This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

again you listen to these people like these last two trolls that just posted and the first one that replied after me on this page,your making a HUGE mistake for the reasons i mentioned earlier and in my last post.
you just prove to everyone what complete morons troofers are
again you listen to these people like these last two trolls that just posted and the first one that replied after me on this page,your making a HUGE mistake for the reasons i mentioned earlier and in my last post.all they can do is fling shit in defeat like the monkeys they are.

Having a problem with a few simple questions?
again you listen to these people like these last two trolls that just posted and the first one that replied after me on this page,your making a HUGE mistake for the reasons i mentioned earlier and in my last post.all they can do is fling shit in defeat like the monkeys they are.

Having a problem with a few simple questions?
of course he does
he has problems with reality
again you listen to these people like these last two trolls that just posted and the first one that replied after me on this page,your making a HUGE mistake for the reasons i mentioned earlier and in my last post.all they can do is fling shit in defeat like the monkeys they are.

Who are you talking to?

Why don't you tell us what you think happened on 9/11?
They died.. right here.
ONE more question for you IDB.are THESE people in this link below nutcases as well who ALSO say the 9/11 commission is a fairy tale?:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report and is this experienced jet airliner pilot a nutcase as well? lol.

Dennis Cimino – Commercial pilot rating for over 25 years. Systems Engineer. Navy Combat Systems Specialist (Radar, ECM, UHF/VHF/HF COMMS., GPS, INS, SATNAV, cryptographic communications). Millimeter wave RADAR and countermeasures expert since 1973. Two patents held for Doppler RADAR. Former Flight Data Recorder Engineer, Smiths Aerospace.

* Statement to this website 6/3/07: "I have been a licensed pilot with a commercial rating, multi-engine, IFR, since 1981. Prior to that I served as an Electronic Warfare / Electronic Signals Intelligence (EW ELINT) specialist in the U.S. Navy, with many 'first time' signal intercepts in the national (NSA) sigint database. Since I left the Navy in 1979, I have been heavily involved in DoD weapons system testing and certification. I have held high level clearances most of my career.

There is no doubt in my mind that what transpired on September 11, 2001, was an inside job carried out by members of our own government. Based on my experience as a commercial pilot, I do not believe that it's possible for four large commercial airliners to have gone off course for as long as they did and as far as they did and were not intercepted by Air Force pilots, without the explicit cooperation of highly placed people in the military and government.

I also do not believe that both of the WTC Twin Towers could have been identically pulverized and that both identically collapsed into their own footprints as a result of a single airplane impact and the fire from a few thousand gallons of jet fuel. I also do not believe that WTC Building 7, which wasn't even hit by an airplane, could have entirely collapsed as a result of a few fires, particularly in a manner that is entirely consistent with a controlled demolition.

Additionally, the visible evidence at the Pentagon is inconsistent with an impact by a Boeing 757. There was virtually no debris from the 80-ton airplane, except a few small pieces that were picked up by hand. Nor was there any evidence of holes in the building that surely would have resulted from the impacts of the two 6-ton RB-211 engines on the alleged Boeing 757. Similarly, at Shanksville, PA, the small gash in the earth is far too small to have resulted from the impact of a Boeing 757.

All of these factors have convinced me that our government was fully onboard with what took place on 9/11. The official account of 9/11 is absolute B.S. We, as citizens of this great country, need to do research, question the government, and demand a full, impartial investigation to determine what actually took place that day."

* Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

* Member: Pilots for 9/11 Truth Association Statement: "Pilots for 9/11 Truth is an organization of aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe that have gathered together for one purpose. We are committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September 2001. Our main focus concentrates on the four flights, maneuvers performed and the reported pilots. We do not offer theory or point blame. However, we are focused on determining the truth of that fateful day since the United States Government doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with answers."

or are you going to pull a Divecunt or Candytroll on me and say those people arent real?:lol::lol::lol: I always have to break their heart and tell them the truth these ARE real people and they DO have those professions.:lol: it makes them cry knowing they are defeated and cant counter it and have to resort to saying they arent real.:lol::lol::lol:
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They are obviously as wrong in their opinions as you are.

