This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

pentagon police officer R Roberts for one...Im not a liar I am just more informed than you

YouTube - National Security Alert [5/8] - 9/11 & The Pentagon

Officer Roberts recounts being just steps from the Pentagon’s loading dock when he heard an explosion. He immediately ran to the center of the loading dock and looked up. That’s when he caught sight of a large commercial airliner, approximately one-hundred feet off the ground over the Pentagon’s south parking lot. The airliner was banking as it flew from his sight.

Not more informed, just stupid

Roberts was INSIDE during the approach of the plane, after the explosion he came outside -- therefore he was NOT in a position to see the impact.

Good God, take a logics class or something before coming back to this thread.

Roberts explains away this airliner as a second commercial airliner that was flying over the Pentagon reservation.

Why do truthers lie?
Hi Trojan:

This is a lie, there are many witnesses that watch the plane hit the light poles and strike the Pentagon.

Quote anything that appears wrong from the Opening Post (link) and present 'your' opposing views using whatever Trojan recognizes as 'credible evidence.' Typing out three sentences of YOUR STUPIDITY makes a case for NOTHING . . .

Many more so parts of the whole. There are NO witnesses that saw a missle, there are no witnesses that saw a fly over.

Trojan is just talking :)lol:) and has offered 'evidentiary support' for NOTHING. What witnesses? Show us 'names' and 'links' to your information.

Have you read the report from the first responders?

If Trojan began presenting first responder evidence every day for two years, then I doubt if you could show me something new about this Pentagon Case. However, since Trojan is going to jump up and down and whine like a baby (pic), then we might never know . . .


Hi Trojan:

yes there are indeed pentagon employees that report a commercial air liner passing no more than 100 ft overhead after the impact and reports of multiple planes in the are wrong

Who? Who saw a plane aproach the Pentagon on a trajectory to impact it and pull up at the last moment, who? You are a liar.

No. Eots is right and Trojan is dead wrong. Listen to the testimony of Terry Cohen very carefully:

[ame=""]Terry Cohen Saw "Just Smoke"[/ame]

Terry Cohen was having a Construction Meeting inside one of those Temporary Construction Trailers (pic) and was standing outside the little entry hole in mere seconds. She ran to the entry hole to see 'JUST SMOKE' and no signs of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner. Other people ran up to her yelling about a 'Big Plane,' but NOTHING like that struck the Pentagon during this "9:31:39 AM" Missile Strike!!!!

We have the testimony of Lloyde England (story) that ONLY 'inside-the-building fires' (Barbara Honegger Paper) were present during the original Missile Strike where only a 'Single Smoke Plume' rose up from the small hole:


The upper picture (from this larger pic) shows the west side of the Pentagon from 9:31:39 AM to 9:36:27 AM with the 'Single Smoke Plume.' Terry Cohen stood outside the little hole during this time. Read through Lloyd's Testimony very carefully to realize that 'time' passed between the 'original' light pole incident (9:31) 'and' the 'BIG BOOM' that knocked him down. This is Terry Cohen's massive 'Explosion' where the A-3 Jet returned exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds later during the 'second' Pentagon Attack. Look at the 'FIRE' from the lower picture (taken from here) and note that Lloyd is standing in the lower left-hand corner. Now try to imagine Terry Cohen standing in front of the same impact hole with all of this FIRE!!! No. Terry had already left the scene when this 'second attack' on the Pentagon took place at exactly 9:36:27 AM.

Now read through the testimony of Alan Wallace (here = fixed link @3:28 PM), the on-station fireman (with Mark Skipper), to realize this was his first day on the job. He ran away from the impact hole location at 9:31:39 AM to hide under his vehicle. Then minutes later (4mins and 48 seconds) he also was chased out from under his vehicle by massive FIRE. Of course he thought that the painted-up A-3 struck the Pentagon during the original attack, but in reality the Jet flew over the West Wedge Wall to return just under 5 minutes later.

This is a case of all the witnesses telling 'the 911Truth,' but from different perspectives and limited views of what really happened. Don Wright . . .

[ame=""]Don Wright Pentagon Witness[/ame]

. . . witnessed the 9:36:27 AM 'second attack' like Michael Kelly:

[ame=""]Michael Kelly Pentagon Witness[/ame]


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Your link to Alan Walace's testimony links to a photo ??

What the hell are you talking about? Wright and Kelly both saw the plane impact!

Then your Skipper and Wallace lie is outrageous

At 9:38 a.m. on September 11, only one fire crew, Foam 161 of the Fort Myer
Fire Department, knew the exact location of the crash site. Captain Dennis
Gilroy and his team were already on station at the Pentagon when Flight #77
slammed into it, just beyond the heliport. Foam 161 caught fire and suffered a
flat tire from flying debris. Firefighters Mark Skipper and Alan Wallace were
outside the vehicle at impact and received burns and lacerations. Recovering
from the initial shock, they began helping victims climb out of the Pentagon’s
first floor windows. Captain Gilroy called the Fort Myer Fire Department,
reporting for the first time the actual location of the crash.

