This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Hi Guys:

Is anyone else seeing visions of "Heaven's Gate" in Terral's threads?

Seriously....I'm not taking a shot at him.....but it is getting creepy.

It went far, far beyond creepy a long time ago.

Now it's just amusing.

Perhaps you guys have failed to consider the long range repercussions of what it means when Terral turns out to be right about 9/11, the Secret Congressional Meeting, the Military digging Mass Graves, the REX84 FEMA Camps, coming Martial Law, the Economic Collapse, Dollar Collapse, the need to buy silver, the need for Survival Supplies, and everything else. Suppose that my timing is wrong on some aspects, but all of these things are related and the approach of a massive brown dwarf triggers the 'event' that starts all the dominoes tumbling!

The difference is that if you guys are right then all of this is entertainment. However, when I turn out to be right (and I am), then those among you unprepared with perish. Many false flag operations have been launched to desensitize the sheeple into complacency, so almost nobody is prepped and ready to go when the 'event' finally gets the New World Order ball rolling. What if Terral is right? ;0)


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Hi Guys:

Is anyone else seeing visions of "Heaven's Gate" in Terral's threads?

Seriously....I'm not taking a shot at him.....but it is getting creepy.

It went far, far beyond creepy a long time ago.

Now it's just amusing.

Perhaps you guys have failed to consider the long range repercussions of what it means when Terral turns out to be right about 9/11, the Secret Congressional Meeting, the Military digging Mass Graves, the REX84 FEMA Camps, coming Martial Law, the Economic Collapse, Dollar Collapse, the need to buy silver, the need for Survival Supplies, and everything else. Suppose that my timing is wrong on some aspects, but all of these things are related and the approach of a massive brown dwarf triggers the 'event' that starts all the dominoes tumbling!

The difference is that if you guys are right then all of this is entertainment. However, when I turn out to be right (and I am), then those among you unprepared with perish. Many false flag operations have been launched to desensitize the sheeple into complacency, so almost nobody is prepped and ready to go when the 'event' finally gets the New World Order ball rolling. What if Terral is right? ;0)


you've been wrong on ALL of those so far
what proof is there you will ever be right on ANYthing
If Terrel is right? That's funny, real funny.

However, my guess would be that the internet will be gone, most power will disappear and 9 out of ten people will die rather soon. Terrel will be one of the first to go. Me and my family will be just fine.

Has the makings of a great movie. someone should write it.
Okay guys I'm not here to start any fights and will not comment about the person saying that to say it was is either stupid or whatever.
I WAS inside the Pentagon on 9/11 when it got hit. I was a rescuer and medical responder on that day. I smelled jet fuel not ROCKET fuel and there was plenty of debris from an airliner laying around and burning inside. There was a set of landing gear that came to rest between 4th and 5th Corridors and had come all the way through from the E Ring to come to rest in the Alley between A and B Rings. As far as the video is concerned you wouldn't be able to picture a plane on a time relapsed camera traveling at the speed of over 500 miles an hour so please be sensible. I will not comment on my experience other than to say that we ALL knew this to be what it was and the people INSIDE when it actually happened never questioned what it was because we saw the evidence. Smelled the burning flesh and the JET fuel. So please I know I can't change anybody's minds but these are the facts. ROCKETS do NOT have LANDING GEAR!!!
Also if you have questions about my credentials just put my name in a search engine and you should come up with at least 3 articles including a book that I've been in. If not then you should find at least ONE.
Daniel Nimrod
9/11 Pentagon Rescuer/Survivor
Okay guys I'm not here to start any fights and will not comment about the person saying that to say it was is either stupid or whatever.
I WAS inside the Pentagon on 9/11 when it got hit. I was a rescuer and medical responder on that day. I smelled jet fuel not ROCKET fuel and there was plenty of debris from an airliner laying around and burning inside. There was a set of landing gear that came to rest between 4th and 5th Corridors and had come all the way through from the E Ring to come to rest in the Alley between A and B Rings. As far as the video is concerned you wouldn't be able to picture a plane on a time relapsed camera traveling at the speed of over 500 miles an hour so please be sensible. I will not comment on my experience other than to say that we ALL knew this to be what it was and the people INSIDE when it actually happened never questioned what it was because we saw the evidence. Smelled the burning flesh and the JET fuel. So please I know I can't change anybody's minds but these are the facts. ROCKETS do NOT have LANDING GEAR!!!
Also if you have questions about my credentials just put my name in a search engine and you should come up with at least 3 articles including a book that I've been in. If not then you should find at least ONE.
Daniel Nimrod
9/11 Pentagon Rescuer/Survivor

