Zimmerman was able to get Martin into an "arm lock" (so much for the "poor" fighting skills) and pull his weapon away, aim it and fire a near perfect shot through the heart.

In any guys buy these inconsistencies - hook, line and sinker.

Not at all impossible nor even that difficult. Two points

1. And you can test this if you want. The assailant leans forward either to throw a punch or put pressure on the chest, the person on the bottom can arch their back plenty long enough to pull a gun

2. If the head was being bashed into the ground the assailant would have to lean forward, removing pressure from the hips and again, easy arch.

You obviously never wrestled.

That photo is almost funny when you think about it

Fights normally happen with motion

I just tried this, with my wife's assistance. I suspect the relative sizes are pretty close: I'm 5'10", ~245lbs, and, err...round. She's 5'8", lean, muscular, and very strong. She had a hard time finding an angle where I COULDN'T reach a pistol in a Maqui rig. Also note: the pistol we used was my S&W Model 29, MUCH larger than Zimmerman's.

We tried to do it with positions reversed, but her only holster is a shoulder rig, so we really couldn't.

Anyone that's ever done any mixed martial arts "grappling" would be able to explain to someone like JoeB or Sallow that if you're throwing punches at someone it's almost impossible to control their hands. If you're controlling their hands it's almost impossible to punch them or slam their head onto the ground. You have two do they. One of the goals of a high mount...such as the one demonstrated by the picture provided to trap an arm beneath one of your knees, therefore freeing one of your hands to strike the person beneath you who would then be unable to block your free arm. The problem here is that position gives the person on the bottom the opportunity to get to a gun carried where Zimmerman carried his. You've literally trapped his arm right where the weapon is holstered.
They HAD to show this picture with the guy sitting up on the others chest area....if he was back farther - that would look NASTY! Lol! Anyone with a brain would know this isn't necessarily the position they were in, nobody knows that....and they certainly didn't stay in that position if they were struggling!

Anyone with a Brain knows that IS the position they were in.

Anyone with a Brain also knows that it's close to impossible to pull a gun from behind in that position.

Add in Zimmerman testified he had been knocked silly.

Add in Zimmerman testified that they both "struggled" for the gun after Martin "saw" the gun (neat trick, Martin must have had xray vision) after which, Zimmerman was able to get Martin into an "arm lock" (so much for the "poor" fighting skills) and pull his weapon away, aim it and fire a near perfect shot through the heart.

In any guys buy these inconsistencies - hook, line and sinker.

Not at all impossible nor even that difficult. Two points

1. And you can test this if you want. The assailant leans forward either to throw a punch or put pressure on the chest, the person on the bottom can arch their back plenty long enough to pull a gun

2. If the head was being bashed into the ground the assailant would have to lean forward, removing pressure from the hips and again, easy arch.

You obviously never wrestled.

That photo is almost funny when you think about it

Fights normally happen with motion


So, you are asserting that after being "sucker punched" and falling backward ( Oh excuse me, Zimmerman changed that part of his statement to running away to the middle of the path from the T junction, because it didn't quite fit when cops were asking about it at the scene of the murder), then having his head smashed against the sidewalk, then having his mouth and nose covered, then having blows reigned down upon his head..he had the wear with all to get his wits, perform arch to get his gun?

By the way..that's not how he said it happened. And bear in mind, his professional fight trainer describes him as "un-athletic".

But heck..lets check out some real live fights.

[ame=]Epic Beard Man Bus Fight - YouTube[/ame]

I love that one..because it illustrates how much real damage is done in a real fight. Also, the victor is SCREAMING after he won.

[ame=]glenn danzig gets punched out - YouTube[/ame]

That's another one..and by the way..that's how I think the fight started.

See what happens? Danzig goes down like a ton of bricks.

We can go through MMA videos of ground and pound next to show how many trained, professional fighters, survive that.
Spanish, Hispanic, Cholo, whatever. He ain't "white". Again, he's got more black blood in him then homer plessey did.

