This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Hi Obamalover:

After reading old threads of yours where you were convinced that you were right I will take the side of the government over you. You are wrong way too many times to have ANY credibility.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Thank you very much. That is a wonderful compliment from the likes of you.

Keep up the good work,

I just don't know which conspiracy theory to believe anymore - there are so many, one of them must be right!

Do you guys ever get together and fight over which of your conspiracy theories is right?

I bet that's what the government would love, isn't it, to get you all together in one room so they could blow you up with nano-thermite and then bury you in a mass grave in the lawn of the J Edgar Hoover building.

Or maybe load your residue-laden bodies onto a pink Airbus with gold streamers for their next dastardly plan to fell a major U.S. landmark - preferably with maximum loss of American lives, just to show they can...

I hate them so much!!!
I'm glad you guys have got guns and lots of tinned food and bottled water in your bunkers so you can take those corrupt politicians and generals out when the time comes!!!!

there is no theory in the fact that the 9/11 commission and NIST reports are cover -ups
I just don't know which conspiracy theory to believe anymore - there are so many, one of them must be right!

Do you guys ever get together and fight over which of your conspiracy theories is right?

I bet that's what the government would love, isn't it, to get you all together in one room so they could blow you up with nano-thermite and then bury you in a mass grave in the lawn of the J Edgar Hoover building.

Or maybe load your residue-laden bodies onto a pink Airbus with gold streamers for their next dastardly plan to fell a major U.S. landmark - preferably with maximum loss of American lives, just to show they can...

I hate them so much!!!
I'm glad you guys have got guns and lots of tinned food and bottled water in your bunkers so you can take those corrupt politicians and generals out when the time comes!!!!

there is no theory in the fact that the 9/11 commission and NIST reports are cover -ups

Sorry, but you haven't even come close to proving that.
I just don't know which conspiracy theory to believe anymore - there are so many, one of them must be right!

Do you guys ever get together and fight over which of your conspiracy theories is right?

I bet that's what the government would love, isn't it, to get you all together in one room so they could blow you up with nano-thermite and then bury you in a mass grave in the lawn of the J Edgar Hoover building.

Or maybe load your residue-laden bodies onto a pink Airbus with gold streamers for their next dastardly plan to fell a major U.S. landmark - preferably with maximum loss of American lives, just to show they can...

I hate them so much!!!
I'm glad you guys have got guns and lots of tinned food and bottled water in your bunkers so you can take those corrupt politicians and generals out when the time comes!!!!

there is no theory in the fact that the 9/11 commission and NIST reports are cover -ups

Sorry, but you haven't even come close to proving that.

PhysicsExist said:
PhysicsExist said:
As officers in the U.S. military, we took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Regardless of our current status -- active duty, reserves, retired, or civilian -- that oath remains in force. Therefore it is not just our responsibility, it is our duty to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 and bring them to justice, no matter how hard it is, how long it takes, how much we have to suffer, or where it leads us.

Ignoring your Oath because of Cognitive Dissonance is not an excuse.

"We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Good Lord you guys are really nuts. I can believe people follow you because you are a threat to not only yourself but to others who think "Rationally". You sir are an IDIOT. My name might be Nimrod but at least I don't spout bullshit. The hole in the wall gentleman was AFTER the landing gear was removed. A buddy of mine has that same photo but a different angle with "FIRE" shooting out of it and the landing gear is visible. I am done here. I really can't listen to this bullshit anymore. I "Know" what happened and was there. I rescued 18 dying and lost personnel from the inside of that hell hole. WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU? My teams triaged over 150 casualties. I got my medal and don't need to "PROVE" a damned thing to any of you. We aren't going to take hot soapy sweaty showers together so really I will NOT return to this forum. I have to live with the PTSD and physical wounds that I incurred that day. I did this for my fellow men and women in arms as well as the civilians that needlessly perished or were injured on that horrible day. I have been disabled since then and am 100% with the VA. Again, "WHERE WERE YOU?" Watching TV I presume. I don't give a shit who you think you've heard testimony to the fact that there were different time lines. I personally wear a watch and was TOO damned busy to look at it. There were NOT two explosions and the debris was that of an American Airlines Passenger Jet. What evidence do you think you haven't gotten? The Government does NOT owe you a damned thing. Have you served this country in ANY military position?

