This is What GZ Wanted to Avoid

Pat Mahaney, North College Hill 'boredom beating' victim has died

The people that did this (and I use the word people very broadly) were aged 13 to 14.

So yeah, a fucking kid can kill you easily by simply knocking you out then stomping you to death.

One kid hit Zimmerman, multiple kids attacked a bloke. See the difference?

One kid sucker punched Zimmerman. That's the blow that usually does the most damage because the person doesn't see it coming. I would have to believe from the photo's of Zimmerman after the fight that first punch to his nose would have been both extremely painful and most likely have left him dazed.

Not so dazed that he needed medical treatment. Not so dazed that he couldn't pull out his gun and fire a shot.
Pat Mahaney, North College Hill 'boredom beating' victim has died

The people that did this (and I use the word people very broadly) were aged 13 to 14.

So yeah, a fucking kid can kill you easily by simply knocking you out then stomping you to death.

One kid hit Zimmerman, multiple kids attacked a bloke. See the difference?

One punch can kill or seriously injure a person.

There are literally hundreds of people sitting in jail as we speak that are there because they punched someone and the person either died or suffered permanent brain damage. Good reason NOT to punch someone in the head.
One kid hit Zimmerman, multiple kids attacked a bloke. See the difference?

One kid sucker punched Zimmerman. That's the blow that usually does the most damage because the person doesn't see it coming. I would have to believe from the photo's of Zimmerman after the fight that first punch to his nose would have been both extremely painful and most likely have left him dazed.

Not so dazed that he needed medical treatment. Not so dazed that he couldn't pull out his gun and fire a shot.

I hate to break this to you, Noomi but people that have been in street fights quite often refuse medical treatment. As for when he pulled out his gun? He'd been on the ground getting his ass beat for quite some time before he pulled that weapon. I stand by my initial belief that he was probably stunned by getting hit like that. If you're not accustomed to being punched the natural reaction isn't to fight's to try and cover up.
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One kid hit Zimmerman, multiple kids attacked a bloke. See the difference?

One kid sucker punched Zimmerman. That's the blow that usually does the most damage because the person doesn't see it coming. I would have to believe from the photo's of Zimmerman after the fight that first punch to his nose would have been both extremely painful and most likely have left him dazed.

Not so dazed that he needed medical treatment. Not so dazed that he couldn't pull out his gun and fire a shot.

Neither is required to claim self defense.

I ask again. If Zimmerman had grabbed a brick and crushed Martins skull would you be discussing this.

Here's the real problem. There is ONLY one possible reason the Martins will not pursue a wrongful death civil suit and that is they won't have a shred of a case to file.
One kid sucker punched Zimmerman. That's the blow that usually does the most damage because the person doesn't see it coming. I would have to believe from the photo's of Zimmerman after the fight that first punch to his nose would have been both extremely painful and most likely have left him dazed.

Not so dazed that he needed medical treatment. Not so dazed that he couldn't pull out his gun and fire a shot.

I hate to break this to you, Noomi but people that have been in street fight quite often refuse medical treatment. As for when he pulled out his gun? He'd been on the ground getting his ass beat for quite some time before he pulled that weapon. I stand by my initial belief that he was probably stunned by getting hit like that. If you're not accustomed to being punched the natural reaction isn't to fight's to try and cover up.

On a different thread I described how I was attacked. The attack started with a sucker punch from someone I had no reason to fear.

I was trained to take a hit. Played catcher for many years. High school football was wide receiver and safety. I knew how to take a hit WHEN PREPARED. Nothing can prepare you for a hard shot to the nose from out of nowhere.

Those cartoons where the guy takes a punch then sees stars is based on reality.
and sallow lies again

i posted link after link and sallow never once told me the professional who trained him, it was me who had to tell him of the gym where he trained...but sallow never once said who actually trained him.

sallow lives up his ass, no wonder everything he says stinks

Didn't lie at all.

There are multiple links in thread after thread.

