This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

well that's interesting.. did he see anything of interest in regards to the cause.. this friend .. because others did and they have a right to a voice don't they ?
On days like today, I have a fleeting wish that you didn't have that right. However, I would defend that. And, he and I have a right to say fuck you, you sick fuck. And fuck this thread.

I cannot imagine the level of selfishness that one must have to nurture such offensiveness because of some need to feel special with their conspiratorial ideation.

Now, that is about all I can handle in this thread. I applaud others who possess the patience to speak with you.
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well that's interesting.. did he see anything of interest in regards to the cause.. this friend .. because others did and they have a right to a voice don't they ?

On days like today, I have a fleeting wish that you didn't have that right. However, I would defend that. And, he and I have a right to say fuck you, you sick fuck. And fuck this thread.

I cannot imagine the level of selfishness that one must have to nurture such offensiveness because of some need to feel special with their conspiratorial ideation.

Now, that is about all I can handle in this thread. I applaud others who possess the patience to speak with you.

so I will take that as a.. no he did not ?...and my question was not of my rights but of those that wittnessed the events ...are they sick fucks for speaking on what they did or did not see ?
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Hi Trojan:

And why don't you explain why witnesses are not considered evidence?

Go to the Opening Post 'and' QUOTE SOMETHING >>, then offer 'your' opposing views using whatever Trojan calls 'credible evidence.' If Trojan :)confused:) has no case (typical), then quote something 'and' ASK A QUESTION.

Why did you ignore eyewitness evidence when formulating your theory of what happened at the Pentagon?

I have thousands of investigation hours on this 9/11 Pentagon Case alone 'and' have reviewed the testimony of ALL the witnesses backwards and forwards and sideways and upside down. Some are 'good' witnesses and some are 'terrible' witnesses with no idea about what really happened at the Pentagon even today.

The 911Truth says exactly what all of the witnesses say 'without' creating a single contradiction. That is exactly what you see in the Opening Post of this Pentagon Topic, if you will open up your eyes and take a good look around.

9:31 << Pentagon was attacked at 9:31:39 AM. NOT 9:38 AM/
Pentagon Timeline << some of my best work
DoD Manipulated Fire And Firemen << 7-minute fire lasted for 60 hours!
Flight 77 Never Crashed Near The Pentagon << most-read LooseChange Topic
April Gallop Was Injured During 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike
9:31 AM Missile Strike: Answers To Bill Veale's Questions
"9/11 Press For Truth" Continues: The Video
Secret Bush-Clinton-FED Pakistani Accounts Linked To 9/11 Attacks
Dick Cheney, Karl Rove And Donald Rumsfeld Have Been Murdering Americans
Rebuttal To CIT Claims About What "Did Not" Hit The Pentagon
Poll: Who Supports The Official 9/11 Cover Stories


Hi Si Modo:

Ya know what? I was just out with my friend tonight. He watched his boss get decapitated (from mid-chest up, that is) in front of his eyes that day . . .

Well, your friend's boss has more of a brain today that Si Modo :)cuckoo:).

Fuck this thread. Fuck the fuckers who made this thread.

Go back to the Opening Post and 'quote anything >>' and try to prove something wrong from the EVIDENCE. This is the USMB "Conspiracy Theories" Forum and this is the right place for finding out about our Conspiracy Theories on what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11.


I see an EMPTY HOLE, but Si Modo is living in 911Truth DENIAL and would not know 'the' 911Truth if everything was explained in simple English using pictures and diagrams.

[ame=]Wake The Hell Up Already . . .[/ame]

Hey, but the guy 'can' use the F word in a sentence . . .

[ame=]Si Modo Swear . . . Moron . . . [/ame]


How many times do you fools have to see the wreckage of flight 77 inside and around the pentagon? I have even posted links to pictures of bodies and body parts inside the pentagon. What you must remember is that there are limited pictures available from the pentagon because there was so much classified material scattered all over the place. Of course there were many pictures that were taken but will not be released as long as the material in them is classified.

Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon; FACT.
well that's interesting.. did he see anything of interest in regards to the cause.. this friend .. because others did and they have a right to a voice don't they ?

On days like today, I have a fleeting wish that you didn't have that right. However, I would defend that. And, he and I have a right to say fuck you, you sick fuck. And fuck this thread.

I cannot imagine the level of selfishness that one must have to nurture such offensiveness because of some need to feel special with their conspiratorial ideation.

Now, that is about all I can handle in this thread. I applaud others who possess the patience to speak with you.

so I will take that as a.. no he did not ?...and my question was not of my rights but of those that wittnessed the events ...are they sick fucks for speaking on what they did or did not see ?


