This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

I am convinced that something is fishy about the official story. But I do not yet know EXACTLY what happened. Though, I do have questions (for the officials).

By fishy I mean, many of the premises presented by officials are invalid.

I don't see anything fishy about the 9/11 Commission Report. Fecal and Eots prove every day, in my view, that there are no alternative stories since, for all of their bluster, they won't present one that makes a lick of sense. A bow shockwave...rrrrriiiiiigggggghhhhhtttt!

Why was all but one video showing an impact on the Pentagon confiscated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation?
no one on here knows why
but i can guess its because they dont show anything more than what we've already seen
if that much
troofers are expecting a security camera that only takes snapshots every quarter second to capture a plane moving in excess of 400 mph
not gonna happen

Why was all but one video showing an impact on the Pentagon confiscated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation

no one on here knows why


but i can guess its because they dont show anything more than what we've already seen
if that much

but that does not make sense..they are classified ..court cases for there release has been blocked and denied..why all this effort for nothing

troofers are expecting a security camera that only takes snapshots every quarter second to capture a plane moving in excess of 400 mph
not gonna happen

ridiculous to think the pentagon does not have an array of high tech camera systems
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you are a scream cornhole check mate are indeed the black knight

YouTube - Black Knight

Just saying...if you don't think the 9/11 Commission Report accurately depicts what happened that day (the best that anybody could), please provide us with your own account. What are you so fucking afraid of?

Isn't it your ilk that always accuse others of being afraid of the truth? Please supply us with your version of the truth. I'm sure it will be incredible.

You won't of course. Just more you tube videos produced by persons perhaps as equally or more unbalanced than you are, more hyperbole about how "we have enough evidence" when in reality you have zilch.

All in all, you're a fraud.

Check Mate Bee--otch!

Why was all but one video showing an impact on the Pentagon confiscated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation

no one on here knows why


but i can guess its because they dont show anything more than what we've already seen
if that much

but that does not make sense..they are classified ..court cases for there release has been blocked and denied..why all this effort for nothing

troofers are expecting a security camera that only takes snapshots every quarter second to capture a plane moving in excess of 400 mph
not gonna happen

ridiculous to think the pentagon does not have an array of high tech camera systems
where is your proof that they have these high quality security cameras?
or are you forgetting that MOST things they get are provided by the LOWEST BIDDER?
and that there was no NEED for high quality cameras at the Pentagon
you are a scream cornhole check mate are indeed the black knight

YouTube - Black Knight

Just saying...if you don't think the 9/11 Commission Report accurately depicts what happened that day (the best that anybody could), please provide us with your own account. What are you so fucking afraid of?

Isn't it your ilk that always accuse others of being afraid of the truth? Please supply us with your version of the truth. I'm sure it will be incredible.

You won't of course. Just more you tube videos produced by persons perhaps as equally or more unbalanced than you are, more hyperbole about how "we have enough evidence" when in reality you have zilch.

All in all, you're a fraud.

Check Mate Bee--otch!

all I need to do is establish an event like 9/11 should be properly investigated and that the evidence shows this has never been version of the truth would unfold in an independent investigation with subpoena powers and overseen by the family steering committee with media scrutiny...the fraud is the 9/11 commision report
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you are a scream cornhole check mate are indeed the black knight

YouTube - Black Knight

Just saying...if you don't think the 9/11 Commission Report accurately depicts what happened that day (the best that anybody could), please provide us with your own account. What are you so fucking afraid of?

Isn't it your ilk that always accuse others of being afraid of the truth? Please supply us with your version of the truth. I'm sure it will be incredible.

You won't of course. Just more you tube videos produced by persons perhaps as equally or more unbalanced than you are, more hyperbole about how "we have enough evidence" when in reality you have zilch.

All in all, you're a fraud.

