This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

the results were largely the same..fuck off ...uh link to this test please

Yeah....doofus....that is the point. When a 500mph jet crashes into a building that ISN"T as hard as the one in the test, you have some wreckage that doesn't look like a lot of other plane crashes. It answers Terral's request to find a jet in a picture. You, by your own admission, prove what happened to AA77. It basically disentigrated.

If the wall had been like the Nuke Silo wouldn't even see the overwhelming physical evidence of Flight 77 you see at the Pentagon. And no dipshit, nobody planted it.

You want a link to the video you just saw? Fairly self explanatory.

so in other words you have no proof to back up your bullshit claim of a similar test with similar results with a commercial airliner...just as i thought

I don't think I made THAT claim....I am saying that a 500 MPH wreck of an aircraft into a hard target is not going to leave a lot of aircraft leftover. I am saying that a 500 MPH wreck into a hardened bunker will leave even less. Velocity matters. Imact profiles matter. Angles matter. Strength of materials matter. Terral doesn't matter. :tongue:

I am suggesting that you and fecal's views of why there isn't any large wreckage at the Pentagon is easily explained by the video above; a 500mph wreck into a hardened traget isn't going to leave much wreckage and not look like any other wreck.

Care to explain how a jet pulled up doing 720 feet per second after hitting a lightpole that was less than 100 feet from the building?
Yeah....doofus....that is the point. When a 500mph jet crashes into a building that ISN"T as hard as the one in the test, you have some wreckage that doesn't look like a lot of other plane crashes. It answers Terral's request to find a jet in a picture. You, by your own admission, prove what happened to AA77. It basically disentigrated.

If the wall had been like the Nuke Silo wouldn't even see the overwhelming physical evidence of Flight 77 you see at the Pentagon. And no dipshit, nobody planted it.

You want a link to the video you just saw? Fairly self explanatory.

so in other words you have no proof to back up your bullshit claim of a similar test with similar results with a commercial airliner...just as i thought

I don't think I made THAT claim....I am saying that a 500 MPH wreck of an aircraft into a hard target is not going to leave a lot of aircraft leftover. I am saying that a 500 MPH wreck into a hardened bunker will leave even less. Velocity matters. Imact profiles matter. Angles matter. Strength of materials matter. Terral doesn't matter. :tongue:

I am suggesting that you and fecal's views of why there isn't any large wreckage at the Pentagon is easily explained by the video above; a 500mph wreck into a hardened traget isn't going to leave much wreckage and not look like any other wreck.

Care to explain how a jet pulled up doing 720 feet per second after hitting a lightpole that was less than 100 feet from the building?

and your expertise on crash investigation is what exactly ?
Greetings to All:

The Pentagon was attacked on 9/11 by a rogue element inside the U.S. military using a plan that almost failed at the very beginning. The inside-job bad guys used a retrofitted and radio-controlled A-3 TNT-filled Jet to launch a missile attack (like this) at 9:31:39 AM (see FAA Timeline here) on Column Line (CL) 14 using this flight path, but the complicated maneuvers caused the radio operator to lose control and altitude at the critical moment, which caused the starboard wing to begin clipping the five downed light poles. The radio operator had a panic attack for fear that the painted up A-3 would crash into the Pentagon lawn, so he pulled back on the joystick to create what the CIT boys are calling the “Flyover Plane,” NOT at 9:38 AM, but at 9:31:39 AM when the Pentagon clocks stopped. The radio operator then began making a wide turn to the north that was witnessed by the C-130 pilot and many other people, until making the final attack strike on the Wedge One Wall between CL 9 and CL 15 at 9:36:27 AM just about 5 minutes later to create Terry Cohen's "Terrible Explosion" that took place 'after' the Original 9:31:39 AM attack.

Terry Cohen News Video

The problem for our inside-job bad guys is that the Pentagon Limestone-clad masonry wall required the ‘inside’ explosion from the missile strike, in coordination with the A-3 CL 9-15 massive explosion, to take down the E-Ring roof during the original 9:31:39 AM attack run. This attack location was chosen far in advance because of the CL 11 control-joint that would bring down the E-Ring roof very effectively. However, the A-3 Jet was forced over the E-Ring roof at 9:31:39 AM and also struck the second story concrete slab in the 9:36:27 AM attack, which means the E-Ring roof fell just one foot (look carefully at the control joint above the fire truck) to become wedged tightly against the northern side of CL-11. Our inside-job bad guys then had a terrible problem, because many explosive charges were needed to eventually bring the E-Ring Roof down at 10:15 AM about 45 minutes after the original missile attack.

Pentagon News 5 Video

This means the inside-job bad guys had to go around fabricating the many different “Official Timelines” (link) that are filled with contradictions (ACAAR = Page 200) in order to give their fake “Flight 77” Cover Story the resemblance of credibility. The inside-job bad guys have been working everyday running their counterintelligence disinformation campaigns to cover their tracks from that time to today.

