This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Hi Trojan:

Terral will no doubt proclaim that there were mystical magical Jewish gnomes that scurrined along the lawn planting the debri in the blink of an eye :cuckoo:

No A-3 Jet parts (pic) were planted! The painted-up A-3 Jet (pic) flying BOMB exploded on impact at exactly 9:36:27 AM (lower pic) . . .


. . . which threw plane parts EVERYWHERE. However, the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike 'and' the 9:36:27 AM A-3 Jet Strike have NOTHING to do with any 100-Ton Jetliner.

[ame=]All Of These Experts Agree[/ame]


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Hi Trojan:

The first priority was fighting the fire and rescue operations.

No. The first priority was to murder all the bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts (story) responsible for tracking down the missing 2.3 Trillion Dollars (story) using the Missile Payload and Bomblet #1. These are the detonations that injured April Gallop and her son (my Blog entry).


The second priority was to murder Navy Commanders (Bomblet #2) to stop the launch of Navy Jets (from carriers) into the NYC/WTC Theater (they never took off). The third priority was to murder Defense Intelligence Officers, by detonating Bomblet #3 against the rear C-ring Wall to leave this evidence:


This precision Missile Strike took place at exactly 9:31:39 AM, which is the precise time that Bush left the Elementary School in Florida 'and' the same time that Dickless Cheney was moved into the Presidential Bunker, which became priorities #4 and #5 respectively . . .


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Hi Trojan:

The first priority was fighting the fire and rescue operations.

No. The first priority was to murder all the bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts (story) responsible for tracking down the missing 2.3 Trillion Dollars (story) using the Missile Payload and Bomblet #1. These are the detonations that injured April Gallop and her son (my Blog entry).

The second priority was to murder Navy Commanders (Bomblet #2) to stop the launch of Navy Jets (from carriers) into the NYC/WTC Theater (they never took off). The third priority was to murder Defense Intelligence Officers, by detonating Bomblet #3 against the rear C-ring Wall to leave this evidence:

This precision Missile Strike took place at exactly 9:31:39 AM, which is the precise time that Bush left the Elementary School in Florida 'and' the same time that Dickless Cheney was moved into the Presidential Bunker, which became priorities #4 and #5 respectively . . .


you are SO full of shit
Hi DiveBomb:

you are SO full of shit

DiveBomb never tires of playing the USMB Conspiracy Theory Village Idiot :)cuckoo:) . . .

[ame=]What A Moron!!![/ame]


Terral - the question to you is to explain how and why witnesses are not considered evidence. Its your contention all the evidence supports you, thus you consider witnesses are no evidence. Please explain or withdraw your claim.

Please try to explain this without picture -- words work, please use them

Terral - the question to you is to explain how and why witnesses are not considered evidence. Its your contention all the evidence supports you, thus you consider witnesses are no evidence. Please explain or withdraw your claim.

Please try to explain this without picture -- words work, please use them

he cant
his respose to ANY question is to post the same bullshit over and over
and it never actually answers the question
Hi Trojan:

Terral - the question to you is to explain how and why witnesses are not considered evidence.

Trojan is asking a question? Where is the question mark? Your job is to produce just one picture of AA77 crashed at the Pentagon. You have nothing like that, so we must endure your stupid questions. Your statement above is so general as to be taken in many different ways. Post the testimony of 'a witness' and ask your stupid question and be specific.

Its your contention all the evidence supports you, thus you consider witnesses are no evidence. Please explain or withdraw your claim.

No sir. This is Trojan's conclusion based upon characterizations having nothing to do with my "This Is What Happened At The Pentagon" Presentation in the Opening Post of this thread. What claim are you talking about? Be specific and stop acting so stupid :)confused:) like your DiveBomb Cartoon Character Buddy :)cuckoo:).


Terral - the question to you is to explain how and why witnesses are not considered evidence. Its your contention all the evidence supports you, thus you consider witnesses are no evidence. Please explain or withdraw your claim.

Please try to explain this without picture -- words work, please use them

he cant
his respose to ANY question is to post the same bullshit over and over
and it never actually answers the question

He reminds me of Celtic Patriot from Stormfront. Reposted the same crab in reply to every question.