Check Mate Bee--otch!

all I need to do is establish an event like 9/11 should be properly investigated and that the evidence shows this has never been version of the truth would unfold in an independent investigation with subpoena powers and overseen by the family steering committee with media scrutiny...the fraud is the 9/11 commision report
why dont you tell what you believe to be YOUR version of the truth
Just saying...if you don't think the 9/11 Commission Report accurately depicts what happened that day (the best that anybody could), please provide us with your own account. What are you so fucking afraid of?

Isn't it your ilk that always accuse others of being afraid of the truth? Please supply us with your version of the truth. I'm sure it will be incredible.

You won't of course. Just more you tube videos produced by persons perhaps as equally or more unbalanced than you are, more hyperbole about how "we have enough evidence" when in reality you have zilch.

All in all, you're a fraud.

Check Mate Bee--otch!

all I need to do is establish an event like 9/11 should be properly investigated and that the evidence shows this has never been version of the truth would unfold in an independent investigation with subpoena powers and overseen by the family steering committee with media scrutiny...the fraud is the 9/11 commision report
why dont you tell what you believe to be YOUR version of the truth

I believe that there is a massive cover-up of the events of 9/11 and that the attack was perpetrated with direct involvement of elements within the government
all I need to do is establish an event like 9/11 should be properly investigated and that the evidence shows this has never been version of the truth would unfold in an independent investigation with subpoena powers and overseen by the family steering committee with media scrutiny...the fraud is the 9/11 commision report
why dont you tell what you believe to be YOUR version of the truth

I believe that there is a massive cover-up of the events of 9/11 and that the attack was perpetrated with direct involvement of elements within the government
thats kinda generic, dont ya think?
you are a scream cornhole check mate are indeed the black knight

YouTube - Black Knight

Just saying...if you don't think the 9/11 Commission Report accurately depicts what happened that day (the best that anybody could), please provide us with your own account. What are you so fucking afraid of?

Isn't it your ilk that always accuse others of being afraid of the truth? Please supply us with your version of the truth. I'm sure it will be incredible.

You won't of course. Just more you tube videos produced by persons perhaps as equally or more unbalanced than you are, more hyperbole about how "we have enough evidence" when in reality you have zilch.

All in all, you're a fraud.

Check Mate Bee--otch!

all I need to do is establish an event like 9/11 should be properly investigated and that the evidence shows this has never been version of the truth would unfold in an independent investigation with subpoena powers and overseen by the family steering committee with media scrutiny...the fraud is the 9/11 commision report

Proper investigation? Are you fucking serious?!!! There is no such thing with you guys. Any investigation that led to a conclusion other than your crazy theories, would be held as improper by the lunitic tin foil hat people. No matter how perfectly done the investigation was, you would create a conspiracy about how they falsified the evidence.

Why am i even bothering to tell you this? You know full and well what you do everytime sane people debunk your theories... you just move on to some other crazy thing, or you simply reject logic entirely and refuse to believe the truth. You are insane, so you will never be able to understand logic and reality, therefore its pointless for the normal people to try and help you understand these simple concepts.

You deserve your insanity, and i dont feel sorry for you at all.
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all I need to do is establish an event like 9/11 should be properly investigated and that the evidence shows this has never been done.
No, the evidence clearly shows it has been done.

12 Public Hearings
2.5 Million pages of documents provided by government agencies and other entities
1,000 hours of audio tapes for interviews etc...

All done under the tutelage of a bi-partisan Commission.

Furthermore, if you are under the impression that "all you need to do is esablish an event like 9/11 should be properly investigated" you're obviously wrong or totally incompetent. Otherwise, in the intermission of eight wide years, you have not done either. So...either you're cooking with the wrong ingredients to get a new investigation or none of your ilk knows how to cook. Take your pick.

Your evidence is little more than your opinions of what you think should have happened.

