This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Greetings to All and especially Mr. Robert :)cool:):

Being cautious here, you are a pathological liar. You are also wrong and in error in every topic so far purviewed and posted by you on this website, going back as far as the first day you joined.

I have literally thousands of hours invested in What Really Happened At The Pentagon on 9/11, but Mr. Robert here insists I am a pathological liar. Fine. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and they can come to this fine USMB Board can call other registered members liars, but can this DoD operative (How To Spot) make those claims stick?

Go to the Opening Post and 'quote >>' from my work and make your case for Terral being a liar. Otherwise, that claim falls back on you! Do it! I double dare you. Come on hotshot and make my day.

[ame=]Do you feel lucky?[/ame]

You've been spanked, bitch. Just shut up and go home, little boy.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Greetings to All and especially Mr. Robert :)cool:):

Being cautious here, you are a pathological liar. You are also wrong and in error in every topic so far purviewed and posted by you on this website, going back as far as the first day you joined.

I have literally thousands of hours invested in What Really Happened At The Pentagon on 9/11, but Mr. Robert here insists I am a pathological liar. Fine. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and they can come to this fine USMB Board can call other registered members liars, but can this DoD operative (How To Spot) make those claims stick?

Go to the Opening Post and 'quote >>' from my work and make your case for Terral being a liar. Otherwise, that claim falls back on you! Do it! I double dare you. Come on hotshot and make my day.

[ame=]Do you feel lucky?[/ame]



I did!


And yes, I am a government shill, ops, disinfo guy (what is that, btw?), and would dearly love to make your day. Oh, what verse in the Bible lead you to the Lord Jesus Christ? And, I have stopped laughing a little to type this.........I LOVE THIS!

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Hi Robert:

100% Error. Shown with equation, fact, volume, and impact transfer. You continue to be a pathological liar.

Hunt the Packlid.


That is it? Robert has no case and cannot even present one shred of evidence to support 'his' version of the Official Cover Story LIE? I was hoping for the opportunity actually debate you on these related 9/11 Inside-Job Attacks, but Robert :)confused:) is not even a bag of hot air. Shame ...


Greetings to All and especially Mr. Robert :)cool:):

Being cautious here, you are a pathological liar. You are also wrong and in error in every topic so far purviewed and posted by you on this website, going back as far as the first day you joined.

I have literally thousands of hours invested in What Really Happened At The Pentagon on 9/11, but Mr. Robert here insists I am a pathological liar. Fine. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and they can come to this fine USMB Board can call other registered members liars, but can this DoD operative (How To Spot) make those claims stick?

Go to the Opening Post and 'quote >>' from my work and make your case for Terral being a liar. Otherwise, that claim falls back on you! Do it! I double dare you. Come on hotshot and make my day.

[ame=]Do you feel lucky?[/ame]



I did!


And yes, I am a government shill, ops, disinfo guy (what is that, btw?), and would dearly love to make your day. Oh, what verse in the Bible lead you to the Lord Jesus Christ? And, I have stopped laughing a little to type this.........I LOVE THIS!


Thousands of hours? That is sad on so many levels.
Greetings to All and especially Mr. Robert :)cool:):

I have literally thousands of hours invested in What Really Happened At The Pentagon on 9/11, but Mr. Robert here insists I am a pathological liar. Fine. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and they can come to this fine USMB Board can call other registered members liars, but can this DoD operative (How To Spot) make those claims stick?

Go to the Opening Post and 'quote >>' from my work and make your case for Terral being a liar. Otherwise, that claim falls back on you! Do it! I double dare you. Come on hotshot and make my day.

Do you feel lucky?



I did!


And yes, I am a government shill, ops, disinfo guy (what is that, btw?), and would dearly love to make your day. Oh, what verse in the Bible lead you to the Lord Jesus Christ? And, I have stopped laughing a little to type this.........I LOVE THIS!


Thousands of hours? That is sad on so many levels.
i'm thinking more pathetic
Hi Robert:

100% Error. Shown with equation, fact, volume, and impact transfer. You continue to be a pathological liar.

Hunt the Packlid.


That is it? Robert has no case and cannot even present one shred of evidence to support 'his' version of the Official Cover Story LIE? I was hoping for the opportunity actually debate you on these related 9/11 Inside-Job Attacks, but Robert :)confused:) is not even a bag of hot air. Shame ...