Who the fuck is Homer Plessey?

Is that like the Plessy v. Furgeson guy? I'm not going to bother wikying it this early.

Point is, your boy was considered white, he lived in a white neighborhood and the cops gave him a pass because he was white. Until someone made a stink. then they just fucked up the case.

Trying to dump him off on the "Hispanic" doorstep like an unwanted baby is just unseemly. Embrace what you guys won. You won the right to murder black kids...

Until they have a fit of common sense and repeal these "Stand your Ground" laws.

You're so clueless as to the facts of this case, Joe that it's laughable!

Zimmerman is Hispanic. He lived in a neighborhood that had a very diverse racial makeup. The District Attorney chose not to pursue charges against Zimmerman because after viewing the EVIDENCE he made the correct decision that Zimmerman hadn't broken the law and they would lose in court. The case wasn't fucked up. The case didn't exist!

And Stand Your Ground wasn't even used by the defense in this case. It was a straightforward "Self Defense" issue.

He's not clueless; he's a seasoned liar.

And proud of it. How people like joeb can live with themselves, I don't know. Despicable, without honor, lying scumbags. Yuck. No wonder he's a jobless wonder.
i see sallow is still getting his ass kicked in this thread

good job...i gave up trying to make him honest and objective
Anyone with a Brain knows that IS the position they were in.

Anyone with a Brain also knows that it's close to impossible to pull a gun from behind in that position.

Add in Zimmerman testified he had been knocked silly.

Add in Zimmerman testified that they both "struggled" for the gun after Martin "saw" the gun (neat trick, Martin must have had xray vision) after which, Zimmerman was able to get Martin into an "arm lock" (so much for the "poor" fighting skills) and pull his weapon away, aim it and fire a near perfect shot through the heart.

In any guys buy these inconsistencies - hook, line and sinker.

Not at all impossible nor even that difficult. Two points

1. And you can test this if you want. The assailant leans forward either to throw a punch or put pressure on the chest, the person on the bottom can arch their back plenty long enough to pull a gun

2. If the head was being bashed into the ground the assailant would have to lean forward, removing pressure from the hips and again, easy arch.

You obviously never wrestled.

That photo is almost funny when you think about it

Fights normally happen with motion

I just tried this, with my wife's assistance. I suspect the relative sizes are pretty close: I'm 5'10", ~245lbs, and, err...round. She's 5'8", lean, muscular, and very strong. She had a hard time finding an angle where I COULDN'T reach a pistol in a Maqui rig. Also note: the pistol we used was my S&W Model 29, MUCH larger than Zimmerman's.

We tried to do it with positions reversed, but her only holster is a shoulder rig, so we really couldn't.

Anyone with the IQ of a burnt bagel understands center of gravity and how simply arching ones back forces the one on top to adjust to retain the center. Fighting and restraint at the same time becomes nearly impossible.
Not at all impossible nor even that difficult. Two points

1. And you can test this if you want. The assailant leans forward either to throw a punch or put pressure on the chest, the person on the bottom can arch their back plenty long enough to pull a gun

2. If the head was being bashed into the ground the assailant would have to lean forward, removing pressure from the hips and again, easy arch.

You obviously never wrestled.

That photo is almost funny when you think about it

Fights normally happen with motion

I just tried this, with my wife's assistance. I suspect the relative sizes are pretty close: I'm 5'10", ~245lbs, and, err...round. She's 5'8", lean, muscular, and very strong. She had a hard time finding an angle where I COULDN'T reach a pistol in a Maqui rig. Also note: the pistol we used was my S&W Model 29, MUCH larger than Zimmerman's.

We tried to do it with positions reversed, but her only holster is a shoulder rig, so we really couldn't.