having trouble not being an idiot ignoring you have been proved wrong thousands of times here that it was an inside job after my last post and the others the last couple pages?:lol: what part do you not get that your lovers candyfag,divecunt and now rat in the hat for being exposed as a liar recently by me,are on ignore? you been hanging around candyfag too much lately,cause like him,your developing the diseace HE has.alzheimers.:lol::lol::lol: because those three trolls are the only ones that might have asked me a question and are you so stupid you dont realise i have had candyfag and divecunt on ignore since day one when they got here?:lol:

also,if you asked me any i would not know,you put ME on ignore remember?:lol: so why would i address someone who has me on ignore? unlike divecunt and candyfag,my life isnt so pathetic that i seek attention by talking to myself which is what they do when they address me.:lol:probably what your fellow agent rat in the hat does NOW as well. AGAIN divecunt and candyfag have been on ignore since DAY ONE when they got here,and i already stated at LEAST 3 times rat in the hat wen on it last tuesday.:cuckoo: I only took you off ignore for a second here since you CLAIM you have me on ignore to see what bullshit you were saying now. see since you have me on ignore,i dont address you anymore,i dont seek attention like divecunt and candyfag do and talk to myself addressing someone who has me on ignore which im not with you since you CLAIM DONT have me on ignore because you STILL read my posts when someone quotes me.hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaha. great way to have someone on ignore,I love it.hahahahahahahahaah

what i think is so hysterical is you CLAIM you have me on ignore yet you always read them when someone else reposts them.:lol: greay way of keping me on ignore troll.:lol::lol: time to put you on ignore, dont answer trolls questions who are only sent here to lie and ignore when they have been proven wrong.duh,you cant seem to figure that out.back on ignore again. your not worth addressing anymore anyways because you make Gomer Pyle look like an intelligent man.hahahahahahahahahahahaa
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"Code-named "Operation Noble Eagle," AFIP’s team of forensic pathologists, odontologists, a forensic anthropologist, DNA experts, investigators and support personnel worked for over two weeks at the Dover Air Force Base Port Mortuary at Dover, Delaware to identify the 188 victims of the attack. "Our staff represented every branch of the service," said AFIP Director Glenn N. Wagner, CAPT, MC, USN, who served as senior officer during the operation. "
Operation Noble Eagle:  AFIP Responds to September 11th Pentagon Attack, by Christopher C. Kelly, at American Buddha Online Library

What some experts have called "the most comprehensive forensic investigation in U.S. history" ended Nov. 16 with the identification of 184 of the 189 who died in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon.

Forensic feat IDs nearly all Pentagon victims
They are obviously as wrong in their opinions as you are.

having trouble not being an idiot ignoring you have been proved wrong thousands of times here that it was an inside job after my last post and the others the last couple pages?:lol: what part do you not get that your lovers candyfag,divecunt and now rat in the hat for being exposed as a liar recently by me,are on ignore? you been hanging around candyfag too much lately,cause like him,your developing the diseace HE has.alzheimers.:lol::lol::lol: because those three trolls are the only ones that might have asked me a question and are you so stupid you dont realise i have had candyfag and divecunt on ignore since day one when they got here?:lol:

also,if you asked me any i would not know,you put ME on ignore remember?:lol: so why would i address someone who has me on ignore? unlike divecunt and candyfag,my life isnt so pathetic that i seek attention by talking to myself which is what they do when they address me.:lol:probably what your fellow agent rat in the hat does NOW as well. AGAIN divecunt and candyfag have been on ignore since DAY ONE when they got here,and i already stated at LEAST 3 times rat in the hat wen on it last tuesday.:cuckoo: I only took you off ignore for a second here since you CLAIM you have me on ignore to see what bullshit you were saying now. see since you have me on ignore,i dont address you anymore,i dont seek attention like divecunt and candyfag do and talk to myself addressing someone who has me on ignore which im not with you since you CLAIM DONT have me on ignore because you STILL read my posts when someone quotes me.hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaha. great way to have someone on ignore,I love it.hahahahahahahahaah

what i think is so hysterical is you CLAIM you have me on ignore yet you always read them when someone else reposts them.:lol: greay way of keping me on ignore troll.:lol::lol: time to put you on ignore, dont answer trolls questions who are only sent here to lie and ignore when they have been proven wrong.duh,you cant seem to figure that out.back on ignore again. your not worth addressing anymore anyways because you make Gomer Pyle look like an intelligent man.hahahahahahahahahahahaa

I guess you missed the thread where I ran a poll of who I should remove from my ignore list. Deal with it. Now if you have anything real to add please do. And don't tell me about anyone else on here, I am me they are them, you are you. And you are wrong. Got that? Good!
Notice when the subject of 9/11 comes up, the israeli firsters always jump in to support the "official" line, ask yourself, why is that?