This is my last post or response to you and your craziness. Here is why:

I provide data of fact, not conjecture or hyperbole or pathological lying. Since you do not have a space program, an ISS, A shuttle program, a satellite program, a telescope program, a spectra program, a NEAR program, and have no data whatsoever to offer, then, it is a waste of time. Insulting you is also a waste of time as well. I will correct you in your silliness, but not respond any longer.

Until you do acquire those assets, your "data" and "work" is utter silliness and not even considered. The 100% response by all these myriad of critical thinking people who post here is testimony of this, to your crazy silliness. A terrible waste of bandwidth as well.

Too, in our time, NASA is the only source we have and its worldwide contributing partners, and the millions of technical data it provides freely to the rest of us, so we can learn, know, and understand better the great mystery of what lies out there. You refuse to use any of this whatsoever. It lends a sense of creepiness to you that would be better served with a 12 gauge.

I will post this post, simply to every psychotic thing you post. It requires no further commenting by me or anyone else.

Ask yourself; if this incoming was real, why is it only you that can see it. And also, it would be visible in the night sky, and should have been for the last 3 years. But there is nothing. Nothing at all. When you get real and clear minded and can think as a human being, we can re-convene. It is impossible to talk to a wall.

Proverbs 26:3-12 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and a rod for the back of fools. Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes. Whoever sends a message by the hand of a fool cuts off his own feet and drinks violence. Like a lame man's legs, which hang useless, is a proverb in the mouth of fools. ...

Best wishes, Terral

Bye Robert:

This is my last post or response to you and your craziness. Here is why ...

Why does not matter. There is nothing in any of your posts that makes an argument against anything that appears in any of my posts. This place sees all kinds of loudmouths that chat the place up with no evidence for anything. The DoD will not send me an op or asset with substance, because all of your handlers can not debate me on any Bible or 911Truth Topic on a level playing field and they very well know it. Oracle threat assessment status no threat enigma. That means AI knows very well that everyone believes in their heart of hearts that this Terral guy is crazy like John the Baptist. ;0)

If nobody believes the son of man ('man of the earth'), the devil's children fulfill the curse and we start all over again. My hands are clean. I told you the truth (God's Word) and you choose not to believe, or to cower, or do abominable things, or murder and practice immorality and sorcery with all liars, idolaters and fornicators among men to a just reward. The warning was given that I remember like yesterday. In fact, memory served that the post time was 3:30 PM.

Here is the deal for all of the Loyal Bushie LIARS/DUPES:

These people run like Forrest Gump to this USMB Conspiracies Forum every day to convince everyone that ‘no conspiracy exists,’ because these United States Of America are being primed for utter destruction ‘and’ that is exactly what We The People deserve. That is the reason that so few of these registered members are willing to stand with 9/11 inside job, eots, Peejay, sylverfoxx and Terral to simply tell ‘the’ 911Truth told by all the ‘evidence.’ This is perfect proof that I should refrain from standing before the throne of God making intercession for a bunch of Loyal Bushie LIARS that are obviously in the majority and numbered among the very ‘many’ (Matt. 7:13-14). Very well then. From this day forward I shall plead to the Lord God NO MORE for the preservation of this once-great country, because what is coming on the horizon like a freight train is what the majority here really deserves.

GL because you need it,


You refuse to heed my word, so here we are with the world trying to come apart and something big on the horizon. That is right. Look at my avatar pic again and keep on laughing. ;0)


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terral, the pathetic dishonest deadbeat dad moronic troofer to the end

I ran into this sort of thing back in the beginning, in 1998, with the Art Bell-Hoagland bunch. You bust them by their own, 'source', since they always use the source to discredit the source. Its a strange mental fixation but as long as anyone posts or responds to it, they will remain. He is no different. You just post fact as it is known, post right past, and tend to it as if they are dust in the wind.

Even when you answer directly, point out error, its as if they are not all there. A form of creepiness that asylums have within their dark walls.

terral, the pathetic dishonest deadbeat dad moronic troofer to the end

I ran into this sort of thing back in the beginning, in 1998, with the Art Bell-Hoagland bunch. You bust them by their own, 'source', since they always use the source to discredit the source. Its a strange mental fixation but as long as anyone posts or responds to it, they will remain. He is no different. You just post fact as it is known, post right past, and tend to it as if they are dust in the wind.

Even when you answer directly, point out error, its as if they are not all there. A form of creepiness that asylums have within their dark walls.

i know, they read crap on sites owned by alex jones and believe that crap over cold hard facts
terral, the pathetic dishonest deadbeat dad moronic troofer to the end

I ran into this sort of thing back in the beginning, in 1998, with the Art Bell-Hoagland bunch. You bust them by their own, 'source', since they always use the source to discredit the source. Its a strange mental fixation but as long as anyone posts or responds to it, they will remain. He is no different. You just post fact as it is known, post right past, and tend to it as if they are dust in the wind.

