This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

the dates are not really relevant we aer talking about city councils and police dept implementing these technologies..all kinds of sensitive buildings are monitored this way and have been for many years high resolution digital camera technology has been around for awhile now..and your lowest bidder notion is just is easy to prove that many sensitive buildings have had high tech surveillance cameras in 2001 and is logical to assume the pentagon would also be in that category
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pretty much
they got the footage to CHECK them
if they didnt have anything on em, what sense does it make to actually release them
if anything they should just be returned to the places they were taken from and let THEM do with them as they please

I agree that they should give them back to the places that the videos were confiscated from.
But could you elaborate on why you DOUBT there is any useful information.
You doubt there will be anything new on the other videos because what exactly?
because i would release them if they had an actual shot that showed something

So what would be the purpose of keeping the videos hidden for so long?
the dates are not really relevant we aer talking about city councils and police dept implementing these technologies..all kinds of sensitive buildings are monitored this way and have been for many years high resolution digital camera technology has been around for awhile now..and your lowest bidder notion is just is easy to prove that many sensitive buildings have had high tech surveillance cameras in 2001 and is logical to assume the pentagon would also be in that category
yes, NOW they are UPGRADING to them
but were they back in 2001


and regardless of missing money in the DoD, they didnt spend extra on security cams
of that you can be SURE of
I agree that they should give them back to the places that the videos were confiscated from.
But could you elaborate on why you DOUBT there is any useful information.
You doubt there will be anything new on the other videos because what exactly?
because i would release them if they had an actual shot that showed something

So what would be the purpose of keeping the videos hidden for so long?
i dont know
they claim "national security"
does it really matter with all the other proof that we have that clearly shows it was flight 77 that hit the pentagon?
because i would release them if they had an actual shot that showed something

So what would be the purpose of keeping the videos hidden for so long?
i dont know
they claim "national security"
does it really matter with all the other proof that we have that clearly shows it was flight 77 that hit the pentagon?


Could you please show conclusive proof it was flight 77 via link.
the dates are not really relevant we aer talking about city councils and police dept implementing these technologies..all kinds of sensitive buildings are monitored this way and have been for many years high resolution digital camera technology has been around for awhile now..and your lowest bidder notion is just is easy to prove that many sensitive buildings have had high tech surveillance cameras in 2001 and is logical to assume the pentagon would also be in that category
yes, NOW they are UPGRADING to them
but were they back in 2001


and regardless of missing money in the DoD, they didnt spend extra on security cams
of that you can be SURE of

so what is your proof that the pentagon did not have the best security system available in 2001 .. that's was at least comparable to those being used in the high end private sector at the time ? 2001 was not the stone age..even I owned a digital high resolution video camera then
the dates are not really relevant we aer talking about city councils and police dept implementing these technologies..all kinds of sensitive buildings are monitored this way and have been for many years high resolution digital camera technology has been around for awhile now..and your lowest bidder notion is just is easy to prove that many sensitive buildings have had high tech surveillance cameras in 2001 and is logical to assume the pentagon would also be in that category
yes, NOW they are UPGRADING to them
but were they back in 2001


and regardless of missing money in the DoD, they didnt spend extra on security cams
of that you can be SURE of

so what is your proof that the pentagon did not have the best security system available in 2001 .. that's was at least comparable to those being used in the high end private sector at the time ? 2001 was not the stone age..even I owned a digital high resolution video camera then
and what resolution was that?
and was it also used in security systems?
all I need to do is establish an event like 9/11 should be properly investigated and that the evidence shows this has never been version of the truth would unfold in an independent investigation with subpoena powers and overseen by the family steering committee with media scrutiny...the fraud is the 9/11 commision report

Proper investigation? Are you fucking serious?!!! There is no such thing with you guys. Any investigation that led to a conclusion other than your crazy theories, would be held as improper by the lunitic tin foil hat people. No matter how perfectly done the investigation was, you would create a conspiracy about how they falsified the evidence.

Why am i even bothering to tell you this? You know full and well what you do everytime sane people debunk your theories... you just move on to some other crazy thing, or you simply reject logic entirely and refuse to believe the truth. You are insane, so you will never be able to understand logic and reality, therefore its pointless for the normal people to try and help you understand these simple concepts.

You deserve your insanity, and i dont feel sorry for you at all.

As you probably know, I do not know exactly what happened.

But, can you answer this;

Why did the Federal Bureau of Investigation confiscate all but video surveillance data from surrounding establishments that may have actually recorded what hit the pentagon?

Then the Federal Bureau of Investigation proceeded to release only one video.

You and i arent qualified to answer questions about national security, because we dont know jack shit about it. However, off the top of my head i can come up with at least one reason why... the Pentagon is surrounded by outdoor parking lots, so every outdoor video is going to show their cars. Maybe they dont want the liscence plate numbers of all the people who work at the Pentagon out there online for insane conspiracy theorists, terroists or any other enemy of the state to see.

I would imagine theres probably dozens reasons why they wouldnt show the video, reasons that would make sense if explained, but sharing security secrets would be pretty stupid to do, therefore we arent told a reason why. I would be really dissappointed if they did explain it, to be perfectly honest.

Sometimes you have to think outside the box before going to wacky conclusions.
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Proper investigation? Are you fucking serious?!!! There is no such thing with you guys. Any investigation that led to a conclusion other than your crazy theories, would be held as improper by the lunitic tin foil hat people. No matter how perfectly done the investigation was, you would create a conspiracy about how they falsified the evidence.