The debris was taken to a location in the back of North Parking and was sifted through by professionals. I had to park near that area everyday afterward and the stench was HORRIBLE. There were seagulls eating the dead flesh that hadn't been sifted through yet. I followed a dump truck from the impact area in my golf cart Ambulance and we had to stop him because a body part was coming out of the back. I think it was a leg but have NO idea because it was severely decayed and burned.

The same heat that was in the towers and caused them to fall was the same heat inside of the Pentagon. I'm sure that a LOT of debris was destroyed but there simply was too much to be completely destroyed.

I'm really sick about this. I CAN'T come back to this discussion guys. I'm very Ill from this event and it's been 10 years. I've had very little sleep and the pain is sometimes unbearable. I'm sorry that you feel that our government is involved with a conspiracy to cover any involvement they might have had in any of this.
I really do feel sorry for you. I wish your mother's would have hugged you more and given you positive feedback. Instead you're filled with hate and for WHAT? If it's anybody that should be filled with hate it is me because I was THERE. You were NOT. I have no intention of belittling you and putting you down. You do that nicely on your own.
Doc Nimrod is OUT
Oh yeah the outside window on E-Ring are "BULLET PROOF" and would resist impact. They are reinforced also. The reason why people were jumping from the windows into the Center Courtyard was simple. Bomb/Blast doors immediately closed and locked so as not to allow damage to separate Corridors and Rings. They simply had to jump from the destruction.

Hundreds of Pentagon witnesses??? Do you have a couple of names or are you just spouting bullshit again?
I for one did not hear the initial collision. The Di-Lorenzo TriCare Health Clinic or DTHC is located in 8th Corridor on the North side of the Pentagon in the E-Ring. In other words, the complete opposite side. That is where I worked and that is where our medical teams deployed from. We HAD to respond because it was our DUTY to do so.
We did not hear the initial collision and any other collision that you are speaking of. The first one would have been obvious why we didn't hear it. It was due to the Pentagon being so large and our clinic being underground. The Pentagon has 17.5 miles of hallway and has it's own Zip Code. It is the largest office building in the world. If you were to take the telephone wires and wrap the world with them you could do so 7 times.
The second collision that you speak of DIDN'T happen. I would have heard it because I was IN that particular part of the Pentagon by that time. Again I don't know why I came back to tell you guys any of this. I just can't believe that there are actually people like you that exist.
Thank you for your time. I know that you'll try to make your self look good with baseless bullshit. I will NOT respond again. I so wish that you didn't have so much hate. You need Jesus.
Oh yeah the outside window on E-Ring are "BULLET PROOF" and would resist impact. They are reinforced also. The reason why people were jumping from the windows into the Center Courtyard was simple. Bomb/Blast doors immediately closed and locked so as not to allow damage to separate Corridors and Rings. They simply had to jump from the destruction.

