This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

No tires, seats or aluminum left after the Jenni Rivera crash this week either.


Was that an inside jobbity-job-job too??

Edit to add: They found her driver's license at the crash site.


It must have been plotted by the NWO and the Bilderbergs. Everyone knows paper does not survive high speed plane crashes. :)
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It must have been plotted by the NWO and the Bilderbergs. Everyone knows paper does not survive high speed plane crashes. :)
That's not true. In fact I've seen a video from the crash site that shows wreckage and body parts. Just Google Jenni Rivera Crash Video and you'll see it too.

And by the way, the FBI "found" the hijackers passports a few blocks away, not IN the Twin Towers wreckage.

Funny how no one else saw it before the Feds show up and "find" them!
No tires, seats or aluminum left after the Jenni Rivera crash this week either.


Was that an inside jobbity-job-job too??

Edit to add: They found her driver's license at the crash site.


It must have been plotted by the NWO and the Bilderbergs. Everyone knows paper does not survive high speed plane crashes. :)

You are proof on how they intentionally hire low I.Q. police officers, internet agents, etc...

Here is a real plane crash site which just happens to be Jenni Rivera's....dumb fuck...

There was tons of debris scattered over 3 football fields in that crash...

And widcard or 911nutjob just negged me a whole 13 points..... Gee it hurts so bad...LOL

And of course as most of these asshole cowards the kid has his/her/it's, pm's turned off so I get to respond in public.
This is what I would have said in PM:

Fuck off dipshit, you haven't proved one fucking thing yet, All you do is talk shit and claim things are wrong without disproving them. Keep it up, you're so good at it....Whose sock are you again?

And bring on some more opinion so we can use fact to destroy it.......

Carry on...........

No offense but you must have an I.Q. barely above 65pts....which is just high enough to avoid to be a legally dumbfuck.....

Yet I trained the troops who are now training those who keep your freedom to be a dumb fuck.. Carry on.....

What a fucking joke...You believe in shit that has been proven to be false, but have the nerve to say that what you believe in can be verified by facts,
like the 9-11 fairytale? You never once have been able to legitimize your beliefs that the 9-11 attacks happened the way they did according to the state.
There is more evidence that disproves the legitimacy of the OCT with Osama Bin Laden and 19 hijackers, the demise of the WTC buildings and many other aspects of 9-11, then there is to solidify the narrative as has been told to you. You mentioned that you were neg repped, which goes to show that you care about what others think of you, you follow the herd, toe the official party and state line, despite what you claim to be loyal duty
to your country, you are loyal only to the criminals that have hijacked it, and loyal to the lies they spew, and nothing more.

Nobody's freedom is at risk by any outside forces, Muslim extremists, etc..Except perhaps the state of Israel...
It has been said that the 9-11 attacks were done to the US because "they hate us for our freedoms" but ever since that event the only people taking away our freedoms is our own government.
"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended." ~ George W. Bush, September 11, 2001
The only freedom that has been defended, is the freedom of the state to terrorize and loot its own people.

The enemy against us is mainly domestic with global ties. The US government has been overthrown by self serving factions whose interests and loyalties are to the bankers and corporations that benefit from oil, energy, illegal (and legal ) drugs, money laundering and defense (offense actually) and the police state apparatus and war.
They also serve themselves and their interests, with the help of unfortunate dupes like you, to protect the failing dollar (petrol dollar) by invading sovereign nations who are enemies of Israel.
Most of these criminals and terrorists loyalty is also to Israel, not the US.

If soldiers and Veterans had truly defended the US from an actual invasion of our nation, and our freedoms,we would not be at endless war with Israel's enemies, we would be engaged in peaceful trade throughout the world with our friends and allies and there would be no threat to the American people.
I am not surprise idiots like yourself are recruited and used for their purposes, you seem to fit the mold most perfectly, while others who initially thought they were serving this country and later discovered they were lied to, and used under false pretenses, and then abused by the VA, have had the balls to speak out and stand by the nations people and the Constitution.
The American military can at least take heart in knowing they were not the only ones to be lied to and duped, the brainwashed American public is guilty of dereliction of their own duties as citizens.

