This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

No offense but you must have an I.Q. barely above 65pts....which is just high enough to avoid to be a legally dumbfuck.....

Yet I trained the troops who are now training those who keep your freedom to be a dumb fuck.. Carry on.....

What a fucking joke...You believe in shit that has been proven to be false, but have the nerve to say that what you believe in can be verified by facts,
like the 9-11 fairytale? You never once have been able to legitimize your beliefs that the 9-11 attacks happened the way they did according to the state.
There is more evidence that disproves the legitimacy of the OCT with Osama Bin Laden and 19 hijackers, the demise of the WTC buildings and many other aspects of 9-11, then there is to solidify the narrative as has been told to you. You mentioned that you were neg repped, which goes to show that you care about what others think of you, you follow the herd, toe the official party and state line, despite what you claim to be loyal duty
to your country, you are loyal only to the criminals that have hijacked it, and loyal to the lies they spew, and nothing more.

Nobody's freedom is at risk by any outside forces, Muslim extremists, etc..Except perhaps the state of Israel...
It has been said that the 9-11 attacks were done to the US because "they hate us for our freedoms" but ever since that event the only people taking away our freedoms is our own government.
"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended." ~ George W. Bush, September 11, 2001
The only freedom that has been defended, is the freedom of the state to terrorize and loot its own people.

The enemy against us is mainly domestic with global ties. The US government has been overthrown by self serving factions whose interests and loyalties are to the bankers and corporations that benefit from oil, energy, illegal (and legal ) drugs, money laundering and defense (offense actually) and the police state apparatus and war.
They also serve themselves and their interests, with the help of unfortunate dupes like you, to protect the failing dollar (petrol dollar) by invading sovereign nations who are enemies of Israel.
Most of these criminals and terrorists loyalty is also to Israel, not the US.

If soldiers and Veterans had truly defended the US from an actual invasion of our nation, and our freedoms,we would not be at endless war with Israel's enemies, we would be engaged in peaceful trade throughout the world with our friends and allies and there would be no threat to the American people.
I am not surprise idiots like yourself are recruited and used for their purposes, you seem to fit the mold most perfectly, while others who initially thought they were serving this country and later discovered they were lied to, and used under false pretenses, and then abused by the VA, have had the balls to speak out and stand by the nations people and the Constitution.
The American military can at least take heart in knowing they were not the only ones to be lied to and duped, the brainwashed American public is guilty of dereliction of their own duties as citizens.

-U.S. troops are engaged in unconstitutional, undeclared wars – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. drone strikes killed civilians in Pakistan – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. bombs landed on a wedding party in Afghanistan – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. soldiers murdered Afghan civilians and kept some of their body parts – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. helicopter pilots gunned down Iraqi civilians – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. soldiers killed civilians for sport – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. troops carelessly killed civilians and then covered it up – but the troops are defending our freedoms.

In fact, the more the troops defend our freedoms by bombing, invading, and occupying other countries, and supporting Israel at any costs, the more enemies they make of the United States and the more our freedoms get taken away in the name of "fighting terrorism" or "national security."

How about defending these freedoms?
The freedom to not be stopped at a checkpoint and have one’s car searched without a warrant.
The freedom to be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.
The freedom to not be subject to the Patriot Act.
The freedom to fly without being sexually violated.
The freedom to gamble without government approval.
The freedom to deposit more than $10,000 in a bank account without government scrutiny.
The freedom to fill in a "wetland" on one’s own property.
The freedom to cut someone’s hair for money without a license.
The freedom to home-brew over 100 gallons of beer per year.
The freedom to smoke Cuban cigars.
The freedom to not wear a seatbelt.
The freedom to keep the fruits of one’s labor.
The freedom of an employer and an employee to negotiate for any wage.
The freedom to videotape the police in public.
The freedom of businesses to hire and fire whomever they choose.
The freedom to not be brutalized by the police.
The freedom to not be arrested for victimless crimes.
The freedom to sell raw milk.
The freedom to not have one’s child subject to unnecessary vaccinations.
The freedom to not have one’s child unjustly taken by Child Protective Services.
The freedom for kids to set up neighborhood lemonade stands.
The freedom to not have our e-mail and phone conversations monitored.
The freedom to travel to and trade with any country.
The freedom to be left alone.
The freedom to protest the monetary system without being brutalized by police state thugs

Certainly there are hundreds of things that could be added. We no longer live in a free country. We are increasingly living in a police state, a warfare state, and a national security state. Our freedom is not absolute. The only reason the United States is still considered "the land of the free and the home of the brave" is because we are relatively free, with the degree of freedom varying depending on which country America is compared to.