Hundreds of Pentagon witnesses??? Do you have a couple of names or are you just spouting bullshit again?
I for one did not hear the initial collision. The Di-Lorenzo TriCare Health Clinic or DTHC is located in 8th Corridor on the North side of the Pentagon in the E-Ring. In other words, the complete opposite side. That is where I worked and that is where our medical teams deployed from. We HAD to respond because it was our DUTY to do so.
We did not hear the initial collision and any other collision that you are speaking of. The first one would have been obvious why we didn't hear it. It was due to the Pentagon being so large and our clinic being underground. The Pentagon has 17.5 miles of hallway and has it's own Zip Code. It is the largest office building in the world. If you were to take the telephone wires and wrap the world with them you could do so 7 times.
The second collision that you speak of DIDN'T happen. I would have heard it because I was IN that particular part of the Pentagon by that time. Again I don't know why I came back to tell you guys any of this. I just can't believe that there are actually people like you that exist.
Thank you for your time. I know that you'll try to make your self look good with baseless bullshit. I will NOT respond again. I so wish that you didn't have so much hate. You need Jesus.
dont let the troofer morons stop you from speaking
Good Lord you guys are really nuts. I can believe people follow you because you are a threat to not only yourself but to others who think "Rationally". You sir are an IDIOT. My name might be Nimrod but at least I don't spout bullshit. The hole in the wall gentleman was AFTER the landing gear was removed. A buddy of mine has that same photo but a different angle with "FIRE" shooting out of it and the landing gear is visible. I am done here. I really can't listen to this bullshit anymore. I "Know" what happened and was there. I rescued 18 dying and lost personnel from the inside of that hell hole. WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU? My teams triaged over 150 casualties. I got my medal and don't need to "PROVE" a damned thing to any of you. We aren't going to take hot soapy sweaty showers together so really I will NOT return to this forum. I have to live with the PTSD and physical wounds that I incurred that day. I did this for my fellow men and women in arms as well as the civilians that needlessly perished or were injured on that horrible day. I have been disabled since then and am 100% with the VA. Again, "WHERE WERE YOU?" Watching TV I presume. I don't give a shit who you think you've heard testimony to the fact that there were different time lines. I personally wear a watch and was TOO damned busy to look at it. There were NOT two explosions and the debris was that of an American Airlines Passenger Jet. What evidence do you think you haven't gotten? The Government does NOT owe you a damned thing. Have you served this country in ANY military position?

The debris was taken to a location in the back of North Parking and was sifted through by professionals. I had to park near that area everyday afterward and the stench was HORRIBLE. There were seagulls eating the dead flesh that hadn't been sifted through yet. I followed a dump truck from the impact area in my golf cart Ambulance and we had to stop him because a body part was coming out of the back. I think it was a leg but have NO idea because it was severely decayed and burned.

The same heat that was in the towers and caused them to fall was the same heat inside of the Pentagon. I'm sure that a LOT of debris was destroyed but there simply was too much to be completely destroyed.

I'm really sick about this. I CAN'T come back to this discussion guys. I'm very Ill from this event and it's been 10 years. I've had very little sleep and the pain is sometimes unbearable. I'm sorry that you feel that our government is involved with a conspiracy to cover any involvement they might have had in any of this.
I really do feel sorry for you. I wish your mother's would have hugged you more and given you positive feedback. Instead you're filled with hate and for WHAT? If it's anybody that should be filled with hate it is me because I was THERE. You were NOT. I have no intention of belittling you and putting you down. You do that nicely on your own.
Doc Nimrod is OUT

Man, stick around! We need you here!
Hi Obamalover:

After reading old threads of yours where you were convinced that you were right I will take the side of the government over you. You are wrong way too many times to have ANY credibility.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Thank you very much. That is a wonderful compliment from the likes of you.

Keep up the good work,


candytroll here ALWAYS takes the side of the governments no matter HOW incredibly adsurd and ludicrous it is and no matter how many credible independent experts pick it apart.:lol:
I just don't know which conspiracy theory to believe anymore - there are so many, one of them must be right!

Do you guys ever get together and fight over which of your conspiracy theories is right?

I bet that's what the government would love, isn't it, to get you all together in one room so they could blow you up with nano-thermite and then bury you in a mass grave in the lawn of the J Edgar Hoover building.

Or maybe load your residue-laden bodies onto a pink Airbus with gold streamers for their next dastardly plan to fell a major U.S. landmark - preferably with maximum loss of American lives, just to show they can...

I hate them so much!!!
I'm glad you guys have got guns and lots of tinned food and bottled water in your bunkers so you can take those corrupt politicians and generals out when the time comes!!!!

there is no theory in the fact that the 9/11 commission and NIST reports are cover -ups

thats the understatement of the century and the agents here can only fling shit in defeat.
Hi Daniel:

Okay guys I'm not here to start any fights and will not comment about the person saying that to say it was is either stupid or whatever.

