This is What GZ Wanted to Avoid had nothing to do with Old Man Zimmerman looking for a little professional courtesy because he worked for the DOJ.


Zimmerman skated on 2 pretty serious incidents involving violence.

He assaulted a cop and beat up his fiancee. He was also arrested for resisting a cop without violence.

3 time loser..who skated.

George Zimmerman?s relevant past
George Zimmerman, Son of a Retired Judge, Has 3 Closed Arrests

Those two "serious incidents" were brought up by the Prosecution when they tried to keep Zimmerman from being released on bail. The judge (who leaned towards the Prosecution on practically every single ruling) said that they were minor incidents.

The "assaulting a cop" and "resisting a cop without violence" are from the same incidence, you buffoon! You can't even attempt a smear without making an ass out of yourself in the process. There is ZERO evidence that George Zimmerman ever beat his fiancee. That only happened in your mind, Sallow...along with all the other things that you THINK proves Zimmerman was a racist thug. Too bad none of the EVIDENCE backed up any of your claims.

ZERO EVIDENCE? His fiancee took out a restraining order. Schmuck.

Between Martin and had a criminal record.

And that ONE was Zimmerman.

So in this are rooting for the criminal.

And Zimmerman took out a restraining order against her. Does that mean that she beat him? Duh?

Martin didn't have a criminal record because he was a minor. The Police at his school chose not to bring charges against him for being in possession of stolen goods. They chose to suspend him. Now did they do that because suspending Trayvon was the right thing for Martin or did they suspend him rather than bring criminal charges against him because they wanted to make their record of lowering crime rates look good?
The truth is that even at the young age, Trayvon Martin appeared to be well on his way towards spending time in the penal system. The fact is...if the Police had shown up just a little earlier...the guy you've chosen to view as such an "upstanding citizen" would have been going to jail for aggravated assault.
It doesn't matter who threw the first punch. ZImmerman provoked the fight by stalking Martin to start with.

It's not stalking unless Z followed Martin MORE THAN ONCE. He followed him, lost him....then Martin confronted him. Why is that so hard for you to accept? He told dispatch he "lost him" then headed back to his truck to wait for the police. Why do you have to make up shit?

That's when he said, "these assholes always get away" and "fucking coons... Cold... er...Punks", right?

Ya...just about the time Martin told his girlfriend he had a "creepy ass cracker" following him. You know, just before Martin decided he was going to teach that cracker a lesson....
This is, and will always be simply a group of people that picked out a poster boy for Gun Control that failed.

Now they have to do everything they can to keep the agenda alive. Why not hang an innocent man if you can keep your agenda in the spotlight.

Face it, if this all happened and Zimmerman reached out, grabbed a brick, bashed the assailant in the head killing him, we ain't talking about this and not one thread would have been created.

Have no fear......they'll have another poster boy before long.
I mean how long can it possibly take for a young black guy to get his ass shot by an irate white homeowner protecting his family and property?

And lo and behold we have a candidate in Louisiana already.....

Just a warning: As a homeowner, regardless of my color, I will protect my family and property, and if you put me in harm's way, your ass is going to get shot, regardless of your color.
I'll stand my ground against you, not because of some law, but because you leave me no choice.
Hey punk.

Gonna fill you in on some google fu..

Let me google that for you

Now you may gotz da skillz..

I went to the first site that came up on the google search. They used a photoshop pic of GZ fighting in the UFC. If thats the best you can do is use a lying site to back up your lies than you prove what everyone here says about you, YOURE A FUCKING LYING IDIOT.

Trayvon wasn?t trained in MMA fighting, but George Zimmerman was! |

Even if GZ did train in MMA that doesnt mean he was good at it.

I worked with kids for years teaching them football. One kid comes to mind that his father wanted him to play pro football and threw thousands at football camps and pros to train the kid. When I saw him the last time he had quit playing because no matter how much he trained he just didnt have the skills to be a QB. His first two years of high school JV football were spent riding the bench because he wasnt good enough to even play another position.

When you post "lie" you should know that that means..fatty.

That link was meant to show the user how to use google..since the user didn't seem to have a clue.

Once's up to the user to check the links.

"Professionally" trained..means just that.