.my version of the truth would unfold in an independent investigation with subpoena powers and overseen by the family steering committee with media scrutiny...the fraud is the 9/11 commision report you're thinking that families should be the ones investigating crimes? Interesting brand of jurisprudence on your part there. Nobody in law enforcement believes that the father of a murder victim should be leading the investigation into the child's murder. But thanks for showing us your intellect.


Its not so much that you're gutless, its that you won't come out and say what you think. I'm not asking you to solve any thing. I'm not asking you to tell me the names, birth dates, blood types or even nationalities of the people who you thought pulled this off. I'm simply asking you what you think happened. You've devoted a fair amount of time to posting in this and other forums. You should at least have an opinion or working theory or something. I mean, damn, what would it harm for you to simply say, "Okay, here is how I think they did it...going on nothing other than my gut instinct" and then lay it out. Whats the harm? Nobody is going to hurt you. Nobody is going to think any less of you (as if that were possible though you're a cut above most truthers--no smack talk there--you ARE).

Just come on out and say what you think happened.

Here is an example:

I believe that 19 middle eastern men (the ones depicted in the 9/11 Commission Report) hijacked four airliners. With hijackers at the controls, rammed three of the planes into three buildings and had a fourth one crash in a field in Pennsylvania during a Passenger revolt.

I believe that we had (and still have) overlapping authority for air defense between the FAA and NORAD that lead to a bungled response between target recognition, target interdiction, and target destruction which never took place.

I believe that we had (and still have) overlapping authority for investigations that should be ironed out.

I believe that all public officials on that day involved in the response did the best job they could with the tools they had. That includes George Bush who is criticized for staying in the school room.

I do not feel that the entire government apparatus reported 100% truthfully to the 9/11 Commission Report due to a wish to protect their entity or their personnel. The aforementioned bungling was a result of human error but not criminal actions unless you wish to criminalize bad planning which I think would be a fair thing to do; find out whoever came up with this overlapping . The entities did not work together in a seamless way. The FAA was requesting NEADS track aircraft. I think one or the other should be totally in control of aircraft tracking...not "talking to one another". We had an hour. Not a lot of time for teleconferences when the stakes are so high.

I do believe that any inaccuracies--intentional or otherwise--reported to the 9/11 Commission Report were in the report without the disclaimer or the use of "about" or "around" to identify that the information wasn't precise. I also believe that these inaccuracies--intentional or otherwise--result in a distinction without a difference.

See, not that hard. Your turn.
Just saying...if you don't think the 9/11 Commission Report accurately depicts what happened that day (the best that anybody could), please provide us with your own account. What are you so fucking afraid of?

Isn't it your ilk that always accuse others of being afraid of the truth? Please supply us with your version of the truth. I'm sure it will be incredible.

You won't of course. Just more you tube videos produced by persons perhaps as equally or more unbalanced than you are, more hyperbole about how "we have enough evidence" when in reality you have zilch.

All in all, you're a fraud.

Check Mate Bee--otch!

all I need to do is establish an event like 9/11 should be properly investigated and that the evidence shows this has never been version of the truth would unfold in an independent investigation with subpoena powers and overseen by the family steering committee with media scrutiny...the fraud is the 9/11 commision report

Proper investigation? Are you fucking serious?!!! There is no such thing with you guys. Any investigation that led to a conclusion other than your crazy theories, would be held as improper by the lunitic tin foil hat people. No matter how perfectly done the investigation was, you would create a conspiracy about how they falsified the evidence.

Why am i even bothering to tell you this? You know full and well what you do everytime sane people debunk your theories... you just move on to some other crazy thing, or you simply reject logic entirely and refuse to believe the truth. You are insane, so you will never be able to understand logic and reality, therefore its pointless for the normal people to try and help you understand these simple concepts.

You deserve your insanity, and i dont feel sorry for you at all.

As you probably know, I do not know exactly what happened.

But, can you answer this;

Why did the Federal Bureau of Investigation confiscate all but video surveillance data from surrounding establishments that may have actually recorded what hit the pentagon?