These USMB members will fight no matter if you comment or not. ;0)

I WAS inside the Pentagon on 9/11 when it got hit. I was a rescuer and medical responder on that day. I smelled jet fuel not ROCKET fuel and there was plenty of debris from an airliner laying around and burning inside.

Daniel obviously did NOT read the Opening Post. Try again once you have actually read the topic. The Pentagon 'was' struck by a refitted A-3 Skywarrior at 9:36:27 AM that was painted up to look like an American Airlines Jetliner. That is the jetliner evidence that you saw.

That statement is clearly false and disproved by the photographic evidence:


This is a picture taken from standing in A/E Drive looking through the C-ring hole into the D and E ring areas that are all under a single roof.


This is another picture taken from A/E Drive facing north showing the C-ring wall on your left and the B-ring wall to your right that has NO DAMAGE. If your landing gear went through to the B and A rings, then there would be a hole in this B-ring wall.

These are state-of-the-art high-speed Pentagon Security Cameras and not your your phone cam. There is NO WAY any 100-ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon, or we would have seen that evidence in the A/E Drive photos above. You be real!


This is the little E-ring hole where you say a 100-ton Jetliner crashed going 500 miles per hour. And yet, the windows above the 18-feet 3-inch second-story hole are not broken from a Jetliner that is five-stories tall! You say a real 100-ton Jetliner flew over those cable spools and did not break third-story windows, when that is impossible.

Bullony! Your testimony is already proven false and you have no evidence to support a single word of anything and you know it.

Smelled the burning flesh and the JET fuel. So please I know I can't change anybody's minds but these are the facts. ROCKETS do NOT have LANDING GEAR!!!

The refitted A-3 Skywarrior 'did' have landing gear, but that has nothing to do with any AA-77 Jetliner. Daniel is obviously unaware of the fact that American Airlines has never issued the N644AA registry number to any 757 jetliner in history (my topic). Daniel is unaware of the fact that AA11 and AA77 were canceled on 9/11 (link #1 from Pentagon Timeline). Daniel is unaware of the fact that the Govt Documentation proves 9/11 was an inside job (topic), because he was DUPED by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld's "Black Operation" on 9/11.

Also if you have questions about my credentials just put my name in a search engine and you should come up with at least 3 articles including a book that I've been in. If not then you should find at least ONE.
Daniel Nimrod
9/11 Pentagon Rescuer/Survivor

We have testimony from hundreds of Pentagon witnesses that completely disagree with you, because Dan was DUPED and made up his mind to swallow the Official Cover Story LIE hook, line and sinker on day one ...



Yes Daniel is another loyal dupe of both the Bush and Obama administrations that has been brainwashed by the propaganda of the media and government and the agents that have penetrated this site because like Terral said,we have hundreds of pentagon testimonys that completey disagree with him but we have loyal OCTA'S here who have bought into the 9/11 coverup commission hook,line, and sinker.

They know nothing about science because they dont even question how its possible that an airliner made of aluminum can go through a wall much smaller than the hole we see in the wall and yet two STEEL engines somehow cant.

the OCTA'S cant give an answer to where is the luggage on the airliner either.they also cant get around that the pentagon is the most sophisticated air defense system in the world and they have protocols to follow to shoot down an aircraft if it does not reply which did not happen.:lol: and that cameras were illegally confiscated by the FBI at a nearby gas station and a hotel across the street or that with hundreds of cameras in the pentagon all they can produce is 5 flimsy pics of the ALLEGED airliner crashing into the wall of the pentagon which is HARDLY evidence of an airliner. they know good and well that we should have seen an airliner coming into the pentagon with all their cameras they have there yet they cant produce

Daniel here has been taken in by agents such as candycorn and rat in the hat who could only fling shit in defeat like his handlers pay them to when called out on that over on that thread he made addressed to me. these OCTA'S here are also so much in denial that they ignore a newsman who waas on the lawn there saying there is NO EVIDENCE of an airliner crashing.:lol: they can only sling shit in defeat.They will post something back to try and get around it of some other newsman saying there was eveidence of it like Toto has in the past but Toto is so stupid he doesnt know that THAT newsman is a CIA plant in the media ,they got them everywhere.congress discovered that in the 70's when they came across documents from a freedom of information act.:cuckoo: loyal Octa's like Toto and Daniel though dont want to know about that though and want to keep their head buried in the sand like the loyal OCTA's they are.