And I gave you instructions on how to google for the name.
Anyone that's ever done any mixed martial arts "grappling" would be able to explain to someone like JoeB or Sallow that if you're throwing punches at someone it's almost impossible to control their hands. If you're controlling their hands it's almost impossible to punch them or slam their head onto the ground. You have two do they. One of the goals of a high mount...such as the one demonstrated by the picture provided to trap an arm beneath one of your knees, therefore freeing one of your hands to strike the person beneath you who would then be unable to block your free arm. The problem here is that position gives the person on the bottom the opportunity to get to a gun carried where Zimmerman carried his. You've literally trapped his arm right where the weapon is holstered.

I've been in actual fights.

But heck..lets check out what happens in ground in pound.

[ame=]MMA: Ground N' Pound *Best Example - YouTube[/ame]

You are literally knocked silly.

[ame=]UFC Ground & Pound highlights - YouTube[/ame]

And for the heck of it?

[ame=]Skinhead knockouts out other guy and head slams him to the floor STREET FIGHT - YouTube[/ame]

That guy gets his head slammed into a dirt floor.'ve been in "actual" fights? Really? For someone who don't seem to know much about how they normally go down.

I wrestled in high school. I played hockey through college. I studied martial arts for decades (Tae Kwon Do, Kempo and Akido) I worked in night clubs for almost thirty years and have had the "pleasure" of tossing out literally hundreds of belligerent idiots. Not for nothing, Sallow but I'm pretty sure I've had more fights in a few months back in the day then you've had in your entire life.

"Akido" (Spelled Aikido by the rest of the word) is probably the only practical style you have there. Tae Kwon Do? Looks nice..but you cant really use it. Same with Kempo.

And I actually owned a bar in Georgia. You are never "tossing" anyone out alone. It ain't much of a fight either to pitch a drunk guy out on his ass.

And I grew up in NYC during the bad times when they started bussing.

Didn't really get a chance to play sports until my last year of high school when things calmed down. And I worked for 11 years at a moving company. With, wait for it, convicts, who had lots of trouble following orders.

Been a few scraps myself. As I don't know you..I ain't going to hazard to say I've hard more of them. But I think it's safe to say..I know what I am talking about.
Not even comparable.

Zimmerman wasn't hunted down by Martin. He was hunting Martin and Martin turned on him after being cornered.

Only GZ STOPPED following TM and then TM started following and finally assaulted GZ. Facts elude you yet again I see..
One kid sucker punched Zimmerman. That's the blow that usually does the most damage because the person doesn't see it coming. I would have to believe from the photo's of Zimmerman after the fight that first punch to his nose would have been both extremely painful and most likely have left him dazed.

Not so dazed that he needed medical treatment. Not so dazed that he couldn't pull out his gun and fire a shot.

Neither is required to claim self defense.

I ask again. If Zimmerman had grabbed a brick and crushed Martins skull would you be discussing this.

Here's the real problem. There is ONLY one possible reason the Martins will not pursue a wrongful death civil suit and that is they won't have a shred of a case to file.

Now you are getting to brass tacks.

In FLORIDA..the self defense statute is so broad and ridiculous, the person who does that actual KILLING only has to "feel" that his life was threatened.

In the Zimmerman case? It didn't even matter who started the fight.

It just mattered that Zimmerman had a gun..and was scared.

That's pretty incredible.
Several years ago, my brother was beaten near dead by a gentleman of African-American persuasion. All because he took offense that he and a group of friends jaywalked straight out in front of his car. Yeah, they OWNED that street. By the time he got to the E.R. he was delirious with pain, shouting ****** this and ****** that.

So rather than take the two x-rays ordered by the physician, the attending African-American orderly shot him 13 times. He later developed thyroid cancer.

Payback for slavery is a bitch. They will not rest until we are all dead.
Not so dazed that he needed medical treatment. Not so dazed that he couldn't pull out his gun and fire a shot.

Neither is required to claim self defense.

I ask again. If Zimmerman had grabbed a brick and crushed Martins skull would you be discussing this.

Here's the real problem. There is ONLY one possible reason the Martins will not pursue a wrongful death civil suit and that is they won't have a shred of a case to file.

Now you are getting to brass tacks.

In FLORIDA..the self defense statute is so broad and ridiculous, the person who does that actual KILLING only has to "feel" that his life was threatened.

In the Zimmerman case? It didn't even matter who started the fight.

It just mattered that Zimmerman had a gun..and was scared.

That's pretty incredible.