The trainer was a professional fighter. Says so on his profile.

Unless of course he's lying.

Then again..he may have been lying about Zimmerman's skill level.

Not like you folks ever engage in critical thinking.. :lol:

He had 2 or 3 HOURS of training....he was no professional! And the trainer said he was awful at it.

EDIT to say I meant 2 or 3 DAYS of training. Although those days were only a couple hours after work.....
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You do know the trainer threatened to cut a woman's fingers and toes off right? Then said he just slapped her around a little.

Funny..Zimmerman slapped around his old lady too.

You guys have some strange heroes.

And TM was a choir boy,right? And I fail to see why anything his trainer may have done would have any bearing what so ever.
Keep grasping's amusing.

Of course you "fail" to see it.

Why is what anything this POS has done relevant?

He was a WITNESS at the TRIAL.

And his VERACITY was key.

He beat up a woman, threatened to cut off her fingers and toes..then denied it.

How is it this stuff gets by you folks?

Why is it you believe everything you hear and read on the internet!! Lol! You guys just soak this shit up like a sponge....If it's what you want to believe then it has to be true.
Question for the op and others who agree with him - Using this photo, show where those 6 kids are.




If I were the Defense I'd have a field day with nonsense like this! You set up a position where Zimmerman can't get to the gun in his belt? I set up a position where he can. The fight wasn't static. Zimmerman describes himself as squirming around trying to get away from the man beating him and the concrete the his head was being slammed against. If Martin is back slightly, sitting on Zimmerman's hips or upper legs then Zimmerman could very easily reach his weapon.

The fact is...there is no mention of anyone seeing a drawn weapon before that fight started so at some point it's logical that Zimmerman HAD to be able to pull the gun. Therefore at some point in the fight it's only logical that the two men were in a position where that COULD take place.

They HAD to show this picture with the guy sitting up on the others chest area....if he was back farther - that would look NASTY! Lol! Anyone with a brain would know this isn't necessarily the position they were in, nobody knows that....and they certainly didn't stay in that position if they were struggling!
Those two "serious incidents" were brought up by the Prosecution when they tried to keep Zimmerman from being released on bail. The judge (who leaned towards the Prosecution on practically every single ruling) said that they were minor incidents.

The "assaulting a cop" and "resisting a cop without violence" are from the same incidence, you buffoon! You can't even attempt a smear without making an ass out of yourself in the process. There is ZERO evidence that George Zimmerman ever beat his fiancee. That only happened in your mind, Sallow...along with all the other things that you THINK proves Zimmerman was a racist thug. Too bad none of the EVIDENCE backed up any of your claims.

ZERO EVIDENCE? His fiancee took out a restraining order. Schmuck.

Between Martin and had a criminal record.

And that ONE was Zimmerman.

So in this are rooting for the criminal.

And Zimmerman took out a restraining order against her. Does that mean that she beat him? Duh?

Martin didn't have a criminal record because he was a minor. The Police at his school chose not to bring charges against him for being in possession of stolen goods. They chose to suspend him. Now did they do that because suspending Trayvon was the right thing for Martin or did they suspend him rather than bring criminal charges against him because they wanted to make their record of lowering crime rates look good?

What a load of crap.

First off..your "story" is incorrect.

Trayvon Martin was suspended three times from school - U.S. News

He was suspended for being late, writing graffiti and having a baggie.

The only one that was probably justified was the lateness. have rap sheets available if they get into trouble. That's how police track gang membership. By the way, initially the racist Sanford police department bought Zimmerman's fairy tale hook, line and sinker. That's why they did such a shitty job investigating it. It's only after that the kid came back clean and they couldn't find his identity did anyone even begin to wonder if the kid wasn't a "suspect" of something. But they did try like the dickens to pin something on him. Like doing a tox screen. Something they didn't do to Zimmerman. It's only after Serino smelled a rat and began challenging Zimmerman that it got any movement. That was squashed and Serino was busted down to patrol.

The rest is history.
And TM was a choir boy,right? And I fail to see why anything his trainer may have done would have any bearing what so ever.
Keep grasping's amusing.

Of course you "fail" to see it.

Why is what anything this POS has done relevant?