But more than anything,the agents here and the OCTA'S like Daniel cant get around the FACT that it would be impossible for an airliner to do all those manueverabilitys the 9/11 commission said they did with an airliner when experts pilots themselves have said THEY could never do that.:lol: also the OCTA'S like Daniel here cant get around that pic you show Terral of the front lawn of the pentagon.If an airliner HAD crashed there,the ground would not be all green like that pic shows,it would be burned and chared to pieces and black everywhere you loyal Bush dupe fools.:lol: obviously you OCTA"s have NEVER seen an airliner crash want to keep your head buried in the sand and ignore what expert pilots say and rather listen to what the corporate controlled media and corrupt government agencys tell you? go ahead.make yourselves look like morons and stupid idiot fools.:lol::lol: i love it,their logic is priceless on WHO they choose to listen to.I cant get over it.:lol::lol:
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Hi Obamalover:

After reading old threads of yours where you were convinced that you were right I will take the side of the government over you. You are wrong way too many times to have ANY credibility.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Thank you very much. That is a wonderful compliment from the likes of you.

Keep up the good work,


candytroll here ALWAYS takes the side of the governments no matter HOW incredibly adsurd and ludicrous it is and no matter how many credible independent experts pick it apart.:lol:

There hasn't been one credible expert say anything counter to the 9/11 Commission Report; ever. Period.

Why don't you answer Rat's questions?
No surprise. Here is agent candycorn back in an instant to fling shit in defeat just like his handlers pay him to do.:lol:btw agent corn,sword of persus is as big a moron as you are and I am glad i no longer see him anymore,the way he made himself look like a fool playing your game taking your bait replying to you giving you the attention you so desperatly seek like the troll you are after i tried to warn him he was just giving you the attention you seek replying to you.He was too much of an idiot to realise thats what you agents want,to take your bait so you can waste their time even though you only post bullshit and lies constantly over and over all the time mixed in with a few truths.

good riddance of sword for me.i really hope i dont run into him again and glad he doesnt post here. oh and btw,just so you know at one time,he was smart.He used to be smart when he had you on ignore and just replied back with the farting thing everytime you posted,oh and yeah,it was HIM that started it all.I cant take the credit for that as much as I would like to.I thought it was so funny and hysterical though,that i kept doing what HE started.Too bad he had to go be and idiot later on though and start playing your game though and take you off ignore and give you the attention you seek agent.i lost my respect for him after that for being that stupid.
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Hi Daniel:

Okay guys I'm not here to start any fights and will not comment about the person saying that to say it was is either stupid or whatever.

These USMB members will fight no matter if you comment or not. ;0)

Daniel obviously did NOT read the Opening Post. Try again once you have actually read the topic. The Pentagon 'was' struck by a refitted A-3 Skywarrior at 9:36:27 AM that was painted up to look like an American Airlines Jetliner. That is the jetliner evidence that you saw.

That statement is clearly false and disproved by the photographic evidence:


This is a picture taken from standing in A/E Drive looking through the C-ring hole into the D and E ring areas that are all under a single roof.


This is another picture taken from A/E Drive facing north showing the C-ring wall on your left and the B-ring wall to your right that has NO DAMAGE. If your landing gear went through to the B and A rings, then there would be a hole in this B-ring wall.

These are state-of-the-art high-speed Pentagon Security Cameras and not your your phone cam. There is NO WAY any 100-ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon, or we would have seen that evidence in the A/E Drive photos above. You be real!


This is the little E-ring hole where you say a 100-ton Jetliner crashed going 500 miles per hour. And yet, the windows above the 18-feet 3-inch second-story hole are not broken from a Jetliner that is five-stories tall! You say a real 100-ton Jetliner flew over those cable spools and did not break third-story windows, when that is impossible.

