This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

you agents are so predictable Rat.your lives are so pathetic you quote someone that has you on ignore.I love predictable.oh and know i am not reading what you say i just know how you agents so obvious you replied and addressed me,you posted right after my post,easy to figure out.your life is as pathetic as those two agents

well divecunt isnt one,he doesnt fit the pattern,he doesnt even TRY to debate,he just debates like-that has been disproven you idiot,blah blah,blah,HE is a just a kid troll with no life thats why i put that idiot kid on ignore after just a wekk YEARS ago.

I caught you lying,you know it,i know it,you can only fling shit in defeat cause you know you can counter it.have fun troll.I REALLY need to stop taking your bait wasting my time with you,thats what you want as we both know.Like i said,have fun with Eots agent,i know HE will take your bait.bye.

How could you know I quoted you if you have me on ignore, LIAR

No wonder you get mangled on every board you go to. Everywhere you go, you lie.

Now stop farting in this forum, loser.

So if he's telling the truth, everybody except EOTS is on ignore. LOL The truth isn't his friend.
you agents are so predictable Rat.your lives are so pathetic you quote someone that has you on ignore.I love predictable.oh and know i am not reading what you say i just know how you agents so obvious you replied and addressed me,you posted right after my post,easy to figure out.your life is as pathetic as those two agents

well divecunt isnt one,he doesnt fit the pattern,he doesnt even TRY to debate,he just debates like-that has been disproven you idiot,blah blah,blah,HE is a just a kid troll with no life thats why i put that idiot kid on ignore after just a wekk YEARS ago.

I caught you lying,you know it,i know it,you can only fling shit in defeat cause you know you can counter it.have fun troll.I REALLY need to stop taking your bait wasting my time with you,thats what you want as we both know.Like i said,have fun with Eots agent,i know HE will take your bait.bye.

How could you know I quoted you if you have me on ignore, LIAR

No wonder you get mangled on every board you go to. Everywhere you go, you lie.

Now stop farting in this forum, loser.

So if he's telling the truth, everybody except EOTS is on ignore. LOL The truth isn't his friend.

He and the truth parted ways a LONG time ago.
Hey look. Christophera's date has shown up.

She likes him because he has more negative rep points than she does.
He and the truth parted ways a LONG time ago.

I bet if you wore a pair of Toe Socks into town you could find Cheese Crackers in a BucketOmud...

yeah agent rat in the hat,the truthers know you parted ways from the truth from the very beginning when they started paying you money to come here and post lies and who knows where else you went to before you came here,no need to brag about how you two agents parted ways from the truth.all the truthers here know that.

once AGAIN you show you have no crediblity whatsoever adrressing candycorn.He was such a joke at this other site before this one before it got closed down because he got caught lying like you do,dodging facts and evidence,evading facts and trying to derail topics evading points so often, so many truthers laughed at that pathetic attention seeking troll that as i told you before,one poster dedicated a thread there to him called IS CANDYCORN ON YOUR IGNORE LIST? where DOZENS of people scame on and said yes because of how pathetic he is.Obviously thats what attracts you to him,you agents got to stick together.
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He and the truth parted ways a LONG time ago.

I bet if you wore a pair of Toe Socks into town you could find Cheese Crackers in a BucketOmud...

yeah agent rat in the hat,the truthers know you parted ways from the truth from the very beginning when they started paying you money to come here and post lies and who knows where else you went to before you came here,no need to brag about how you two agents parted ways from the truth.all the truthers here know that.
Not that you pay attention to facts or common sense but gee, if someone WERE actually paying me to come here and post; wouldn't I post more than 2 or 3 posts per day dumbfuck? Oh let me guess, I'm on salary where I get paid if I don't post at all? As with all twoofers, your perception of reality just doesn't line up with common sense, known facts, or basic education.

once AGAIN you show you have no crediblity whatsoever adrressing candycorn.He was such a joke at this other site before this one before it got closed down because he got caught lying like you do,dodging facts and evidence,evading facts and trying to derail topics evading points so often, so many truthers laughed at that pathetic attention seeking troll.

Usually they laughed because they were all baked on the cannabis they all admitted to smoking. You never did which is both good and bad. Good because you're not helping fund warlods in SA. Bad because it would explain some of your lame comments. Like how you say a movie talught you how the world really works and how you never have posted a single fact in your entire posting history. I know the library shoos you off after about an hour on the 'net so other indigent people can see if their welfare payment hit their bank but one would think you could at least martial some sort of offense at some point.