Anyone that's ever done any mixed martial arts "grappling" would be able to explain to someone like JoeB or Sallow that if you're throwing punches at someone it's almost impossible to control their hands. If you're controlling their hands it's almost impossible to punch them or slam their head onto the ground. You have two do they. One of the goals of a high mount...such as the one demonstrated by the picture provided to trap an arm beneath one of your knees, therefore freeing one of your hands to strike the person beneath you who would then be unable to block your free arm. The problem here is that position gives the person on the bottom the opportunity to get to a gun carried where Zimmerman carried his. You've literally trapped his arm right where the weapon is holstered.

I've been in actual fights.

But heck..lets check out what happens in ground in pound.

[ame=]MMA: Ground N' Pound *Best Example - YouTube[/ame]

You are literally knocked silly.

[ame=]UFC Ground & Pound highlights - YouTube[/ame]

And for the heck of it?

[ame=]Skinhead knockouts out other guy and head slams him to the floor STREET FIGHT - YouTube[/ame]

That guy gets his head slammed into a dirt floor.
i see sallow is still getting his ass kicked in this thread

good job...i gave up trying to make him honest and objective


You guys live in an alternate universe..where physics, time and space don't matter.

I'm bringing in actual links, news stories and the kinda talk you folks down.

It's sorta like Don Quixote chasing windmills..but what the heck.

But it's hard to argue with:

[ame=]THE TWILIGHT ZONE THEME - YouTube[/ame]
and sallow lies again

i posted link after link and sallow never once told me the professional who trained him, it was me who had to tell him of the gym where he trained...but sallow never once said who actually trained him.

sallow lives up his ass, no wonder everything he says stinks
and sallow lies again

i posted link after link and sallow never once told me the professional who trained him, it was me who had to tell him of the gym where he trained...but sallow never once said who actually trained him.

sallow lives up his ass, no wonder everything he says stinks

From the gutter to sallow is not up
I just tried this, with my wife's assistance. I suspect the relative sizes are pretty close: I'm 5'10", ~245lbs, and, err...round. She's 5'8", lean, muscular, and very strong. She had a hard time finding an angle where I COULDN'T reach a pistol in a Maqui rig. Also note: the pistol we used was my S&W Model 29, MUCH larger than Zimmerman's.

We tried to do it with positions reversed, but her only holster is a shoulder rig, so we really couldn't.

Anyone that's ever done any mixed martial arts "grappling" would be able to explain to someone like JoeB or Sallow that if you're throwing punches at someone it's almost impossible to control their hands. If you're controlling their hands it's almost impossible to punch them or slam their head onto the ground. You have two do they. One of the goals of a high mount...such as the one demonstrated by the picture provided to trap an arm beneath one of your knees, therefore freeing one of your hands to strike the person beneath you who would then be unable to block your free arm. The problem here is that position gives the person on the bottom the opportunity to get to a gun carried where Zimmerman carried his. You've literally trapped his arm right where the weapon is holstered.

I've been in actual fights.

But heck..lets check out what happens in ground in pound.

[ame=]MMA: Ground N' Pound *Best Example - YouTube[/ame]

You are literally knocked silly.

[ame=]UFC Ground & Pound highlights - YouTube[/ame]

And for the heck of it?

[ame=]Skinhead knockouts out other guy and head slams him to the floor STREET FIGHT - YouTube[/ame]

That guy gets his head slammed into a dirt floor.'ve been in "actual" fights? Really? For someone who don't seem to know much about how they normally go down.

I wrestled in high school. I played hockey through college. I studied martial arts for decades (Tae Kwon Do, Kempo and Akido) I worked in night clubs for almost thirty years and have had the "pleasure" of tossing out literally hundreds of belligerent idiots. Not for nothing, Sallow but I'm pretty sure I've had more fights in a few months back in the day then you've had in your entire life.
Pat Mahaney, North College Hill 'boredom beating' victim has died

CINCINNATI - A man assaulted and robbed by six teens during a "boredom beating" in North College Hill has died.

Pat Mahaney, 46, passed away Friday at University of Cincinnati Medical Center a little less than a year after the vicious beating that caused him to suffer internal bleeding and put him in the hospital for four days.

