This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

19 people hijacked 4 planes and flew them into 3 buildings and the ground...........

That's it? That's the 9-11 commission as you understand it? That's the main points you tout?
There's no proof that is accurate.

Except that we saw the planes and we have the witnesses who called people from those planes. Of course we know you Think Those calls were faked...

You cannot even disprove that simple statement of fact. All you got is "that's not true"...

Try again child.........

Except that we saw the planes
So what? That alone doesn't even begin to explain the 'collapses' of the towers and the intricacies of the physics and science and properties of steel. You are easily duped by planes and fireballs and conclude that is what happened, end of story, and you're wrong. There's a lot more to it then the fire show that mesmerized you.

and we have the witnesses who called people from those planes. Of course we know you Think Those calls were faked...
The calls are seriously placed in the doubtful category, as the FBI has discredited them in other judicial proceedings as to how many and their duration. Besides it has not been proven that the signals were capable of connecting, or capable of being sustained with cell towers flying at the high speeds, and the altitudes they are alleged to have been made at.
You cannot even disprove that simple statement of fact. All you got is "that's not true"...

Try again child.........
The perpetrators of the official conspiracy theory have not proved beyond a doubt that these calls were capable of being made, for the durations they said to have lasted, and even the FBI has crippled those allegations.
All you think you know is coming from sources that have been proven to be liars, and whose story has serious fatal flaws in it. You are stuck believing what they tell you, even though the facts that discredit their story have been made available for some time now.

Everything about their narrative, before, during, and after the 9-11 attacks has been scrutinized, and facts have been uncovered that places great doubt, and in some cases, proven to be impossible to have happened the way they "guessed" that it did. They count on the majority of Americans not having the will, or the intelligence to really take a closer look at the 9-11 attacks, because people like you are too stupid and lazy to do so.

Researching the 9-11 attacks and their significance and objectives behind such an attack is a daunting task to be sure, but there is too much at stake to just believe the absurdities they need you to believe.

Planes hitting the buildings with less then skilled hijackers who miraculously circumvented American defenses.
The list of the alleged 19 men was conveniently found in a parked car. Passports miraculously being found after passing through the fire and heat that supposedly caused the demise of the buildings...
Witnesses tell of these supposed devout religious fanatics, drinking, using drugs and porn.
One was supposedly able to speak German, but when confronted could not speak it.
Many were claimed to be still alive, with reports of stolen ID's and passports.

Not one of those 19 men was a passenger. Not even one had a ticket. Not even one had a boarding pass. Not one had the piloting skills required to fly with the precision the planes were flown with, but they planned did this attack on the same day terror drills were taking place and confused the FAA and NORAD.
Your only reason to believe this story is true, is your faith in proven liars, nothing more.

Within minutes of the attacks, the story tellers who were charged with molding your minds, went on the airwaves to proclaim that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were the masterminds who did all of it...And for what? Because Americans were hated for their freedumbs..So your government severely trashed those freedoms all the while ordering you to obstain from what they deemed as "conspiracy" theories..In essence they told you not to think, and only the conspiracy of the state should be considered as the truth.

Even though they are lies, and liars, and Bush made fun of the non existent WMD's at a press function, while your comrades and our loved ones were being blown to bits because of the wars on "terror" that were fabricated by phoney intelligence, torture and 'guesses".
The attack on the Pentagon, the center of America's defenses happened to take place the day after announcing trillions were missing from the Pentagon, and happened to have struck, destroyed and killed employees and sections of the building that would have dealt with this and possibly uncovered the source of the missing funds.

Same with the WTC and the companies of the financial institutions within them that were involved in investigations of fraud and scandal. Silence assured by being blown to bits, and replaced with the phoney "war on terror" instead.

Funny how the "Harley Guy" knew exactly why the towers came down....He planted the seed in many minds of the unprovable lies.
He claimed he saw the plane....
"...come out of nowhere and just ream right into the side of the twin tower, exploding through the other side...and then I
witnessed both towers collapse, one first then the second. Mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense."

This man was nothing more then a planted shill mouthing a script. Hell why pay NIST all that money when this scumbag "knew" what happened within minutes...

The attacks occurred after the PNAC writers who are all supporters and loyal to the state of Israel, called for another Pearl Harbor to garner the support needed to achieve certain military goals in the middle east, that were designed to benefit Israel first and foremost.

FBI agents that tried to warn of the attacks were met with threats. Investigations were sidetracked by personnel that answered to both Bush and Clinton.

Israeli Mossad agents being picked up in vans with explosives, some were jubilantly celebrating the attacks, and whose leader Nutyyyahoo claimed was "good for Israel".
Interestingly, the cabinets of the American administrations for decades have been well stocked with Israeli loyalists, and no candidate can proceed to obtain office without Israel's approval.
You idiots don't have a problem with a foreign entity controlling your leaders and elections.

Massive hi rises outwardly exploding, in much faster time then would be physically possible due to jet fuel fires that NYC firefighters were recorded as saying could have been brought under control. Steel seemingly evaporating into thin air as seen on many videos, and not so much as a cause of concern or amazement to some of you. You are still stuck with the planes and fireballs, and end of story for you, as your minds are fucking mush, and your will has been castrated.

There were hundreds of witnesses mainly firefighters and first responders, saying they heard explosions, some before the planes even hit, The list goes on and on. People and whistle blowers have come forward, were/are threatened, died mysteriously and minimized by the media and made to appear as insignificant. These brave men and women have been trashed by the protectors of the lies and by you, because they are telling you something that doesn't fit your absurd version,
they are telling you the truth, but the truth is too terrifying for your weak minds to even contemplate, let alone process or handle. But the truth has come out in many instances.
Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman come to mind. The 9-11 commission, the non existent WMD's phoney, fabricated intell etc...

Who controls the media, and the Federal courts? Ever ponder where you get your information, and who controls the flow of information?
And you expect to be handed the perps who "wired the buildings"? Goes to show how much you really know about your nation and reality.

You trivialize, minimize and make fun of those have come forward and who attempt to tell you, but because the ones that are in control and who decide who should be heard, what is admitted or what is relevant are part of, and connected to keeping you and the American people from information, and are protecting the cover up, they are not heard, and don't stand a chance.
If you personally are too afraid to come to grips with the lies and the attacks of 9-11, the details of the 'collapses" etc.. from the comfort of your own home and in your own mind, imagine how terrified the people who actually do come forward and say something about what they know to the media, in press conferences or bring their grievances to a Federal court.

The 9-11 commission and official 9-11 story tellers were led by Philip Zelikow, who describes himself as an expert in the “creation and maintenance of public myths.” He defines “public myth” as a “public presumption” about history that may or may not be true, but which nevertheless exerts a powerful influence on public opinion, and through that influence affects history.

His 9-11 panel has discredited his report and gone public in saying so. That's pretty brave to do. Someone pushing back.. Why do you think they did that?

It is well documented that the Bush and Clinton administrations have been shown to be liars and complicit in the cover up and most likely facilitated rather then deter the attacks by their actions, by putting people in positions of power and authority whose loyalty sides with the nation that benefited the most from the 9-11 attacks on America.

The US has been infiltrated by various means by a criminal element that has operated in American politics for decades, and as long as stupid ignorant people who call themselves Americans, continue to be lazy and refuse to take notice to what has happened and still is happening to their nation and their society it will continue to deteriorate until there is nothing left of this once proud nation and the hope and dreams she stood for. Even the monetary system is a huge ponzi scheme, and rigged to keep America and its people in perpetual debt, and all you stooges can talk and bicker about is the trivial BS that keeps you from the bigger more significant picture that really effects us all.