At 9:38 a.m., shortly after American Airlines Flight #77 disappeared from sight, a tremendous explosion preceded a massive plume of smoke and fire. Unable to pinpoint the precise location, Captain McCoy immediately radioed the Arlington County Emergency Communications Center (ECC), reporting an airplane crash in the vicinity of the 14th Street Bridge or in Crystal City.

Mutiple attacks? Then why do first responders on scene only mention one attack?

The first ACFD personnel had arrived at the Pentagon within 2 minutes of the
attack. ACFD and mutual-aid medical personnel began aiding victims
immediately. Within 4 minutes of the attack, the ACFD had established its
command presence. MWAA fire and medical units were on the scene and the
first contingent of the FBI’s NCRS had arrived within 5 minutes of impact. Three
major Washington Metropolitan Area hospitals were ready to receive injured
victims 12 minutes after the attack. By 10:00 a.m. on September 11, most of
the ACFD duty shift was engaged at the Pentagon.

Have you even read the reports of the first responders?

And what is this crap about Terry Cohen? She was inside, did not see the plane, could not see anything because of smoke and does not mention that there was a second explosion -- she doesn't even give the time?

Wow, are you delusional.
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Hi Trojan:

Your link to Alan Walace's testimony links to a photo ??

My mistake. The link is not working because of maintenance.

What the hell are you talking about? Wright and Kelly both saw the plane impact!

No kidding. They saw the 'smaller plane' strike the Pentagon at 9:36:27 create Terry Cohen's 'Terrible Explosion' and Lloyd's "Big Boom."

Then your Skipper and Wallace lie is outrageous

No. This is Trojan's 'conclusion' based upon nothing.

At 9:38 a.m. on September 11, only one fire crew, Foam 161 of the Fort Myer Fire Department, knew the exact location of the crash site. Captain Dennis Gilroy and his team were already on station at the Pentagon when Flight #77 slammed into it, just beyond the heliport. Foam 161 caught fire and suffered a flat tire from flying debris. Firefighters Mark Skipper and Alan Wallace were outside the vehicle at impact and received burns and lacerations.
Alan Wallace was injured during the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike where he and Mark Skipper suffered serve 'shock' and lost all hearing for some time from the enormous explosion. They never saw any Jetliner hit the Pentagon. They were running (North) at the time of missile impact and detonation. The A-3 Jet flew over the E-ring Roof, but they thought a Jetliner hit the Pentagon behind them.

Recovering from the initial shock, they began helping victims climb out of the Pentagon’s first floor windows.

That's right! These Pentagon witnesses were suffering from 'shock,' which created instability within their testimony about these events.

Mutiple attacks? Then why do first responders on scene only mention one attack?

Alan Wallace and Mark Skipper ran North to hide under their vehicles for the 4 minutes and 48 seconds that the A-3 Jet circled North, until the Jet returned to strike the Pentagon at 9:36:27 AM. The firemen were suffering from hearing loss and did not realize that this was a 'second attack' that caused the 'fire' that ran them out from under their vehicles.

The first ACFD personnel had arrived at the Pentagon within 2 minutes of the attack.
No. These people showed up at 9:38 - 9:40 AM (my Pentagon Timeline), or about seven to nine minutes 'after' the original 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike that created only 'inside-the-building fires.'

Have you even read the reports of the first responders?

Yes. All of them. We are interpreting the evidence in different ways . . .


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Have you even read the reports of the first responders?

Yes. All of them. We are interpreting the evidence in different ways . . .



Which first responders or eyewitnesses report mutiple explosions, seven or so minutes apart?

Wallace and Skipper are quite clear there is only one explosion.

Cohen was inside a trailer, but never mentions a second explosion.

Further - other EMS dispatches support only one incident and one time of impact

Additionally, just 1 minute before the Pentagon crash, in response to a 9-1-1
telephone call at 9:37 a.m., the ECC dispatched several units to an apartment
fire at 1003 Wilson Boulevard in Rosslyn. Because it was located in a high-rise
building, it was a substantial dispatch involving nine different fire and medical
service units. Engine 103 reached the Rosslyn scene first and radioed that the
apartment fire was out. Thus, by sheer coincidence, there were a significant
number of units already on the road near the Pentagon at the time of the attack.
Alan Wallace was injured during the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike where he and Mark Skipper suffered serve 'shock' and lost all hearing for some time from the enormous explosion. They never saw any Jetliner hit the Pentagon. They were running (North) at the time of missile impact and detonation. The A-3 Jet flew over the E-ring Roof, but they thought a Jetliner hit the Pentagon behind them.

The problem here is Wallace actually saw the plane.