Even when you answer directly, point out error, its as if they are not all there. A form of creepiness that asylums have within their dark walls.

i know, they read crap on sites owned by alex jones and believe that crap over cold hard facts

alex jones says terral is a fruitcake. have you ever seen a picture of terral and fruitcake in the same place at the same time?

i rest my case. (and its a better case than any of the stupid shit terral posts!!)
I ran into this sort of thing back in the beginning, in 1998, with the Art Bell-Hoagland bunch. You bust them by their own, 'source', since they always use the source to discredit the source. Its a strange mental fixation but as long as anyone posts or responds to it, they will remain. He is no different. You just post fact as it is known, post right past, and tend to it as if they are dust in the wind.

Even when you answer directly, point out error, its as if they are not all there. A form of creepiness that asylums have within their dark walls.

i know, they read crap on sites owned by alex jones and believe that crap over cold hard facts

alex jones says terral is a fruitcake. have you ever seen a picture of terral and fruitcake in the same place at the same time?

i rest my case. (and its a better case than any of the stupid shit terral posts!!)
has terral and rdean ever been on at the same time?
i know, they read crap on sites owned by alex jones and believe that crap over cold hard facts

alex jones says terral is a fruitcake. have you ever seen a picture of terral and fruitcake in the same place at the same time?

i rest my case. (and its a better case than any of the stupid shit terral posts!!)
has terral and rdean ever been on at the same time?

That's scary.
Is anyone else seeing visions of "Heaven's Gate" in Terral's threads?

Seriously....I'm not taking a shot at him.....but it is getting creepy.
Hi Fizzle:

alex jones says terral is a fruitcake. have you ever seen a picture of terral and fruitcake in the same place at the same time?

i rest my case. (and its a better case than any of the stupid shit terral posts!!)

I was banned from Prison very quickly for posting that the Pentagon was struck by a missile at 9:31:39 AM like from Loose Change, PilotsForTruth, Let'sRoll, etc., etc.. Alex Jones is running in place with the rest of the fake 911Truth Movement, which allows his New World Order bosses to control all sides of the debate. Let us see if the big mouth Jones is sitting in his chair doing the Show on March 15, 2011 or on vacation in an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs, Cheney's, Rumsfelds and the rest of the Global Fascist Elites.

If you guys had evidence to support what really happened on 9/11, you would be writing on the topic and not throwing your pathetic stones at Terral. Besides my 'stone' (Brown Dwarf Timeline) is much bigger. ;0)


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Hi Fizzle:

alex jones says terral is a fruitcake. have you ever seen a picture of terral and fruitcake in the same place at the same time?

i rest my case. (and its a better case than any of the stupid shit terral posts!!)

I was banned from Prison very quickly for posting that the Pentagon was struck by a missile at 9:31:39 AM like from Loose Change, PilotsForTruth, Let'sRoll, etc., etc.. Alex Jones is running in place with the rest of the fake 911Truth Movement, which allows his New World Order bosses to control all sides of the debate. Let us see if the big mouth Jones is sitting in his chair doing the Show on March 15, 2011 or on vacation in an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs, Cheney's, Rumsfelds and the rest of the Global Fascist Elites.


Hi Fizzle:

alex jones says terral is a fruitcake. have you ever seen a picture of terral and fruitcake in the same place at the same time?

i rest my case. (and its a better case than any of the stupid shit terral posts!!)

I was banned from Prison very quickly for posting that the Pentagon was struck by a missile at 9:31:39 AM like from Loose Change, PilotsForTruth, Let'sRoll, etc., etc.. Alex Jones is running in place with the rest of the fake 911Truth Movement, which allows his New World Order bosses to control all sides of the debate. Let us see if the big mouth Jones is sitting in his chair doing the Show on March 15, 2011 or on vacation in an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs, Cheney's, Rumsfelds and the rest of the Global Fascist Elites.



Don't you think they would prefer some young blood to be protected instead? You know, someone will have to repopulate the earth......

Anyway, where will you be? the rest of us will be at our keyboards laughing at you...
Hi Ollie:

Don't you think they would prefer some young blood to be protected instead? You know, someone will have to repopulate the earth......

Anyway, where will you be? the rest of us will be at our keyboards laughing at you...

Keep on laughing! Ollie has nothing to be concerned about with all of that armor. ;0)



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