You keep on being mesmerized by planes and fires and unproven hypothetical, absurd "guesses" while the nation you claim to defend is stolen from you and your children.
The history, FOID documents, whistle blowers, and all manner of proof and evidence is available for anyone who cares to research it, but it's lazy, ignorant people like you that are too terrified to even look at it and are the ones they depend on that allows them to proceed.
The OCT is a lie, and none of you that protect it have ever managed to prove its validity
while we have shown the vast instances of proof it should be doubted. You have planes and fires and the trust of proven liars, hardly anything substantial..
Stupid fucking gumps.
Whatabout the light poles?

I have a big what about it?

You also have about 6 aliases or was that just on another board. Not only has your content delivered you to the looney bin of the world, your behavior is so very suspect as well.

Grow the hell up loser

With an annual income that now puts me within the top .02% in America likely makes me less of a loser than you...

Also...even though I enjoy having an outgoing, young personality...likely makes me qualify as a little more grown up too...

Do I even have to go into the I.Q. comparison???
Last edited:

Except that we saw the planes
So what? That alone doesn't even begin to explain the 'collapses' of the towers and the intricacies of the physics and science and properties of steel. You are easily duped by planes and fireballs and conclude that is what happened, end of story, and you're wrong. There's a lot more to it then the fire show that mesmerized you.

and we have the witnesses who called people from those planes. Of course we know you Think Those calls were faked...
The calls are seriously placed in the doubtful category, as the FBI has discredited them in other judicial proceedings as to how many and their duration. Besides it has not been proven that the signals were capable of connecting, or capable of being sustained with cell towers flying at the high speeds, and the altitudes they are alleged to have been made at.
You cannot even disprove that simple statement of fact. All you got is "that's not true"...

Try again child.........
The perpetrators of the official conspiracy theory have not proved beyond a doubt that these calls were capable of being made, for the durations they said to have lasted, and even the FBI has crippled those allegations.
All you think you know is coming from sources that have been proven to be liars, and whose story has serious fatal flaws in it. You are stuck believing what they tell you, even though the facts that discredit their story have been made available for some time now.

Everything about their narrative, before, during, and after the 9-11 attacks has been scrutinized, and facts have been uncovered that places great doubt, and in some cases, proven to be impossible to have happened the way they "guessed" that it did. They count on the majority of Americans not having the will, or the intelligence to really take a closer look at the 9-11 attacks, because people like you are too stupid and lazy to do so.

Researching the 9-11 attacks and their significance and objectives behind such an attack is a daunting task to be sure, but there is too much at stake to just believe the absurdities they need you to believe.

Planes hitting the buildings with less then skilled hijackers who miraculously circumvented American defenses.
The list of the alleged 19 men was conveniently found in a parked car. Passports miraculously being found after passing through the fire and heat that supposedly caused the demise of the buildings...
Witnesses tell of these supposed devout religious fanatics, drinking, using drugs and porn.
One was supposedly able to speak German, but when confronted could not speak it.
Many were claimed to be still alive, with reports of stolen ID's and passports.

Not one of those 19 men was a passenger. Not even one had a ticket. Not even one had a boarding pass. Not one had the piloting skills required to fly with the precision the planes were flown with, but they planned did this attack on the same day terror drills were taking place and confused the FAA and NORAD.
Your only reason to believe this story is true, is your faith in proven liars, nothing more.

Within minutes of the attacks, the story tellers who were charged with molding your minds, went on the airwaves to proclaim that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were the masterminds who did all of it...And for what? Because Americans were hated for their freedumbs..So your government severely trashed those freedoms all the while ordering you to obstain from what they deemed as "conspiracy" theories..In essence they told you not to think, and only the conspiracy of the state should be considered as the truth.

Even though they are lies, and liars, and Bush made fun of the non existent WMD's at a press function, while your comrades and our loved ones were being blown to bits because of the wars on "terror" that were fabricated by phoney intelligence, torture and 'guesses".
The attack on the Pentagon, the center of America's defenses happened to take place the day after announcing trillions were missing from the Pentagon, and happened to have struck, destroyed and killed employees and sections of the building that would have dealt with this and possibly uncovered the source of the missing funds.

Same with the WTC and the companies of the financial institutions within them that were involved in investigations of fraud and scandal. Silence assured by being blown to bits, and replaced with the phoney "war on terror" instead.

Funny how the "Harley Guy" knew exactly why the towers came down....He planted the seed in many minds of the unprovable lies.
He claimed he saw the plane....
"...come out of nowhere and just ream right into the side of the twin tower, exploding through the other side...and then I
witnessed both towers collapse, one first then the second. Mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense."

This man was nothing more then a planted shill mouthing a script. Hell why pay NIST all that money when this scumbag "knew" what happened within minutes...

The attacks occurred after the PNAC writers who are all supporters and loyal to the state of Israel, called for another Pearl Harbor to garner the support needed to achieve certain military goals in the middle east, that were designed to benefit Israel first and foremost.

FBI agents that tried to warn of the attacks were met with threats. Investigations were sidetracked by personnel that answered to both Bush and Clinton.

Israeli Mossad agents being picked up in vans with explosives, some were jubilantly celebrating the attacks, and whose leader Nutyyyahoo claimed was "good for Israel".
Interestingly, the cabinets of the American administrations for decades have been well stocked with Israeli loyalists, and no candidate can proceed to obtain office without Israel's approval.
You idiots don't have a problem with a foreign entity controlling your leaders and elections.

Massive hi rises outwardly exploding, in much faster time then would be physically possible due to jet fuel fires that NYC firefighters were recorded as saying could have been brought under control. Steel seemingly evaporating into thin air as seen on many videos, and not so much as a cause of concern or amazement to some of you. You are still stuck with the planes and fireballs, and end of story for you, as your minds are fucking mush, and your will has been castrated.

There were hundreds of witnesses mainly firefighters and first responders, saying they heard explosions, some before the planes even hit, The list goes on and on. People and whistle blowers have come forward, were/are threatened, died mysteriously and minimized by the media and made to appear as insignificant. These brave men and women have been trashed by the protectors of the lies and by you, because they are telling you something that doesn't fit your absurd version,
they are telling you the truth, but the truth is too terrifying for your weak minds to even contemplate, let alone process or handle. But the truth has come out in many instances.
Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman come to mind. The 9-11 commission, the non existent WMD's phoney, fabricated intell etc...

Who controls the media, and the Federal courts? Ever ponder where you get your information, and who controls the flow of information?
And you expect to be handed the perps who "wired the buildings"? Goes to show how much you really know about your nation and reality.

You trivialize, minimize and make fun of those have come forward and who attempt to tell you, but because the ones that are in control and who decide who should be heard, what is admitted or what is relevant are part of, and connected to keeping you and the American people from information, and are protecting the cover up, they are not heard, and don't stand a chance.
If you personally are too afraid to come to grips with the lies and the attacks of 9-11, the details of the 'collapses" etc.. from the comfort of your own home and in your own mind, imagine how terrified the people who actually do come forward and say something about what they know to the media, in press conferences or bring their grievances to a Federal court.

The 9-11 commission and official 9-11 story tellers were led by Philip Zelikow, who describes himself as an expert in the “creation and maintenance of public myths.” He defines “public myth” as a “public presumption” about history that may or may not be true, but which nevertheless exerts a powerful influence on public opinion, and through that influence affects history.

His 9-11 panel has discredited his report and gone public in saying so. That's pretty brave to do. Someone pushing back.. Why do you think they did that?

It is well documented that the Bush and Clinton administrations have been shown to be liars and complicit in the cover up and most likely facilitated rather then deter the attacks by their actions, by putting people in positions of power and authority whose loyalty sides with the nation that benefited the most from the 9-11 attacks on America.