Truth be told; the site folded because advertisers would no longer pay for advertising on the site? Why because they knew they were only reaching morons like you who posted "Who Farted". It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that you're broke; mentally, financially, and morally. So why would advertisers continue to pay to reach people like you? Fact is they won't. Fact is they stopped. Fact is you have one less place to post "who farted".

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute. USMB, if they were smart, would look at the bodies of work and see whom is making logical arguments and whom is just here to take pot shots. If they do that, soyanara beeotch!

that as i told you before,one poster dedicated a thread there to him called IS CANDYCORN ON YOUR IGNORE LIST? where DOZENS of people scame on and said yes because of how pathetic he is.Obviously thats what attracts you to him,you agents got to stick together.

And I'm still here and he isn't...or he is too scared to let us know where he is. I owned Sword in every debate; ever. I owned you in every debate; ever. I owned Huggy (you don't see him here much any more do you dumbfuck?) in every debate; ever. EOTS won't engage with me. I won't give Terral or Chris a sniff because theres no point in it.

As I have said from day one; at some point you have to lay your cards on the table and state what YOU think. Take 7forever for an example. You claim to have read 100 books and even interviewed people who were in Dealey Plaza (sp?) on the day JFK were killed. At no point did you sponsor the driver killing Kennedy. Never. UNTIL this dude shows up and begins posting abject garbage. And low and behold, you applaud the bullshit.

You're like the odor off of cow dung; you go whichever way the wind blows.

Now Rat asked you 10 questions. You didn't answer any of them with any annotations backing up what you said. For example, the Pentagon doesn't have the greatest air defenses in the world yet you stated it does. For example, you stated that there were "hundreds" if I recall of videos of AA77 hitting the Pentagon. No proof at all exists to back you up on that. Your CIT loons--the same guys that Richard Gage disowns; produce this heavily edited piece of footage where there are clear breaks in the filming and you honor it as if it were a real documentary. It is just one silly statement after another from you.

You say you have me on ignore yet you mention me in every single post. I would be worried about your obsession cletus but you have proven time and again you're all talk and harmless.
you just never get enough of your ass beatings do you Rat? btw,do you plan on making yourself look like the dumbfuck trolls candyfag and divecunt are that seek attention replying to me when I have them on ignore and they talk to themselves ? lol.oh yes, in case you did not get any of that over on that thread I DO have you on ignore now.Like i said,i dont debate with troll agents that lie and make up things just to suit their own needs like I exposed you for the liar you are.Eots im sure will play your game though,he still takes the bait of those idiot attention seekers i just mentioned, so i know he will with you as well.have fun trolling just dont expect me to waste my valuable time on you anymore.
you disinfo agents prove you have no interest in the truth,you dodge these facts that the commission members themselves have said they were not told the truth,hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

you three and the other agents always evade it by posting irrelevent crap aftter this is shown to you exposing yourselfs as the agents you are.:lol: you DID give me entertainment fo a while while it lasted,too bad you had to stoop to being an outright liar.I dont talk to liars.matter of fact i am pissed at my friend right now and not talking to him at the moment cause i caught him red handed least HE confessed he agents never do.

I looked at your link.
I can't see anywhere that it says there was a coverup...but you're clearly a nutcase so I won't bother saying any more.
you just never get enough of your ass beatings do you Rat? btw,do you plan on making yourself look like the dumbfuck trolls candyfag and divecunt are that seek attention replying to me when I have them on ignore and they talk to themselves ? lol.oh yes, in case you did not get any of that over on that thread I DO have you on ignore now.Like i said,i dont debate with troll agents that lie and make up things just to suit their own needs like I exposed you for the liar you are.Eots im sure will play your game though,he still takes the bait of those idiot attention seekers i just mentioned, so i know he will with you as well.have fun trolling just dont expect me to waste my valuable time on you anymore.
you disinfo agents prove you have no interest in the truth,you dodge these facts that the commission members themselves have said they were not told the truth,hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

you three and the other agents always evade it by posting irrelevent crap aftter this is shown to you exposing yourselfs as the agents you are.:lol: you DID give me entertainment fo a while while it lasted,too bad you had to stoop to being an outright liar.I dont talk to liars.matter of fact i am pissed at my friend right now and not talking to him at the moment cause i caught him red handed least HE confessed he agents never do.