I conclude with three brief thoughts. One, I want the military to defend our freedoms. But fighting foreign wars only reduces our freedoms. After all, it is still true that war is the health of the state. Two, if the military is going to defend our freedoms, then we need freedoms to defend. Our freedoms must be restored before the military can defend them. And three, the greatest threat to our freedoms is the U.S. government, not the governments of China, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, or Iran.

Freedoms I Wish the Military Were Defending by Laurence M. Vance

Exactly why us American's and our country is becoming the least trusted and most hated country in the I predicted it was heading for years ago....but jarheads with low I.Q.'s are brainwashed and not perceptive enough to see the direction things are heading....mostly through manipulated, sway the emotions of the masses events...

Tell us our freedoms are being attacked by some enemy in caves and then pick freedom out of our pockets while our attention is turned...
I'm curious, why do you refer to a 757 as a Jumbo jet? A 757 isn't even considered a wide body much less a Jumbo jet. The photo you display is the new 747-800 main gear, an aircraft that is referred to as a Jumbo jet..........huge difference between a 757-200 and a 747-800.

His little fable would completely fall apart if he posted a real 757 main gear picture.


And look at the 2 "Jumbo Jets" together...


... yep, definitely the same thing. :rofl:

1 tire out of ten show up as evidence....couple small scraps of aluminum out of what should have been tons show up as seats what so ever etc...

precisely. Also whats trolls Gomer Ollie,Moron In the Hat and Candyass always ignore is that the spokesperson for that Boeing airliner came out and said originally was that the debris they showed at the pentagon did not consist of that of a Boeing 757 and according to the governments version the reason there were no bodies,no luggage,tail section,seats,nose section,wings or anything was it VAPORIZED.yet even though all that allegedly vaporized,they were still able to identify the bodies by the DNA that was allegedly found.:lol::lol: Those trolls can claim that will work in a stephen king novel but sorry,that wont work in the REAL world.reality is something those trolls ignore though.:lmao: they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:lol: and are left doing sprouting off all this in defeat.:bsflag:
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That Boeing airliner had it's own spokesperson?

Who knew?? :dunno:

Now 9/11insidewildcardjob will post that someone "farted in here", or something to that effect. It's too bad Paid Troll Dickie Gage won't pay him for it.
You are free to find another country where you might feel more free.........
Would I rather live somewhere else? No, I wouldn’t, but that is a ridiculous question. First of all, if the typical German, Italian, Swede, Korean, Australian, or Spaniard were asked if he would rather live somewhere else you would probably get the same answer. And second, although a prisoner would rather live in a clean prison than a dirty prison and a safe prison rather than a violent prison, he would prefer to not be a prisoner in the first place.

And no you have not proven that the 911 Commissions report was wrong on the main points,
I don't have to you idiot, the panelists themselves have placed doubt in their own body of work, but then it takes someone with a minimal amount of brain activity and some objectivity and a real love for their country and the Constitution to
to look at and decipher what they are saying. Your arguing about the "main points" is laughable and pathetic, what are those again? The date on the calender, the targets? :lol:

And no you have not proved that there were any type of bombs planted in the buildings.
Don't have to prove "bombs" were planted. There is enough evidence to show that something else had to help all the mass move out of the way to allow such rapid descents, this can be concluded by the physics involved, or in the case of the 9-11 buildings, the physics that were NOT involved.

And yes you are a paranoid fool....
It's not about being paranoid you fucking idiot, it's about caring enough to be aware of the facts other then the stated ones by the state that do not add up and make sense. Beside it is you fucking Islamic Jihadists conspiracy theorists that are the paranoid fucks. What is the terrorists alert colors today Oliie? You fucks are a joke.

If i was that afraid of my Government i'd have left decades ago.......
Not afraid asshole, like I said before, AWARE. But they have actually made YOU afraid, and paranoid, and they have psyoped your foolish ass into thinking the events of 9-11 happened the way they said they did, all the while making you believe the Osama Bin Laden and Jihadists are the lone culprits and did this all by themselves, even though the US made them out to be "freedom fighters" and sided with them
in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and other times and places.