The US has been infiltrated by various means by a criminal element that has operated in American politics for decades, and as long as stupid ignorant people who call themselves Americans, continue to be lazy and refuse to take notice to what has happened and still is happening to their nation and their society it will continue to deteriorate until there is nothing left of this once proud nation and the hope and dreams she stood for. Even the monetary system is a huge ponzi scheme, and rigged to keep America and its people in perpetual debt, and all you stooges can talk and bicker about is the trivial BS that keeps you from the bigger more significant picture that really effects us all.

You keep on being mesmerized by planes and fires and unproven hypothetical, absurd "guesses" while the nation you claim to defend is stolen from you and your children.
The history, FOID documents, whistle blowers, and all manner of proof and evidence is available for anyone who cares to research it, but it's lazy, ignorant people like you that are too terrified to even look at it and are the ones they depend on that allows them to proceed.
The OCT is a lie, and none of you that protect it have ever managed to prove its validity
while we have shown the vast instances of proof it should be doubted. You have planes and fires and the trust of proven liars, hardly anything substantial..
Stupid fucking gumps.

This is so full of out right lies and falsehoods that I won't even start all over with debunking it. it has all been done and you haven't learned a damned thing. It must really be terrible to live in such fear. I truly pity you.
I have a big what about it?

You also have about 6 aliases or was that just on another board. Not only has your content delivered you to the looney bin of the world, your behavior is so very suspect as well.

Grow the hell up loser

With an annual income that now puts me within the top .02% in America likely makes me less of a loser than you...

Also...even though I enjoy having an outgoing, young personality...likely makes me qualify as a little more grown up too...

Do I even have to go into the I.Q. comparison???

Gee, another set of lies. How not surprising.
Except that we saw the planes
So what? That alone doesn't even begin to explain the 'collapses' of the towers and the intricacies of the physics and science and properties of steel. You are easily duped by planes and fireballs and conclude that is what happened, end of story, and you're wrong. There's a lot more to it then the fire show that mesmerized you.

The calls are seriously placed in the doubtful category, as the FBI has discredited them in other judicial proceedings as to how many and their duration. Besides it has not been proven that the signals were capable of connecting, or capable of being sustained with cell towers flying at the high speeds, and the altitudes they are alleged to have been made at.
You cannot even disprove that simple statement of fact. All you got is "that's not true"...

Try again child.........
The perpetrators of the official conspiracy theory have not proved beyond a doubt that these calls were capable of being made, for the durations they said to have lasted, and even the FBI has crippled those allegations.
All you think you know is coming from sources that have been proven to be liars, and whose story has serious fatal flaws in it. You are stuck believing what they tell you, even though the facts that discredit their story have been made available for some time now.

Everything about their narrative, before, during, and after the 9-11 attacks has been scrutinized, and facts have been uncovered that places great doubt, and in some cases, proven to be impossible to have happened the way they "guessed" that it did. They count on the majority of Americans not having the will, or the intelligence to really take a closer look at the 9-11 attacks, because people like you are too stupid and lazy to do so.

Researching the 9-11 attacks and their significance and objectives behind such an attack is a daunting task to be sure, but there is too much at stake to just believe the absurdities they need you to believe.

Planes hitting the buildings with less then skilled hijackers who miraculously circumvented American defenses.
The list of the alleged 19 men was conveniently found in a parked car. Passports miraculously being found after passing through the fire and heat that supposedly caused the demise of the buildings...
Witnesses tell of these supposed devout religious fanatics, drinking, using drugs and porn.
One was supposedly able to speak German, but when confronted could not speak it.
Many were claimed to be still alive, with reports of stolen ID's and passports.

Not one of those 19 men was a passenger. Not even one had a ticket. Not even one had a boarding pass. Not one had the piloting skills required to fly with the precision the planes were flown with, but they planned did this attack on the same day terror drills were taking place and confused the FAA and NORAD.
Your only reason to believe this story is true, is your faith in proven liars, nothing more.

Within minutes of the attacks, the story tellers who were charged with molding your minds, went on the airwaves to proclaim that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were the masterminds who did all of it...And for what? Because Americans were hated for their freedumbs..So your government severely trashed those freedoms all the while ordering you to obstain from what they deemed as "conspiracy" theories..In essence they told you not to think, and only the conspiracy of the state should be considered as the truth.

Even though they are lies, and liars, and Bush made fun of the non existent WMD's at a press function, while your comrades and our loved ones were being blown to bits because of the wars on "terror" that were fabricated by phoney intelligence, torture and 'guesses".
The attack on the Pentagon, the center of America's defenses happened to take place the day after announcing trillions were missing from the Pentagon, and happened to have struck, destroyed and killed employees and sections of the building that would have dealt with this and possibly uncovered the source of the missing funds.

Same with the WTC and the companies of the financial institutions within them that were involved in investigations of fraud and scandal. Silence assured by being blown to bits, and replaced with the phoney "war on terror" instead.

Funny how the "Harley Guy" knew exactly why the towers came down....He planted the seed in many minds of the unprovable lies.
He claimed he saw the plane....
"...come out of nowhere and just ream right into the side of the twin tower, exploding through the other side...and then I
witnessed both towers collapse, one first then the second. Mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense."

This man was nothing more then a planted shill mouthing a script. Hell why pay NIST all that money when this scumbag "knew" what happened within minutes...

The attacks occurred after the PNAC writers who are all supporters and loyal to the state of Israel, called for another Pearl Harbor to garner the support needed to achieve certain military goals in the middle east, that were designed to benefit Israel first and foremost.

FBI agents that tried to warn of the attacks were met with threats. Investigations were sidetracked by personnel that answered to both Bush and Clinton.

Israeli Mossad agents being picked up in vans with explosives, some were jubilantly celebrating the attacks, and whose leader Nutyyyahoo claimed was "good for Israel".
Interestingly, the cabinets of the American administrations for decades have been well stocked with Israeli loyalists, and no candidate can proceed to obtain office without Israel's approval.
You idiots don't have a problem with a foreign entity controlling your leaders and elections.

Massive hi rises outwardly exploding, in much faster time then would be physically possible due to jet fuel fires that NYC firefighters were recorded as saying could have been brought under control. Steel seemingly evaporating into thin air as seen on many videos, and not so much as a cause of concern or amazement to some of you. You are still stuck with the planes and fireballs, and end of story for you, as your minds are fucking mush, and your will has been castrated.

There were hundreds of witnesses mainly firefighters and first responders, saying they heard explosions, some before the planes even hit, The list goes on and on. People and whistle blowers have come forward, were/are threatened, died mysteriously and minimized by the media and made to appear as insignificant. These brave men and women have been trashed by the protectors of the lies and by you, because they are telling you something that doesn't fit your absurd version,
they are telling you the truth, but the truth is too terrifying for your weak minds to even contemplate, let alone process or handle. But the truth has come out in many instances.
Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman come to mind. The 9-11 commission, the non existent WMD's phoney, fabricated intell etc...

Who controls the media, and the Federal courts? Ever ponder where you get your information, and who controls the flow of information?
And you expect to be handed the perps who "wired the buildings"? Goes to show how much you really know about your nation and reality.

You trivialize, minimize and make fun of those have come forward and who attempt to tell you, but because the ones that are in control and who decide who should be heard, what is admitted or what is relevant are part of, and connected to keeping you and the American people from information, and are protecting the cover up, they are not heard, and don't stand a chance.
If you personally are too afraid to come to grips with the lies and the attacks of 9-11, the details of the 'collapses" etc.. from the comfort of your own home and in your own mind, imagine how terrified the people who actually do come forward and say something about what they know to the media, in press conferences or bring their grievances to a Federal court.

The 9-11 commission and official 9-11 story tellers were led by Philip Zelikow, who describes himself as an expert in the “creation and maintenance of public myths.” He defines “public myth” as a “public presumption” about history that may or may not be true, but which nevertheless exerts a powerful influence on public opinion, and through that influence affects history.