I looked at your link.
I can't see anywhere that it says there was a coverup...but you're clearly a nutcase so I won't bother saying any more.
this is why it is a waste of your time to watch his links
he hasnt posted a single facts and these videos are done by nutzos with scary music and totally devoid of facts or reason
This is the second thread where 911 nut job claims there is some super air defense network at the pentagon. I really want to know more about this system. Any bets he can't tell us, or I should say show us, what this system is?
you just never get enough of your ass beatings do you Rat? btw,do you plan on making yourself look like the dumbfuck trolls candyfag and divecunt are that seek attention replying to me when I have them on ignore and they talk to themselves ? lol.oh yes, in case you did not get any of that over on that thread I DO have you on ignore now.Like i said,i dont debate with troll agents that lie and make up things just to suit their own needs like I exposed you for the liar you are.Eots im sure will play your game though,he still takes the bait of those idiot attention seekers i just mentioned, so i know he will with you as well.have fun trolling just dont expect me to waste my valuable time on you anymore.
you disinfo agents prove you have no interest in the truth,you dodge these facts that the commission members themselves have said they were not told the truth,hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

you three and the other agents always evade it by posting irrelevent crap aftter this is shown to you exposing yourselfs as the agents you are.:lol: you DID give me entertainment fo a while while it lasted,too bad you had to stoop to being an outright liar.I dont talk to liars.matter of fact i am pissed at my friend right now and not talking to him at the moment cause i caught him red handed least HE confessed he agents never do.

I looked at your link.
I can't see anywhere that it says there was a coverup...but you're clearly a nutcase so I won't bother saying any more.

thats because your afraid of the truth and only see what you want to see and these agents here LOVE you for that. what part there of that commission member saying -I think the commission was set up to fail do you not comprehend?:cuckoo: how is it so damned hard for you to believe they never had any serious interest in pursuing this when they make that perfectly obvious as he proved allloting a measly 12 million for the investigation,the worst crime in history,yet were willing to spend 100 million on Clintons blowjob?:cuckoo:

according to YOUR logic then,since over a thousand architects and engineers agree with me,not to mention some demolition experts,first responders,firemen experienced in explosives whom THEMSELVES called the the 9/11 commission investigation a half baked farce,scientists,pentagon employees,expert pilots,former top ranked government officials,,The fact that all airspace pentagon procedures were violated that day and nobody lost their jobS for their ALLEGED incompetence,a former senator himself objecting to that,the crime scenes were destroyed,your going to be these idiots and listen to the ramblings of these morons that come on here and defend the official version,and trust the mainstream media which is a tool for the government and our corrupt government instituitons INSTEAD of listening to all those credible sources of people i listed and call THOSE people nutcases? thats what your doing if your calling ME a nutcase because i at least go by credible sources and dont rely on what the gobvernment tells me as the gospel truth..great logic there.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: continue to keep your head buried in the sand,these morons here that came on attacked me just now love you for being OCTA'S "official conspiracy theory apologists" worship the government instituions to know end to tell you the truth.:cuckoo:
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you just never get enough of your ass beatings do you Rat? btw,do you plan on making yourself look like the dumbfuck trolls candyfag and divecunt are that seek attention replying to me when I have them on ignore and they talk to themselves ? lol.oh yes, in case you did not get any of that over on that thread I DO have you on ignore now.Like i said,i dont debate with troll agents that lie and make up things just to suit their own needs like I exposed you for the liar you are.Eots im sure will play your game though,he still takes the bait of those idiot attention seekers i just mentioned, so i know he will with you as well.have fun trolling just dont expect me to waste my valuable time on you anymore.
you disinfo agents prove you have no interest in the truth,you dodge these facts that the commission members themselves have said they were not told the truth,hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

you three and the other agents always evade it by posting irrelevent crap aftter this is shown to you exposing yourselfs as the agents you are.:lol: you DID give me entertainment fo a while while it lasted,too bad you had to stoop to being an outright liar.I dont talk to liars.matter of fact i am pissed at my friend right now and not talking to him at the moment cause i caught him red handed least HE confessed he agents never do.