Bullony! Your testimony is already proven false and you have no evidence to support a single word of anything and you know it.

The refitted A-3 Skywarrior 'did' have landing gear, but that has nothing to do with any AA-77 Jetliner. Daniel is obviously unaware of the fact that American Airlines has never issued the N644AA registry number to any 757 jetliner in history (my topic). Daniel is unaware of the fact that AA11 and AA77 were canceled on 9/11 (link #1 from Pentagon Timeline). Daniel is unaware of the fact that the Govt Documentation proves 9/11 was an inside job (topic), because he was DUPED by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld's "Black Operation" on 9/11.

Also if you have questions about my credentials just put my name in a search engine and you should come up with at least 3 articles including a book that I've been in. If not then you should find at least ONE.
Daniel Nimrod
9/11 Pentagon Rescuer/Survivor

We have testimony from hundreds of Pentagon witnesses that completely disagree with you, because Dan was DUPED and made up his mind to swallow the Official Cover Story LIE hook, line and sinker on day one ...



Yes Daniel is another loyal dupe of both the Bush and Obama administrations that has been brainwashed by the propaganda of the media and government and the agents that have penetrated this site because like Terral said,we have hundreds of pentagon testimonys that completey disagree with him but we have loyal OCTA'S here who have bought into the 9/11 coverup commission hook,line, and sinker.

They know nothing about science because they dont even question how its possible that an airliner made of aluminum can go through a wall much smaller than the hole we see in the wall and yet two STEEL engines somehow cant.

the OCTA'S cant give an answer to where is the luggage on the airliner either.they also cant get around that the pentagon is the most sophisticated air defense system in the world and they have protocols to follow to shoot down an aircraft if it does not reply which did not happen.:lol: and that cameras were illegally confiscated by the FBI at a nearby gas station and a hotel across the street or that with hundreds of cameras in the pentagon all they can produce is 5 flimsy pics of the ALLEGED airliner crashing into the wall of the pentagon which is HARDLY evidence of an airliner. they know good and well that we should have seen an airliner coming into the pentagon with all their cameras they have there yet they cant produce

Daniel here has been taken in by agents such as candycorn and rat in the hat who could only fling shit in defeat like his handlers pay them to when called out on that over on that thread he made addressed to me. these OCTA'S here are also so much in denial that they ignore a newsman who waas on the lawn there saying there is NO EVIDENCE of an airliner crashing.:lol: they can only sling shit in defeat.They will post something back to try and get around it of some other newsman saying there was eveidence of it like Toto has in the past but Toto is so stupid he doesnt know that THAT newsman is a CIA plant in the media ,they got them everywhere.congress discovered that in the 70's when they came across documents from a freedom of information act.:cuckoo: loyal Octa's like Toto and Daniel though dont want to know about that though and want to keep their head buried in the sand like the loyal OCTA's they are.

But more than anything,the agents here and the OCTA'S like Daniel cant get around the FACT that it would be impossible for an airliner to do all those manueverabilitys the 9/11 commission said they did with an airliner when experts pilots themselves have said THEY could never do that.:lol: also the OCTA'S like Daniel here cant get around that pic you show Terral of the front lawn of the pentagon.If an airliner HAD crashed there,the ground would not be all green like that pic shows,it would be burned and chared to pieces and black everywhere you loyal Bush dupe fools.:lol: obviously you OCTA"s have NEVER seen an airliner crash want to keep your head buried in the sand and ignore what expert pilots say and rather listen to what the corporate controlled media and corrupt government agencys tell you? go ahead.make yourselves look like morons and stupid idiot fools.:lol::lol: i love it,their logic is priceless on WHO they choose to listen to.I cant get over it.:lol::lol:

You keep making this claim, and for a year now I have been asking who is supposed to be paying me.