All those Muslim extremists that were arrested on 9-11 in vans with explosives on or near one of the bridges in NY....Oh wait they weren't Muslims after all....they were Israeli's that were let go by the guys in your government supposedly involved in the "War on Terror". Other Israeli's were just there to "document the event".
You fucking foolish fucking idiot....Do you actually think people don't have the sense that you obviously lack to look at these sort of things and combine all the real information to make an honest assessment of the situation of that day and recent history.

I swear for a man who claims to have had military training and served, you are one stupid fuck.Look man, you can believe whatever the hell you want to, but if you come one here with a belief and make an opinion on 9-11, be ready to back your shit up with some real facts and quit hiding behind your "service" as a some sort of shield and some big protector of my fucking rights, because if you claim to be this protector of American freedoms, you've done a shit job at it, and by siding against the citizens and the Constitution, are continuing to do an even worse job at it.
That Boeing airliner had it's own spokesperson?

Who knew?? :dunno:

Now 9/11insidewildcardjob will post that someone "farted in here", or something to that effect. It's too bad Paid Troll Dickie Gage won't pay him for it.

Terrorists flying planes into American cities and targets??? Who would have thought? Who knew? Only American military and terrorist prevention planners, George Bush, Condoliza Rice and others charged with "protecting" America against enemies.Hey, Rat in the Ass....
how do you explain that, and how do you explain spokesman for the administration that was at the helm lying about this?
Whatabout the light poles?
Still fascinated with poles are you Candy whore?
Always trying to take one small detail and strawman arguments to avoid the over all big picture of the 9-11 events, and distract instead of addressing the other glaring absurdities of the OCT fairytale.
What about the freefall of WTC 7? The terror drills happening exactly on 9-11 as occurred with the London tube bombings....coincidence?
Allegedly your nation was attacked by Muslim extremists because you are too free, where is the proof, and why is your government taking away the rights of the people they said they are protecting? Fuck your light poles bitch.
That Boeing airliner had it's own spokesperson?

Who knew?? :dunno:

Now 9/11insidewildcardjob will post that someone "farted in here", or something to that effect. It's too bad Paid Troll Dickie Gage won't pay him for it.

Terrorists flying planes into American cities and targets??? Who would have thought? Who knew? Only American military and terrorist prevention planners, George Bush, Condoliza Rice and others charged with "protecting" America against enemies.Hey, Rat in the Ass....
how do you explain that, and how do you explain spokesman for the administration that was at the helm lying about this?

You mean the warnings that went on for months saying the attacks would be "soon" or "imminent"?

Yeah, really actionable intel there. :lol:

Bush to FAA: Ground all flights forever because Bin Laden is going to attack "soon".
FAA chief: Yessah, Boss. I'll get on that right away.
That Boeing airliner had it's own spokesperson?

Who knew?? :dunno:

Now 9/11insidewildcardjob will post that someone "farted in here", or something to that effect. It's too bad Paid Troll Dickie Gage won't pay him for it.

Terrorists flying planes into American cities and targets??? Who would have thought? Who knew? Only American military and terrorist prevention planners, George Bush, Condoliza Rice and others charged with "protecting" America against enemies.Hey, Rat in the Ass....
how do you explain that, and how do you explain spokesman for the administration that was at the helm lying about this?

You mean the warnings that went on for months saying the attacks would be "soon" or "imminent"?

Yeah, really actionable intel there. :lol:

Bush to FAA: Ground all flights forever because Bin Laden is going to attack "soon".
FAA chief: Yessah, Boss. I'll get on that right away.
I'm talking about the same ones that were imagined, anticipated, planned for, drilled for, and called for by the Neo Cons in PNAC (probably deemed to be a good plan) and ultimately blown off by your leaders.
For example,
the "warnings" about Iran are proving to be false, but they are acting on that BS intell? With sanctions and threats computer viruses and assassinations that are akin to acts of war.
9-11 was a very real attack and apparently taken seriously by some in our government, and defense. Iran not so all really, but serious action has been taken. Same BS storyline as the BS Intell on Iraq, that was proven false..

The plan has been to destabilize the ME, and a list of nations was prepared years ago, and the plan was initiated and kick started with 9-11. Objectives are planned for and released to the loyalists and then on a need to know basis to others they need, and Intell is fabricated and ultimately fed to a gullible populace by various means of propaganda and events.
9-11 was the event, and Colin Powell and other wiling, and some not so willing "loyalists" along with their media provided the propaganda.

What the fuck is so hard to understand about this? Don't you have an interest in your nations history and the apparatus that dictates how it's run and how it effects you and your loved ones?