How many times do you fools have to see the wreckage of flight 77 inside and around the pentagon?

Show us your pictures and stop regurgitating Official Cover Story Propaganda . . .

[ame=]This CNN Senior Pentagon Correspondent WAS THERE On 9/11[/ame]

[ame=]All Of These Military/Aviation Experts Agree[/ame]

Thank you for proving my point (#8).



How many times do you fools have to see the wreckage of flight 77 inside and around the pentagon?

Show us your pictures and stop regurgitating Official Cover Story Propaganda . . .

This CNN Senior Pentagon Correspondent WAS THERE On 9/11

[ame=]All Of These Military/Aviation Experts Agree[/ame]

Thank you for proving my point (#8).



757 wreckage found in Pentagon
+AA 77 was a Boeing 757

You're full of shit.

Hi Trojan:

And why don't you explain why witnesses are not considered evidence?

Go to the Opening Post 'and' QUOTE SOMETHING >>, then offer 'your' opposing views using whatever Trojan calls 'credible evidence.' If Trojan :)confused:) has no case (typical), then quote something 'and' ASK A QUESTION.

Why did you ignore eyewitness evidence when formulating your theory of what happened at the Pentagon?

I have thousands of investigation hours on this 9/11 Pentagon Case alone 'and' have reviewed the testimony of ALL the witnesses backwards and forwards and sideways and upside down. Some are 'good' witnesses and some are 'terrible' witnesses with no idea about what really happened at the Pentagon even today.

The 911Truth says exactly what all of the witnesses say 'without' creating a single contradiction. That is exactly what you see in the Opening Post of this Pentagon Topic, if you will open up your eyes and take a good look around.

9:31 << Pentagon was attacked at 9:31:39 AM. NOT 9:38 AM/
Pentagon Timeline << some of my best work
DoD Manipulated Fire And Firemen << 7-minute fire lasted for 60 hours!
Flight 77 Never Crashed Near The Pentagon << most-read LooseChange Topic
April Gallop Was Injured During 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike
9:31 AM Missile Strike: Answers To Bill Veale's Questions
"9/11 Press For Truth" Continues: The Video
Secret Bush-Clinton-FED Pakistani Accounts Linked To 9/11 Attacks
Dick Cheney, Karl Rove And Donald Rumsfeld Have Been Murdering Americans
Rebuttal To CIT Claims About What "Did Not" Hit The Pentagon
Poll: Who Supports The Official 9/11 Cover Stories



This is a lie, there are many witnesses that watch the plane hit the light poles and strike the Pentagon. Many more so parts of the whole. There are NO witnesses that saw a missle, there are no witnesses that saw a fly over.

Have you read the report from the first responders?
yes there are indeed pentagon employees that report a commercial air liner passing no more than 100 ft overhead after the impact and reports of multiple planes in the are wrong

Who? Who saw a plane aproach the Pentagon on a trajectory to impact it and pull up at the last moment, who? You are a liar.

I did not say a damn thing about multiple planes, don't start the strawman shit.

Who witnessed a flyover?
pentagon police officer R Roberts for one...Im not a liar I am just more informed than you

[ame=]YouTube - National Security Alert [5/8] - 9/11 & The Pentagon[/ame]
This is a lie, there are many witnesses that watch the plane hit the light poles and strike the Pentagon. Many more so parts of the whole. There are NO witnesses that saw a missle, there are no witnesses that saw a fly over.

Have you read the report from the first responders?

There are at least 136 witnesses who saw a plane slam into the Pentagon, as I posted way, way, way back in this thread somewhere.
Just curious as to what theory of law do you think excludes witnesses? Because to claim their is no evidence is to claim there are no witnesses that contradict your conclusions. Therefore your statement is false.

Unless you can show witnesses are not considered evidence -- and to my knowledge every legal proceeding allows for the introduction of witness evidence.

Would you have liked to use inductive argument terminology?

Your conclusion should have been, Therefore your statement is PROBABLY false. Because that does not rule out the possibility that the statement is probably true. Just because a WITNESS contradicts a statement does NOT mean the statement is always false.

That would be true if the witness statements were not known. The poster makes an absolute unequivocal statement -- all evidence. Since there are witness statements to the contrary, and witness statements are evidence, his conclusion is false.

But that would mean the eye witnesses were experts on identifying flying aircrafts. If something is moving in excess of 500 miles per hour in low altitudes, it would be fairly difficult to see exactly what it was. That is, unless you happen to be an expert. One can barely identify markings on a high speed state trooper car, moving around 100+ miles per hour. But you are stating people not expecting an airplane to come, can accurately identify markings on the side moving five times faster (approximately 500+ miles per hour)?