About 9:40, Alan Wallace had finished fixing the foam metering valve on the back of his fire truck parked in the Pentagon fire station and walked to the front of the station. He looked up and saw a jetliner coming straight at him. It was about 25 feet off the ground, no landing wheels visible, a few hundred yards away and closing fast.

So it was not a 9:31 - and since he immediately lept into action, he would have seen the second approach of the plane.
Alan Wallace was injured during the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike where he and Mark Skipper suffered serve 'shock' and lost all hearing for some time from the enormous explosion. They never saw any Jetliner hit the Pentagon. They were running (North) at the time of missile impact and detonation. The A-3 Jet flew over the E-ring Roof, but they thought a Jetliner hit the Pentagon behind them.

The problem here is Wallace actually saw the plane.

About 9:40, Alan Wallace had finished fixing the foam metering valve on the back of his fire truck parked in the Pentagon fire station and walked to the front of the station. He looked up and saw a jetliner coming straight at him. It was about 25 feet off the ground, no landing wheels visible, a few hundred yards away and closing fast.

So it was not a 9:31 - and since he immediately lept into action, he would have seen the second approach of the plane.

I have been reading this thread.

So what we are to believe now.

Is that when the plane hit the Pentagon,

It's wings folded back and the whole plane slid into the building and basically disappeared from sight?

Kind of like the old putting the model ship into the bottle trick??? :doubt:

that was the USA today reporters story 5 years after the incident in his first report he clearly states he did not see the impact
I have been reading this thread.

So what we are to believe now.

Is that when the plane hit the Pentagon,

It's wings folded back and the whole plane slid into the building and basically disappeared from sight?

Kind of like the old putting the model ship into the bottle trick??? :doubt:

that was the USA today reporters story 5 years after the incident in his first report he clearly states he did not see the impact

[ame=]YouTube - Pentagon 9/11 Eyewitness Mike Walter Exposed[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Pentagon witness Joel Sucherman, CBS 11:02 9/11[/ame]
mike walters testimony changed dramatically in 5 years and is not credible and there is a definite report of a second plane by suchermen

There is an international airport a half mile away -- second plane, gee who would have thought it

In what way did Walters' testimony change? Specifics
mike walters testimony changed dramatically in 5 years and is not credible and there is a definite report of a second plane by suchermen

There is an international airport a half mile away -- second plane, gee who would have thought it

In what way did Walters' testimony change? Specifics

a low flying plane making a steep turn witnessed by others but unexplained by the FAA...and in Walters first report he says he saw the plane then an explosion but when asked specifically if he saw the impact he says no...but 5 years later he did see the impact and actually witnessed the plane at 500mph hit and the wings fold back and follow the body of the plane into the hole
Greetings to All:

The Opening Post of this topic described What Really Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11 (here), after I spend more than a thousand hours running my own investigation. My Pentagon Timeline is here.

The Twin Towers were attacked first on 9/11 to give Navy Commanders 'time' to convene in the Navy Command Center. The Pentagon was attacked at exactly 9:31:39 AM (my 9:31 Topic) to stop Navy Commanders from launching Navy Jets from carriers (they never took off) that would blow the cover on the 9/11 Inside Job.

The Official Govt LIE is too ridiculous for anyone to believe, but stupid Americans will believe anything. Someone try to find 'any' errors in my work.


Greetings to All and especially Mr. Robert :)cool:):

Being cautious here, you are a pathological liar. You are also wrong and in error in every topic so far purviewed and posted by you on this website, going back as far as the first day you joined.

I have literally thousands of hours invested in What Really Happened At The Pentagon on 9/11, but Mr. Robert here insists I am a pathological liar. Fine. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and they can come to this fine USMB Board can call other registered members liars, but can this DoD operative (How To Spot) make those claims stick?

Go to the Opening Post and 'quote >>' from my work and make your case for Terral being a liar. Otherwise, that claim falls back on you! Do it! I double dare you. Come on hotshot and make my day.

[ame=]Do you feel lucky?[/ame]

terral, your every post has proved you to be not only a fucking moron, but a pathological liar
add that on top of being a deadbeat dad to boot
you are a disgusting waste of human flesh
Greetings to All:

The Opening Post of this topic described What Really Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11 (here), after I spend more than a thousand hours running my own investigation. My Pentagon Timeline is here.

The Twin Towers were attacked first on 9/11 to give Navy Commanders 'time' to convene in the Navy Command Center. The Pentagon was attacked at exactly 9:31:39 AM (my 9:31 Topic) to stop Navy Commanders from launching Navy Jets from carriers (they never took off) that would blow the cover on the 9/11 Inside Job.

The Official Govt LIE is too ridiculous for anyone to believe, but stupid Americans will believe anything. Someone try to find 'any' errors in my work.



100% Error. Shown with equation, fact, volume, and impact transfer. You continue to be a pathological liar.

Hunt the Packlid.


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