Posting little picture musings and BS little remarks and commenting on "farts" is all fun but
I find 9-11 and the above mentioned things fascinating and interesting as it has effected and still is effecting the nation I live in, it's government, and the elected officials who control policies we all have to live under..

You people arguing over BS, and ignoring legit concerns, and calling us out for it, don't post anything relevant. No factual data to back up your views, no real basis for your beliefs, nada.
Whatabout the light poles?
Still fascinated with poles are you Candy whore?
Always trying to take one small detail and strawman arguments to avoid the over all big picture of the 9-11 events, and distract instead of addressing the other glaring absurdities of the OCT fairytale.
What about the freefall of WTC 7? The terror drills happening exactly on 9-11 as occurred with the London tube bombings....coincidence?
Allegedly your nation was attacked by Muslim extremists because you are too free, where is the proof, and why is your government taking away the rights of the people they said they are protecting? Fuck your light poles bitch.

Candyass as always loses his credibility more and more constantly every year around here with his obsession over the light poles exposing his alzheimers diseace asking about the light poles for the zillionth time again.:lmao::lmao::lmao: Moron In the hat has an obsession over me always replying immediately after I post all the time,and candyass has an obsession over not only alex jones,but the lightpoles as well.:lol:

Not surprising on candyass's obsession on the light poles still cause as you hit the nail on the head about that not too long ago,no surprise that he has an obsession with poles.This guy is obviously a stripper who strips for guys and uses the pole all the time which makes totally sense his obsession with the light poles all these years later.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lol: Like I said before,at least candyass to his credit got over his obsession with me sometime back and now is obsessed over alex jones instead making that thread recently about

these trolls sure can be amusing at times cant they?:lol:
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Terrorists flying planes into American cities and targets??? Who would have thought? Who knew? Only American military and terrorist prevention planners, George Bush, Condoliza Rice and others charged with "protecting" America against enemies.Hey, Rat in the Ass....
how do you explain that, and how do you explain spokesman for the administration that was at the helm lying about this?

You mean the warnings that went on for months saying the attacks would be "soon" or "imminent"?

Yeah, really actionable intel there. :lol:

Bush to FAA: Ground all flights forever because Bin Laden is going to attack "soon".
FAA chief: Yessah, Boss. I'll get on that right away.
I'm talking about the same ones that were imagined, anticipated, planned for, drilled for, and called for by the Neo Cons in PNAC (probably deemed to be a good plan) and ultimately blown off by your leaders.
For example,
the "warnings" about Iran are proving to be false, but they are acting on that BS intell? With sanctions and threats computer viruses and assassinations that are akin to acts of war.
9-11 was a very real attack and apparently taken seriously by some in our government, and defense. Iran not so all really, but serious action has been taken. Same BS storyline as the BS Intell on Iraq, that was proven false..

The plan has been to destabilize the ME, and a list of nations was prepared years ago, and the plan was initiated and kick started with 9-11. Objectives are planned for and released to the loyalists and then on a need to know basis to others they need, and Intell is fabricated and ultimately fed to a gullible populace by various means of propaganda and events.
9-11 was the event, and Colin Powell and other wiling, and some not so willing "loyalists" along with their media provided the propaganda.

What the fuck is so hard to understand about this? Don't you have an interest in your nations history and the apparatus that dictates how it's run and how it effects you and your loved ones?

Posting little picture musings and BS little remarks and commenting on "farts" is all fun but
I find 9-11 and the above mentioned things fascinating and interesting as it has effected and still is effecting the nation I live in, it's government, and the elected officials who control policies we all have to live under..

You people arguing over BS, and ignoring legit concerns, and calling us out for it, don't post anything relevant. No factual data to back up your views, no real basis for your beliefs, nada.

Ratass's handlers same as candyass's sure pay him very well to keep coming back and getting embarrassed by posters like you and creative dreams.Cd handed him his ass on a platter recently on that one crash now your the latest.These trolls would never come back for their constant humiliation they suffer from you guys without getting well paid for it.we both know that.:D

something to add on is you mentioned warnings were ignored.Yeah like the warnings from many different heads of state from other countries and even FBI agents have come forward and said their superiours told them to back off when they told them they had information on impeding terrorists attacks.Since they did not listen to them,they went to attorney David Schippers who banged on John Ashcrofts door and he totally blew him off and ignored him never taking the time to want to listen to him.Bush all he did his first 6 months in office was take vacations in texas an ignored warnings attacks.this dumbfuck troll Ratass constantly shows off that he is just that,a dumbfuck troll always ignoring these facts.
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You are free to find another country where you might feel more free.........
Would I rather live somewhere else? No, I wouldn’t, but that is a ridiculous question. First of all, if the typical German, Italian, Swede, Korean, Australian, or Spaniard were asked if he would rather live somewhere else you would probably get the same answer. And second, although a prisoner would rather live in a clean prison than a dirty prison and a safe prison rather than a violent prison, he would prefer to not be a prisoner in the first place.
Freedoms I Wish the Military Were Defending by Laurence M. Vance