Actually who the jury believed started the physical altercation played a big part in the decision, or at least they found no evidence Zimmerman started it.

All the evidence pointed to Zimmerman's story being correct.
Hey punk.

Gonna fill you in on some google fu..

Let me google that for you

Now you may gotz da skillz..


Lol! Here's one of the links from your Google search

SANFORD, Fla. – The owner of the mixed-martial arts gym where George Zimmerman worked out testified Monday that Zimmerman’s fighting skills registered at between a “1” and “1.5” on a ten point scale.

Adam Pollack, owner of Kokopelli’s Gym, called Zimmerman “nonathletic” and “just physically soft.”
Zimmerman's MMA instructor says he was a lousy fighter | The Daily Caller

Martin knew how to "street" fight, he liked watching people bleed....I'd say he was most likely a lot stronger and more agile than Zimmerman. Doesn't matter if Z might have weighed more than Martin, Martin knew more about fighting and was more experienced.

Yeah..I noticed that too.

Seems that alot of Georgie's friends went to bat for him.

The cool thing about that ol Georgie has a police record.

He went up against a cop.

You don't do that if you, yourself think your fighting skills are bad.

But you folks seem to forget that Georgie is technically a criminal. And that was before the murder.

Another lie another liberal fantasy. The charges were dropped. He attended a recommended course on alcohol abuse.


Man oh man you guys are pathetic.
Neither is required to claim self defense.

I ask again. If Zimmerman had grabbed a brick and crushed Martins skull would you be discussing this.

Here's the real problem. There is ONLY one possible reason the Martins will not pursue a wrongful death civil suit and that is they won't have a shred of a case to file.

Now you are getting to brass tacks.

In FLORIDA..the self defense statute is so broad and ridiculous, the person who does that actual KILLING only has to "feel" that his life was threatened.

In the Zimmerman case? It didn't even matter who started the fight.

It just mattered that Zimmerman had a gun..and was scared.

That's pretty incredible.

Actually who the jury believed started the physical altercation played a big part in the decision, or at least they found no evidence Zimmerman started it.

All the evidence pointed to Zimmerman's story being correct.

Actually..they didn't.

What they thought was the prosecution didn't meet the 2nd degree murder bar..or even manslaughter.

And actually they thought there wasn't enough "evidence".

3 did want to convict..but changed their minds.

Guess the dead kid on the lawn isn't enough in Florida.
Lol! Here's one of the links from your Google search

SANFORD, Fla. – The owner of the mixed-martial arts gym where George Zimmerman worked out testified Monday that Zimmerman’s fighting skills registered at between a “1” and “1.5” on a ten point scale.

Adam Pollack, owner of Kokopelli’s Gym, called Zimmerman “nonathletic” and “just physically soft.”
Zimmerman's MMA instructor says he was a lousy fighter | The Daily Caller

Martin knew how to "street" fight, he liked watching people bleed....I'd say he was most likely a lot stronger and more agile than Zimmerman. Doesn't matter if Z might have weighed more than Martin, Martin knew more about fighting and was more experienced.

Yeah..I noticed that too.

Seems that alot of Georgie's friends went to bat for him.

The cool thing about that ol Georgie has a police record.

He went up against a cop.

You don't do that if you, yourself think your fighting skills are bad.

But you folks seem to forget that Georgie is technically a criminal. And that was before the murder.

Another lie another liberal fantasy. The charges were dropped. He attended a recommended course on alcohol abuse.


Man oh man you guys are pathetic.

The charges were dropped BECAUSE he made a deal to attend a class on alcohol abuse.

I suppose his pappy had nothing to do with that, right?

Now you are getting to brass tacks.

In FLORIDA..the self defense statute is so broad and ridiculous, the person who does that actual KILLING only has to "feel" that his life was threatened.

In the Zimmerman case? It didn't even matter who started the fight.

It just mattered that Zimmerman had a gun..and was scared.

That's pretty incredible.

Actually who the jury believed started the physical altercation played a big part in the decision, or at least they found no evidence Zimmerman started it.

All the evidence pointed to Zimmerman's story being correct.

Actually..they didn't.

What they thought was the prosecution didn't meet the 2nd degree murder bar..or even manslaughter.

And actually they thought there wasn't enough "evidence".

