This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11


Are you serious? Hell no, this is the type we need to be worried about, look at how much effort he puts into this.......not to mention his thought process is so one dimensional, the first clue is how could you keep this many people silent this long????

Go back to the Opening Post and "QUOTE ANYTHING >>" and offer your rebuttal using whatever GWV calls 'credible evidence.' GWV would rather attack 'my person' rather than address the substance of 'my work,' because he has NO CASE for what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11.

Again, I wonder if souls like this are really in padded rooms somewhere and the guard gives them access for special favors......:banghead:

Sticks and stones. What has GWV :)confused:) proven by the evidence in this Pentagon debate? NOTHING.



You're still here? I thought you were going to be picked up? What happened?

Hi Candy:

The usual bullshit

Aren't you supposed to be locked up somewhere?

The above 'bs' is NOT a quote from me. If Candy cannot write on 'the Topic' then please act out on your own silly Topic.



I doubt anybody would think you'd just write "the usual bullshit". It would be funny, clever, and summarize your 350MB responses to a yes or no question.

I don't doubt that at the end of reading your nonsense, the one or two people who put themselves through your hourly crap-o-rama think to themselves, "that was the same shit he posted every day for the past 8 years).

So they have internet access in Hotel FEMA? LOL:lol::lol::lol::lol:
eots said:
awe yes the ol secretes cant be kept fallacy..a sure sign of the uniformed and media controlled..hey wise guy...did they find bin laden yet ? or his secrete hideaway how come no one has ratted him out or sold him out ?
The missing Trillions the defense secretary spoke about on 9-10 01 could buy a lot of silence and complicity.
eots said:
awe yes the ol secretes cant be kept fallacy..a sure sign of the uniformed and media controlled..hey wise guy...did they find bin laden yet ? or his secrete hideaway how come no one has ratted him out or sold him out ?
The missing Trillions the defense secretary spoke about on 9-10 01 could buy a lot of silence and complicity.

You SEEM to be very wise.
Hi Joe, Mr. Jones, Eots:

eots said:
awe yes the ol secretes cant be kept fallacy..a sure sign of the uniformed and media controlled..hey wise guy...did they find bin laden yet ? or his secrete hideaway how come no one has ratted him out or sold him out ?
The missing Trillions the defense secretary spoke about on 9-10 01 could buy a lot of silence and complicity.

You SEEM to be very wise.

The 'missing' 2.3 Trillion (with a T) dollars? No. The rogue element working inside our U.S. Department of Defense 'stole' more than 3 Trillion Dollars on 9/11 'and' that buys a LOT of DoD Counterintelligence Disinformation from fake 911Truth Fronts like Loose Change, Pilots For Truth, Let's Roll, so on and so forth (explained here) . . .


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Hi Joe, Mr. Jones, Eots:

The missing Trillions the defense secretary spoke about on 9-10 01 could buy a lot of silence and complicity.

You SEEM to be very wise.

The 'missing' 2.3 Trillion (with a T) dollars? No. The rogue element working inside our U.S. Department of Defense 'stole' more than 3 Trillion Dollars on 9/11 'and' that buys a LOT of DoD Counterintelligence Disinformation from fake 911Truth Fronts like Loose Change, Pilots For Truth, Let's Roll, so on and so forth (explained here) . . .



Three billion dollars is a large amount of money. It is possible that many people may not realize exactly how much money that is. Especially when it is one thousand times more than that. There is enough to give EVERY individual in the country ten thousand dollars, Men, Women, and children.
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Hi Joe:

Three billion dollars is a large amount of money. It is possible that many people may not realize exactly how much money that is. Especially when it is one thousand times more than that. There is enough to give EVERY individual in the country a thousand dollars, Men, Women, and children.

What most Americans do not realize is that the Pentagon was attacked at exactly 9:31:39 AM and NOT at 9:38 AM; which means the Govt has yet to explain what happened during the first seven minutes. See my "9:31" Post here and my "Pentagon Timeline" (here). Secondly, most Americans fail to realize that the Pentagon was attacked 'two times' and not just once.