His 9-11 panel has discredited his report and gone public in saying so. That's pretty brave to do. Someone pushing back.. Why do you think they did that?

It is well documented that the Bush and Clinton administrations have been shown to be liars and complicit in the cover up and most likely facilitated rather then deter the attacks by their actions, by putting people in positions of power and authority whose loyalty sides with the nation that benefited the most from the 9-11 attacks on America.

The US has been infiltrated by various means by a criminal element that has operated in American politics for decades, and as long as stupid ignorant people who call themselves Americans, continue to be lazy and refuse to take notice to what has happened and still is happening to their nation and their society it will continue to deteriorate until there is nothing left of this once proud nation and the hope and dreams she stood for. Even the monetary system is a huge ponzi scheme, and rigged to keep America and its people in perpetual debt, and all you stooges can talk and bicker about is the trivial BS that keeps you from the bigger more significant picture that really effects us all.

You keep on being mesmerized by planes and fires and unproven hypothetical, absurd "guesses" while the nation you claim to defend is stolen from you and your children.
The history, FOID documents, whistle blowers, and all manner of proof and evidence is available for anyone who cares to research it, but it's lazy, ignorant people like you that are too terrified to even look at it and are the ones they depend on that allows them to proceed.
The OCT is a lie, and none of you that protect it have ever managed to prove its validity
while we have shown the vast instances of proof it should be doubted. You have planes and fires and the trust of proven liars, hardly anything substantial..
Stupid fucking gumps.

This is so full of out right lies and falsehoods that I won't even start all over with debunking it. it has all been done and you haven't learned a damned thing. It must really be terrible to live in such fear. I truly pity you.

I challenge you to point out any lies within my post, and challenge you to direct where it has been debunked.
BTW, I don't live in fear like you do. I am just more aware of the history and the deceptions then you are, or are willing to admit. Having fear would be akin to not bringing things like this to your attention and staying quiet, like you do.
You wont even begin to discuss any real facts that are pointed out to you, when your allegations are themselves debunked, and rebutted.
You instead wave off any need to do so by claiming someone else has done it for you already.
Why do you even bother posting in a "conspiracy" forum when you get your ass kicked in all the time and look like a fool?
So what? That alone doesn't even begin to explain the 'collapses' of the towers and the intricacies of the physics and science and properties of steel. You are easily duped by planes and fireballs and conclude that is what happened, end of story, and you're wrong. There's a lot more to it then the fire show that mesmerized you.

The calls are seriously placed in the doubtful category, as the FBI has discredited them in other judicial proceedings as to how many and their duration. Besides it has not been proven that the signals were capable of connecting, or capable of being sustained with cell towers flying at the high speeds, and the altitudes they are alleged to have been made at.
The perpetrators of the official conspiracy theory have not proved beyond a doubt that these calls were capable of being made, for the durations they said to have lasted, and even the FBI has crippled those allegations.
All you think you know is coming from sources that have been proven to be liars, and whose story has serious fatal flaws in it. You are stuck believing what they tell you, even though the facts that discredit their story have been made available for some time now.

Everything about their narrative, before, during, and after the 9-11 attacks has been scrutinized, and facts have been uncovered that places great doubt, and in some cases, proven to be impossible to have happened the way they "guessed" that it did. They count on the majority of Americans not having the will, or the intelligence to really take a closer look at the 9-11 attacks, because people like you are too stupid and lazy to do so.

Researching the 9-11 attacks and their significance and objectives behind such an attack is a daunting task to be sure, but there is too much at stake to just believe the absurdities they need you to believe.

Planes hitting the buildings with less then skilled hijackers who miraculously circumvented American defenses.
The list of the alleged 19 men was conveniently found in a parked car. Passports miraculously being found after passing through the fire and heat that supposedly caused the demise of the buildings...
Witnesses tell of these supposed devout religious fanatics, drinking, using drugs and porn.
One was supposedly able to speak German, but when confronted could not speak it.
Many were claimed to be still alive, with reports of stolen ID's and passports.

Not one of those 19 men was a passenger. Not even one had a ticket. Not even one had a boarding pass. Not one had the piloting skills required to fly with the precision the planes were flown with, but they planned did this attack on the same day terror drills were taking place and confused the FAA and NORAD.
Your only reason to believe this story is true, is your faith in proven liars, nothing more.

Within minutes of the attacks, the story tellers who were charged with molding your minds, went on the airwaves to proclaim that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were the masterminds who did all of it...And for what? Because Americans were hated for their freedumbs..So your government severely trashed those freedoms all the while ordering you to obstain from what they deemed as "conspiracy" theories..In essence they told you not to think, and only the conspiracy of the state should be considered as the truth.

Even though they are lies, and liars, and Bush made fun of the non existent WMD's at a press function, while your comrades and our loved ones were being blown to bits because of the wars on "terror" that were fabricated by phoney intelligence, torture and 'guesses".
The attack on the Pentagon, the center of America's defenses happened to take place the day after announcing trillions were missing from the Pentagon, and happened to have struck, destroyed and killed employees and sections of the building that would have dealt with this and possibly uncovered the source of the missing funds.

Same with the WTC and the companies of the financial institutions within them that were involved in investigations of fraud and scandal. Silence assured by being blown to bits, and replaced with the phoney "war on terror" instead.

Funny how the "Harley Guy" knew exactly why the towers came down....He planted the seed in many minds of the unprovable lies.
He claimed he saw the plane....
"...come out of nowhere and just ream right into the side of the twin tower, exploding through the other side...and then I
witnessed both towers collapse, one first then the second. Mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense."

This man was nothing more then a planted shill mouthing a script. Hell why pay NIST all that money when this scumbag "knew" what happened within minutes...

The attacks occurred after the PNAC writers who are all supporters and loyal to the state of Israel, called for another Pearl Harbor to garner the support needed to achieve certain military goals in the middle east, that were designed to benefit Israel first and foremost.

FBI agents that tried to warn of the attacks were met with threats. Investigations were sidetracked by personnel that answered to both Bush and Clinton.

Israeli Mossad agents being picked up in vans with explosives, some were jubilantly celebrating the attacks, and whose leader Nutyyyahoo claimed was "good for Israel".
Interestingly, the cabinets of the American administrations for decades have been well stocked with Israeli loyalists, and no candidate can proceed to obtain office without Israel's approval.
You idiots don't have a problem with a foreign entity controlling your leaders and elections.

Massive hi rises outwardly exploding, in much faster time then would be physically possible due to jet fuel fires that NYC firefighters were recorded as saying could have been brought under control. Steel seemingly evaporating into thin air as seen on many videos, and not so much as a cause of concern or amazement to some of you. You are still stuck with the planes and fireballs, and end of story for you, as your minds are fucking mush, and your will has been castrated.

There were hundreds of witnesses mainly firefighters and first responders, saying they heard explosions, some before the planes even hit, The list goes on and on. People and whistle blowers have come forward, were/are threatened, died mysteriously and minimized by the media and made to appear as insignificant. These brave men and women have been trashed by the protectors of the lies and by you, because they are telling you something that doesn't fit your absurd version,
they are telling you the truth, but the truth is too terrifying for your weak minds to even contemplate, let alone process or handle. But the truth has come out in many instances.
Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman come to mind. The 9-11 commission, the non existent WMD's phoney, fabricated intell etc...

Who controls the media, and the Federal courts? Ever ponder where you get your information, and who controls the flow of information?
And you expect to be handed the perps who "wired the buildings"? Goes to show how much you really know about your nation and reality.

