This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Hi Candy:

Anyway, your "theory" is shit. For no other reason than nobody saw a missile but dozens of witnesses saw a plane . . .

In other words, Candy :)confused:) also has no pictures of AA77 crashed anywhere. ;0)

[ame=]LOL!! Candy = Corn LOL!! :0)[/ame]



Tons of pictures are out there. You've seen them. How'd the wreckage get inside the Pentagon?
Hi Dog:

Eots and Terral fighting?

Not at all. Eots knows that 9/11 was definitely and inside job and that no 100-ton Jetliner hit the Pentagon like all of these military/aviation experts:

[ame=]Believe These Experts, OR Ms. CandyCorn . . .[/ame]


except you are BOTH wrong
the black knight returns

Huh? What the hell you talking about?

I am talking about you are the nemesis ..the black and your self proclaimed victory'


[ame=]YouTube - Black Knight[/ame]
oh come on, terral has had his ass handed to him in a bucket
if anything its terral that is the black knight
the black knight returns

Huh? What the hell you talking about?

I am talking about you are the nemesis ..the black and your self proclaimed victory'


[ame=]YouTube - Black Knight[/ame]

Still don't get it but okay...whatever.

Any news on what took down the lightpoles outside of the Pentagon yet? Just checking; you never answered.
Huh? What the hell you talking about?

I am talking about you are the nemesis ..the black and your self proclaimed victory'


Still don't get it but okay...whatever.

Any news on what took down the lightpoles outside of the Pentagon yet? Just checking; you never answered.
it must have been the romulans
I am talking about you are the nemesis ..the black and your self proclaimed victory'


Still don't get it but okay...whatever.

Any news on what took down the lightpoles outside of the Pentagon yet? Just checking; you never answered.
it must have been the romulans
I've had just about enough of your pro-romulan bullshit. Clearly the Borg did that. You will be assimilated.
Still don't get it but okay...whatever.

Any news on what took down the lightpoles outside of the Pentagon yet? Just checking; you never answered.
it must have been the romulans
I've had just about enough of your pro-romulan bullshit. Clearly the Borg did that. You will be assimilated.
it couldn't have been the Borg
remember that trans-warp conduits were destroyed when Voyager made it home
it must have been the romulans
I've had just about enough of your pro-romulan bullshit. Clearly the Borg did that. You will be assimilated.
it couldn't have been the Borg
remember that trans-warp conduits were destroyed when Voyager made it home

Fucking Janeway!!!

I cant say with certainty corn dog why don't we watch the tapes and find out ?? and why do you continue to mock the victims family's in their search for answers and a real investigation with full disclosure and subpoena powers ???
I cant say with certainty corn dog why don't we watch the tapes and find out ?? and why do you continue to mock the victims family's in their search for answers and a real investigation with full disclosure and subpoena powers ???
MOST of the families already know what happened
just a small fringe group(kinda like most troofers anyway) still think Bush had something to do with it
but funny how we never hear from the jersey girls anymore
I cant say with certainty corn dog why don't we watch the tapes and find out ?? and why do you continue to mock the victims family's in their search for answers and a real investigation with full disclosure and subpoena powers ???
MOST of the families already know what happened
just a small fringe group(kinda like most troofers anyway) still think Bush had something to do with it
but funny how we never hear from the jersey girls anymore

ya right glen...the Jersey girls are still very active and involved in the NY ballot don't hear about them because the media prefers to report on john and Kate
I cant say with certainty

Nobody is asking you for certainty....simply asking your what you THINK happened. Do you get off on jousting verbally?

Who do you think is going to win the World Series or Top Chef Las Vegas or how Jeffery McDonald killed his family allegedly as portrayed in "Fatal Vision" or hell, do you think it is going to rain tomorrow in Lincol Nebraska?

Maybe we should put together investigations before we will get a simple answer from you.

Sheesh. No kidding here...why is it you guys are so chickenshit when it comes to simply explaining what you think happened--any part of what you think happened? Surely there must be a reason why you're so damn scared.

corn dog why don't we watch the tapes and find out ??
I wish we could. But until then, why not regale us with what you think happened? I stated what I thought happened. For a man, you sure don't have very large balls.

and why do you continue to mock the victims family's in their search for answers and a real investigation with full disclosure and subpoena powers ???