He was a WITNESS at the TRIAL.

And his VERACITY was key.

He beat up a woman, threatened to cut off her fingers and toes..then denied it.

How is it this stuff gets by you folks?

Why is it you believe everything you hear and read on the internet!! Lol! You guys just soak this shit up like a sponge....If it's what you want to believe then it has to be true.

Yeah..internet websites of accredited news organizations.

I am sure, however, your thorough investigation of the case, including first hand interviews of the witnesses and time spent in the crime labs is superior..


I went to the first site that came up on the google search. They used a photoshop pic of GZ fighting in the UFC. If thats the best you can do is use a lying site to back up your lies than you prove what everyone here says about you, YOURE A FUCKING LYING IDIOT.

Trayvon wasn?t trained in MMA fighting, but George Zimmerman was! |

Even if GZ did train in MMA that doesnt mean he was good at it.

I worked with kids for years teaching them football. One kid comes to mind that his father wanted him to play pro football and threw thousands at football camps and pros to train the kid. When I saw him the last time he had quit playing because no matter how much he trained he just didnt have the skills to be a QB. His first two years of high school JV football were spent riding the bench because he wasnt good enough to even play another position.

When you post "lie" you should know that that means..fatty.

That link was meant to show the user how to use google..since the user didn't seem to have a clue.

Once's up to the user to check the links.

"Professionally" trained..means just that.

The trainer was a professional fighter. Says so on his profile.

Unless of course he's lying.

Then again..he may have been lying about Zimmerman's skill level.

Not like you folks ever engage in critical thinking.. :lol:

He had 2 or 3 HOURS of training....he was no professional! And the trainer said he was awful at it.

EDIT to say I meant 2 or 3 DAYS of training. Although those days were only a couple hours after work.....

Wait what?

He spent a year training.

George Zimmerman?s MMA Gym Offers Customers The ?Zimmerman? Training Program | Mediaite

Therefore, it might come as a surprise that Kokopelli’s Gym, where Zimmerman received MMA instruction for over a year, is promoting the George Zimmerman training program on its website, offering customers the chance to sign up now for information on Zimmerman’s training, to be delivered only after the trial is over:
Question for the op and others who agree with him - Using this photo, show where those 6 kids are.




If I were the Defense I'd have a field day with nonsense like this! You set up a position where Zimmerman can't get to the gun in his belt? I set up a position where he can. The fight wasn't static. Zimmerman describes himself as squirming around trying to get away from the man beating him and the concrete the his head was being slammed against. If Martin is back slightly, sitting on Zimmerman's hips or upper legs then Zimmerman could very easily reach his weapon.

The fact is...there is no mention of anyone seeing a drawn weapon before that fight started so at some point it's logical that Zimmerman HAD to be able to pull the gun. Therefore at some point in the fight it's only logical that the two men were in a position where that COULD take place.

They HAD to show this picture with the guy sitting up on the others chest area....if he was back farther - that would look NASTY! Lol! Anyone with a brain would know this isn't necessarily the position they were in, nobody knows that....and they certainly didn't stay in that position if they were struggling!

Anyone with a Brain knows that IS the position they were in.

Anyone with a Brain also knows that it's close to impossible to pull a gun from behind in that position.

Add in Zimmerman testified he had been knocked silly.

Add in Zimmerman testified that they both "struggled" for the gun after Martin "saw" the gun (neat trick, Martin must have had xray vision) after which, Zimmerman was able to get Martin into an "arm lock" (so much for the "poor" fighting skills) and pull his weapon away, aim it and fire a near perfect shot through the heart.

In any guys buy these inconsistencies - hook, line and sinker.
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Liberals are outraged by the verdict because they are entitled to their own facts, their own testimony and their own evidence.

It just has nothing to do with what really happened at the trial.
If I were the Defense I'd have a field day with nonsense like this! You set up a position where Zimmerman can't get to the gun in his belt? I set up a position where he can. The fight wasn't static. Zimmerman describes himself as squirming around trying to get away from the man beating him and the concrete the his head was being slammed against. If Martin is back slightly, sitting on Zimmerman's hips or upper legs then Zimmerman could very easily reach his weapon.