I could use some extra cash right now, so please tell me what agency or officials I should be talking to about receiving my money.
you just never get enough of your ass beatings do you Rat? btw,do you plan on making yourself look like the dumbfuck trolls candyfag and divecunt are that seek attention replying to me when I have them on ignore and they talk to themselves ? lol.oh yes, in case you did not get any of that over on that thread I DO have you on ignore now.Like i said,i dont debate with troll agents that lie and make up things just to suit their own needs like I exposed you for the liar you are.Eots im sure will play your game though,he still takes the bait of those idiot attention seekers i just mentioned, so i know he will with you as well.have fun trolling just dont expect me to waste my valuable time on you anymore.
you disinfo agents prove you have no interest in the truth,you dodge these facts that the commission members themselves have said they were not told the truth,hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

you three and the other agents always evade it by posting irrelevent crap aftter this is shown to you exposing yourselfs as the agents you are.:lol: you DID give me entertainment fo a while while it lasted,too bad you had to stoop to being an outright liar.I dont talk to liars.matter of fact i am pissed at my friend right now and not talking to him at the moment cause i caught him red handed least HE confessed he agents never do.
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you just never get enough of your ass beatings do you Rat? btw,do you plan on making yourself look like the dumbfuck trolls candyfag and divecunt are that seek attention replying to me when I have them on ignore and they talk to themselves ? lol.oh yes, in case you did not get any of that over on that thread I DO have you on ignore now.Like i said,i dont debate with troll agents that lie and make up things just to suit their own needs like I exposed you for the liar you are.Eots im sure will play your game though,he still takes the bait of those idiot attention seekers i just mentioned, so i know he will with you as well.have fun trolling just dont expect me to waste my valuable time on you anymore.

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you agents are so predictable Rat.your lives are so pathetic you quote someone that has you on ignore.I love predictable.oh and know i am not reading what you say i just know how you agents so obvious you replied and addressed me,you posted right after my post,easy to figure out.your life is as pathetic as those two agents

well divecunt isnt one,he doesnt fit the pattern,he doesnt even TRY to debate,he just debates like-that has been disproven you idiot,blah blah,blah,HE is a just a kid troll with no life thats why i put that idiot kid on ignore after just a wekk YEARS ago.

I caught you lying,you know it,i know it,you can only fling shit in defeat cause you know you can counter it.have fun troll.I REALLY need to stop taking your bait wasting my time with you,thats what you want as we both know.Like i said,have fun with Eots agent,i know HE will take your bait.bye.
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you agents are so predictable Rat.your lives are so pathetic you quote someone that has you on ignore.I love predictable.oh and know i am not reading what you say i just know how you agents so obvious you replied and addressed me,you posted right after my post,easy to figure out.your life is as pathetic as those two agents

well divecunt isnt one,he doesnt fit the pattern,he doesnt even TRY to debate,he just debates like-that has been disproven you idiot,blah blah,blah,HE is a just a kid troll with no life thats why i put that idiot kid on ignore after just a wekk YEARS ago.

I caught you lying,you know it,i know it,you can only fling shit in defeat cause you know you can counter it.have fun troll.I REALLY need to stop taking your bait wasting my time with you,thats what you want as we both know.Like i said,have fun with Eots agent,i know HE will take your bait.bye.

How could you know I quoted you if you have me on ignore, LIAR

No wonder you get mangled on every board you go to. Everywhere you go, you lie.

Now stop farting in this forum, loser.
you agents are so predictable Rat.your lives are so pathetic you quote someone that has you on ignore.I love predictable.oh and know i am not reading what you say i just know how you agents so obvious you replied and addressed me,you posted right after my post,easy to figure out.your life is as pathetic as those two agents

well divecunt isnt one,he doesnt fit the pattern,he doesnt even TRY to debate,he just debates like-that has been disproven you idiot,blah blah,blah,HE is a just a kid troll with no life thats why i put that idiot kid on ignore after just a wekk YEARS ago.

I caught you lying,you know it,i know it,you can only fling shit in defeat cause you know you can counter it.have fun troll.I REALLY need to stop taking your bait wasting my time with you,thats what you want as we both know.Like i said,have fun with Eots agent,i know HE will take your bait.bye.


Gee, that was predictable.

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