The first attack (upper pic) took place at 9:31:39 AM, while the second attack took place at exactly 9:36:27 AM just 4 minutes and 48 seconds later. Next: The 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike included the use of 'three' bomblets that detonated in timed sequence along the Column Line 14 Death Corridor shown here:


The Missile Payload and Bomblet #1 murdered the bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts (story) responsible for tracking down the missing/stolen 2.3 Trillion Dollars. Bomblet #2 murdered the Navy Commanders gathered to launch Navy Jets from ships into the WTC Theater, which never happened (story). The third bomblet broke through the Wedge One/Wedge Two Cross Wall and detonated against the rear C-ring wall to murder everyone in the Defense Intelligence Office, so nobody would be around to blow the cover on this definite Inside-Job Attack. The Inside-Job Murderers continued sitting in the White House for eight long years 'and' the USA 'is' worthy of being utterly destroyed from the face of the earth for being so damned STUPID (my Topic).


Bill Clinton can't keep an affair between himself and an intern a secret but the gubamint can keep a massive conspiracy with thousands of people in many different countries a secret. Right.

Oh and Terral, did you see my thread about the US Army killing it's own soldiers with the Swine Flu vaccine? I would really like you to look at and comment, seriously.
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Hi Joe:

Three billion dollars is a large amount of money. It is possible that many people may not realize exactly how much money that is. Especially when it is one thousand times more than that. There is enough to give EVERY individual in the country a thousand dollars, Men, Women, and children.

What most Americans do not realize is that the Pentagon was attacked at exactly 9:31:39 AM and NOT at 9:38 AM; which means the Govt has yet to explain what happened during the first seven minutes. See my "9:31" Post here and my "Pentagon Timeline" (here). Secondly, most Americans fail to realize that the Pentagon was attacked 'two times' and not just once.


The first attack (upper pic) took place at 9:31:39 AM, while the second attack took place at exactly 9:36:27 AM just 4 minutes and 48 seconds later. Next: The 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike included the use of 'three' bomblets that detonated in timed sequence along the Column Line 14 Death Corridor shown here:


The Missile Payload and Bomblet #1 murdered the bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts (story) responsible for tracking down the missing/stolen 2.3 Trillion Dollars. Bomblet #2 murdered the Navy Commanders gathered to launch Navy Jets from ships into the WTC Theater, which never happened (story). The third bomblet broke through the Wedge One/Wedge Two Cross Wall and detonated against the rear C-ring wall to murder everyone in the Defense Intelligence Office, so nobody would be around to blow the cover on this definite Inside-Job Attack. The Inside-Job Murderers continued sitting in the White House for eight long years 'and' the USA 'is' worthy of being utterly destroyed from the face of the earth for being so damned STUPID (my Topic).



Hi Joe:

Three billion dollars is a large amount of money. It is possible that many people may not realize exactly how much money that is. Especially when it is one thousand times more than that. There is enough to give EVERY individual in the country a thousand dollars, Men, Women, and children.

What most Americans do not realize is that the Pentagon was attacked at exactly 9:31:39 AM and NOT at 9:38 AM; which means the Govt has yet to explain what happened during the first seven minutes. See my "9:31" Post here and my "Pentagon Timeline" (here). Secondly, most Americans fail to realize that the Pentagon was attacked 'two times' and not just once.


The first attack (upper pic) took place at 9:31:39 AM, while the second attack took place at exactly 9:36:27 AM just 4 minutes and 48 seconds later. Next: The 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike included the use of 'three' bomblets that detonated in timed sequence along the Column Line 14 Death Corridor shown here:


The Missile Payload and Bomblet #1 murdered the bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts (story) responsible for tracking down the missing/stolen 2.3 Trillion Dollars. Bomblet #2 murdered the Navy Commanders gathered to launch Navy Jets from ships into the WTC Theater, which never happened (story). The third bomblet broke through the Wedge One/Wedge Two Cross Wall and detonated against the rear C-ring wall to murder everyone in the Defense Intelligence Office, so nobody would be around to blow the cover on this definite Inside-Job Attack. The Inside-Job Murderers continued sitting in the White House for eight long years 'and' the USA 'is' worthy of being utterly destroyed from the face of the earth for being so damned STUPID (my Topic).



I am convinced that something is fishy about the official story. But I do not yet know EXACTLY what happened. Though, I do have questions (for the officials).

By fishy I mean, many of the premises presented by officials are invalid.
Hi Joe:

Three billion dollars is a large amount of money. It is possible that many people may not realize exactly how much money that is. Especially when it is one thousand times more than that. There is enough to give EVERY individual in the country a thousand dollars, Men, Women, and children.

What most Americans do not realize is that the Pentagon was attacked at exactly 9:31:39 AM and NOT at 9:38 AM; which means the Govt has yet to explain what happened during the first seven minutes. See my "9:31" Post here and my "Pentagon Timeline" (here). Secondly, most Americans fail to realize that the Pentagon was attacked 'two times' and not just once.