Why am i even bothering to tell you this? You know full and well what you do everytime sane people debunk your theories... you just move on to some other crazy thing, or you simply reject logic entirely and refuse to believe the truth. You are insane, so you will never be able to understand logic and reality, therefore its pointless for the normal people to try and help you understand these simple concepts.

You deserve your insanity, and i dont feel sorry for you at all.

As you probably know, I do not know exactly what happened.

But, can you answer this;

Why did the Federal Bureau of Investigation confiscate all but video surveillance data from surrounding establishments that may have actually recorded what hit the pentagon?

Then the Federal Bureau of Investigation proceeded to release only one video.

You and i arent qualified to answer questions about national security, because we dont know jack shit about it. However, off the top of my head i can come up with at least one reason why... the Pentagon is surrounded by outdoor parking lots, so every outdoor video is going to show their cars. Maybe they dont want the liscence plate numbers of all the people who work at the Pentagon out there online for insane conspiracy theorists, terroists or any other enemy of the state to see.

I would imagine theres probably dozens reasons why they wouldnt show the video, reasons that would make sense if explained, but sharing security secrets would be pretty stupid to do, therefore we arent told a reason why. I would be really dissappointed if they did explain it, to be perfectly honest.

Sometimes you have to think outside the box before going to wacky conclusions.

If the premises are inadequate, then the only conclusion is insufficient evidence.

Okay the pentagon did not want to reveal their own surveillance videos, fine. But confiscating video surveillance feeds from surrounding establishments is something else entirely. That is just not acceptable from a logical or legal standpoint. People have been litigating this issue for the last seven years.

What conclusion can you draw from this behavior?

Furthermore, why did they even release ONE video?
oh bullshit.. there are lots photographs of the outside of the stupid.. like any idiot couldn't park at the local gas station or coffee shops and take down pentagon employees plate numbers if they wanted to.. or with a pair of binoculars from a near by apartment or
Hi Eots:

oh bullshit.. there are lots photographs of the outside of the stupid..

We agree. You trying to deliberate the 9/11 Pentagon 'facts' with other USMB members without one clue :)confused:) as to what really happened at the Pentagon on 9/11.


The pictures all say that "NO 100-Ton Jetliner crashed here!" Look at the massive cable spools standing over the heads of the rescue workers. The second-story impact hole is exactly 18-feet 3-inches and a man can stand on top of those cable spools and reach up to the second-story concrete slab elevation that is STILL INTACT. Try to locate just "ONE" sign that a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11!


Look at the temporary construction fence laying across the hood of the little sports car and the uprooted fence posts thrown back in our direction. Again, a man can stand on top of the undamaged green SUV and reach up to the elevation of the second-story concrete slab that IS STILL THERE.


The two windows 'left' (north) of the second-story impact hole are "NOT" broken. The third-story windows are "NOT" broken above the little impact hole, which is IMPOSSIBLE if a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed here.


The damage from the port-side wing should have extended over to Column Line (CL) 5, but Column #9 and Column #10 (pic) remain very much intact. The Govt LIARS say that AA77 crashed into this E-Ring wall going 530 miles per hour, when these vehicles and cable spools say that NEVER HAPPENED.


These Army and Navy Personnel are standing out in front of the missile-damaged E-Ring Wall with no intentions of saving anyone from any crashed 100-Ton Jetliner, because this missile strike has NOTHING to do with any Boeing 757-200 Jetliner.


This is a picture of A/E Drive running between the C-Ring (left) and D-Ring (right) walls that is only 220-feet from the outer E-Ring Wall. The phantom AA77 is 155 feet long and includes two massive 6-Ton Rolls-Royce Engines (pic) that NEVER crashed through this C-Ring Wall; because this missile strike has NOTHING to do with any 100-Ton Jetliner. At 530 miles per hour, these 'two' massive engines should have struck the rear C-Ring wall in .39 seconds, but we can see THAT NEVER HAPPENED.


Instead we see a single little hole that was created by the 'third' bomblet explosion that went "BOOM" . . .


. . . against the rear C-Ring wall of the Defense Intelligence Offices. We know what really happened at the Pentagon (my OP) by the 'facts' told by THE EVIDENCE having "NOTHING" to do with any 100-Ton Jetliner. These Official Cover Story DUPES :)cuckoo: = pic) 'are' worthy to be destroyed (my Topic = #8), which is the reason they are acting so very STUPID . . .

Who among you has 'quoted >>' from my work to prove 'anything' wrong using your own 'evidence?' Nobody. Checkmate. Now the H1N1 Bio-Weapon Virus (my Topic) "is" going to mutate into a Genocidal Monster, because that is exactly what you deserve . . .


blah blah blah bullshit

which is the reason they are acting so very STUPID . . .

blah blah blah bullshit thought we'd all be in FEMA camps and we will have Martial Law this year, right?

Anyway, your "theory" is shit. For no other reason than nobody saw a missile but dozens of witnesses saw a plane.


Anyway, please keep posting crappy pictures and the fecal-skadoodle or whatever the fuck you call it. Its entertaining but certainly not factual.

Have a good day.
Hi Candy:

Anyway, your "theory" is shit. For no other reason than nobody saw a missile but dozens of witnesses saw a plane . . .

In other words, Candy :)confused:) also has no pictures of AA77 crashed anywhere. ;0)

[ame=]LOL!! Candy = Corn LOL!! :0)[/ame]



Hi Dog:

Eots and Terral fighting?

Not at all. Eots knows that 9/11 was definitely and inside job and that no 100-ton Jetliner hit the Pentagon like all of these military/aviation experts:

[ame=]Believe These Experts, OR Ms. CandyCorn . . .[/ame]



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