You trivialize, minimize and make fun of those have come forward and who attempt to tell you, but because the ones that are in control and who decide who should be heard, what is admitted or what is relevant are part of, and connected to keeping you and the American people from information, and are protecting the cover up, they are not heard, and don't stand a chance.
If you personally are too afraid to come to grips with the lies and the attacks of 9-11, the details of the 'collapses" etc.. from the comfort of your own home and in your own mind, imagine how terrified the people who actually do come forward and say something about what they know to the media, in press conferences or bring their grievances to a Federal court.

The 9-11 commission and official 9-11 story tellers were led by Philip Zelikow, who describes himself as an expert in the “creation and maintenance of public myths.” He defines “public myth” as a “public presumption” about history that may or may not be true, but which nevertheless exerts a powerful influence on public opinion, and through that influence affects history.

His 9-11 panel has discredited his report and gone public in saying so. That's pretty brave to do. Someone pushing back.. Why do you think they did that?

It is well documented that the Bush and Clinton administrations have been shown to be liars and complicit in the cover up and most likely facilitated rather then deter the attacks by their actions, by putting people in positions of power and authority whose loyalty sides with the nation that benefited the most from the 9-11 attacks on America.

The US has been infiltrated by various means by a criminal element that has operated in American politics for decades, and as long as stupid ignorant people who call themselves Americans, continue to be lazy and refuse to take notice to what has happened and still is happening to their nation and their society it will continue to deteriorate until there is nothing left of this once proud nation and the hope and dreams she stood for. Even the monetary system is a huge ponzi scheme, and rigged to keep America and its people in perpetual debt, and all you stooges can talk and bicker about is the trivial BS that keeps you from the bigger more significant picture that really effects us all.

You keep on being mesmerized by planes and fires and unproven hypothetical, absurd "guesses" while the nation you claim to defend is stolen from you and your children.
The history, FOID documents, whistle blowers, and all manner of proof and evidence is available for anyone who cares to research it, but it's lazy, ignorant people like you that are too terrified to even look at it and are the ones they depend on that allows them to proceed.
The OCT is a lie, and none of you that protect it have ever managed to prove its validity
while we have shown the vast instances of proof it should be doubted. You have planes and fires and the trust of proven liars, hardly anything substantial..
Stupid fucking gumps.

This is so full of out right lies and falsehoods that I won't even start all over with debunking it. it has all been done and you haven't learned a damned thing. It must really be terrible to live in such fear. I truly pity you.

I challenge you to point out any lies within my post, and challenge you to direct where it has been debunked.
BTW, I don't live in fear like you do. I am just more aware of the history and the deceptions then you are, or are willing to admit. Having fear would be akin to not bringing things like this to your attention and staying quiet, like you do.
You wont even begin to discuss any real facts that are pointed out to you, when your allegations are themselves debunked, and rebutted.
You instead wave off any need to do so by claiming someone else has done it for you already.
Why do you even bother posting in a "conspiracy" forum when you get your ass kicked in all the time and look like a fool?

Oh please, I've been debunking your shit for years.........Yours and all the socks on here.....
And once again the coward wildcard/911insidejoke/God knows who has decided to neg me a whole 13 points and attack my honorable Service to this great country. And yes coward He/she/it must be as they will not accept a rebuttal PM. Which is fine because that gives me the right to talk to them on the board in the open.

You are a fucking moron.............
That is all, carry on.........
You also have about 6 aliases or was that just on another board. Not only has your content delivered you to the looney bin of the world, your behavior is so very suspect as well.

Grow the hell up loser

Oh the Irony.:lol::lol:

coming from Obamameica, a dude who strips on POLES for other dudes.:lmao:

and Creative Dreams is the loser?:lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Cd isnt the one that is going to suffer extreme health problems in the future for participating in this coverup.:lol::lol: The POLE stripper though will join the ranks of these guys Bush Sr,Clinton,and Bush jr who are ALREADY suffering from health problems for their treasonous acts orchestrating these events against the american people.

they are miserable right now health wise for these acts,and this POLE stripper dude is going to join them in the future and start suffering with them as well and find out the money the government pays him,this zionist shill, wont buy him happiness like he ignorantly thinks it is doing for him now.I just wish I could be there that day when he starts suffering from his karma he is bringing on himself.
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So what? That alone doesn't even begin to explain the 'collapses' of the towers and the intricacies of the physics and science and properties of steel. You are easily duped by planes and fireballs and conclude that is what happened, end of story, and you're wrong. There's a lot more to it then the fire show that mesmerized you.

The calls are seriously placed in the doubtful category, as the FBI has discredited them in other judicial proceedings as to how many and their duration. Besides it has not been proven that the signals were capable of connecting, or capable of being sustained with cell towers flying at the high speeds, and the altitudes they are alleged to have been made at.
The perpetrators of the official conspiracy theory have not proved beyond a doubt that these calls were capable of being made, for the durations they said to have lasted, and even the FBI has crippled those allegations.
All you think you know is coming from sources that have been proven to be liars, and whose story has serious fatal flaws in it. You are stuck believing what they tell you, even though the facts that discredit their story have been made available for some time now.

Everything about their narrative, before, during, and after the 9-11 attacks has been scrutinized, and facts have been uncovered that places great doubt, and in some cases, proven to be impossible to have happened the way they "guessed" that it did. They count on the majority of Americans not having the will, or the intelligence to really take a closer look at the 9-11 attacks, because people like you are too stupid and lazy to do so.

Researching the 9-11 attacks and their significance and objectives behind such an attack is a daunting task to be sure, but there is too much at stake to just believe the absurdities they need you to believe.

Planes hitting the buildings with less then skilled hijackers who miraculously circumvented American defenses.
The list of the alleged 19 men was conveniently found in a parked car. Passports miraculously being found after passing through the fire and heat that supposedly caused the demise of the buildings...
Witnesses tell of these supposed devout religious fanatics, drinking, using drugs and porn.
One was supposedly able to speak German, but when confronted could not speak it.
Many were claimed to be still alive, with reports of stolen ID's and passports.

Not one of those 19 men was a passenger. Not even one had a ticket. Not even one had a boarding pass. Not one had the piloting skills required to fly with the precision the planes were flown with, but they planned did this attack on the same day terror drills were taking place and confused the FAA and NORAD.
Your only reason to believe this story is true, is your faith in proven liars, nothing more.

Within minutes of the attacks, the story tellers who were charged with molding your minds, went on the airwaves to proclaim that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were the masterminds who did all of it...And for what? Because Americans were hated for their freedumbs..So your government severely trashed those freedoms all the while ordering you to obstain from what they deemed as "conspiracy" theories..In essence they told you not to think, and only the conspiracy of the state should be considered as the truth.

Even though they are lies, and liars, and Bush made fun of the non existent WMD's at a press function, while your comrades and our loved ones were being blown to bits because of the wars on "terror" that were fabricated by phoney intelligence, torture and 'guesses".
The attack on the Pentagon, the center of America's defenses happened to take place the day after announcing trillions were missing from the Pentagon, and happened to have struck, destroyed and killed employees and sections of the building that would have dealt with this and possibly uncovered the source of the missing funds.

Same with the WTC and the companies of the financial institutions within them that were involved in investigations of fraud and scandal. Silence assured by being blown to bits, and replaced with the phoney "war on terror" instead.

Funny how the "Harley Guy" knew exactly why the towers came down....He planted the seed in many minds of the unprovable lies.
He claimed he saw the plane....
"...come out of nowhere and just ream right into the side of the twin tower, exploding through the other side...and then I
witnessed both towers collapse, one first then the second. Mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense."

This man was nothing more then a planted shill mouthing a script. Hell why pay NIST all that money when this scumbag "knew" what happened within minutes...

The attacks occurred after the PNAC writers who are all supporters and loyal to the state of Israel, called for another Pearl Harbor to garner the support needed to achieve certain military goals in the middle east, that were designed to benefit Israel first and foremost.