Another one raise's his head
you have received -289 reputation points from DiveCon.
Reputation was given for this post.
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They died.. right here.

so what happened to the bodies...the shoot down order...why can they release the cctv tapes ???

not to mention why was nobody fired or court martialed for the alleged incompetence of the government which the government admitted the reason for or why was nobody prosecuted for their crimes of removing and destroying evidence at the pentagon and trade centers,and why have there only been 5 flimsy pics of a fireball been released of the airliner hitting the pentagon,when there should be at least severla dozens of showing the airliner coming in,not to mention the illegal removal of the tapes at the gas station and hotel acroos from the pentagon,and why were protocol orders violated by cheney and he wasnt reprimanded,and where the hell is the luggage and how can an ALUMINUM plane go through a wall but two STEEL engones cant?:lol::lol::lol: the trolls can only sling shit in defeat and post propaganda links.:lol::lol:
ONE more question for you IDB.are THESE people in this link below nutcases as well who ALSO say the 9/11 commission is a fairy tale?:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report and is this experienced jet airliner pilot a nutcase as well? lol.

Dennis Cimino – Commercial pilot rating for over 25 years. Systems Engineer. Navy Combat Systems Specialist (Radar, ECM, UHF/VHF/HF COMMS., GPS, INS, SATNAV, cryptographic communications). Millimeter wave RADAR and countermeasures expert since 1973. Two patents held for Doppler RADAR. Former Flight Data Recorder Engineer, Smiths Aerospace.

* Statement to this website 6/3/07: "I have been a licensed pilot with a commercial rating, multi-engine, IFR, since 1981. Prior to that I served as an Electronic Warfare / Electronic Signals Intelligence (EW ELINT) specialist in the U.S. Navy, with many 'first time' signal intercepts in the national (NSA) sigint database. Since I left the Navy in 1979, I have been heavily involved in DoD weapons system testing and certification. I have held high level clearances most of my career.

There is no doubt in my mind that what transpired on September 11, 2001, was an inside job carried out by members of our own government. Based on my experience as a commercial pilot, I do not believe that it's possible for four large commercial airliners to have gone off course for as long as they did and as far as they did and were not intercepted by Air Force pilots, without the explicit cooperation of highly placed people in the military and government.

I also do not believe that both of the WTC Twin Towers could have been identically pulverized and that both identically collapsed into their own footprints as a result of a single airplane impact and the fire from a few thousand gallons of jet fuel. I also do not believe that WTC Building 7, which wasn't even hit by an airplane, could have entirely collapsed as a result of a few fires, particularly in a manner that is entirely consistent with a controlled demolition.

Additionally, the visible evidence at the Pentagon is inconsistent with an impact by a Boeing 757. There was virtually no debris from the 80-ton airplane, except a few small pieces that were picked up by hand. Nor was there any evidence of holes in the building that surely would have resulted from the impacts of the two 6-ton RB-211 engines on the alleged Boeing 757. Similarly, at Shanksville, PA, the small gash in the earth is far too small to have resulted from the impact of a Boeing 757.

All of these factors have convinced me that our government was fully onboard with what took place on 9/11. The official account of 9/11 is absolute B.S. We, as citizens of this great country, need to do research, question the government, and demand a full, impartial investigation to determine what actually took place that day."

* Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

* Member: Pilots for 9/11 Truth Association Statement: "Pilots for 9/11 Truth is an organization of aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe that have gathered together for one purpose. We are committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September 2001. Our main focus concentrates on the four flights, maneuvers performed and the reported pilots. We do not offer theory or point blame. However, we are focused on determining the truth of that fateful day since the United States Government doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with answers."

or are you going to pull a Divecunt or Candytroll on me and say those people arent real?:lol::lol::lol: I always have to break their heart and tell them the truth these ARE real people and they DO have those professions.:lol: it makes them cry knowing they are defeated and cant counter it and have to resort to saying they arent real.:lol::lol::lol:

Have you carried out the same sort of extensive research on those that deny the conspiracy?
They are obviously as wrong in their opinions as you are.

having trouble not being an idiot ignoring you have been proved wrong thousands of times here that it was an inside job after my last post and the others the last couple pages?:lol: what part do you not get that your lovers candyfag,divecunt and now rat in the hat for being exposed as a liar recently by me,are on ignore? you been hanging around candyfag too much lately,cause like him,your developing the diseace HE has.alzheimers.:lol::lol::lol: because those three trolls are the only ones that might have asked me a question and are you so stupid you dont realise i have had candyfag and divecunt on ignore since day one when they got here?:lol:

also,if you asked me any i would not know,you put ME on ignore remember?:lol: so why would i address someone who has me on ignore? unlike divecunt and candyfag,my life isnt so pathetic that i seek attention by talking to myself which is what they do when they address me.:lol:probably what your fellow agent rat in the hat does NOW as well. AGAIN divecunt and candyfag have been on ignore since DAY ONE when they got here,and i already stated at LEAST 3 times rat in the hat wen on it last tuesday.:cuckoo: I only took you off ignore for a second here since you CLAIM you have me on ignore to see what bullshit you were saying now. see since you have me on ignore,i dont address you anymore,i dont seek attention like divecunt and candyfag do and talk to myself addressing someone who has me on ignore which im not with you since you CLAIM DONT have me on ignore because you STILL read my posts when someone quotes me.hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaha. great way to have someone on ignore,I love it.hahahahahahahahaah