Then the Federal Bureau of Investigation proceeded to release only one video.
all I need to do is establish an event like 9/11 should be properly investigated and that the evidence shows this has never been version of the truth would unfold in an independent investigation with subpoena powers and overseen by the family steering committee with media scrutiny...the fraud is the 9/11 commision report

Proper investigation? Are you fucking serious?!!! There is no such thing with you guys. Any investigation that led to a conclusion other than your crazy theories, would be held as improper by the lunitic tin foil hat people. No matter how perfectly done the investigation was, you would create a conspiracy about how they falsified the evidence.

Why am i even bothering to tell you this? You know full and well what you do everytime sane people debunk your theories... you just move on to some other crazy thing, or you simply reject logic entirely and refuse to believe the truth. You are insane, so you will never be able to understand logic and reality, therefore its pointless for the normal people to try and help you understand these simple concepts.

You deserve your insanity, and i dont feel sorry for you at all.

As you probably know, I do not know exactly what happened.

But, can you answer this;

Why did the Federal Bureau of Investigation confiscate all but video surveillance data from surrounding establishments that may have actually recorded what hit the pentagon?

Then the Federal Bureau of Investigation proceeded to release only one video.
thats an easy one
they did it to see what info they might contain, not that they actually contained anything

serious, you are borderline, seek out professional help before you get to the point you will believe anything alex jones tells you
Proper investigation? Are you fucking serious?!!! There is no such thing with you guys. Any investigation that led to a conclusion other than your crazy theories, would be held as improper by the lunitic tin foil hat people. No matter how perfectly done the investigation was, you would create a conspiracy about how they falsified the evidence.

Why am i even bothering to tell you this? You know full and well what you do everytime sane people debunk your theories... you just move on to some other crazy thing, or you simply reject logic entirely and refuse to believe the truth. You are insane, so you will never be able to understand logic and reality, therefore its pointless for the normal people to try and help you understand these simple concepts.

You deserve your insanity, and i don't feel sorry for you at all.

As you probably know, I do not know exactly what happened.

But, can you answer this;

Why did the Federal Bureau of Investigation confiscate all but video surveillance data from surrounding establishments that may have actually recorded what hit the pentagon?

Then the Federal Bureau of Investigation proceeded to release only one video.
thats an easy one
they did it to see what info they might contain, not that they actually contained anything

serious, you are borderline, seek out professional help before you get to the point you will believe anything alex jones tells you

and then kept them classified for the next 8 years despite court cases to seek the release

how does that make any sense at all...
all I need to do is establish an event like 9/11 should be properly investigated and that the evidence shows this has never been done.
No, the evidence clearly shows it has been done.

12 Public Hearings
2.5 Million pages of documents provided by government agencies and other entities
1,000 hours of audio tapes for interviews etc...

All done under the tutelage of a bi-partisan Commission.

Furthermore, if you are under the impression that "all you need to do is esablish an event like 9/11 should be properly investigated" you're obviously wrong or totally incompetent. Otherwise, in the intermission of eight wide years, you have not done either. So...either you're cooking with the wrong ingredients to get a new investigation or none of your ilk knows how to cook. Take your pick.

Your evidence is little more than your opinions of what you think should have happened.

.my version of the truth would unfold in an independent investigation with subpoena powers and overseen by the family steering committee with media scrutiny...the fraud is the 9/11 commision report you're thinking that families should be the ones investigating crimes? Interesting brand of jurisprudence on your part there. Nobody in law enforcement believes that the father of a murder victim should be leading the investigation into the child's murder. But thanks for showing us your intellect.


Its not so much that you're gutless, its that you won't come out and say what you think. I'm not asking you to solve any thing. I'm not asking you to tell me the names, birth dates, blood types or even nationalities of the people who you thought pulled this off. I'm simply asking you what you think happened. You've devoted a fair amount of time to posting in this and other forums. You should at least have an opinion or working theory or something. I mean, damn, what would it harm for you to simply say, "Okay, here is how I think they did it...going on nothing other than my gut instinct" and then lay it out. Whats the harm? Nobody is going to hurt you. Nobody is going to think any less of you (as if that were possible though you're a cut above most truthers--no smack talk there--you ARE).