Lloyd England’s taxi was struck by Pole #1 during the 9:31:39 AM missile strike, which is the reason he saw a single smoke plume (Barbara Honegger's paper) from the original small CL 13-15 entry hole (picture). While he and his partner were wrestling around with the light pole, then the A-3 Jet created the “Big Boom*” that knocked him down and almost killed him for the second time in just 5 minutes. :0) Many people think the light pole evidence was staged, because they are BLIND to the 911Truth that we have been looking at ‘two attacks’ (LetsRoll thread) all along. The second ‘Big Boom’ happened 5 minutes later at 9:36:27 AM, while Lloyd and his helper were removing the pole from his windshield. The next series of explosions started at 9:42 AM, which is event #27 on my Pentagon Timeline here.

The reason you have so much confusion and contradiction between all these Pentagon witnesses is because ‘some’ of them saw the 9:31:39 AM A-3 Flyover and others saw the actual Jet hit the Pentagon at 9:36:27 AM like these two witnesses:

Michael Kelly News Video

Don Wright News Video

The 9:31:39 AM witnesses saw the A-3 disappear into the single smoke plume on the ‘South-of-Citgo’ Flight Path, while the 9:36:27 AM witnesses saw the same painted-up Jet crash into the Pentagon wall using the “North-of-Citgo” Fight Path shown here. The 9:31:39 AM witnesses saw the light poles flying around (witness link), but the 9:36:27 AM people saw no signs of any light poles being hit along the North-of-Citgo Flight Path. That is the reason some so-called Pentagon Investigators think the light pole evidence is all staged. :0) We have small bits of Jet debris (pic), because the A-3 was blown into a kazillion bits at impact. Nobody has ever found one piece of any real Boeing 757-200 Jetliner debris, because this damage and this damage was NOT created by any real 100-Ton Jetliner going any 530 miles per hour. :0) That is the reason no 'time-change' parts (story) have ever been produced by the inside-job FBI/Bushie Administration bad guys in the first place. The damage pattern (pic) is consistent with a ‘three attack’ scenario from the 9:31:39 AM missile strike, the 9:36:27 AM Jet attack ‘and’ the subsequent Controlled-Demolition Explosions that eventually brought the E-Ring roof down at 10:15 AM.

Nobody can show you a picture of a crashed 100-Ton Jetliner at the Pentagon (Expert Video), because nothing like that ever happened.



If you put this much effort into something productive your life could go somewhere, all you have proven is your a desperate fool.......... :disbelief::ahole-1::anj_stfu::night:
so in other words you have no proof to back up your bullshit claim of a similar test with similar results with a commercial airliner...just as i thought

I don't think I made THAT claim....I am saying that a 500 MPH wreck of an aircraft into a hard target is not going to leave a lot of aircraft leftover. I am saying that a 500 MPH wreck into a hardened bunker will leave even less. Velocity matters. Imact profiles matter. Angles matter. Strength of materials matter. Terral doesn't matter. :tongue:

I am suggesting that you and fecal's views of why there isn't any large wreckage at the Pentagon is easily explained by the video above; a 500mph wreck into a hardened traget isn't going to leave much wreckage and not look like any other wreck.

Care to explain how a jet pulled up doing 720 feet per second after hitting a lightpole that was less than 100 feet from the building?

and your expertise on crash investigation iswhat exactly ?

Comparing the wreckage results of one 500 mph jet airplane crash (the imperfect video above) to the 500 mph wreckage results that took place on 9/11/01 at the Pentagon. In both cases it was sort of like cheese through the grater.

And a pretty healthy amount of common sense that you seem to be lacking. For example, I know it would have been impossible to plant those explosives in the buildings in NY and the wreckage at the Pentagon without anybody seeing it.

I'm not sure why you seem to think that happened (of course, you won't say what you think, will you? I'm not ashamed of my beliefs like you seem to be. Otherwise, why not state what you think happened?

Greetings to All:

The Pentagon was attacked on 9/11 by a rogue element inside the U.S. military using a plan that almost failed at the very beginning. The inside-job bad guys used a retrofitted and radio-controlled A-3 TNT-filled Jet to launch a missile attack (like this) at 9:31:39 AM (see FAA Timeline here) on Column Line (CL) 14 using this flight path, but the complicated maneuvers caused the radio operator to lose control and altitude at the critical moment, which caused the starboard wing to begin clipping the five downed light poles. The radio operator had a panic attack for fear that the painted up A-3 would crash into the Pentagon lawn, so he pulled back on the joystick to create what the CIT boys are calling the “Flyover Plane,” NOT at 9:38 AM, but at 9:31:39 AM when the Pentagon clocks stopped. The radio operator then began making a wide turn to the north that was witnessed by the C-130 pilot and many other people, until making the final attack strike on the Wedge One Wall between CL 9 and CL 15 at 9:36:27 AM just about 5 minutes later to create Terry Cohen's "Terrible Explosion" that took place 'after' the Original 9:31:39 AM attack.

