This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

that eyewitnesses supports the traditional view

I don't bother watching the hand-picked videos because for every one that says "a", there is one that says "b".

What isn't subject to anybody's opinioin or memory is that there were five lightpoles knocked down on 9/11 outside of the Pentagon.

Something had to have knocked them down that morning because a cab was hit in the windshield by one of them.

There was no team of guys running around knocking them down the night before or after the attack.

It happened just an instant before the Pentagon was hit.

The poles were over 100 feet apart at one point on the approach vector. There is no way a missile can zig-zag and hit all five poles, move a gigantic generator off of it's moorings and still plunge into the Pentagon.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute from any serious quarter. Eots is not a serious commentator. His comments on this post (if he's man enough to make them) will demonstrate that perfectly.

that question is answered again and again and you just keep pretending it was not

You never said anything except that it was done as a pretext for a war of aggression against Iraq and AFG. You failed to say WHY, and you failed to say WHO planned and perpetrated the attacks. You need to establish credibility for the conspiracy. If it wasn't AQ and OBL and KSM, then who was it?
that question is answered again and again and you just keep pretending it was not

You never said anything except that it was done as a pretext for a war of aggression against Iraq and AFG. You failed to say WHY, and you failed to say WHO planned and perpetrated the attacks. You need to establish credibility for the conspiracy. If it wasn't AQ and OBL and KSM, then who was it?
Israel had the most to gain from 9/11

I believe that Mossad was behind the attacks.
Hi Kyzr:

You keep refusing to provide a reason why the conspiracy existed, and who gained what from the deception. Was it a CIA OP, Mossad, Somali Pirates, the Russkies, France, Hugo Chavez, Al Qaeda, or some other entity.

Why was it done? What was gained? How many people were involved?

Go back and read the Opening Post (link) about "What Really Happened At The Pentagon" on 9/11. The 'two attack' working hypothesis explains WHAT HAPPENED AT THE PENTAGON ON 9/11. Anything more is beyond the scope of this particular thesis paper and this USMB Conspiracy Theory Topic.

Perhaps your questions are answered on one of my other related Topics:

Pentagon Timeline
DoD Manipulated Fire And Firemen
Flight 77 Never Crashed Near The Pentagon
April Gallop Was Injured During 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike
9:31 AM Missile Strike: Answers To Bill Veale's Questions
"9/11 Press For Truth" Continues: The Video
Secret Bush-Clinton-FED Pakistani Accounts Linked To 9/11 Attacks
Dick Cheney, Karl Rove And Donald Rumsfeld Have Been Murdering Americans
Rebuttal To CIT Claims About What "Did Not" Hit The Pentagon
Poll: Who Supports The Official 9/11 Cover Stories


Hi Kyzr:

Go back and read the Opening Post (link) about "What Really Happened At The Pentagon" on 9/11. The 'two attack' working hypothesis explains WHAT HAPPENED AT THE PENTAGON ON 9/11. Anything more is beyond the scope of this particular thesis paper and this USMB Conspiracy Theory Topic.

Perhaps your questions are answered on one of my other related Topics:

Pentagon Timeline
DoD Manipulated Fire And Firemen
Flight 77 Never Crashed Near The Pentagon
April Gallop Was Injured During 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike
9:31 AM Missile Strike: Answers To Bill Veale's Questions
"9/11 Press For Truth" Continues: The Video
Secret Bush-Clinton-FED Pakistani Accounts Linked To 9/11 Attacks
Dick Cheney, Karl Rove And Donald Rumsfeld Have Been Murdering Americans
Rebuttal To CIT Claims About What "Did Not" Hit The Pentagon
Poll: Who Supports The Official 9/11 Cover Stories



One conspiracy that we could agree on is the Wellstone murder. We disagree on the WHO and the WHY. IMHO Wellstone was murdered because he kept hammering off-shore tax cheats costing the treasury billions annually.

See how easy it is to justify a conspiracy. I said Wellstone was killed because he went after offshore tax cheats. Billions of dollars can buy a lot of mechanical problems for planes. They were murdered to save billions of dollars in taxes.