How many of the eye witnesses were experts on flying aircraft identification?

How could they possibly know what they saw hit the pentagon in real time?
136 documented witnesses in fact, posted way back in this ridiculous thread.

Not to mention that planes just don't disappear into thin air. Or DO they?

and many of them give completely conflicting testimony on the flight path and many that did not see the actual impact and may that report multiple planes in the air

Eye witnesses disagree all the time.

What isn't in disagreement is the trail of lightpoles directly leading (and indicating) the path AA77 took.

Its called physcial evidence Sonny.

Physical evidence?

Or you mean the lack thereof. That is to state that what hit the pentagon was in fact American Airlines Flight 77. Link
How many times do you fools have to see the wreckage of flight 77 inside and around the pentagon? I have even posted links to pictures of bodies and body parts inside the pentagon. What you must remember is that there are limited pictures available from the pentagon because there was so much classified material scattered all over the place. Of course there were many pictures that were taken but will not be released as long as the material in them is classified.

Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon; FACT.

Thank you for your service, sir.

But with all due respect, I have to disagree, because the facts do NOT add up to American Airlines Flight 77 hitting the pentagon. I do NOT KNOW what actually hit the pentagon, but I do KNOW based on the physical evidence presented and available, it was NOT American Airlines Flight 77.

My Post
I have been reading this thread.

So what we are to believe now.

Is that when the plane hit the Pentagon,

It's wings folded back and the whole plane slid into the building and basically disappeared from sight?

Kind of like the old putting the model ship into the bottle trick??? :doubt:
How many times do you fools have to see the wreckage of flight 77 inside and around the pentagon? I have even posted links to pictures of bodies and body parts inside the pentagon. What you must remember is that there are limited pictures available from the pentagon because there was so much classified material scattered all over the place. Of course there were many pictures that were taken but will not be released as long as the material in them is classified.

Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon; FACT.

Thank you for your service, sir.

But with all due respect, I have to disagree, because the facts do NOT add up to American Airlines Flight 77 hitting the pentagon. I do NOT KNOW what actually hit the pentagon, but I do KNOW based on the physical evidence presented and available, it was NOT American Airlines Flight 77.

My Post

The facts do add up. They found wreckage of the plane on the lawn of the Pentagon. They found personal effects of passengers within the Pentagon. There have been computer simulations created to detail how the plane crashed into the Pentagon. There are at least 136 documented witnesses who say they saw the plane crash into the Pentagon. And there is the small of issue of what actually happened to the plane and the 100 passengers on board if it did not crash into the Pentagon.
How many times do you fools have to see the wreckage of flight 77 inside and around the pentagon? I have even posted links to pictures of bodies and body parts inside the pentagon. What you must remember is that there are limited pictures available from the pentagon because there was so much classified material scattered all over the place. Of course there were many pictures that were taken but will not be released as long as the material in them is classified.

Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon; FACT.

Thank you for your service, sir.

But with all due respect, I have to disagree, because the facts do NOT add up to American Airlines Flight 77 hitting the pentagon. I do NOT KNOW what actually hit the pentagon, but I do KNOW based on the physical evidence presented and available, it was NOT American Airlines Flight 77.

My Post

The facts do add up. They found wreckage of the plane on the lawn of the Pentagon. They found personal effects of passengers within the Pentagon. There have been computer simulations created to detail how the plane crashed into the Pentagon. There are at least 136 documented witnesses who say they saw the plane crash into the Pentagon. And there is the small of issue of what actually happened to the plane and the 100 passengers on board if it did not crash into the Pentagon.

Did you read my post?

Assuming there was at most 10,000 pounds of airplane wreckage found at the site, where is the rest of the remaining 190,000+ pounds of airplane parts?

Unfortunately, the evidence that has been presented or that is in the public domain, do NOT illustrate that American Airlines Flight 77 crashed anywhere near the pentagon.
Did you read my post?

Assuming there was at most 10,000 pounds of airplane wreckage found at the site, where is the rest of the remaining 190,000+ pounds of airplane parts?

Unfortunately, the evidence that has been presented or that is in the public domain, do NOT illustrate that American Airlines Flight 77 crashed anywhere near the pentagon.

Your argument is based on all of the weight of the plane in the Pengaton? Are you trying to tell me that the weight of the 110-story towers at the WTC was the same after it collapsed? That's a new one. Hadn't heard that before, and I thought I'd heard all the conspiracists' arguments.

The fact that "only" a specific amount of weight from the wreckage was present after the wreckage does not prove nor disprove anything.

It's pretty amazing that academics spending three years constructing computer models didn't think about the weight whereas you figured it out.

And no, Joe, if you want others to read your post, post the actual link to that post.

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