Terry Cohen News Video

The problem for our inside-job bad guys is that the Pentagon Limestone-clad masonry wall required the ‘inside’ explosion from the missile strike, in coordination with the A-3 CL 9-15 massive explosion, to take down the E-Ring roof during the original 9:31:39 AM attack run. This attack location was chosen far in advance because of the CL 11 control-joint that would bring down the E-Ring roof very effectively. However, the A-3 Jet was forced over the E-Ring roof at 9:31:39 AM and also struck the second story concrete slab in the 9:36:27 AM attack, which means the E-Ring roof fell just one foot (look carefully at the control joint above the fire truck) to become wedged tightly against the northern side of CL-11. Our inside-job bad guys then had a terrible problem, because many explosive charges were needed to eventually bring the E-Ring Roof down at 10:15 AM about 45 minutes after the original missile attack.

Pentagon News 5 Video

This means the inside-job bad guys had to go around fabricating the many different “Official Timelines” (link) that are filled with contradictions (ACAAR = Page 200) in order to give their fake “Flight 77” Cover Story the resemblance of credibility. The inside-job bad guys have been working everyday running their counterintelligence disinformation campaigns to cover their tracks from that time to today.

Lloyd England’s taxi was struck by Pole #1 during the 9:31:39 AM missile strike, which is the reason he saw a single smoke plume (Barbara Honegger's paper) from the original small CL 13-15 entry hole (picture). While he and his partner were wrestling around with the light pole, then the A-3 Jet created the “Big Boom*” that knocked him down and almost killed him for the second time in just 5 minutes. :0) Many people think the light pole evidence was staged, because they are BLIND to the 911Truth that we have been looking at ‘two attacks’ (LetsRoll thread) all along. The second ‘Big Boom’ happened 5 minutes later at 9:36:27 AM, while Lloyd and his helper were removing the pole from his windshield. The next series of explosions started at 9:42 AM, which is event #27 on my Pentagon Timeline here.

The reason you have so much confusion and contradiction between all these Pentagon witnesses is because ‘some’ of them saw the 9:31:39 AM A-3 Flyover and others saw the actual Jet hit the Pentagon at 9:36:27 AM like these two witnesses:

Michael Kelly News Video

Don Wright News Video

The 9:31:39 AM witnesses saw the A-3 disappear into the single smoke plume on the ‘South-of-Citgo’ Flight Path, while the 9:36:27 AM witnesses saw the same painted-up Jet crash into the Pentagon wall using the “North-of-Citgo” Fight Path shown here. The 9:31:39 AM witnesses saw the light poles flying around (witness link), but the 9:36:27 AM people saw no signs of any light poles being hit along the North-of-Citgo Flight Path. That is the reason some so-called Pentagon Investigators think the light pole evidence is all staged. :0) We have small bits of Jet debris (pic), because the A-3 was blown into a kazillion bits at impact. Nobody has ever found one piece of any real Boeing 757-200 Jetliner debris, because this damage and this damage was NOT created by any real 100-Ton Jetliner going any 530 miles per hour. :0) That is the reason no 'time-change' parts (story) have ever been produced by the inside-job FBI/Bushie Administration bad guys in the first place. The damage pattern (pic) is consistent with a ‘three attack’ scenario from the 9:31:39 AM missile strike, the 9:36:27 AM Jet attack ‘and’ the subsequent Controlled-Demolition Explosions that eventually brought the E-Ring roof down at 10:15 AM.

Nobody can show you a picture of a crashed 100-Ton Jetliner at the Pentagon (Expert Video), because nothing like that ever happened.



If you put this much effort into something productive your life could go somewhere, all you have proven is your a desperate fool.......... :disbelief::ahole-1::anj_stfu::night:

I had never read the OP. I had no idea he was so lonely.

Are you endorsing this view?
I say with certainty the bush/cheney story of 9/11 is a fairy tale a joke a cover-up and an independent investigation with subpoena power is required

So your whole reason for wanting a new investigation is "just cuz"? What do you think happened? Oh, yeah, thats right...if you were to write down what you think happened, you'd sound like a damn fool just like Fecal. So you avoid doing so.

And you avoid stating any opinions about any other theory except the 9/11 Commission Report--of which you can't point to one major fact in the text that is inaccurate.

I get the feeling you're a teenaged girl. "Just cuz" is your reason or at least appears to be. You sure as shit act like one.

Greetings to All:

The Pentagon was attacked on 9/11 by a rogue element inside the U.S. military using a plan that almost failed at the very beginning. The inside-job bad guys used a retrofitted and radio-controlled A-3 TNT-filled Jet to launch a missile attack (like this) at 9:31:39 AM (see FAA Timeline here) on Column Line (CL) 14 using this flight path, but the complicated maneuvers caused the radio operator to lose control and altitude at the critical moment, which caused the starboard wing to begin clipping the five downed light poles. The radio operator had a panic attack for fear that the painted up A-3 would crash into the Pentagon lawn, so he pulled back on the joystick to create what the CIT boys are calling the “Flyover Plane,” NOT at 9:38 AM, but at 9:31:39 AM when the Pentagon clocks stopped. The radio operator then began making a wide turn to the north that was witnessed by the C-130 pilot and many other people, until making the final attack strike on the Wedge One Wall between CL 9 and CL 15 at 9:36:27 AM just about 5 minutes later to create Terry Cohen's "Terrible Explosion" that took place 'after' the Original 9:31:39 AM attack.