I call bullshit...and even if it was plane that hardly answers the unanswered questions of 9/11 and the reason for the obvious cover-up in almost every aspect of the investigation
Okay guys I'm not here to start any fights and will not comment about the person saying that to say it was is either stupid or whatever.
I WAS inside the Pentagon on 9/11 when it got hit. I was a rescuer and medical responder on that day. I smelled jet fuel not ROCKET fuel and there was plenty of debris from an airliner laying around and burning inside. There was a set of landing gear that came to rest between 4th and 5th Corridors and had come all the way through from the E Ring to come to rest in the Alley between A and B Rings. As far as the video is concerned you wouldn't be able to picture a plane on a time relapsed camera traveling at the speed of over 500 miles an hour so please be sensible. I will not comment on my experience other than to say that we ALL knew this to be what it was and the people INSIDE when it actually happened never questioned what it was because we saw the evidence. Smelled the burning flesh and the JET fuel. So please I know I can't change anybody's minds but these are the facts. ROCKETS do NOT have LANDING GEAR!!!
Also if you have questions about my credentials just put my name in a search engine and you should come up with at least 3 articles including a book that I've been in. If not then you should find at least ONE.
Daniel Nimrod
9/11 Pentagon Rescuer/Survivor

I call bullshit...and even if it was plane that hardly answers the unanswered questions of 9/11 and the reason for the obvious cover-up in almost every aspect of the investigation
translation: herp a derp
the only part I buy is like you ...he is indeed a nimrod

I just don't know which conspiracy theory to believe anymore - there are so many, one of them must be right!

Do you guys ever get together and fight over which of your conspiracy theories is right?

I bet that's what the government would love, isn't it, to get you all together in one room so they could blow you up with nano-thermite and then bury you in a mass grave in the lawn of the J Edgar Hoover building.

Or maybe load your residue-laden bodies onto a pink Airbus with gold streamers for their next dastardly plan to fell a major U.S. landmark - preferably with maximum loss of American lives, just to show they can...

I hate them so much!!!
I'm glad you guys have got guns and lots of tinned food and bottled water in your bunkers so you can take those corrupt politicians and generals out when the time comes!!!!
I call bullshit...and even if it was plane that hardly answers the unanswered questions of 9/11 and the reason for the obvious cover-up in almost every aspect of the investigation

Obviously you're a dumb ass and no amount of evidence would persuade you. As for calling my a Nimrod, damn I don't think I've heard THAT one before. ASSWIPE.
I don't have to listen to this bullshit so I'm out.
I call bullshit...and even if it was plane that hardly answers the unanswered questions of 9/11 and the reason for the obvious cover-up in almost every aspect of the investigation

Obviously you're a dumb ass and no amount of evidence would persuade you. As for calling my a Nimrod, damn I don't think I've heard THAT one before. ASSWIPE.
I don't have to listen to this bullshit so I'm out.
hang in there
dont let dipshits like him run you away
I call bullshit...and even if it was plane that hardly answers the unanswered questions of 9/11 and the reason for the obvious cover-up in almost every aspect of the investigation

Obviously you're a dumb ass and no amount of evidence would persuade you. As for calling my a Nimrod, damn I don't think I've heard THAT one before. ASSWIPE.
I don't have to listen to this bullshit so I'm out.

I bet you're still here.

What unanswered questions are you referring to?
I bet they've all been answered - it's just that you didn't like them.
I call bullshit...and even if it was plane that hardly answers the unanswered questions of 9/11 and the reason for the obvious cover-up in almost every aspect of the investigation

Obviously you're a dumb ass and no amount of evidence would persuade you. As for calling my a Nimrod, damn I don't think I've heard THAT one before. ASSWIPE.
I don't have to listen to this bullshit so I'm out.

I bet you're still here.

What unanswered questions are you referring to?
I bet they've all been answered - it's just that you didn't like them.
he's new here, and not familiar with the quote button yet
Hi Daniel:

Okay guys I'm not here to start any fights and will not comment about the person saying that to say it was is either stupid or whatever.

These USMB members will fight no matter if you comment or not. ;0)

I WAS inside the Pentagon on 9/11 when it got hit. I was a rescuer and medical responder on that day. I smelled jet fuel not ROCKET fuel and there was plenty of debris from an airliner laying around and burning inside.

Daniel obviously did NOT read the Opening Post. Try again once you have actually read the topic. The Pentagon 'was' struck by a refitted A-3 Skywarrior at 9:36:27 AM that was painted up to look like an American Airlines Jetliner. That is the jetliner evidence that you saw.

There was a set of landing gear that came to rest between 4th and 5th Corridors and had come all the way through from the E Ring to come to rest in the Alley between A and B Rings.

That statement is clearly false and disproved by the photographic evidence:


This is a picture taken from standing in A/E Drive looking through the C-ring hole into the D and E ring areas that are all under a single roof.


This is another picture taken from A/E Drive facing north showing the C-ring wall on your left and the B-ring wall to your right that has NO DAMAGE. If your landing gear went through to the B and A rings, then there would be a hole in this B-ring wall.