-U.S. troops are engaged in unconstitutional, undeclared wars – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. drone strikes killed civilians in Pakistan – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. bombs landed on a wedding party in Afghanistan – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. soldiers murdered Afghan civilians and kept some of their body parts – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. helicopter pilots gunned down Iraqi civilians – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. soldiers killed civilians for sport – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. troops carelessly killed civilians and then covered it up – but the troops are defending our freedoms.

In fact, the more the troops defend our freedoms by bombing, invading, and occupying other countries, and supporting Israel at any costs, the more enemies they make of the United States and the more our freedoms get taken away in the name of "fighting terrorism" or "national security."

How about defending these freedoms?
The freedom to not be stopped at a checkpoint and have one’s car searched without a warrant.
The freedom to be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.
The freedom to not be subject to the Patriot Act.
The freedom to fly without being sexually violated.
The freedom to gamble without government approval.
The freedom to deposit more than $10,000 in a bank account without government scrutiny.
The freedom to fill in a "wetland" on one’s own property.
The freedom to cut someone’s hair for money without a license.
The freedom to home-brew over 100 gallons of beer per year.
The freedom to smoke Cuban cigars.
The freedom to not wear a seatbelt.
The freedom to keep the fruits of one’s labor.
The freedom of an employer and an employee to negotiate for any wage.
The freedom to videotape the police in public.
The freedom of businesses to hire and fire whomever they choose.
The freedom to not be brutalized by the police.
The freedom to not be arrested for victimless crimes.
The freedom to sell raw milk.
The freedom to not have one’s child subject to unnecessary vaccinations.
The freedom to not have one’s child unjustly taken by Child Protective Services.
The freedom for kids to set up neighborhood lemonade stands.
The freedom to not have our e-mail and phone conversations monitored.
The freedom to travel to and trade with any country.
The freedom to be left alone.
The freedom to protest the monetary system without being brutalized by police state thugs

Certainly there are hundreds of things that could be added. We no longer live in a free country. We are increasingly living in a police state, a warfare state, and a national security state. Our freedom is not absolute. The only reason the United States is still considered "the land of the free and the home of the brave" is because we are relatively free, with the degree of freedom varying depending on which country America is compared to.

I conclude with three brief thoughts. One, I want the military to defend our freedoms. But fighting foreign wars only reduces our freedoms. After all, it is still true that war is the health of the state. Two, if the military is going to defend our freedoms, then we need freedoms to defend. Our freedoms must be restored before the military can defend them. And three, the greatest threat to our freedoms is the U.S. government, not the governments of China, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, or Iran.

Freedoms I Wish the Military Were Defending by Laurence M. Vance
You are free to find another country where you might feel more free.........

And no you have not proven that the 911 Commissions report was wrong on the main points, And no you have not proved that there were any type of bombs planted in the buildings. And yes you are a paranoid fool....

If i was that afraid of my Government i'd have left decades ago.......
two farts in a row from the agent trolls.:poop:

Do you even comprehend how much of the population besides him have a high enough I.Q. to be perceptive enough to comprehend everything that relates to the 9/11 event and everything that went on during that time frame....

Obviously not because many, many prominent figures in many different areas have well documented statements on the event that directly conflict with your view....but I guess you are much smarter than all of them....

Thats who Gomer Ollie and Moron In the hat constantly show off what dumbfuck trolls they are,.they think THEY are the smart ones and all those high credible high ranking officers in the military you just mentioned are not.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D
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No tires, seats or aluminum left after the Jenni Rivera crash this week either.


Was that an inside jobbity-job-job too??

Edit to add: They found her driver's license at the crash site.


It must have been plotted by the NWO and the Bilderbergs. Everyone knows paper does not survive high speed plane crashes. :)

You are proof on how they intentionally hire low I.Q. police officers, internet agents, etc...

Here is a real plane crash site which just happens to be Jenni Rivera's....dumb fuck...