Terry Cohen News Video

The problem for our inside-job bad guys is that the Pentagon Limestone-clad masonry wall required the ‘inside’ explosion from the missile strike, in coordination with the A-3 CL 9-15 massive explosion, to take down the E-Ring roof during the original 9:31:39 AM attack run. This attack location was chosen far in advance because of the CL 11 control-joint that would bring down the E-Ring roof very effectively. However, the A-3 Jet was forced over the E-Ring roof at 9:31:39 AM and also struck the second story concrete slab in the 9:36:27 AM attack, which means the E-Ring roof fell just one foot (look carefully at the control joint above the fire truck) to become wedged tightly against the northern side of CL-11. Our inside-job bad guys then had a terrible problem, because many explosive charges were needed to eventually bring the E-Ring Roof down at 10:15 AM about 45 minutes after the original missile attack.

Pentagon News 5 Video

This means the inside-job bad guys had to go around fabricating the many different “Official Timelines” (link) that are filled with contradictions (ACAAR = Page 200) in order to give their fake “Flight 77” Cover Story the resemblance of credibility. The inside-job bad guys have been working everyday running their counterintelligence disinformation campaigns to cover their tracks from that time to today.

Lloyd England’s taxi was struck by Pole #1 during the 9:31:39 AM missile strike, which is the reason he saw a single smoke plume (Barbara Honegger's paper) from the original small CL 13-15 entry hole (picture). While he and his partner were wrestling around with the light pole, then the A-3 Jet created the “Big Boom*” that knocked him down and almost killed him for the second time in just 5 minutes. :0) Many people think the light pole evidence was staged, because they are BLIND to the 911Truth that we have been looking at ‘two attacks’ (LetsRoll thread) all along. The second ‘Big Boom’ happened 5 minutes later at 9:36:27 AM, while Lloyd and his helper were removing the pole from his windshield. The next series of explosions started at 9:42 AM, which is event #27 on my Pentagon Timeline here.

The reason you have so much confusion and contradiction between all these Pentagon witnesses is because ‘some’ of them saw the 9:31:39 AM A-3 Flyover and others saw the actual Jet hit the Pentagon at 9:36:27 AM like these two witnesses:

Michael Kelly News Video

Don Wright News Video

The 9:31:39 AM witnesses saw the A-3 disappear into the single smoke plume on the ‘South-of-Citgo’ Flight Path, while the 9:36:27 AM witnesses saw the same painted-up Jet crash into the Pentagon wall using the “North-of-Citgo” Fight Path shown here. The 9:31:39 AM witnesses saw the light poles flying around (witness link), but the 9:36:27 AM people saw no signs of any light poles being hit along the North-of-Citgo Flight Path. That is the reason some so-called Pentagon Investigators think the light pole evidence is all staged. :0) We have small bits of Jet debris (pic), because the A-3 was blown into a kazillion bits at impact. Nobody has ever found one piece of any real Boeing 757-200 Jetliner debris, because this damage and this damage was NOT created by any real 100-Ton Jetliner going any 530 miles per hour. :0) That is the reason no 'time-change' parts (story) have ever been produced by the inside-job FBI/Bushie Administration bad guys in the first place. The damage pattern (pic) is consistent with a ‘three attack’ scenario from the 9:31:39 AM missile strike, the 9:36:27 AM Jet attack ‘and’ the subsequent Controlled-Demolition Explosions that eventually brought the E-Ring roof down at 10:15 AM.

Nobody can show you a picture of a crashed 100-Ton Jetliner at the Pentagon (Expert Video), because nothing like that ever happened.



If you put this much effort into something productive your life could go somewhere, all you have proven is your a desperate fool.......... :disbelief::ahole-1::anj_stfu::night:

And again you dumb shit, where is the evidence of explosives laid in one of the most heavily guarded buildings in the Country?

And the most secretive, don't forget.. It is, however, no big secret that the particular portion of the pentagon that was hit, however it was hit- was the only portion that had been recently upgraded with fortified walls, was still under construction, and had the fewest people inside. 9/11's aim, conspiracy wise- was to maximize psychological impact, while keeping the death toll at a minimum. That is not the way Al-Quaida would have liked it.. Guess whose government likes to exercise power and control, while minimizing the loss of life? Ours. I am a veteran, and I say this. Saying it does not make one unpatriotic or un-American. Remember, our country's entire governmental and Rights v Responsibility value system stems from the enlightened minds of a small group of fellas who all happened to be guilty of high treason.. IOW, Jefferson would have said the same exact thing, because it is nobler to fight injustice than it is to stand aside and ignore it.

Where are the plane, crew and passengers from the flight that according to you must have disappeared? Why did the people on the jet stop talking on cell phones after the strike?

You are aware a wife of a Cabinent member was on the supposed missing aircraft? And she called her husband when the Hijacking occurred?