3 did want to convict..but changed their minds.

Guess the dead kid on the lawn isn't enough in Florida.

So in this case you prefer guilty until proven innocent. Selective views of the law, the calling card of the progressive douchebag.
Not even comparable.

Zimmerman wasn't hunted down by Martin. He was hunting Martin and Martin turned on him after being cornered.

Only GZ STOPPED following TM and then TM started following and finally assaulted GZ. Facts elude you yet again I see..

Which version of Zimmerman's fairy tale was that in?

No sane person believes that Zimmerman was hunting Trayvon. And the jury agreed that there was no evidence that he did.

Only the lunatic fringe believes that crap. For all your posts Sallow you can't come up with any evidence that he did.

On the bright side Z's going to walk away from this a wealthy man from that NBC lawsuit.

And that will realllllllllllllllllllly piss all you crazies off. I can't wait.

I've been in actual fights.

But heck..lets check out what happens in ground in pound.

MMA: Ground N' Pound *Best Example - YouTube

You are literally knocked silly.

UFC Ground & Pound highlights - YouTube

And for the heck of it?

Skinhead knockouts out other guy and head slams him to the floor STREET FIGHT - YouTube

That guy gets his head slammed into a dirt floor.'ve been in "actual" fights? Really? For someone who don't seem to know much about how they normally go down.

I wrestled in high school. I played hockey through college. I studied martial arts for decades (Tae Kwon Do, Kempo and Akido) I worked in night clubs for almost thirty years and have had the "pleasure" of tossing out literally hundreds of belligerent idiots. Not for nothing, Sallow but I'm pretty sure I've had more fights in a few months back in the day then you've had in your entire life.

"Akido" (Spelled Aikido by the rest of the word) is probably the only practical style you have there. Tae Kwon Do? Looks nice..but you cant really use it. Same with Kempo.

And I actually owned a bar in Georgia. You are never "tossing" anyone out alone. It ain't much of a fight either to pitch a drunk guy out on his ass.

And I grew up in NYC during the bad times when they started bussing.

Didn't really get a chance to play sports until my last year of high school when things calmed down. And I worked for 11 years at a moving company. With, wait for it, convicts, who had lots of trouble following orders.

Been a few scraps myself. As I don't know you..I ain't going to hazard to say I've hard more of them. But I think it's safe to say..I know what I am talking about.

Now that all depends on the drunk guy...and how many friends he has with him. The first night club I managed we had fights with upwards of forty people going at it. Not to brag about what rough place it was but we used to have a red star on the bar schedule next to the names of the worst fighters on staff and they were the ones who stayed behind the bar to watch the registers while everyone else jumped the stick and broke up the brawls. That's how often we had big fights.

As for not being able to "use" Tae Kwon Do and Kempo? I "used" them quite often actually. Tae Kwon Do is a good base to build fighting skills on. I fought in national tournaments in both Sport Karate and Crane using predominantly Tae Kwon Do techniques. Took 3rd place in the J. Park East Coast Nationals back in 1982 out of about 600 competitors. Kempo is a good discipline to learn because it's essentially a northern Chinese style designed to let smaller people fight back against much bigger ones. I've never felt compelled to spear someone's eyeball out but if push comes to shove it's good to have that arrow in your quiver.

I'm curious, much experience have you had with grappling? I've lost very few bar fights simply because most of them end up on the ground after about five seconds and I was a wrestler. This misconception by people that because Zimmerman was heavier than Martin that he had an advantage is funny to me. If you're heavy and you're on your back with me on top of you that weight is to MY advantage...not yours. Most big guys suck on the ground unless they start out on top of you.
Yeah..I noticed that too.

Seems that alot of Georgie's friends went to bat for him.

The cool thing about that ol Georgie has a police record.

He went up against a cop.

You don't do that if you, yourself think your fighting skills are bad.

But you folks seem to forget that Georgie is technically a criminal. And that was before the murder.

Another lie another liberal fantasy. The charges were dropped. He attended a recommended course on alcohol abuse.


Man oh man you guys are pathetic.

The charges were dropped BECAUSE he made a deal to attend a class on alcohol abuse.

I suppose his pappy had nothing to do with that, right?


Give me evidence or you are spinning another fairy tale. By all means provide it.

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