The first attack (upper pic) took place at 9:31:39 AM, while the second attack took place at exactly 9:36:27 AM just 4 minutes and 48 seconds later. Next: The 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike included the use of 'three' bomblets that detonated in timed sequence along the Column Line 14 Death Corridor shown here:


The Missile Payload and Bomblet #1 murdered the bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts (story) responsible for tracking down the missing/stolen 2.3 Trillion Dollars. Bomblet #2 murdered the Navy Commanders gathered to launch Navy Jets from ships into the WTC Theater, which never happened (story). The third bomblet broke through the Wedge One/Wedge Two Cross Wall and detonated against the rear C-ring wall to murder everyone in the Defense Intelligence Office, so nobody would be around to blow the cover on this definite Inside-Job Attack. The Inside-Job Murderers continued sitting in the White House for eight long years 'and' the USA 'is' worthy of being utterly destroyed from the face of the earth for being so damned STUPID (my Topic).



I am convinced that something is fishy about the official story. But I do not yet know EXACTLY what happened. Though, I do have questions (for the officials).

By fishy I mean, many of the premises presented by officials are invalid.
terral's game is he throws a ton of shit on the wall, making it impossibe to address any one point and get specific
when you ask him a specific question, he throws the same shit on the wall again
Hi Joe:

Three billion dollars is a large amount of money. It is possible that many people may not realize exactly how much money that is. Especially when it is one thousand times more than that. There is enough to give EVERY individual in the country a thousand dollars, Men, Women, and children.

What most Americans do not realize is that the Pentagon was attacked at exactly 9:31:39 AM and NOT at 9:38 AM; which means the Govt has yet to explain what happened during the first seven minutes. See my "9:31" Post here and my "Pentagon Timeline" (here). Secondly, most Americans fail to realize that the Pentagon was attacked 'two times' and not just once.


The first attack (upper pic) took place at 9:31:39 AM, while the second attack took place at exactly 9:36:27 AM just 4 minutes and 48 seconds later. Next: The 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike included the use of 'three' bomblets that detonated in timed sequence along the Column Line 14 Death Corridor shown here:


The Missile Payload and Bomblet #1 murdered the bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts (story) responsible for tracking down the missing/stolen 2.3 Trillion Dollars. Bomblet #2 murdered the Navy Commanders gathered to launch Navy Jets from ships into the WTC Theater, which never happened (story). The third bomblet broke through the Wedge One/Wedge Two Cross Wall and detonated against the rear C-ring wall to murder everyone in the Defense Intelligence Office, so nobody would be around to blow the cover on this definite Inside-Job Attack. The Inside-Job Murderers continued sitting in the White House for eight long years 'and' the USA 'is' worthy of being utterly destroyed from the face of the earth for being so damned STUPID (my Topic).



I am convinced that something is fishy about the official story. But I do not yet know EXACTLY what happened. Though, I do have questions (for the officials).

By fishy I mean, many of the premises presented by officials are invalid.

I don't see anything fishy about the 9/11 Commission Report. Fecal and Eots prove every day, in my view, that there are no alternative stories since, for all of their bluster, they won't present one that makes a lick of sense. A bow shockwave...rrrrriiiiiigggggghhhhhtttt!
Hi Joe:

What most Americans do not realize is that the Pentagon was attacked at exactly 9:31:39 AM and NOT at 9:38 AM; which means the Govt has yet to explain what happened during the first seven minutes. See my "9:31" Post here and my "Pentagon Timeline" (here). Secondly, most Americans fail to realize that the Pentagon was attacked 'two times' and not just once.


The first attack (upper pic) took place at 9:31:39 AM, while the second attack took place at exactly 9:36:27 AM just 4 minutes and 48 seconds later. Next: The 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike included the use of 'three' bomblets that detonated in timed sequence along the Column Line 14 Death Corridor shown here:


The Missile Payload and Bomblet #1 murdered the bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts (story) responsible for tracking down the missing/stolen 2.3 Trillion Dollars. Bomblet #2 murdered the Navy Commanders gathered to launch Navy Jets from ships into the WTC Theater, which never happened (story). The third bomblet broke through the Wedge One/Wedge Two Cross Wall and detonated against the rear C-ring wall to murder everyone in the Defense Intelligence Office, so nobody would be around to blow the cover on this definite Inside-Job Attack. The Inside-Job Murderers continued sitting in the White House for eight long years 'and' the USA 'is' worthy of being utterly destroyed from the face of the earth for being so damned STUPID (my Topic).