Investigators determined the teens instigated the August 2012 attack because they were "bored" and looking for something to do.

North College Hill Police Chief Gary Foust said the juveniles jumped Mahaney from behind, hit him in the head and knocked him to the ground with a six-pack of beer he had just purchased.

"As they were approaching the individual they actually discussed this event, before actually doing the event," Foust said.

The people that did this (and I use the word people very broadly) were aged 13 to 14.

So yeah, a fucking kid can kill you easily by simply knocking you out then stomping you to death.

One kid hit Zimmerman, multiple kids attacked a bloke. See the difference?
Pat Mahaney, North College Hill 'boredom beating' victim has died

CINCINNATI - A man assaulted and robbed by six teens during a "boredom beating" in North College Hill has died.

Pat Mahaney, 46, passed away Friday at University of Cincinnati Medical Center a little less than a year after the vicious beating that caused him to suffer internal bleeding and put him in the hospital for four days.

Investigators determined the teens instigated the August 2012 attack because they were "bored" and looking for something to do.

North College Hill Police Chief Gary Foust said the juveniles jumped Mahaney from behind, hit him in the head and knocked him to the ground with a six-pack of beer he had just purchased.

"As they were approaching the individual they actually discussed this event, before actually doing the event," Foust said.

The people that did this (and I use the word people very broadly) were aged 13 to 14.

So yeah, a fucking kid can kill you easily by simply knocking you out then stomping you to death.

One kid hit Zimmerman, multiple kids attacked a bloke. See the difference?

One punch can kill or seriously injure a person.
and sallow lies again

i posted link after link and sallow never once told me the professional who trained him, it was me who had to tell him of the gym where he trained...but sallow never once said who actually trained him.

sallow lives up his ass, no wonder everything he says stinks

I used to train with Larry Kelly at his dojo in Massachusetts back in the early 80's. We had people who "worked out" there regularly but never made any real progress with their fighting skills. They were only allowed to fight against instructors so they wouldn't get hurt. Just because you spend time at a dojo doesn't mean you've learned anything. Even if you've received belts from some dojo's doesn't mean you're a means that you're paying your monthly fees and they don't want to lose your business so you get promoted to keep you around. There was a "Fred Villarie's Academy" back then...sort of a karate franchise that was so awful that they NEVER fought in any real tournaments but always competed against other Fred V Academies so they wouldn't know how truly bad they were.
Pat Mahaney, North College Hill 'boredom beating' victim has died

CINCINNATI - A man assaulted and robbed by six teens during a "boredom beating" in North College Hill has died.

Pat Mahaney, 46, passed away Friday at University of Cincinnati Medical Center a little less than a year after the vicious beating that caused him to suffer internal bleeding and put him in the hospital for four days.

Investigators determined the teens instigated the August 2012 attack because they were "bored" and looking for something to do.

North College Hill Police Chief Gary Foust said the juveniles jumped Mahaney from behind, hit him in the head and knocked him to the ground with a six-pack of beer he had just purchased.

"As they were approaching the individual they actually discussed this event, before actually doing the event," Foust said.

The people that did this (and I use the word people very broadly) were aged 13 to 14.

So yeah, a fucking kid can kill you easily by simply knocking you out then stomping you to death.

One kid hit Zimmerman, multiple kids attacked a bloke. See the difference?

One kid sucker punched Zimmerman. That's the blow that usually does the most damage because the person doesn't see it coming. I would have to believe from the photo's of Zimmerman after the fight that first punch to his nose would have been both extremely painful and most likely have left him dazed.
In my experience with bar fights and street fights, fully half of them are over with that first punch.
Pat Mahaney, North College Hill 'boredom beating' victim has died

The people that did this (and I use the word people very broadly) were aged 13 to 14.

So yeah, a fucking kid can kill you easily by simply knocking you out then stomping you to death.

One kid hit Zimmerman, multiple kids attacked a bloke. See the difference?

One punch can kill or seriously injure a person.

Yes, that is true. Its called being 'King Hit'.

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