And no you have not proven that the 911 Commissions report was wrong on the main points,
I don't have to you idiot, the panelists themselves have placed doubt in their own body of work, but then it takes someone with a minimal amount of brain activity and some objectivity and a real love for their country and the Constitution to
to look at and decipher what they are saying. Your arguing about the "main points" is laughable and pathetic, what are those again? The date on the calender, the targets? :lol:

Don't have to prove "bombs" were planted. There is enough evidence to show that something else had to help all the mass move out of the way to allow such rapid descents, this can be concluded by the physics involved, or in the case of the 9-11 buildings, the physics that were NOT involved.

And yes you are a paranoid fool....
It's not about being paranoid you fucking idiot, it's about caring enough to be aware of the facts other then the stated ones by the state that do not add up and make sense. Beside it is you fucking Islamic Jihadists conspiracy theorists that are the paranoid fucks. What is the terrorists alert colors today Oliie? You fucks are a joke.

If i was that afraid of my Government i'd have left decades ago.......
Not afraid asshole, like I said before, AWARE. But they have actually made YOU afraid, and paranoid, and they have psyoped your foolish ass into thinking the events of 9-11 happened the way they said they did, all the while making you believe the Osama Bin Laden and Jihadists are the lone culprits and did this all by themselves, even though the US made them out to be "freedom fighters" and sided with them
in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and other times and places.

All those Muslim extremists that were arrested on 9-11 in vans with explosives on or near one of the bridges in NY....Oh wait they weren't Muslims after all....they were Israeli's that were let go by the guys in your government supposedly involved in the "War on Terror". Other Israeli's were just there to "document the event".
You fucking foolish fucking idiot....Do you actually think people don't have the sense that you obviously lack to look at these sort of things and combine all the real information to make an honest assessment of the situation of that day and recent history.

I swear for a man who claims to have had military training and served, you are one stupid fuck.Look man, you can believe whatever the hell you want to, but if you come one here with a belief and make an opinion on 9-11, be ready to back your shit up with some real facts and quit hiding behind your "service" as a some sort of shield and some big protector of my fucking rights, because if you claim to be this protector of American freedoms, you've done a shit job at it, and by siding against the citizens and the Constitution, are continuing to do an even worse job at it.

as always,Gomer Ollie shows off what a dumbfuck troll he is.That is priceless with his lie saying you have not proved the 9/11 commission wrong on its main points. Gomer gets OWNED major big time by Jones here.Like Jones said,the commission members themselves have said they were lied to about the facts.:lol: Gomer loses as always.:D

yeah like its really going to make a difference moving to another country when its globally planned.:lol:

Gomer has been owned so many times on bombs being planted here ,he shows off what a dumbfuck troll he is.:lol:

yeah they are really jokes in the fact we can see right through them that they are paid trolls.:lol: He is a fucking idiot disgracing his fellow military officers like he has for money.

yeah great point,they have made him afraid and paranoid that the version they claim to be the truth is real so much that he defends the fairy tales to no end.well said.:clap2:

Gomer blatantly ignores that as well that its a well known fact it was Israeli's there cheering,not muslims and that they were released by his government he worships.:lol:

I feel sorry for the people in the army that were trained by this stupid fuck because this dumbshit should have been demoted to private shortly after the army screwed up in the biggest way possible making HIM a sargent.Further proof how screwed up the army is.:lol:
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Terrorists flying planes into American cities and targets??? Who would have thought? Who knew? Only American military and terrorist prevention planners, George Bush, Condoliza Rice and others charged with "protecting" America against enemies.Hey, Rat in the Ass....
how do you explain that, and how do you explain spokesman for the administration that was at the helm lying about this?

You mean the warnings that went on for months saying the attacks would be "soon" or "imminent"?