There was tons of debris scattered over 3 football fields in that crash...



as always,dumbuck agent troll Moron In the hat shows off the true idiot troll he is and as always,gets his ass handed to him on a platter by CD..:lol::lol::lol::lol: they sure pay him well to embarrass himself here constantly.Thanks for helping to expose agent Moron In The Hat for the lying paid troll he is.:clap2::udaman: He is incapable of admitting when is wrong in his debates and has to resort to lies everytime as you just proved so well.
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No offense but you must have an I.Q. barely above 65pts....which is just high enough to avoid to be a legally dumbfuck.....

Yet I trained the troops who are now training those who keep your freedom to be a dumb fuck.. Carry on.....

What a fucking joke...You believe in shit that has been proven to be false, but have the nerve to say that what you believe in can be verified by facts,
like the 9-11 fairytale? You never once have been able to legitimize your beliefs that the 9-11 attacks happened the way they did according to the state.
There is more evidence that disproves the legitimacy of the OCT with Osama Bin Laden and 19 hijackers, the demise of the WTC buildings and many other aspects of 9-11, then there is to solidify the narrative as has been told to you. You mentioned that you were neg repped, which goes to show that you care about what others think of you, you follow the herd, toe the official party and state line, despite what you claim to be loyal duty
to your country, you are loyal only to the criminals that have hijacked it, and loyal to the lies they spew, and nothing more.

Nobody's freedom is at risk by any outside forces, Muslim extremists, etc..Except perhaps the state of Israel...
It has been said that the 9-11 attacks were done to the US because "they hate us for our freedoms" but ever since that event the only people taking away our freedoms is our own government.
"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended." ~ George W. Bush, September 11, 2001
The only freedom that has been defended, is the freedom of the state to terrorize and loot its own people.

The enemy against us is mainly domestic with global ties. The US government has been overthrown by self serving factions whose interests and loyalties are to the bankers and corporations that benefit from oil, energy, illegal (and legal ) drugs, money laundering and defense (offense actually) and the police state apparatus and war.
They also serve themselves and their interests, with the help of unfortunate dupes like you, to protect the failing dollar (petrol dollar) by invading sovereign nations who are enemies of Israel.
Most of these criminals and terrorists loyalty is also to Israel, not the US.

If soldiers and Veterans had truly defended the US from an actual invasion of our nation, and our freedoms,we would not be at endless war with Israel's enemies, we would be engaged in peaceful trade throughout the world with our friends and allies and there would be no threat to the American people.
I am not surprise idiots like yourself are recruited and used for their purposes, you seem to fit the mold most perfectly, while others who initially thought they were serving this country and later discovered they were lied to, and used under false pretenses, and then abused by the VA, have had the balls to speak out and stand by the nations people and the Constitution.
The American military can at least take heart in knowing they were not the only ones to be lied to and duped, the brainwashed American public is guilty of dereliction of their own duties as citizens.

-U.S. troops are engaged in unconstitutional, undeclared wars – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. drone strikes killed civilians in Pakistan – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. bombs landed on a wedding party in Afghanistan – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. soldiers murdered Afghan civilians and kept some of their body parts – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. helicopter pilots gunned down Iraqi civilians – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. soldiers killed civilians for sport – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. troops carelessly killed civilians and then covered it up – but the troops are defending our freedoms.

In fact, the more the troops defend our freedoms by bombing, invading, and occupying other countries, and supporting Israel at any costs, the more enemies they make of the United States and the more our freedoms get taken away in the name of "fighting terrorism" or "national security."