I am convinced that something is fishy about the official story. But I do not yet know EXACTLY what happened. Though, I do have questions (for the officials).

By fishy I mean, many of the premises presented by officials are invalid.

I don't see anything fishy about the 9/11 Commission Report. Fecal and Eots prove every day, in my view, that there are no alternative stories since, for all of their bluster, they won't present one that makes a lick of sense. A bow shockwave...rrrrriiiiiigggggghhhhhtttt!

given the opinions of the participants in the 9/11 commission report about the 9/11 commission report..this is a ridiculous statement
I am convinced that something is fishy about the official story. But I do not yet know EXACTLY what happened. Though, I do have questions (for the officials).

By fishy I mean, many of the premises presented by officials are invalid.

I don't see anything fishy about the 9/11 Commission Report. Fecal and Eots prove every day, in my view, that there are no alternative stories since, for all of their bluster, they won't present one that makes a lick of sense. A bow shockwave...rrrrriiiiiigggggghhhhhtttt!

given the opinions of the participants in the 9/11 commission report about the 9/11 commission report..this is a ridiculous statement

Well, I preferred a non-whackjob commission. Thats what I got. Not a sheet of aluminum foil on anybody's head so I guess you felt like an outsider.

It was bi-partisan and they wrote a bulletproof report in my view on the major points.

If you don't like it, first; fuck you but secondly, you can provide us with a story to counter it...can't you shirley? Thats what I thought.

Hi Joe:

What most Americans do not realize is that the Pentagon was attacked at exactly 9:31:39 AM and NOT at 9:38 AM; which means the Govt has yet to explain what happened during the first seven minutes. See my "9:31" Post here and my "Pentagon Timeline" (here). Secondly, most Americans fail to realize that the Pentagon was attacked 'two times' and not just once.


The first attack (upper pic) took place at 9:31:39 AM, while the second attack took place at exactly 9:36:27 AM just 4 minutes and 48 seconds later. Next: The 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike included the use of 'three' bomblets that detonated in timed sequence along the Column Line 14 Death Corridor shown here:


The Missile Payload and Bomblet #1 murdered the bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts (story) responsible for tracking down the missing/stolen 2.3 Trillion Dollars. Bomblet #2 murdered the Navy Commanders gathered to launch Navy Jets from ships into the WTC Theater, which never happened (story). The third bomblet broke through the Wedge One/Wedge Two Cross Wall and detonated against the rear C-ring wall to murder everyone in the Defense Intelligence Office, so nobody would be around to blow the cover on this definite Inside-Job Attack. The Inside-Job Murderers continued sitting in the White House for eight long years 'and' the USA 'is' worthy of being utterly destroyed from the face of the earth for being so damned STUPID (my Topic).



I am convinced that something is fishy about the official story. But I do not yet know EXACTLY what happened. Though, I do have questions (for the officials).

By fishy I mean, many of the premises presented by officials are invalid.

I don't see anything fishy about the 9/11 Commission Report. Fecal and Eots prove every day, in my view, that there are no alternative stories since, for all of their bluster, they won't present one that makes a lick of sense. A bow shockwave...rrrrriiiiiigggggghhhhhtttt!

Why was all but one video showing an impact on the Pentagon confiscated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation?
I am convinced that something is fishy about the official story. But I do not yet know EXACTLY what happened. Though, I do have questions (for the officials).

By fishy I mean, many of the premises presented by officials are invalid.

I don't see anything fishy about the 9/11 Commission Report. Fecal and Eots prove every day, in my view, that there are no alternative stories since, for all of their bluster, they won't present one that makes a lick of sense. A bow shockwave...rrrrriiiiiigggggghhhhhtttt!

Why was all but one video showing an impact on the Pentagon confiscated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation?

here.. I wll take this one debunkers.

because you are a idiot,,moron !..thats why !

ha check mate bitch..I win I WIN..I always win
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I don't see anything fishy about the 9/11 Commission Report. Fecal and Eots prove every day, in my view, that there are no alternative stories since, for all of their bluster, they won't present one that makes a lick of sense. A bow shockwave...rrrrriiiiiigggggghhhhhtttt!

Why was all but one video showing an impact on the Pentagon confiscated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation?

here.. I wll take this one debunkers.

because you are a idiot,,moron !..thats why !

ha check mate bitch..I win I WIN..I always win


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