Did it ever occur to you that the US has a 50% divorce rate, and maybe this gentleman wanted to end their marriage? A phone call does not prove that she loved this man, either, Gunny.. And why a cabinet member's wife would be on any plane on 9/11, what with all the prior knowledge the gov't had about it- ours among many others- is not some kind of big question mark. It means that this guy's wife was not exactly loved, honored, and cherished on that very fateful day.

An interesting statistic to bring up here, would be that about a third of women who are murdered die at the hands of an intimate partner, and that percentage is rising, compared with only about 3% of males dying at the hands of an intimate partner, and that percentage is falling.

Coincidence or Conspiracy? Really, I do not know how to answer that. I am not, however, going to discount the woman's risk to death by foul play, with her having a husband in the President's cabinet. To me, that just increases her risk.
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I say with certainty the bush/cheney story of 9/11 is a fairy tale a joke a cover-up and an independent investigation with subpoena power is required

So your whole reason for wanting a new investigation is "just cuz"? What do you think happened? Oh, yeah, thats right...if you were to write down what you think happened, you'd sound like a damn fool just like Fecal. So you avoid doing so.

And you avoid stating any opinions about any other theory except the 9/11 Commission Report--of which you can't point to one major fact in the text that is inaccurate.

I get the feeling you're a teenaged girl. "Just cuz" is your reason or at least appears to be. You sure as shit act like one.

the withholding of the evidence by NIST investigators and 9/11 commission members is reason enough to investigate 9/11 independently and with subpoena power
And again you dumb shit, where is the evidence of explosives laid in one of the most heavily guarded buildings in the Country?

And the most secretive, don't forget.. It is, however, no big secret that the particular portion of the pentagon that was hit, however it was hit- was the only portion that had been recently upgraded with fortified walls, was still under construction, and had the fewest people inside. 9/11's aim, conspiracy wise- was to maximize psychological impact, while keeping the death toll at a minimum. That is not the way Al-Quaida would have liked it.. Guess whose government likes to exercise power and control, while minimizing the loss of life? Ours. I am a veteran, and I say this. Saying it does not make one unpatriotic or un-American. Remember, our country's entire governmental and Rights v Responsibility value system stems from the enlightened minds of a small group of fellas who all happened to be guilty of high treason.. IOW, Jefferson would have said the same exact thing, because it is nobler to fight injustice than it is to stand aside and ignore it.

Where are the plane, crew and passengers from the flight that according to you must have disappeared? Why did the people on the jet stop talking on cell phones after the strike?

You are aware a wife of a Cabinent member was on the supposed missing aircraft? And she called her husband when the Hijacking occurred?

Did it ever occur to you that the US has a 50% divorce rate, and maybe this gentleman wanted to end their marriage? A phone call does not prove that she loved this man, either, Gunny.. And why a cabinet member's wife would be on any plane on 9/11, what with all the prior knowledge the gov't had about it- ours among many others- is not some kind of big question mark. It means that this guy's wife was not exactly loved, honored, and cherished on that very fateful day.

An interesting statistic to bring up here, would be that about a third of women who are murdered die at the hands of an intimate partner, and that percentage is rising, compared with only about 3% of males dying at the hands of an intimate partner, and that percentage is falling.

Bureau of Justice Statistics Homicide trends in the U.S.: Intimate homicide

Coincidence or Conspiracy? Really, I do not know how to answer that. I am not, however, going to discount the woman's risk to death by foul play, with her having a husband in the President's cabinet. To me, that just increases her risk.

I won't have to worry about meeting you in heaven.
Greetings to All:

The Pentagon was attacked on 9/11 by a rogue element inside the U.S. military using a plan that almost failed at the very beginning. The inside-job bad guys used a retrofitted and radio-controlled A-3 TNT-filled Jet to launch a missile attack (like this) at 9:31:39 AM (see FAA Timeline here) on Column Line (CL) 14 using this flight path, but the complicated maneuvers caused the radio operator to lose control and altitude at the critical moment, which caused the starboard wing to begin clipping the five downed light poles. The radio operator had a panic attack for fear that the painted up A-3 would crash into the Pentagon lawn, so he pulled back on the joystick to create what the CIT boys are calling the “Flyover Plane,” NOT at 9:38 AM, but at 9:31:39 AM when the Pentagon clocks stopped. The radio operator then began making a wide turn to the north that was witnessed by the C-130 pilot and many other people, until making the final attack strike on the Wedge One Wall between CL 9 and CL 15 at 9:36:27 AM just about 5 minutes later to create Terry Cohen's "Terrible Explosion" that took place 'after' the Original 9:31:39 AM attack.

Terry Cohen News Video

The problem for our inside-job bad guys is that the Pentagon Limestone-clad masonry wall required the ‘inside’ explosion from the missile strike, in coordination with the A-3 CL 9-15 massive explosion, to take down the E-Ring roof during the original 9:31:39 AM attack run. This attack location was chosen far in advance because of the CL 11 control-joint that would bring down the E-Ring roof very effectively. However, the A-3 Jet was forced over the E-Ring roof at 9:31:39 AM and also struck the second story concrete slab in the 9:36:27 AM attack, which means the E-Ring roof fell just one foot (look carefully at the control joint above the fire truck) to become wedged tightly against the northern side of CL-11. Our inside-job bad guys then had a terrible problem, because many explosive charges were needed to eventually bring the E-Ring Roof down at 10:15 AM about 45 minutes after the original missile attack.