How about defending these freedoms?
The freedom to not be stopped at a checkpoint and have one’s car searched without a warrant.
The freedom to be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.
The freedom to not be subject to the Patriot Act.
The freedom to fly without being sexually violated.
The freedom to gamble without government approval.
The freedom to deposit more than $10,000 in a bank account without government scrutiny.
The freedom to fill in a "wetland" on one’s own property.
The freedom to cut someone’s hair for money without a license.
The freedom to home-brew over 100 gallons of beer per year.
The freedom to smoke Cuban cigars.
The freedom to not wear a seatbelt.
The freedom to keep the fruits of one’s labor.
The freedom of an employer and an employee to negotiate for any wage.
The freedom to videotape the police in public.
The freedom of businesses to hire and fire whomever they choose.
The freedom to not be brutalized by the police.
The freedom to not be arrested for victimless crimes.
The freedom to sell raw milk.
The freedom to not have one’s child subject to unnecessary vaccinations.
The freedom to not have one’s child unjustly taken by Child Protective Services.
The freedom for kids to set up neighborhood lemonade stands.
The freedom to not have our e-mail and phone conversations monitored.
The freedom to travel to and trade with any country.
The freedom to be left alone.
The freedom to protest the monetary system without being brutalized by police state thugs

Certainly there are hundreds of things that could be added. We no longer live in a free country. We are increasingly living in a police state, a warfare state, and a national security state. Our freedom is not absolute. The only reason the United States is still considered "the land of the free and the home of the brave" is because we are relatively free, with the degree of freedom varying depending on which country America is compared to.

I conclude with three brief thoughts. One, I want the military to defend our freedoms. But fighting foreign wars only reduces our freedoms. After all, it is still true that war is the health of the state. Two, if the military is going to defend our freedoms, then we need freedoms to defend. Our freedoms must be restored before the military can defend them. And three, the greatest threat to our freedoms is the U.S. government, not the governments of China, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, or Iran.

Freedoms I Wish the Military Were Defending by Laurence M. Vance


excellent stuff.well said. Hypocrite Gomer Ollie needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a dumbfuck. what a fucking idiot saying we live in a free country.:lol: :lmao:

Besides the fact that we lost our freedoms in 1913 when the federal reserve act was created when bankers bribed the few congressmen and senators that were there that day on christmas day when most had gone home for the holidays to spend time with their familys,according to Gomer,the freedoms Gomer Ollie is talking about is the freedom to have TAS searches at the airport with a full body nude scan and being groped,the freedoms to have police beat up women in chicago with billyclubs in the street and then our facist dictacter president Obama then praise them for their performance. or the freedoms for the police to shoot an unarmed woman and her son at ruby ridge and there is this of course as well which is have-

Bill "I never had sex with this woman" Clinton like clockwork,lied to the american people about the travestys of waco.the next day after the travesty, he was speaking to the nation about those events and in the live address to the nation he went on to say-We never fired at the davidians,they fired at us but we never returned fire or fired back. Unfortunately for him,someone taped the live events of waco and they zoomed in on a helicopter with a gunrunner on the edge with a machine gun firing onto the rooftops of the complex.

Lie # 2 he went on to say was -"We did not start the fire.The davidians accidently started the fire and thats what led to the deaths of all those people."

Hitler Clinton though again did not realise there was a cameraman who filmed all those events as they transpired and the film shows a tank with a flame thrower mounted on the top of it shooting flames onto the compound. the survivors matter of fact begged the ATF to not shoot when they came out but they started shooting them anyways and those gestapo officers were actually awarded a medal of honor for bravery and courage .sorry but this is a sick country we live in when the government can violate the laws of citizens and get away with it scott free.sounds like nazisem to me.

Even Janet Reno came out and said in newsweek magazine that Clinton gave her the okay to burn the compund down and according to white house staff people,Clinton was watching it happen and having a jolly old good time laughing with some members of the mafia at the time in the white house.

politicians especially presidents,get away with crimes everyday we could never get away with.Me or you if we go and lie to the supreme court like Clinton or Nixon did,we go to jail.period.Or we leave a lady to die and drown driving drunk like Ted Kennedy did,we go to jail. this is a sick government we have that they get away with murder and lying like that,especially clinton and Reno murdering innocent women and children in the waco complex.