Holocaust Controversies: What's with the IQ and stuff?
Hi Trojan:

Terral - the question to you is to explain how and why witnesses are not considered evidence.

Trojan is asking a question? Where is the question mark? Your job is to produce just one picture of AA77 crashed at the Pentagon.



I've posted the question several time and tried to explain it with simple words, so here we go again.

YOU, Terral, have claimed time and again that ALL evidence supports your contention. I've pointed out that ALL eyewitness testimony supports the traditional view, that a plane struck the Pentagon. Therefore YOUR cliam that ALL evidence supports your view is false.

You are either ignoring the witnesses or you are claiming the witnesses are NOT evidence.

However, witnesses and witness statements are evidence in every court of law in any jurisdiction in the world and throughout human history. Therefore YOU need to explain why you claim that witnesses are not evidence.
Hi DiveBomb:

you are SO full of shit

DiveBomb never tires of playing the USMB Conspiracy Theory Village Idiot

You keep refusing to provide a reason why the conspiracy existed, and who gained what from the deception. Was it a CIA OP, Mossad, Somali Pirates, the Russkies, France, Hugo Chavez, Al Qaeda, or some other entity.

Why was it done? What was gained? How many people were involved?
Hi Trojan:

Terral - the question to you is to explain how and why witnesses are not considered evidence.

Trojan is asking a question? Where is the question mark? Your job is to produce just one picture of AA77 crashed at the Pentagon.



I've posted the question several time and tried to explain it with simple words, so here we go again.

YOU, Terral, have claimed time and again that ALL evidence supports your contention. I've pointed out that ALL eyewitness testimony supports the traditional view, that a plane struck the Pentagon. Therefore YOUR cliam that ALL evidence supports your view is false.

You are either ignoring the witnesses or you are claiming the witnesses are NOT evidence.

However, witnesses and witness statements are evidence in every court of law in any jurisdiction in the world and throughout human history. Therefore YOU need to explain why you claim that witnesses are not evidence.

that is not true..

[ame=]YouTube - The New 9/11 Pentagon Investigation Part 6/8[/ame]
Hi Trojan:

Trojan is asking a question? Where is the question mark? Your job is to produce just one picture of AA77 crashed at the Pentagon.



I've posted the question several time and tried to explain it with simple words, so here we go again.

YOU, Terral, have claimed time and again that ALL evidence supports your contention. I've pointed out that ALL eyewitness testimony supports the traditional view, that a plane struck the Pentagon. Therefore YOUR cliam that ALL evidence supports your view is false.

You are either ignoring the witnesses or you are claiming the witnesses are NOT evidence.

However, witnesses and witness statements are evidence in every court of law in any jurisdiction in the world and throughout human history. Therefore YOU need to explain why you claim that witnesses are not evidence.

that is not true..

[ame=]YouTube - The New 9/11 Pentagon Investigation Part 6/8[/ame]

what is not true?
I've posted the question several time and tried to explain it with simple words, so here we go again.

YOU, Terral, have claimed time and again that ALL evidence supports your contention. I've pointed out that ALL eyewitness testimony supports the traditional view, that a plane struck the Pentagon. Therefore YOUR cliam that ALL evidence supports your view is false.

You are either ignoring the witnesses or you are claiming the witnesses are NOT evidence.

However, witnesses and witness statements are evidence in every court of law in any jurisdiction in the world and throughout human history. Therefore YOU need to explain why you claim that witnesses are not evidence.

that is not true..

[ame=]YouTube - The New 9/11 Pentagon Investigation Part 6/8[/ame]

what is not true?

that eyewitnesses supports the traditional view
Hi DiveBomb:

you are SO full of shit

DiveBomb never tires of playing the USMB Conspiracy Theory Village Idiot

You keep refusing to provide a reason why the conspiracy existed, and who gained what from the deception. Was it a CIA OP, Mossad, Somali Pirates, the Russkies, France, Hugo Chavez, Al Qaeda, or some other entity.

Why was it done? What was gained? How many people were involved?

The answer is very simple.

Anytime there is conflict, choas, or any problem in the world.

Look for the zionist jew behind the scene.

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