I looked at your link.
I can't see anywhere that it says there was a coverup...but you're clearly a nutcase so I won't bother saying any more.

thats because your afraid of the truth and only see what you want to see and these agents here LOVE you for that. what part there of that commission member saying -I think the commission was set up to fail do you not comprehend?:cuckoo: how is it so damned hard for you to believe they never had any serious interest in pursuing this when they make that perfectly obvious as he proved allloting a measly 12 million for the investigation,the worst criem in history,yet were willing to spend 100 million on Clintons blowjob?
yeah, cause the only thing investigated on Clinton was his sexual relations
Divecunt for instance is one of those morons i was talking about.this kid troll has the second most posts here at this least the one with the first most here at this site Annie isnt a troll like this kid is.She doesnt act like a five year old kid in all her posts.yet these idiots address this troll constantly instead of being embarrassed of him coming here to this section like they should be.nice.I cant tell you how many other people here have said the same thing about this troll here besides me.Notice how he replied IMMEDIATELY after my post? thats cause all he does is troll here night and day and these dumbfucks that defended the official version these last two pages,arent even embarrassed over him being on thier side.:cuckoo: I know i would if I was defending the official version like they do.:cuckoo::lol::lol: same with candyass for the reasons i mentioned earlier.
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Divecunt for instance is one of those morons i was talking about.this kid troll has the second most posts here at this least the one with the first most here at this site Annie isnt a troll like this kid is.She doesnt act like a five year old kid in all her posts.yet these idiots address this troll constantly instead of being embarrassed of him coming here to this section like they should be.nice.I cant tell you how many other people here have said the same thing about this troll here besides me.Notice how he replied IMMEDIATELY after my post? thats cause all he does is troll here night and day and these dumbfucks that defended the official version these last two pages,arent even embarrassed over him being on thier side.:cuckoo: I know i would if I was defending the official version like they do.:cuckoo::lol::lol: same with candyass for the reasons i mentioned earlier.
you just dont like it that i call you a fucking moron
but that is exactly what you are
you just never get enough of your ass beatings do you Rat? btw,do you plan on making yourself look like the dumbfuck trolls candyfag and divecunt are that seek attention replying to me when I have them on ignore and they talk to themselves ? lol.oh yes, in case you did not get any of that over on that thread I DO have you on ignore now.Like i said,i dont debate with troll agents that lie and make up things just to suit their own needs like I exposed you for the liar you are.Eots im sure will play your game though,he still takes the bait of those idiot attention seekers i just mentioned, so i know he will with you as well.have fun trolling just dont expect me to waste my valuable time on you anymore.
you disinfo agents prove you have no interest in the truth,you dodge these facts that the commission members themselves have said they were not told the truth,hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

you three and the other agents always evade it by posting irrelevent crap aftter this is shown to you exposing yourselfs as the agents you are.:lol: you DID give me entertainment fo a while while it lasted,too bad you had to stoop to being an outright liar.I dont talk to liars.matter of fact i am pissed at my friend right now and not talking to him at the moment cause i caught him red handed least HE confessed he agents never do.

I looked at your link.
I can't see anywhere that it says there was a coverup...but you're clearly a nutcase so I won't bother saying any more.

thats because your afraid of the truth and only see what you want to see and these agents here LOVE you for that. what part there of that commission member saying -I think the commission was set up to fail do you not comprehend?:cuckoo: how is it so damned hard for you to believe they never had any serious interest in pursuing this when they make that perfectly obvious as he proved allloting a measly 12 million for the investigation,the worst crime in history,yet were willing to spend 100 million on Clintons blowjob?:cuckoo:

according to YOUR logic then,since over a thousand architects and engineers agree with me(And that makes about 0.01% of them.),not to mention some demolition experts,first responders,firemen experienced in explosives whom THEMSELVES called the the 9/11 commission investigation a half baked farce,scientists,pentagon employees,expert pilots,former top ranked government officials,,The fact that all airspace pentagon procedures Please continue and tell us just exactly what pentagon airspace procedures you are refering to, since you haven't a clue as to what air defense the pentagon has or does not have.) were violated that day and nobody lost their jobS for their ALLEGED incompetence,a former senator himself objecting to that,the crime scenes were destroyed,your going to be these idiots and listen to the ramblings of these morons that come on here and defend the official version,and trust the mainstream media which is a tool for the government and our corrupt government instituitons INSTEAD of listening to all those credible sources of people i listed and call THOSE people nutcases? thats what your doing if your calling ME a nutcase because i at least go by credible sources and dont rely on what the gobvernment tells me as the gospel truth..great logic there.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: continue to keep your head buried in the sand,these morons here that came on attacked me just now love you for being OCTA'S "official conspiracy theory apologists" worship the government instituions to know end to tell you the truth.:cuckoo:

I can wait.
Well, I might need to be convinced of the 9/11 conspiracy but I found these on the interweb!
Why are these kept quiet - it's clearly a conspiracy between governments, news agencies and scientists.
The truth needs to be told!!!
The Flat-out Truth
Are dinosaurs alive today?
Absolute proof aliens exist, ufo sightings proof and evidence

...and most disturbing of all...
Can "The Matrix" Be Possibly For Real? Oops... It Can!
...which proves that we aren't even living in a real world!!!!