Pentagon News 5 Video

This means the inside-job bad guys had to go around fabricating the many different “Official Timelines” (link) that are filled with contradictions (ACAAR = Page 200) in order to give their fake “Flight 77” Cover Story the resemblance of credibility. The inside-job bad guys have been working everyday running their counterintelligence disinformation campaigns to cover their tracks from that time to today.

Lloyd England’s taxi was struck by Pole #1 during the 9:31:39 AM missile strike, which is the reason he saw a single smoke plume (Barbara Honegger's paper) from the original small CL 13-15 entry hole (picture). While he and his partner were wrestling around with the light pole, then the A-3 Jet created the “Big Boom*” that knocked him down and almost killed him for the second time in just 5 minutes. :0) Many people think the light pole evidence was staged, because they are BLIND to the 911Truth that we have been looking at ‘two attacks’ (LetsRoll thread) all along. The second ‘Big Boom’ happened 5 minutes later at 9:36:27 AM, while Lloyd and his helper were removing the pole from his windshield. The next series of explosions started at 9:42 AM, which is event #27 on my Pentagon Timeline here.

The reason you have so much confusion and contradiction between all these Pentagon witnesses is because ‘some’ of them saw the 9:31:39 AM A-3 Flyover and others saw the actual Jet hit the Pentagon at 9:36:27 AM like these two witnesses:

Michael Kelly News Video

Don Wright News Video

The 9:31:39 AM witnesses saw the A-3 disappear into the single smoke plume on the ‘South-of-Citgo’ Flight Path, while the 9:36:27 AM witnesses saw the same painted-up Jet crash into the Pentagon wall using the “North-of-Citgo” Fight Path shown here. The 9:31:39 AM witnesses saw the light poles flying around (witness link), but the 9:36:27 AM people saw no signs of any light poles being hit along the North-of-Citgo Flight Path. That is the reason some so-called Pentagon Investigators think the light pole evidence is all staged. :0) We have small bits of Jet debris (pic), because the A-3 was blown into a kazillion bits at impact. Nobody has ever found one piece of any real Boeing 757-200 Jetliner debris, because this damage and this damage was NOT created by any real 100-Ton Jetliner going any 530 miles per hour. :0) That is the reason no 'time-change' parts (story) have ever been produced by the inside-job FBI/Bushie Administration bad guys in the first place. The damage pattern (pic) is consistent with a ‘three attack’ scenario from the 9:31:39 AM missile strike, the 9:36:27 AM Jet attack ‘and’ the subsequent Controlled-Demolition Explosions that eventually brought the E-Ring roof down at 10:15 AM.

Nobody can show you a picture of a crashed 100-Ton Jetliner at the Pentagon (Expert Video), because nothing like that ever happened.



If you put this much effort into something productive your life could go somewhere, all you have proven is your a desperate fool.......... :disbelief::ahole-1::anj_stfu::night:

I had never read the OP. I had no idea he was so lonely.

Are you endorsing this view?

Are you serious? Hell no, this is the type we need to be worried about, look at how much effort he puts into this.......not to mention his thought process is so one dimensional, the first clue is how could you keep this many people silent this long???? Again, I wonder if souls like this are really in padded rooms somewhere and the guard gives them access for special favors......:banghead:
If you put this much effort into something productive your life could go somewhere, all you have proven is your a desperate fool.......... :disbelief::ahole-1::anj_stfu::night:

I had never read the OP. I had no idea he was so lonely.

Are you endorsing this view?

Are you serious? Hell no, this is the type we need to be worried about, look at how much effort he puts into this.......not to mention his thought process is so one dimensional, the first clue is how could you keep this many people silent this long???? Again, I wonder if souls like this are really in padded rooms somewhere and the guard gives them access for special favors......:banghead:

awe yes the ol secretes cant be kept fallacy..a sure sign of the uniformed and media controlled..hey wise guy...did they find bin laden yet ? or his secrete hideaway how come no one has ratted him out or sold him out ?

and projecting your prison fantasy's.. into the conversation doesn't help your case any
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I had never read the OP. I had no idea he was so lonely.

Are you endorsing this view?

Are you serious? Hell no, this is the type we need to be worried about, look at how much effort he puts into this.......not to mention his thought process is so one dimensional, the first clue is how could you keep this many people silent this long???? Again, I wonder if souls like this are really in padded rooms somewhere and the guard gives them access for special favors......:banghead:

awe yes the ol secretes cant be kept fallacy..a sure sign of the uniformed and media controlled..hey wise guy...did they find bin laden yet ? or his secrete hideaway how come no one has ratted him out or sold him out ?

and projecting your prison fantasy's.. into the conversation doesn't help your case any

First you need to learn how to spell......Prison?? More like psycho ward, but it sounds like you got that gay prison thing down pat......:woohoo:
And again you dumb shit, where is the evidence of explosives laid in one of the most heavily guarded buildings in the Country?