The fact is...there is no mention of anyone seeing a drawn weapon before that fight started so at some point it's logical that Zimmerman HAD to be able to pull the gun. Therefore at some point in the fight it's only logical that the two men were in a position where that COULD take place.

They HAD to show this picture with the guy sitting up on the others chest area....if he was back farther - that would look NASTY! Lol! Anyone with a brain would know this isn't necessarily the position they were in, nobody knows that....and they certainly didn't stay in that position if they were struggling!

Anyone with a Brain knows that IS the position they were in.

Anyone with a Brain also knows that it's close to impossible to pull a gun from behind in that position.

Add in Zimmerman testified he had been knocked silly.

Add in Zimmerman testified that they both "struggled" for the gun after Martin "saw" the gun (neat trick, Martin must have had xray vision) after which, Zimmerman was able to get Martin into an "arm lock" (so much for the "poor" fighting skills) and pull his weapon away, aim it and fire a near perfect shot through the heart.

In any guys buy these inconsistencies - hook, line and sinker.

Not at all impossible nor even that difficult. Two points

1. And you can test this if you want. The assailant leans forward either to throw a punch or put pressure on the chest, the person on the bottom can arch their back plenty long enough to pull a gun

2. If the head was being bashed into the ground the assailant would have to lean forward, removing pressure from the hips and again, easy arch.

You obviously never wrestled.

That photo is almost funny when you think about it

Fights normally happen with motion
If I were the Defense I'd have a field day with nonsense like this! You set up a position where Zimmerman can't get to the gun in his belt? I set up a position where he can. The fight wasn't static. Zimmerman describes himself as squirming around trying to get away from the man beating him and the concrete the his head was being slammed against. If Martin is back slightly, sitting on Zimmerman's hips or upper legs then Zimmerman could very easily reach his weapon.

The fact is...there is no mention of anyone seeing a drawn weapon before that fight started so at some point it's logical that Zimmerman HAD to be able to pull the gun. Therefore at some point in the fight it's only logical that the two men were in a position where that COULD take place.

They HAD to show this picture with the guy sitting up on the others chest area....if he was back farther - that would look NASTY! Lol! Anyone with a brain would know this isn't necessarily the position they were in, nobody knows that....and they certainly didn't stay in that position if they were struggling!

Anyone with a Brain knows that IS the position they were in.

Anyone with a Brain also knows that it's close to impossible to pull a gun from behind in that position.

Add in Zimmerman testified he had been knocked silly.

Add in Zimmerman testified that they both "struggled" for the gun after Martin "saw" the gun (neat trick, Martin must have had xray vision) after which, Zimmerman was able to get Martin into an "arm lock" (so much for the "poor" fighting skills) and pull his weapon away, aim it and fire a near perfect shot through the heart.

In any guys buy these inconsistencies - hook, line and sinker.


Anyone with a brain knows you don't know shit about shit.

Everyone who isn't leftist hack knows why GZ was aquitted, and they're satisfied with the verdict. This whole issue is gettiing boring, just another bullshit cause bed wetters will endlessly advance until GZ has been found guilty in any court, if he isn't found murdered by some bigoted pinko thug.
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ZERO EVIDENCE? His fiancee took out a restraining order. Schmuck.

Between Martin and had a criminal record.

And that ONE was Zimmerman.

So in this are rooting for the criminal.

And Zimmerman took out a restraining order against her. Does that mean that she beat him? Duh?

Martin didn't have a criminal record because he was a minor. The Police at his school chose not to bring charges against him for being in possession of stolen goods. They chose to suspend him. Now did they do that because suspending Trayvon was the right thing for Martin or did they suspend him rather than bring criminal charges against him because they wanted to make their record of lowering crime rates look good?

What a load of crap.

First off..your "story" is incorrect.

Trayvon Martin was suspended three times from school - U.S. News

He was suspended for being late, writing graffiti and having a baggie.