Tax Havens--Huffington

Companies Use Ex-Lawmakers In Fight on Offshore Tax Break - The New York Times

All I'm asking for is a similar rationale' for 9/11. IMHO it makes much more sense for the SNs to do the 9/11 attack just as they said, because we keep helping Israel, and they wanted to kill 50,000 in the money center to disrupt the US economy, in essence hurting Israel. If it wasn't OBL and KSM, give me one logical rationale' for the attack, WHO and WHY.
Hi kyzr:

All I'm asking for is a similar rationale' for 9/11. IMHO it makes much more sense . . .

This USMB Conspiracy Theory Topic is about What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11. Start 'your' Conspiracy Topic in search of similar rationale :)cuckoo:) . . .


This USMB Conspiracy Theory Topic is about What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11. Start 'your' Conspiracy Topic in search of similar rationale . . .


Here is one plausible rationale' for 9/11, its the most rational, probably because its more than likely true.
[ame=]YouTube - What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't[/ame]
Hi kyzr:

All I'm asking for is a similar rationale' for 9/11. IMHO it makes much more sense . . .

This USMB Conspiracy Theory Topic is about What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11. Start 'your' Conspiracy Topic in search of similar rationale :)cuckoo:) . . .



And why don't you explain why witnesses are not considered evidence? Why did you ignore eyewitness evidence when formulating your theory of what happened at the Pentagon?
you need to further examine the testimony of the witness of 9/11...this film is the best yet covering the the testimony of the event from prior knowledge to the actual event...if you take the time I would like to hear your opinion

[ame=]YouTube - Core Of Corruption Volume 1: In The Shadows {Full Film}[/ame]
you need to further examine the testimony of the witness of 9/11...this film is the best yet covering the the testimony of the event from prior knowledge to the actual event...if you take the time I would like to hear your opinion

YouTube - Core Of Corruption Volume 1: In The Shadows {Full Film}
two and a half HOURS????

good luck getting anyone to commit that much time to a video you would post

ya a lot of time and concentration for a issue like 9/11 especially for the.. use emos instead of words 30 sec sound bite conditioned mind
you need to further examine the testimony of the witness of 9/11...this film is the best yet covering the the testimony of the event from prior knowledge to the actual event...if you take the time I would like to hear your opinion

YouTube - Core Of Corruption Volume 1: In The Shadows {Full Film}
two and a half HOURS????

good luck getting anyone to commit that much time to a video you would post

ya a lot of time and concentration for a issue like 9/11 especially for the.. use emos instead of words 30 sec sound bite conditioned mind
how does that fit into this whole health care debate?
Ya know what? I was just out with my friend tonight. He watched his boss get decapitated (from mid-chest up, that is) in front of his eyes that day and spent more than a month in the burn unit from jet fuel. Now that the weather is getting dryer, it hurts him more because his skin feels less elastic.

Fuck this thread. Fuck the fuckers who made this thread.
Ya know what? I was just out with my friend tonight. He watched his boss get decapitated (from mid-chest up, that is) in front of his eyes that day and spent more than a month in the burn unit from jet fuel. Now that the weather is getting dryer, it hurts him more because his skin feels less elastic.

Fuck this thread. Fuck the fuckers who made this thread.

what does that have to do with anything ? you ranting delusional nutjob !
Ya know what? I was just out with my friend tonight. He watched his boss get decapitated (from mid-chest up, that is) in front of his eyes that day and spent more than a month in the burn unit from jet fuel. Now that the weather is getting dryer, it hurts him more because his skin feels less elastic.

Fuck this thread. Fuck the fuckers who made this thread.

what does that have to do with anything ? you ranting delusional nutjob !
He works and worked at the Pentagon, you sick fuck.
you need to further examine the testimony of the witness of 9/11...this film is the best yet covering the the testimony of the event from prior knowledge to the actual event...if you take the time I would like to hear your opinion

YouTube - Core Of Corruption Volume 1: In The Shadows {Full Film}
two and a half HOURS????

good luck getting anyone to commit that much time to a video you would post

ya a lot of time and concentration for a issue like 9/11 especially for the.. use emos instead of words 30 sec sound bite conditioned mind
with your history, it would be nothing but delusional bullshit
why waste 2:30 on whats already known

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