Yeah, really actionable intel there. :lol:

Bush to FAA: Ground all flights forever because Bin Laden is going to attack "soon".
FAA chief: Yessah, Boss. I'll get on that right away.
I'm talking about the same ones that were imagined, anticipated, planned for, drilled for, and called for by the Neo Cons in PNAC (probably deemed to be a good plan) and ultimately blown off by your leaders.
For example,
the "warnings" about Iran are proving to be false, but they are acting on that BS intell? With sanctions and threats computer viruses and assassinations that are akin to acts of war.
9-11 was a very real attack and apparently taken seriously by some in our government, and defense. Iran not so all really, but serious action has been taken. Same BS storyline as the BS Intell on Iraq, that was proven false..

The plan has been to destabilize the ME, and a list of nations was prepared years ago, and the plan was initiated and kick started with 9-11. Objectives are planned for and released to the loyalists and then on a need to know basis to others they need, and Intell is fabricated and ultimately fed to a gullible populace by various means of propaganda and events.
9-11 was the event, and Colin Powell and other wiling, and some not so willing "loyalists" along with their media provided the propaganda.

What the fuck is so hard to understand about this? Don't you have an interest in your nations history and the apparatus that dictates how it's run and how it effects you and your loved ones?

Posting little picture musings and BS little remarks and commenting on "farts" is all fun but
I find 9-11 and the above mentioned things fascinating and interesting as it has effected and still is effecting the nation I live in, it's government, and the elected officials who control policies we all have to live under..

You people arguing over BS, and ignoring legit concerns, and calling us out for it, don't post anything relevant. No factual data to back up your views, no real basis for your beliefs, nada.

It's so nice that you are able to come on here and articulate you opinions so well. Shame you don't have any facts to back it up....

I have asked at least a dozen times, just exactly what is it that the writers of the 911 Commissions Report believe is wrong..... Still waiting on a verifiable answer.
But staying with that, you claim an official report is wrong, then so sorry, it is up to you to prove that it is wrong ... So far you have all sucked at your feeble attempts....

Every issue you have ever brought up has been debunked. Or it was simply someones opinion or from someones blog...Same difference....You have zero physical evidence that the official reports are wrong....A big fat zero....

But don't stop, you do make for some great light entertainment.......
You mean the warnings that went on for months saying the attacks would be "soon" or "imminent"?

Yeah, really actionable intel there. :lol:

Bush to FAA: Ground all flights forever because Bin Laden is going to attack "soon".
FAA chief: Yessah, Boss. I'll get on that right away.
I'm talking about the same ones that were imagined, anticipated, planned for, drilled for, and called for by the Neo Cons in PNAC (probably deemed to be a good plan) and ultimately blown off by your leaders.
For example,
the "warnings" about Iran are proving to be false, but they are acting on that BS intell? With sanctions and threats computer viruses and assassinations that are akin to acts of war.
9-11 was a very real attack and apparently taken seriously by some in our government, and defense. Iran not so all really, but serious action has been taken. Same BS storyline as the BS Intell on Iraq, that was proven false..

The plan has been to destabilize the ME, and a list of nations was prepared years ago, and the plan was initiated and kick started with 9-11. Objectives are planned for and released to the loyalists and then on a need to know basis to others they need, and Intell is fabricated and ultimately fed to a gullible populace by various means of propaganda and events.
9-11 was the event, and Colin Powell and other wiling, and some not so willing "loyalists" along with their media provided the propaganda.

What the fuck is so hard to understand about this? Don't you have an interest in your nations history and the apparatus that dictates how it's run and how it effects you and your loved ones?

Posting little picture musings and BS little remarks and commenting on "farts" is all fun but
I find 9-11 and the above mentioned things fascinating and interesting as it has effected and still is effecting the nation I live in, it's government, and the elected officials who control policies we all have to live under..

You people arguing over BS, and ignoring legit concerns, and calling us out for it, don't post anything relevant. No factual data to back up your views, no real basis for your beliefs, nada.

It's so nice that you are able to come on here and articulate you opinions so well. Shame you don't have any facts to back it up....

I have asked at least a dozen times, just exactly what is it that the writers of the 911 Commissions Report believe is wrong..... Still waiting on a verifiable answer.
But staying with that, you claim an official report is wrong, then so sorry, it is up to you to prove that it is wrong ... So far you have all sucked at your feeble attempts....

Every issue you have ever brought up has been debunked. Or it was simply someones opinion or from someones blog...Same difference....You have zero physical evidence that the official reports are wrong....A big fat zero....

But don't stop, you do make for some great light entertainment.......

Tell you what gump...You post all the things that are right like the main points that you always say are at least correct and I'll post and link you to the discrepancies.

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