FBI agents that tried to warn of the attacks were met with threats. Investigations were sidetracked by personnel that answered to both Bush and Clinton.

Israeli Mossad agents being picked up in vans with explosives, some were jubilantly celebrating the attacks, and whose leader Nutyyyahoo claimed was "good for Israel".
Interestingly, the cabinets of the American administrations for decades have been well stocked with Israeli loyalists, and no candidate can proceed to obtain office without Israel's approval.
You idiots don't have a problem with a foreign entity controlling your leaders and elections.

Massive hi rises outwardly exploding, in much faster time then would be physically possible due to jet fuel fires that NYC firefighters were recorded as saying could have been brought under control. Steel seemingly evaporating into thin air as seen on many videos, and not so much as a cause of concern or amazement to some of you. You are still stuck with the planes and fireballs, and end of story for you, as your minds are fucking mush, and your will has been castrated.

There were hundreds of witnesses mainly firefighters and first responders, saying they heard explosions, some before the planes even hit, The list goes on and on. People and whistle blowers have come forward, were/are threatened, died mysteriously and minimized by the media and made to appear as insignificant. These brave men and women have been trashed by the protectors of the lies and by you, because they are telling you something that doesn't fit your absurd version,
they are telling you the truth, but the truth is too terrifying for your weak minds to even contemplate, let alone process or handle. But the truth has come out in many instances.
Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman come to mind. The 9-11 commission, the non existent WMD's phoney, fabricated intell etc...

Who controls the media, and the Federal courts? Ever ponder where you get your information, and who controls the flow of information?
And you expect to be handed the perps who "wired the buildings"? Goes to show how much you really know about your nation and reality.

You trivialize, minimize and make fun of those have come forward and who attempt to tell you, but because the ones that are in control and who decide who should be heard, what is admitted or what is relevant are part of, and connected to keeping you and the American people from information, and are protecting the cover up, they are not heard, and don't stand a chance.
If you personally are too afraid to come to grips with the lies and the attacks of 9-11, the details of the 'collapses" etc.. from the comfort of your own home and in your own mind, imagine how terrified the people who actually do come forward and say something about what they know to the media, in press conferences or bring their grievances to a Federal court.

The 9-11 commission and official 9-11 story tellers were led by Philip Zelikow, who describes himself as an expert in the “creation and maintenance of public myths.” He defines “public myth” as a “public presumption” about history that may or may not be true, but which nevertheless exerts a powerful influence on public opinion, and through that influence affects history.

His 9-11 panel has discredited his report and gone public in saying so. That's pretty brave to do. Someone pushing back.. Why do you think they did that?

It is well documented that the Bush and Clinton administrations have been shown to be liars and complicit in the cover up and most likely facilitated rather then deter the attacks by their actions, by putting people in positions of power and authority whose loyalty sides with the nation that benefited the most from the 9-11 attacks on America.

The US has been infiltrated by various means by a criminal element that has operated in American politics for decades, and as long as stupid ignorant people who call themselves Americans, continue to be lazy and refuse to take notice to what has happened and still is happening to their nation and their society it will continue to deteriorate until there is nothing left of this once proud nation and the hope and dreams she stood for. Even the monetary system is a huge ponzi scheme, and rigged to keep America and its people in perpetual debt, and all you stooges can talk and bicker about is the trivial BS that keeps you from the bigger more significant picture that really effects us all.

You keep on being mesmerized by planes and fires and unproven hypothetical, absurd "guesses" while the nation you claim to defend is stolen from you and your children.
The history, FOID documents, whistle blowers, and all manner of proof and evidence is available for anyone who cares to research it, but it's lazy, ignorant people like you that are too terrified to even look at it and are the ones they depend on that allows them to proceed.
The OCT is a lie, and none of you that protect it have ever managed to prove its validity
while we have shown the vast instances of proof it should be doubted. You have planes and fires and the trust of proven liars, hardly anything substantial..
Stupid fucking gumps.

This is so full of out right lies and falsehoods that I won't even start all over with debunking it. it has all been done and you haven't learned a damned thing. It must really be terrible to live in such fear. I truly pity you.

I challenge you to point out any lies within my post, and challenge you to direct where it has been debunked.
BTW, I don't live in fear like you do. I am just more aware of the history and the deceptions then you are, or are willing to admit. Having fear would be akin to not bringing things like this to your attention and staying quiet, like you do.
You wont even begin to discuss any real facts that are pointed out to you, when your allegations are themselves debunked, and rebutted.
You instead wave off any need to do so by claiming someone else has done it for you already.
Why do you even bother posting in a "conspiracy" forum when you get your ass kicked in all the time and look like a fool?

you DO realise you are dealing with a lying paid troll who always CLAIMS a video has been debunked and yet in all his years he has been here he has NEVER even once tried to debunk one dont you?:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

everyone that comes on here sees right through the lies of this lying troll.You hit the nail right on the head.He alwasy CLAIMS someone else already has debunked it and he then evades the topic and changes the subject to something else when he is cornered and challenged to prove it.what a troll.:lol: oh and you do realise Gomer is a paid shill as well just like the guy you mentioned as a paid shill reading that script right?
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Except that we saw the planes
So what? That alone doesn't even begin to explain the 'collapses' of the towers and the intricacies of the physics and science and properties of steel. You are easily duped by planes and fireballs and conclude that is what happened, end of story, and you're wrong. There's a lot more to it then the fire show that mesmerized you.

and we have the witnesses who called people from those planes. Of course we know you Think Those calls were faked...
The calls are seriously placed in the doubtful category, as the FBI has discredited them in other judicial proceedings as to how many and their duration. Besides it has not been proven that the signals were capable of connecting, or capable of being sustained with cell towers flying at the high speeds, and the altitudes they are alleged to have been made at.
You cannot even disprove that simple statement of fact. All you got is "that's not true"...

Try again child.........
The perpetrators of the official conspiracy theory have not proved beyond a doubt that these calls were capable of being made, for the durations they said to have lasted, and even the FBI has crippled those allegations.
All you think you know is coming from sources that have been proven to be liars, and whose story has serious fatal flaws in it. You are stuck believing what they tell you, even though the facts that discredit their story have been made available for some time now.

Everything about their narrative, before, during, and after the 9-11 attacks has been scrutinized, and facts have been uncovered that places great doubt, and in some cases, proven to be impossible to have happened the way they "guessed" that it did. They count on the majority of Americans not having the will, or the intelligence to really take a closer look at the 9-11 attacks, because people like you are too stupid and lazy to do so.

Researching the 9-11 attacks and their significance and objectives behind such an attack is a daunting task to be sure, but there is too much at stake to just believe the absurdities they need you to believe.

Planes hitting the buildings with less then skilled hijackers who miraculously circumvented American defenses.
The list of the alleged 19 men was conveniently found in a parked car. Passports miraculously being found after passing through the fire and heat that supposedly caused the demise of the buildings...
Witnesses tell of these supposed devout religious fanatics, drinking, using drugs and porn.
One was supposedly able to speak German, but when confronted could not speak it.
Many were claimed to be still alive, with reports of stolen ID's and passports.

Not one of those 19 men was a passenger. Not even one had a ticket. Not even one had a boarding pass. Not one had the piloting skills required to fly with the precision the planes were flown with, but they planned did this attack on the same day terror drills were taking place and confused the FAA and NORAD.
Your only reason to believe this story is true, is your faith in proven liars, nothing more.

Within minutes of the attacks, the story tellers who were charged with molding your minds, went on the airwaves to proclaim that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were the masterminds who did all of it...And for what? Because Americans were hated for their freedumbs..So your government severely trashed those freedoms all the while ordering you to obstain from what they deemed as "conspiracy" theories..In essence they told you not to think, and only the conspiracy of the state should be considered as the truth.