Your pulling a candycorn troll boy move here.Evading credible sources of high credible people,evidence and facts by trying to evade points and derail the topic.I can send you videos by pm if you wish of overwhelming proof if you wish and ask you to read a book that shreads to pieces the 9/11 coverup commission if you like, appropriately titled Debunking the 9/11 Debunking,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy THEORY if your serious in learning the truth.It can be found at any library Im sure.

But if your going to get off topic like this,then no sense in going any further.that book is so appropriatly titled because thats all the governments version of events is,is A THEORY with no hard evidence,or facts to back them up despite what these trolls on here keep coming on and saying.thats their job is to try and get people like you to not listen to the evidence by attacking posters such as myself and the thread starter here with tactics like the one i just mentioned and mixing in facts with lies and blatantly ignoring proof.
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I looked at your link.
I can't see anywhere that it says there was a coverup...but you're clearly a nutcase so I won't bother saying any more.

thats because your afraid of the truth and only see what you want to see and these agents here LOVE you for that. what part there of that commission member saying -I think the commission was set up to fail do you not comprehend?:cuckoo: how is it so damned hard for you to believe they never had any serious interest in pursuing this when they make that perfectly obvious as he proved allloting a measly 12 million for the investigation,the worst crime in history,yet were willing to spend 100 million on Clintons blowjob?:cuckoo:

according to YOUR logic then,since over a thousand architects and engineers agree with me(And that makes about 0.01% of them.),not to mention some demolition experts,first responders,firemen experienced in explosives whom THEMSELVES called the the 9/11 commission investigation a half baked farce,scientists,pentagon employees,expert pilots,former top ranked government officials,,The fact that all airspace pentagon procedures Please continue and tell us just exactly what pentagon airspace procedures you are refering to, since you haven't a clue as to what air defense the pentagon has or does not have.) were violated that day and nobody lost their jobS for their ALLEGED incompetence,a former senator himself objecting to that,the crime scenes were destroyed,your going to be these idiots and listen to the ramblings of these morons that come on here and defend the official version,and trust the mainstream media which is a tool for the government and our corrupt government instituitons INSTEAD of listening to all those credible sources of people i listed and call THOSE people nutcases? thats what your doing if your calling ME a nutcase because i at least go by credible sources and dont rely on what the gobvernment tells me as the gospel truth..great logic there.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: continue to keep your head buried in the sand,these morons here that came on attacked me just now love you for being OCTA'S "official conspiracy theory apologists" worship the government instituions to know end to tell you the truth.:cuckoo:

I can wait.
dont hold your breath
thats because your afraid of the truth and only see what you want to see and these agents here LOVE you for that. what part there of that commission member saying -I think the commission was set up to fail do you not comprehend?:cuckoo: how is it so damned hard for you to believe they never had any serious interest in pursuing this when they make that perfectly obvious as he proved allloting a measly 12 million for the investigation,the worst crime in history,yet were willing to spend 100 million on Clintons blowjob?:cuckoo:

according to YOUR logic then,since over a thousand architects and engineers agree with me(And that makes about 0.01% of them.),not to mention some demolition experts,first responders,firemen experienced in explosives whom THEMSELVES called the the 9/11 commission investigation a half baked farce,scientists,pentagon employees,expert pilots,former top ranked government officials,,The fact that all airspace pentagon procedures Please continue and tell us just exactly what pentagon airspace procedures you are refering to, since you haven't a clue as to what air defense the pentagon has or does not have.) were violated that day and nobody lost their jobS for their ALLEGED incompetence,a former senator himself objecting to that,the crime scenes were destroyed,your going to be these idiots and listen to the ramblings of these morons that come on here and defend the official version,and trust the mainstream media which is a tool for the government and our corrupt government instituitons INSTEAD of listening to all those credible sources of people i listed and call THOSE people nutcases? thats what your doing if your calling ME a nutcase because i at least go by credible sources and dont rely on what the gobvernment tells me as the gospel truth..great logic there.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: continue to keep your head buried in the sand,these morons here that came on attacked me just now love you for being OCTA'S "official conspiracy theory apologists" worship the government instituions to know end to tell you the truth.:cuckoo:

I can wait.
dont hold your breath

Of course.
again you listen to these people like these last two trolls that just posted and the first one that replied after me on this page,your making a HUGE mistake for the reasons i mentioned earlier and in my last post.all they can do is fling shit in defeat like the monkeys they are.
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