As far as the video is concerned you wouldn't be able to picture a plane on a time relapsed camera traveling at the speed of over 500 miles an hour so please be sensible.

These are state-of-the-art high-speed Pentagon Security Cameras and not your your phone cam. There is NO WAY any 100-ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon, or we would have seen that evidence in the A/E Drive photos above. You be real!


This is the little E-ring hole where you say a 100-ton Jetliner crashed going 500 miles per hour. And yet, the windows above the 18-feet 3-inch second-story hole are not broken from a Jetliner that is five-stories tall! You say a real 100-ton Jetliner flew over those cable spools and did not break third-story windows, when that is impossible.

I will not comment on my experience other than to say that we ALL knew this to be what it was and the people INSIDE when it actually happened never questioned what it was because we saw the evidence.

Bullony! Your testimony is already proven false and you have no evidence to support a single word of anything and you know it.

Smelled the burning flesh and the JET fuel. So please I know I can't change anybody's minds but these are the facts. ROCKETS do NOT have LANDING GEAR!!!

The refitted A-3 Skywarrior 'did' have landing gear, but that has nothing to do with any AA-77 Jetliner. Daniel is obviously unaware of the fact that American Airlines has never issued the N644AA registry number to any 757 jetliner in history (my topic). Daniel is unaware of the fact that AA11 and AA77 were canceled on 9/11 (link #1 from Pentagon Timeline). Daniel is unaware of the fact that the Govt Documentation proves 9/11 was an inside job (topic), because he was DUPED by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld's "Black Operation" on 9/11.

Also if you have questions about my credentials just put my name in a search engine and you should come up with at least 3 articles including a book that I've been in. If not then you should find at least ONE.
Daniel Nimrod
9/11 Pentagon Rescuer/Survivor

We have testimony from hundreds of Pentagon witnesses that completely disagree with you, because Dan was DUPED and made up his mind to swallow the Official Cover Story LIE hook, line and sinker on day one ...


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Hi Daniel:

Okay guys I'm not here to start any fights and will not comment about the person saying that to say it was is either stupid or whatever.

These USMB members will fight no matter if you comment or not. ;0)

I WAS inside the Pentagon on 9/11 when it got hit. I was a rescuer and medical responder on that day. I smelled jet fuel not ROCKET fuel and there was plenty of debris from an airliner laying around and burning inside.

Daniel obviously did NOT read the Opening Post. Try again once you have actually read the topic. The Pentagon 'was' struck by a refitted A-3 Skywarrior at 9:36:27 AM that was painted up to look like an American Airlines Jetliner. That is the jetliner evidence that you saw.

That statement is clearly false and disproved by the photographic evidence:


This is a picture taken from standing in A/E Drive looking through the C-ring hole into the D and E ring areas that are all under a single roof.


This is another picture taken from A/E Drive facing north showing the C-ring wall on your left and the B-ring wall to your right that has NO DAMAGE. If your landing gear went through to the B and A rings, then there would be a hole in this B-ring wall.

These are state-of-the-art high-speed Pentagon Security Cameras and not your your phone cam. There is NO WAY any 100-ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon, or we would have seen that evidence in the A/E Drive photos above. You be real!


This is the little E-ring hole where you say a 100-ton Jetliner crashed going 500 miles per hour. And yet, the windows above the 18-feet 3-inch second-story hole are not broken from a Jetliner that is five-stories tall! You say a real 100-ton Jetliner flew over those cable spools and did not break third-story windows, when that is impossible.

Bullony! Your testimony is already proven false and you have no evidence to support a single word of anything and you know it.

Smelled the burning flesh and the JET fuel. So please I know I can't change anybody's minds but these are the facts. ROCKETS do NOT have LANDING GEAR!!!

The refitted A-3 Skywarrior 'did' have landing gear, but that has nothing to do with any AA-77 Jetliner. Daniel is obviously unaware of the fact that American Airlines has never issued the N644AA registry number to any 757 jetliner in history (my topic). Daniel is unaware of the fact that AA11 and AA77 were canceled on 9/11 (link #1 from Pentagon Timeline). Daniel is unaware of the fact that the Govt Documentation proves 9/11 was an inside job (topic), because he was DUPED by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld's "Black Operation" on 9/11.

Also if you have questions about my credentials just put my name in a search engine and you should come up with at least 3 articles including a book that I've been in. If not then you should find at least ONE.
Daniel Nimrod
9/11 Pentagon Rescuer/Survivor

We have testimony from hundreds of Pentagon witnesses that completely disagree with you, because Dan was DUPED and made up his mind to swallow the Official Cover Story LIE hook, line and sinker.


After reading old threads of yours where you were convinced that you were right I will take the side of the government over you. You are wrong way too many times to have ANY credibility.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

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