Even though they are lies, and liars, and Bush made fun of the non existent WMD's at a press function, while your comrades and our loved ones were being blown to bits because of the wars on "terror" that were fabricated by phoney intelligence, torture and 'guesses".
The attack on the Pentagon, the center of America's defenses happened to take place the day after announcing trillions were missing from the Pentagon, and happened to have struck, destroyed and killed employees and sections of the building that would have dealt with this and possibly uncovered the source of the missing funds.

Same with the WTC and the companies of the financial institutions within them that were involved in investigations of fraud and scandal. Silence assured by being blown to bits, and replaced with the phoney "war on terror" instead.

Funny how the "Harley Guy" knew exactly why the towers came down....He planted the seed in many minds of the unprovable lies.
He claimed he saw the plane....
"...come out of nowhere and just ream right into the side of the twin tower, exploding through the other side...and then I
witnessed both towers collapse, one first then the second. Mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense."

This man was nothing more then a planted shill mouthing a script. Hell why pay NIST all that money when this scumbag "knew" what happened within minutes...

The attacks occurred after the PNAC writers who are all supporters and loyal to the state of Israel, called for another Pearl Harbor to garner the support needed to achieve certain military goals in the middle east, that were designed to benefit Israel first and foremost.

FBI agents that tried to warn of the attacks were met with threats. Investigations were sidetracked by personnel that answered to both Bush and Clinton.

Israeli Mossad agents being picked up in vans with explosives, some were jubilantly celebrating the attacks, and whose leader Nutyyyahoo claimed was "good for Israel".
Interestingly, the cabinets of the American administrations for decades have been well stocked with Israeli loyalists, and no candidate can proceed to obtain office without Israel's approval.
You idiots don't have a problem with a foreign entity controlling your leaders and elections.

Massive hi rises outwardly exploding, in much faster time then would be physically possible due to jet fuel fires that NYC firefighters were recorded as saying could have been brought under control. Steel seemingly evaporating into thin air as seen on many videos, and not so much as a cause of concern or amazement to some of you. You are still stuck with the planes and fireballs, and end of story for you, as your minds are fucking mush, and your will has been castrated.

There were hundreds of witnesses mainly firefighters and first responders, saying they heard explosions, some before the planes even hit, The list goes on and on. People and whistle blowers have come forward, were/are threatened, died mysteriously and minimized by the media and made to appear as insignificant. These brave men and women have been trashed by the protectors of the lies and by you, because they are telling you something that doesn't fit your absurd version,
they are telling you the truth, but the truth is too terrifying for your weak minds to even contemplate, let alone process or handle. But the truth has come out in many instances.
Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman come to mind. The 9-11 commission, the non existent WMD's phoney, fabricated intell etc...

Who controls the media, and the Federal courts? Ever ponder where you get your information, and who controls the flow of information?
And you expect to be handed the perps who "wired the buildings"? Goes to show how much you really know about your nation and reality.

You trivialize, minimize and make fun of those have come forward and who attempt to tell you, but because the ones that are in control and who decide who should be heard, what is admitted or what is relevant are part of, and connected to keeping you and the American people from information, and are protecting the cover up, they are not heard, and don't stand a chance.
If you personally are too afraid to come to grips with the lies and the attacks of 9-11, the details of the 'collapses" etc.. from the comfort of your own home and in your own mind, imagine how terrified the people who actually do come forward and say something about what they know to the media, in press conferences or bring their grievances to a Federal court.

The 9-11 commission and official 9-11 story tellers were led by Philip Zelikow, who describes himself as an expert in the “creation and maintenance of public myths.” He defines “public myth” as a “public presumption” about history that may or may not be true, but which nevertheless exerts a powerful influence on public opinion, and through that influence affects history.

His 9-11 panel has discredited his report and gone public in saying so. That's pretty brave to do. Someone pushing back.. Why do you think they did that?

It is well documented that the Bush and Clinton administrations have been shown to be liars and complicit in the cover up and most likely facilitated rather then deter the attacks by their actions, by putting people in positions of power and authority whose loyalty sides with the nation that benefited the most from the 9-11 attacks on America.

The US has been infiltrated by various means by a criminal element that has operated in American politics for decades, and as long as stupid ignorant people who call themselves Americans, continue to be lazy and refuse to take notice to what has happened and still is happening to their nation and their society it will continue to deteriorate until there is nothing left of this once proud nation and the hope and dreams she stood for. Even the monetary system is a huge ponzi scheme, and rigged to keep America and its people in perpetual debt, and all you stooges can talk and bicker about is the trivial BS that keeps you from the bigger more significant picture that really effects us all.

You keep on being mesmerized by planes and fires and unproven hypothetical, absurd "guesses" while the nation you claim to defend is stolen from you and your children.
The history, FOID documents, whistle blowers, and all manner of proof and evidence is available for anyone who cares to research it, but it's lazy, ignorant people like you that are too terrified to even look at it and are the ones they depend on that allows them to proceed.
The OCT is a lie, and none of you that protect it have ever managed to prove its validity
while we have shown the vast instances of proof it should be doubted. You have planes and fires and the trust of proven liars, hardly anything substantial..
Stupid fucking gumps.


Gomer needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a stupid child in the fact HE is the one ignoring the fact that he too much of an immature fuck not to admit he is lying and gets his ass constantly handed to him on a platter here everyday constantly.Jones OWNED him in this debate.He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:D:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Gomers handlers I guarantee,are scratching their heads trying to think up some clever lies to try and get around this excellent post of irrefutable facts and evidence of Jones.:lol:
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You fools cannot own the truth........

You dismiss over one hundred eyewitness at the pentagon yet hang your entire WTC7 theory on the statement of one witness of whom the person with him tells a different story.

None of you has ever handed me my ass. You simply are to stupid to admit it.

But do keep trying the entertainment level is great........

You should see if you could do this for a living.....

But then again, don't give up your day job.........
You fools cannot own the truth........

You dismiss over one hundred eyewitness at the pentagon yet hang your entire WTC7 theory on the statement of one witness of whom the person with him tells a different story.

None of you has ever handed me my ass. You simply are to stupid to admit it.

But do keep trying the entertainment level is great........

You should see if you could do this for a living.....

But then again, don't give up your day job.........


Go ahead, tell them everything you know about 9/11. It'll only take 10 seconds. :lmao:

You are one dumb son-of-a-bitch!
Except that we saw the planes
So what? That alone doesn't even begin to explain the 'collapses' of the towers and the intricacies of the physics and science and properties of steel. You are easily duped by planes and fireballs and conclude that is what happened, end of story, and you're wrong. There's a lot more to it then the fire show that mesmerized you.

The calls are seriously placed in the doubtful category, as the FBI has discredited them in other judicial proceedings as to how many and their duration. Besides it has not been proven that the signals were capable of connecting, or capable of being sustained with cell towers flying at the high speeds, and the altitudes they are alleged to have been made at.
You cannot even disprove that simple statement of fact. All you got is "that's not true"...

Try again child.........
The perpetrators of the official conspiracy theory have not proved beyond a doubt that these calls were capable of being made, for the durations they said to have lasted, and even the FBI has crippled those allegations.
All you think you know is coming from sources that have been proven to be liars, and whose story has serious fatal flaws in it. You are stuck believing what they tell you, even though the facts that discredit their story have been made available for some time now.

Everything about their narrative, before, during, and after the 9-11 attacks has been scrutinized, and facts have been uncovered that places great doubt, and in some cases, proven to be impossible to have happened the way they "guessed" that it did. They count on the majority of Americans not having the will, or the intelligence to really take a closer look at the 9-11 attacks, because people like you are too stupid and lazy to do so.

Researching the 9-11 attacks and their significance and objectives behind such an attack is a daunting task to be sure, but there is too much at stake to just believe the absurdities they need you to believe.