Just come on out and say what you think happened.

Here is an example:

I believe that 19 middle eastern men (the ones depicted in the 9/11 Commission Report) hijacked four airliners. With hijackers at the controls, rammed three of the planes into three buildings and had a fourth one crash in a field in Pennsylvania during a Passenger revolt.

I believe that we had (and still have) overlapping authority for air defense between the FAA and NORAD that lead to a bungled response between target recognition, target interdiction, and target destruction which never took place.

I believe that we had (and still have) overlapping authority for investigations that should be ironed out.

I believe that all public officials on that day involved in the response did the best job they could with the tools they had. That includes George Bush who is criticized for staying in the school room.

I do not feel that the entire government apparatus reported 100% truthfully to the 9/11 Commission Report due to a wish to protect their entity or their personnel. The aforementioned bungling was a result of human error but not criminal actions unless you wish to criminalize bad planning which I think would be a fair thing to do; find out whoever came up with this overlapping . The entities did not work together in a seamless way. The FAA was requesting NEADS track aircraft. I think one or the other should be totally in control of aircraft tracking...not "talking to one another". We had an hour. Not a lot of time for teleconferences when the stakes are so high.

I do believe that any inaccuracies--intentional or otherwise--reported to the 9/11 Commission Report were in the report without the disclaimer or the use of "about" or "around" to identify that the information wasn't precise. I also believe that these inaccuracies--intentional or otherwise--result in a distinction without a difference.

See, not that hard. Your turn.

except...the commission members call it a cover up and NIST investigators say the government actively tried to deter fact finding
Senator Max Cleland – Former member of the 9/11 Commission, resigned in December 2003. Currently serves on the board of directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. U.S. Senator from Georgia 1997 - 2002. Secretary of State of Georgia 1982 - 1996. Administrator of the U.S. Veterans Administration 1977 - 1981. Former Captain, U.S. Army. Awarded Silver Star and Bronze Star for bravery in Viet Nam. Triple amputee from war injuries.

Article New York Times 10/26/03: "As each day goes by, we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before Sept. 11 than it has ever admitted." Common Dreams | News & Views

Edward L. Peck – Deputy Director of the White House Task Force on Terrorism under President Ronald Reagan. Former Deputy Coordinator, Covert Intelligence Programs at the State Department. U.S. Ambassador and Chief of Mission to Iraq (1977 - 1980). 32-year veteran of the Foreign Service.

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11:
"We want truthful answers to question. … As Americans of conscience, we ask for four things:
An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry."
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As you probably know, I do not know exactly what happened.

But, can you answer this;

Why did the Federal Bureau of Investigation confiscate all but video surveillance data from surrounding establishments that may have actually recorded what hit the pentagon?

Then the Federal Bureau of Investigation proceeded to release only one video.
thats an easy one
they did it to see what info they might contain, not that they actually contained anything

serious, you are borderline, seek out professional help before you get to the point you will believe anything alex jones tells you

and then kept them classified for the next 8 years despite court cases to seek the release

how does that make any sense at all...
it doesnt, but it doesnt mean its what you believe either
all I need to do is establish an event like 9/11 should be properly investigated and that the evidence shows this has never been done.
No, the evidence clearly shows it has been done.

12 Public Hearings
2.5 Million pages of documents provided by government agencies and other entities
1,000 hours of audio tapes for interviews etc...

All done under the tutelage of a bi-partisan Commission.

Furthermore, if you are under the impression that "all you need to do is esablish an event like 9/11 should be properly investigated" you're obviously wrong or totally incompetent. Otherwise, in the intermission of eight wide years, you have not done either. So...either you're cooking with the wrong ingredients to get a new investigation or none of your ilk knows how to cook. Take your pick.