And the most secretive, don't forget.. It is, however, no big secret that the particular portion of the pentagon that was hit, however it was hit- was the only portion that had been recently upgraded with fortified walls, was still under construction, and had the fewest people inside. 9/11's aim, conspiracy wise- was to maximize psychological impact, while keeping the death toll at a minimum. That is not the way Al-Quaida would have liked it.. Guess whose government likes to exercise power and control, while minimizing the loss of life? Ours. I am a veteran, and I say this. Saying it does not make one unpatriotic or un-American. Remember, our country's entire governmental and Rights v Responsibility value system stems from the enlightened minds of a small group of fellas who all happened to be guilty of high treason.. IOW, Jefferson would have said the same exact thing, because it is nobler to fight injustice than it is to stand aside and ignore it.

Where are the plane, crew and passengers from the flight that according to you must have disappeared? Why did the people on the jet stop talking on cell phones after the strike?

You are aware a wife of a Cabinent member was on the supposed missing aircraft? And she called her husband when the Hijacking occurred?

Did it ever occur to you that the US has a 50% divorce rate, and maybe this gentleman wanted to end their marriage? A phone call does not prove that she loved this man, either, Gunny.. And why a cabinet member's wife would be on any plane on 9/11, what with all the prior knowledge the gov't had about it- ours among many others- is not some kind of big question mark. It means that this guy's wife was not exactly loved, honored, and cherished on that very fateful day.

An interesting statistic to bring up here, would be that about a third of women who are murdered die at the hands of an intimate partner, and that percentage is rising, compared with only about 3% of males dying at the hands of an intimate partner, and that percentage is falling.

Bureau of Justice Statistics Homicide trends in the U.S.: Intimate homicide

Coincidence or Conspiracy? Really, I do not know how to answer that. I am not, however, going to discount the woman's risk to death by foul play, with her having a husband in the President's cabinet. To me, that just increases her risk.

I won't have to worry about meeting you in heaven.

Way to debunk everything I just said.. NOT!!!! But you sure used a whole lot of space just to troll.. CONGRATULATIONS!! :clap2:

Why do I feel like I am talking a preschooler out of using her biting teeth on the other toddlers??? :lol:

Responses that fill the gaps where intellect traditionally resides with a tantrum-like use of words, lack any standing whatsoever on the issue at hand.. :cuckoo:
And the most secretive, don't forget.. It is, however, no big secret that the particular portion of the pentagon that was hit, however it was hit- was the only portion that had been recently upgraded with fortified walls, was still under construction, and had the fewest people inside. 9/11's aim, conspiracy wise- was to maximize psychological impact, while keeping the death toll at a minimum. That is not the way Al-Quaida would have liked it.. Guess whose government likes to exercise power and control, while minimizing the loss of life? Ours. I am a veteran, and I say this. Saying it does not make one unpatriotic or un-American. Remember, our country's entire governmental and Rights v Responsibility value system stems from the enlightened minds of a small group of fellas who all happened to be guilty of high treason.. IOW, Jefferson would have said the same exact thing, because it is nobler to fight injustice than it is to stand aside and ignore it.

Did it ever occur to you that the US has a 50% divorce rate, and maybe this gentleman wanted to end their marriage? A phone call does not prove that she loved this man, either, Gunny.. And why a cabinet member's wife would be on any plane on 9/11, what with all the prior knowledge the gov't had about it- ours among many others- is not some kind of big question mark. It means that this guy's wife was not exactly loved, honored, and cherished on that very fateful day.

An interesting statistic to bring up here, would be that about a third of women who are murdered die at the hands of an intimate partner, and that percentage is rising, compared with only about 3% of males dying at the hands of an intimate partner, and that percentage is falling.

Bureau of Justice Statistics Homicide trends in the U.S.: Intimate homicide

Coincidence or Conspiracy? Really, I do not know how to answer that. I am not, however, going to discount the woman's risk to death by foul play, with her having a husband in the President's cabinet. To me, that just increases her risk.

I won't have to worry about meeting you in heaven.

Way to debunk everything I just said.. NOT!!!! But you sure used a whole lot of space just to troll.. CONGRATULATIONS!! :clap2:

Why do I feel like I am talking a preschooler out of using her biting teeth on the other toddlers??? :lol:

Responses that fill the gaps where intellect traditionally resides with a tantrum-like use of words, lack any standing whatsoever on the issue at hand.. :cuckoo:
if you REALLY believe that Olsen wanted his wife to die, then you are one very disgusting person
And the most secretive, don't forget.. It is, however, no big secret that the particular portion of the pentagon that was hit, however it was hit- was the only portion that had been recently upgraded with fortified walls, was still under construction, and had the fewest people inside. 9/11's aim, conspiracy wise- was to maximize psychological impact, while keeping the death toll at a minimum. That is not the way Al-Quaida would have liked it.. Guess whose government likes to exercise power and control, while minimizing the loss of life? Ours. I am a veteran, and I say this. Saying it does not make one unpatriotic or un-American. Remember, our country's entire governmental and Rights v Responsibility value system stems from the enlightened minds of a small group of fellas who all happened to be guilty of high treason.. IOW, Jefferson would have said the same exact thing, because it is nobler to fight injustice than it is to stand aside and ignore it.