Planes hitting the buildings with less then skilled hijackers who miraculously circumvented American defenses.
The list of the alleged 19 men was conveniently found in a parked car. Passports miraculously being found after passing through the fire and heat that supposedly caused the demise of the buildings...
Witnesses tell of these supposed devout religious fanatics, drinking, using drugs and porn.
One was supposedly able to speak German, but when confronted could not speak it.
Many were claimed to be still alive, with reports of stolen ID's and passports.

Not one of those 19 men was a passenger. Not even one had a ticket. Not even one had a boarding pass. Not one had the piloting skills required to fly with the precision the planes were flown with, but they planned did this attack on the same day terror drills were taking place and confused the FAA and NORAD.
Your only reason to believe this story is true, is your faith in proven liars, nothing more.

Within minutes of the attacks, the story tellers who were charged with molding your minds, went on the airwaves to proclaim that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were the masterminds who did all of it...And for what? Because Americans were hated for their freedumbs..So your government severely trashed those freedoms all the while ordering you to obstain from what they deemed as "conspiracy" theories..In essence they told you not to think, and only the conspiracy of the state should be considered as the truth.

Even though they are lies, and liars, and Bush made fun of the non existent WMD's at a press function, while your comrades and our loved ones were being blown to bits because of the wars on "terror" that were fabricated by phoney intelligence, torture and 'guesses".
The attack on the Pentagon, the center of America's defenses happened to take place the day after announcing trillions were missing from the Pentagon, and happened to have struck, destroyed and killed employees and sections of the building that would have dealt with this and possibly uncovered the source of the missing funds.

Same with the WTC and the companies of the financial institutions within them that were involved in investigations of fraud and scandal. Silence assured by being blown to bits, and replaced with the phoney "war on terror" instead.

Funny how the "Harley Guy" knew exactly why the towers came down....He planted the seed in many minds of the unprovable lies.
He claimed he saw the plane....
"...come out of nowhere and just ream right into the side of the twin tower, exploding through the other side...and then I
witnessed both towers collapse, one first then the second. Mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense."

This man was nothing more then a planted shill mouthing a script. Hell why pay NIST all that money when this scumbag "knew" what happened within minutes...

The attacks occurred after the PNAC writers who are all supporters and loyal to the state of Israel, called for another Pearl Harbor to garner the support needed to achieve certain military goals in the middle east, that were designed to benefit Israel first and foremost.

FBI agents that tried to warn of the attacks were met with threats. Investigations were sidetracked by personnel that answered to both Bush and Clinton.

Israeli Mossad agents being picked up in vans with explosives, some were jubilantly celebrating the attacks, and whose leader Nutyyyahoo claimed was "good for Israel".
Interestingly, the cabinets of the American administrations for decades have been well stocked with Israeli loyalists, and no candidate can proceed to obtain office without Israel's approval.
You idiots don't have a problem with a foreign entity controlling your leaders and elections.

Massive hi rises outwardly exploding, in much faster time then would be physically possible due to jet fuel fires that NYC firefighters were recorded as saying could have been brought under control. Steel seemingly evaporating into thin air as seen on many videos, and not so much as a cause of concern or amazement to some of you. You are still stuck with the planes and fireballs, and end of story for you, as your minds are fucking mush, and your will has been castrated.

There were hundreds of witnesses mainly firefighters and first responders, saying they heard explosions, some before the planes even hit, The list goes on and on. People and whistle blowers have come forward, were/are threatened, died mysteriously and minimized by the media and made to appear as insignificant. These brave men and women have been trashed by the protectors of the lies and by you, because they are telling you something that doesn't fit your absurd version,
they are telling you the truth, but the truth is too terrifying for your weak minds to even contemplate, let alone process or handle. But the truth has come out in many instances.
Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman come to mind. The 9-11 commission, the non existent WMD's phoney, fabricated intell etc...

Who controls the media, and the Federal courts? Ever ponder where you get your information, and who controls the flow of information?
And you expect to be handed the perps who "wired the buildings"? Goes to show how much you really know about your nation and reality.

You trivialize, minimize and make fun of those have come forward and who attempt to tell you, but because the ones that are in control and who decide who should be heard, what is admitted or what is relevant are part of, and connected to keeping you and the American people from information, and are protecting the cover up, they are not heard, and don't stand a chance.
If you personally are too afraid to come to grips with the lies and the attacks of 9-11, the details of the 'collapses" etc.. from the comfort of your own home and in your own mind, imagine how terrified the people who actually do come forward and say something about what they know to the media, in press conferences or bring their grievances to a Federal court.

The 9-11 commission and official 9-11 story tellers were led by Philip Zelikow, who describes himself as an expert in the “creation and maintenance of public myths.” He defines “public myth” as a “public presumption” about history that may or may not be true, but which nevertheless exerts a powerful influence on public opinion, and through that influence affects history.

His 9-11 panel has discredited his report and gone public in saying so. That's pretty brave to do. Someone pushing back.. Why do you think they did that?

It is well documented that the Bush and Clinton administrations have been shown to be liars and complicit in the cover up and most likely facilitated rather then deter the attacks by their actions, by putting people in positions of power and authority whose loyalty sides with the nation that benefited the most from the 9-11 attacks on America.

The US has been infiltrated by various means by a criminal element that has operated in American politics for decades, and as long as stupid ignorant people who call themselves Americans, continue to be lazy and refuse to take notice to what has happened and still is happening to their nation and their society it will continue to deteriorate until there is nothing left of this once proud nation and the hope and dreams she stood for. Even the monetary system is a huge ponzi scheme, and rigged to keep America and its people in perpetual debt, and all you stooges can talk and bicker about is the trivial BS that keeps you from the bigger more significant picture that really effects us all.

You keep on being mesmerized by planes and fires and unproven hypothetical, absurd "guesses" while the nation you claim to defend is stolen from you and your children.
The history, FOID documents, whistle blowers, and all manner of proof and evidence is available for anyone who cares to research it, but it's lazy, ignorant people like you that are too terrified to even look at it and are the ones they depend on that allows them to proceed.
The OCT is a lie, and none of you that protect it have ever managed to prove its validity
while we have shown the vast instances of proof it should be doubted. You have planes and fires and the trust of proven liars, hardly anything substantial..
Stupid fucking gumps.


Gomer needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a stupid child in the fact HE is the one ignoring the fact that he too much of an immature fuck not to admit he is lying and gets his ass constantly handed to him on a platter here everyday constantly.Jones OWNED him in this debate.He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:D:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Gomers handlers I guarantee,are scratching their heads trying to think up some clever lies to try and get around this excellent post of irrefutable facts and evidence of Jones.:lol:

And widcard or 911nutjob just negged me a whole 13 points..... Gee it hurts so bad...LOL

And of course as most of these asshole cowards the kid has his/her/it's, pm's turned off so I get to respond in public.
This is what I would have said in PM:

Fuck off dipshit, you haven't proved one fucking thing yet, All you do is talk shit and claim things are wrong without disproving them. Keep it up, you're so good at it....Whose sock are you again?

And bring on some more opinion so we can use fact to destroy it.......

Carry on...........

[ame=]You are one pathetic loser. - YouTube[/ame]
You fools cannot own the truth........

You dismiss over one hundred eyewitness at the pentagon yet hang your entire WTC7 theory on the statement of one witness of whom the person with him tells a different story.

None of you has ever handed me my ass. You simply are to stupid to admit it.

But do keep trying the entertainment level is great........

You should see if you could do this for a living.....

But then again, don't give up your day job.........


Go ahead, tell them everything you know about 9/11. It'll only take 10 seconds. :lmao:

You are one dumb son-of-a-bitch!

And you are one stupid fuck......

Feel better now?

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