The only one that was probably justified was the lateness. have rap sheets available if they get into trouble. That's how police track gang membership. By the way, initially the racist Sanford police department bought Zimmerman's fairy tale hook, line and sinker. That's why they did such a shitty job investigating it. It's only after that the kid came back clean and they couldn't find his identity did anyone even begin to wonder if the kid wasn't a "suspect" of something. But they did try like the dickens to pin something on him. Like doing a tox screen. Something they didn't do to Zimmerman. It's only after Serino smelled a rat and began challenging Zimmerman that it got any movement. That was squashed and Serino was busted down to patrol.

The rest is history.

Just when I think you couldn't possibly get more uninformed about this make another post, Sallow and BAM you proved me wrong!

It was during the investigation of his writing graffiti that the School Police discovered lots of women's jewelry in Trayvon's backpack. Trayvon stated that he was holding that stuff for a "friend" but refused to say who that friend was. That jewelry subsequently was found to been stolen in a burglary not far from Trayvon's HS. Now what the School Police SHOULD have done was contact the local Police because it's obvious that you had a youngster that was involved in illegal activities. But they didn't do that! No, they wanted to make the statistics on crime prevention by themselves LOOK good so they chose to simply suspend Trayvon, putting a kid that was already in trouble for skipping school where he appeared to not want to be anyways...on the streets.

He wasn't suspended for being "late"...he was suspended for skipping school dozens of times and well as being chronically late. Nor was he suspended for having a baggie...he was suspended for having a baggie that had traces of pot in it and a pot pipe.

Despite the "full court press" by the main stream media to portray Trayvon Martin as an innocent little kid on his way back from buying candy at the store...a rather different story has slowly emerged about the kind of person that Trayvon Martin was. Young people these days live their lives through Twitter and Facebook. Is it any wonder that the Martin camp "scrubbed" Trayvon's accounts to remove pictures of him smoking weed, someone holding a gun, and going gangster with his gold teeth? Or that they got rid of text messages about him punching a bus driver or being requested by another kid to teach them how to fight?
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There was also only one unarmed Martin facing a professionally trained fighter armed with a gun..and having a weight advantage.

And Martin was experienced at fight....proved that with the texts that were shown. One kid wanted him to show him how to fight! Martin liked watching them "bleed". Even if Zimmerman DID have some training, he was not experienced like Martin was.....and Martin enjoyed it!

Yeah..real "experienced".

So much so that none of Zimmerman's "injuries" required more than a bandaid.

Those were called "boo boos" in my day..and we didn't bother with bandaids.

I would be happy to pound your head on a sidewalk a few times to demonstrate how stupid you are!
just like the people who believe bush ordered 9/11 and that obama was born in kenya...we we will have fools who believe zimmerman cornered martin and started the fight...despite even jeantel saying she believes martin swung first

hopefully cookoo threads against zimmeman will soon all be moved to the conspiracy forum

It doesn't matter who threw the first punch. ZImmerman provoked the fight by stalking Martin to start with.

It does matter under the law. Following someone is not aggressive. had nothing to do with Old Man Zimmerman looking for a little professional courtesy because he worked for the DOJ.


Zimmerman skated on 2 pretty serious incidents involving violence.

He assaulted a cop and beat up his fiancee. He was also arrested for resisting a cop without violence.

3 time loser..who skated.

George Zimmerman?s relevant past
George Zimmerman, Son of a Retired Judge, Has 3 Closed Arrests

Those two "serious incidents" were brought up by the Prosecution when they tried to keep Zimmerman from being released on bail. The judge (who leaned towards the Prosecution on practically every single ruling) said that they were minor incidents.

The "assaulting a cop" and "resisting a cop without violence" are from the same incidence, you buffoon! You can't even attempt a smear without making an ass out of yourself in the process. There is ZERO evidence that George Zimmerman ever beat his fiancee. That only happened in your mind, Sallow...along with all the other things that you THINK proves Zimmerman was a racist thug. Too bad none of the EVIDENCE backed up any of your claims.

ZERO EVIDENCE? His fiancee took out a restraining order. Schmuck.

Between Martin and had a criminal record.

And that ONE was Zimmerman.

So in this are rooting for the criminal.

Anyone with an IQ above 50 knows that a restraining order REQUIRES NO EVIDENCE! It can be based on nothing but hearsay! God and goddess, use that thing on your shoulders for something other than a damned hat rack! THINK! I promise it won't hurt!

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