Did it ever occur to you that the US has a 50% divorce rate, and maybe this gentleman wanted to end their marriage? A phone call does not prove that she loved this man, either, Gunny.. And why a cabinet member's wife would be on any plane on 9/11, what with all the prior knowledge the gov't had about it- ours among many others- is not some kind of big question mark. It means that this guy's wife was not exactly loved, honored, and cherished on that very fateful day.

An interesting statistic to bring up here, would be that about a third of women who are murdered die at the hands of an intimate partner, and that percentage is rising, compared with only about 3% of males dying at the hands of an intimate partner, and that percentage is falling.

Bureau of Justice Statistics Homicide trends in the U.S.: Intimate homicide

Coincidence or Conspiracy? Really, I do not know how to answer that. I am not, however, going to discount the woman's risk to death by foul play, with her having a husband in the President's cabinet. To me, that just increases her risk.

I won't have to worry about meeting you in heaven.

Way to debunk everything I just said.. NOT!!!! But you sure used a whole lot of space just to troll.. CONGRATULATIONS!! :clap2:

Why do I feel like I am talking a preschooler out of using her biting teeth on the other toddlers??? :lol:

Responses that fill the gaps where intellect traditionally resides with a tantrum-like use of words, lack any standing whatsoever on the issue at hand.. :cuckoo:

It was a ten word response. All of it true. More than I can say for your disgusting use of the first amendment. When your final day comes, you should direct that you wear light clothing if you get my drift.

You personify the reason everybody hates your "movement".
I won't have to worry about meeting you in heaven.

Way to debunk everything I just said.. NOT!!!! But you sure used a whole lot of space just to troll.. CONGRATULATIONS!! :clap2:

Why do I feel like I am talking a preschooler out of using her biting teeth on the other toddlers??? :lol:

Responses that fill the gaps where intellect traditionally resides with a tantrum-like use of words, lack any standing whatsoever on the issue at hand.. :cuckoo:
if you REALLY believe that Olsen wanted his wife to die, then you are one very disgusting person

Why is it so hard to believe that just because someone is a member of the cabinet, that they might actually try to kill their wife?

Its not disgusting- it is a theoretical possibility that I am entertaining for discussion purposes. Disgusting would be just ignoring this as a possibility, and letting a high ranking murderer go free.

It wouldn't take many people to even pull off a stunt like this, anyways.. And again- why would this guy's wife be on a plane that day in the first place? Cabinet members have access to highly classified information, including the reports that were made to the US prior to 9/11 that all this was going down.. Why not protect the little lady?

I agree, the thought of it is disgusting.. as disgusting as it is that thousands and thousands of people have died as a result of these murderers..

Are you serious? Hell no, this is the type we need to be worried about, look at how much effort he puts into this.......not to mention his thought process is so one dimensional, the first clue is how could you keep this many people silent this long????

Go back to the Opening Post (Click Here) and "QUOTE ANYTHING >>" and offer your rebuttal using whatever GWV calls 'credible evidence.' GWV would rather attack 'my person' rather than address the substance of 'my work,' because he has NO CASE for what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11.

Again, I wonder if souls like this are really in padded rooms somewhere and the guard gives them access for special favors......:banghead:

Sticks and stones. What has GWV :)confused:) proven by the evidence in this Pentagon debate? NOTHING.

[ame=]Sticks And Stones Meathead . . . :0)[/ame]


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Way to debunk everything I just said.. NOT!!!! But you sure used a whole lot of space just to troll.. CONGRATULATIONS!! :clap2:

Why do I feel like I am talking a preschooler out of using her biting teeth on the other toddlers??? :lol:

Responses that fill the gaps where intellect traditionally resides with a tantrum-like use of words, lack any standing whatsoever on the issue at hand.. :cuckoo:
if you REALLY believe that Olsen wanted his wife to die, then you are one very disgusting person

Why is it so hard to believe that just because someone is a member of the cabinet, that they might actually try to kill their wife?

Its not disgusting- it is a theoretical possibility that I am entertaining for discussion purposes. Disgusting would be just ignoring this as a possibility, and letting a high ranking murderer go free.

It wouldn't take many people to even pull off a stunt like this, anyways.. And again- why would this guy's wife be on a plane that day in the first place? Cabinet members have access to highly classified information, including the reports that were made to the US prior to 9/11 that all this was going down.. Why not protect the little lady?

I agree, the thought of it is disgusting.. as disgusting as it is that thousands and thousands of people have died as a result of these murderers..

I think you are very sick.
I think you need help.

I think your case would put any psychiatrist on the map; big time if they were able to cure your sickness.

I do not wish to waste any more time dealing with someone like you. Please go away; quickly.

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