Your evidence is little more than your opinions of what you think should have happened.

.my version of the truth would unfold in an independent investigation with subpoena powers and overseen by the family steering committee with media scrutiny...the fraud is the 9/11 commision report you're thinking that families should be the ones investigating crimes? Interesting brand of jurisprudence on your part there. Nobody in law enforcement believes that the father of a murder victim should be leading the investigation into the child's murder. But thanks for showing us your intellect.


Its not so much that you're gutless, its that you won't come out and say what you think. I'm not asking you to solve any thing. I'm not asking you to tell me the names, birth dates, blood types or even nationalities of the people who you thought pulled this off. I'm simply asking you what you think happened. You've devoted a fair amount of time to posting in this and other forums. You should at least have an opinion or working theory or something. I mean, damn, what would it harm for you to simply say, "Okay, here is how I think they did it...going on nothing other than my gut instinct" and then lay it out. Whats the harm? Nobody is going to hurt you. Nobody is going to think any less of you (as if that were possible though you're a cut above most truthers--no smack talk there--you ARE).

Just come on out and say what you think happened.

Here is an example:

I believe that 19 middle eastern men (the ones depicted in the 9/11 Commission Report) hijacked four airliners. With hijackers at the controls, rammed three of the planes into three buildings and had a fourth one crash in a field in Pennsylvania during a Passenger revolt.

I believe that we had (and still have) overlapping authority for air defense between the FAA and NORAD that lead to a bungled response between target recognition, target interdiction, and target destruction which never took place.

I believe that we had (and still have) overlapping authority for investigations that should be ironed out.

I believe that all public officials on that day involved in the response did the best job they could with the tools they had. That includes George Bush who is criticized for staying in the school room.

I do not feel that the entire government apparatus reported 100% truthfully to the 9/11 Commission Report due to a wish to protect their entity or their personnel. The aforementioned bungling was a result of human error but not criminal actions unless you wish to criminalize bad planning which I think would be a fair thing to do; find out whoever came up with this overlapping . The entities did not work together in a seamless way. The FAA was requesting NEADS track aircraft. I think one or the other should be totally in control of aircraft tracking...not "talking to one another". We had an hour. Not a lot of time for teleconferences when the stakes are so high.

I do believe that any inaccuracies--intentional or otherwise--reported to the 9/11 Commission Report were in the report without the disclaimer or the use of "about" or "around" to identify that the information wasn't precise. I also believe that these inaccuracies--intentional or otherwise--result in a distinction without a difference.

See, not that hard. Your turn.

except...the commission members call it a cover up and NIST investigators say the government actively tried to deter fact finding
no, you had ONE member say that, and then not the cover up YOU want
Senator Max Cleland – Former member of the 9/11 Commission, resigned in December 2003. Currently serves on the board of directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. U.S. Senator from Georgia 1997 - 2002. Secretary of State of Georgia 1982 - 1996. Administrator of the U.S. Veterans Administration 1977 - 1981. Former Captain, U.S. Army. Awarded Silver Star and Bronze Star for bravery in Viet Nam. Triple amputee from war injuries.

Article New York Times 10/26/03: "As each day goes by, we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before Sept. 11 than it has ever admitted." Common Dreams | News & Views

Edward L. Peck – Deputy Director of the White House Task Force on Terrorism under President Ronald Reagan. Former Deputy Coordinator, Covert Intelligence Programs at the State Department. U.S. Ambassador and Chief of Mission to Iraq (1977 - 1980). 32-year veteran of the Foreign Service.

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11:
"We want truthful answers to question. … As Americans of conscience, we ask for four things:
An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry."
BOOM, he DOESN'T support your BULLSHIT

and that second one is so out of date its FUNNY

Spitzer, he wants SPITZER to investigate :rofl:
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