what i think is so hysterical is you CLAIM you have me on ignore yet you always read them when someone else reposts them.:lol: greay way of keping me on ignore troll.:lol::lol: time to put you on ignore, dont answer trolls questions who are only sent here to lie and ignore when they have been proven wrong.duh,you cant seem to figure that out.back on ignore again. your not worth addressing anymore anyways because you make Gomer Pyle look like an intelligent man.hahahahahahahahahahahaa

I guess you missed the thread where I ran a poll of who I should remove from my ignore list. Deal with it. Now if you have anything real to add please do. And don't tell me about anyone else on here, I am me they are them, you are you. And you are wrong. Got that? Good!

i dont address trolls who cant make up their mind to keep me on ignore or not and lie when proven wrong and kiss the asses of lovers candyfag and divecunt.Plus you just lost your credibility with your pathetic logic of THEIR OPINIONS ARE WRONG AS YOU ARE.:lol::lol: As always,you have the pathetic logic that those credible people are wrong and corrupt the corrupt government agencys and the CIA corntrolled media that congress discovered has plants in meainstream media in the 70;s,its true,YOU deal with it,its all in the history archives,that THEY are right,you love getting your pathetic ass hansded to you on a platter,.i have proved you arong a thousdand times,i dont answer questions of lovers divecunt and candyfag,have fun trolling.bye.back to ignore again troll.

having trouble not being an idiot ignoring you have been proved wrong thousands of times here that it was an inside job after my last post and the others the last couple pages?:lol: what part do you not get that your lovers candyfag,divecunt and now rat in the hat for being exposed as a liar recently by me,are on ignore? you been hanging around candyfag too much lately,cause like him,your developing the diseace HE has.alzheimers.:lol::lol::lol: because those three trolls are the only ones that might have asked me a question and are you so stupid you dont realise i have had candyfag and divecunt on ignore since day one when they got here?:lol:

also,if you asked me any i would not know,you put ME on ignore remember?:lol: so why would i address someone who has me on ignore? unlike divecunt and candyfag,my life isnt so pathetic that i seek attention by talking to myself which is what they do when they address me.:lol:probably what your fellow agent rat in the hat does NOW as well. AGAIN divecunt and candyfag have been on ignore since DAY ONE when they got here,and i already stated at LEAST 3 times rat in the hat wen on it last tuesday.:cuckoo: I only took you off ignore for a second here since you CLAIM you have me on ignore to see what bullshit you were saying now. see since you have me on ignore,i dont address you anymore,i dont seek attention like divecunt and candyfag do and talk to myself addressing someone who has me on ignore which im not with you since you CLAIM DONT have me on ignore because you STILL read my posts when someone quotes me.hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaha. great way to have someone on ignore,I love it.hahahahahahahahaah

what i think is so hysterical is you CLAIM you have me on ignore yet you always read them when someone else reposts them.:lol: greay way of keping me on ignore troll.:lol::lol: time to put you on ignore, dont answer trolls questions who are only sent here to lie and ignore when they have been proven wrong.duh,you cant seem to figure that out.back on ignore again. your not worth addressing anymore anyways because you make Gomer Pyle look like an intelligent man.hahahahahahahahahahahaa

I guess you missed the thread where I ran a poll of who I should remove from my ignore list. Deal with it. Now if you have anything real to add please do. And don't tell me about anyone else on here, I am me they are them, you are you. And you are wrong. Got that? Good!

i dont address trolls who cant make up their mind to keep me on ignore or not and lie when proven wrong and kiss the asses of lovers candyfag and divecunt.Plus you just lost your credibility with your pathetic logic of THEIR OPINIONS ARE WRONG AS YOU ARE.:lol::lol: As always,you have the pathetic logic that those credible people are wrong and corrupt the corrupt government agencys and the CIA corntrolled media that congress discovered has plants in meainstream media in the 70;s,its true,YOU deal with it,its all in the history archives,that THEY are right,you love getting your pathetic ass hansded to you on a platter,.i have proved you arong a thousdand times,i dont answer questions of lovers divecunt and candyfag,have fun trolling.bye.back to ignore again troll.
you are the idiot troll
and you should not be talking about anyone else putting people on ignore
you likely have one of the largest ignore lists on the forum

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