Oh boy here we go again. 12 public hearings, 2.5 million pages of documents examined, 1,000 hours of interviews, bi-partisan commission. I guess you wanted 13 hearings, 2.56 million documents and 1,250 hours of interviews?

Give it a rest already for Christ sake.

As for mocking the survivors, you do that very well on your own:

Here is your buddy Dylan Avery wondering aloud about Mark Bingham's Final words to his mom for example:
[ame=]YouTube - Screw Loose Change - Not Freakin' Again Edition Pt.16/20[/ame]

I prefer not to use YouTube videos but that seems to be the only thing that penetrates your gray matter.

Somehow one of the callers from one of the planes (I don't recall which one) even left a voice message that contained the combination to the wall safe where her Last Will and Testament was. Any word on how they fabricated that one?
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why do you continue this lie that the 9/11 commission report was anything but a cover -up or was in anyway thorough...can you provide any reasonable current link showing witnesses or participants in the 9/11 commission report that feels it was thorough and accurate other than you plagiarized popular mechanics spiel
why do you continue this lie that the 9/11 commission report was anything but a cover -up or was in anyway thorough

Okay, fine. Give me another story to believe that is more believable then. You can't. You won't. You won't even give me a motherfucking opinion and you wonder why me and everybody else believes the story that makes the most sense and is, by the way, the only story? Get a clue dumbass.

Additionally, when asked "What major fact in the 9/11 Commission Report is incorrect", there is no response.

Finally, having read the report, it makes perfect sense. From front to back; it makes perfect sense.

...can you provide any reasonable current link showing witnesses or participants in the 9/11 commission report that feels it was thorough and accurate other than you plagiarized popular mechanics spiel

Here are the words of the Chairman from 9/11/09. Care to give it a listen.
Chairmen of 9/11 Commission: CIA "Stonewalled" us
Posted September 11th, 2009

Kean and Hamilton accused the CIA of obstructing justice. Trying to save their own necks, I guess.

Edit: This is an old article; there was a flurry of articles like this back in 2006, but people forget.

More info here: http://www.beyondleftrigh...

As a legal matter, it is not up to us to examine the C.I.A.’s failure to disclose the existence of these tapes. That is for others. What we do know is that government officials decided not to inform a lawfully constituted body, created by Congress and the president, to investigate one the greatest tragedies to confront this country. We call that obstruction.
-authors Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton served as chairman and vice chairman, respectively, of the 9/11 commission.

9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon
Allegations Brought to Inspectors General
Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate.

Book: Sept. 11 Panel Doubted Officials

The Sept. 11 commission was so frustrated with repeated misstatements by the Pentagon and FAA about their response to the 2001 terror attacks that it considered an investigation into possible deception, the panel's chairmen say in a new book.

Republican Thomas Kean and Democrat Lee Hamilton also say in "Without Precedent" that their panel was too soft in questioning former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani — and that the 20-month investigation may have suffered for it.

The book, a behind-the-scenes look at the investigation, recounts obstacles the authors say were thrown up by the Bush administration, internal disputes over President Bush's use of the attacks as a reason for invading Iraq, and the way the final report avoided questioning whether U.S. policy in the Middle East may have contributed to the attacks.

Kean and Hamilton said the commission found it mind-boggling that authorities had asserted during hearings that their air defenses had reacted quickly and were prepared to shoot down United Airlines Flight 93, which appeared headed toward Washington.

In fact, the commission determined — after it subpoenaed audiotapes and e-mails of the sequence of events — that the shootdown order did not reach North American Aerospace Command pilots until after all of the hijacked planes had crashed.

The book states that commission staff, "exceedingly frustrated" by what they thought could be deception, proposed a full review into why the FAA and the Pentagon's NORAD had presented inaccurate information. That ultimately could have led to sanctions.

Chairmen of 9/11 Commission: CIA "Stonewalled" us | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul
Shocking new book by 9/11 commission co-chairman Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton
says Americans still don't know the whole truth about what happened that day.

"Fog of war could explain why some people were confused on the day of 9/11,
but it could not explain why all the after-action reports accident investigation and public testimony
by FAA and NORAD officials advanced an account of 9/11 that was untrue."

New book by 9/11 commission co-chairman- NORAD FAA DOD Pentagon LIED

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