That was why I never thought anybody could be worse than Clinton when Bush became president and was glad at the time since Gore always went along with whatever he wanted. I never though Bush could be worse tthan Clinton which he was,and I for sure never thought Obama could be worse than Clinton but obviously he is.Murdering more women and children in pakistan and afghanistan with drone attacks on innocent women and children more than Bush did in his entire "EIGHT" years in office.

Yeah thats some free country we live in Gomer.Nice try you dumbfuck troll.:lol::lmao::lmao:
Right. So why are all your former heroes running away from the movement?

Avery is now saying 9/11 wasn't an inside job, but an intelligence failure.
Burmas has gone back to the family pizza parlor.
S. Jones has moved on to hawking free energy machines.
Nobody knows where 11.2G Balsamo & Aldo the Buffet Slayer from PfT have gone to.
And Rowe decided to peddle heroin instead of Gage's DVDs, and is now sitting in the jug.

Face it, the movement is dead. We'll build a Death Star before any money is wasted on a new investigation (now with fabulous subpoena powers TM)

Thank God.

I've become sooooooo bored with this. Time to move on.

But the twoofers will never let it go. I'm sure they will be making threads about it 40 years from now.

We still get JFK threads

yeah and you the agent troll always show off what a dumbfuck troll you are and get your ass handed to you on a platter in thet debate by myself and others all the time just like your handlers pay you to.:lol::lol::lol: You constantly ignore the mulitple unnaccountable bullets found and suppresses for many years like the one in the windshield that forensic experts said was an ENTRANCE shot in the windshieild.You and candyass troll both show what idiot paid trolls you are ingoring these kinds of facts all the time.:lol::lol::lol:
Further proof that Flight AA77 DID NOT hit the Pentagon as the American people have been deceived to believe by a lying and corrupt US Government and media.

Radiation Expert Claims High-Radiation Readings Near Pentagon After 9/11 Indicate Depleted Uranium Used; High-Ranking Army Officer Claims Missile Used at Pentagon, Not Commercial Airliner


Two high profile radiation experts concur Pentagon strike involved use of a missile. Also Geiger counter readings right after the attack shows high levels of radiation 12 miles away from Pentagon crash site.

By Greg Szymanski
August 18, 2005

A radiation expert and high-ranking Army Major, who once headed the military’s depleted uranium project, both contend the Pentagon was hit by missile, not a commercial jetliner, adding high radiation readings after the strike indicate depleted uranium also may have been used.

“I’m not an explosives or crash site expert, but I am highly knowledgeable in causes and effects related to nuclear radiation contamination. What happened at the Pentagon is highly suspicious, leading me to believe a missile with a depleted uranium warhead may have been used,” said radiation expert Leuren Moret in a telephone conversation this week from her Berkeley, California home.

Moret, who has spent a life time working in the nuclear field, first as a staff scientist at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Laboratory in California, is now a member of The Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP), a privately funded group studying the devastating effects of depleted uranium especially in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Regarding the missile theory, it is also backed up by retired Army Maj. Doug Rokke, a Ph.D. educational physics and former top military expert banished from the Pentagon after the military failed to follow regulations regarding the use, clean up, and medical treatment regarding the use of depleted uranium.

“When you look at the whole thing, especially the crash site void of airplane parts, the size of the hole left in the building and the fact the projectile’s impact penetrated numerous concrete walls, it looks like the work of a missile,” said Maj. Rokke from his Rantoul, IL home this week. “And when you look at the damage, it was obviously a missile. Also, if you look at the WTC and the disturbing flash hitting the tower right before the impact of the airplane, it also looks like a missile was used.”

And to prove the government’s jetliner theory is wrong, Moret said the quick actions of a friend near the Pentagon on the morning of 9/11, provide even more suspicion.

Moret recalls on the tragic morning that once she saw the jetliner strike the twin towers and then heard about the Pentagon crash, she immediately called a close friend in Alexandria VA, Dr. Janette Sherman.

Thinking radiation might be involved, she quickly asked Dr. Sherman, 77, a radiation expert and medical doctor who lived about 12 miles from the crash site, to get a Geiger counter reading.

What the pair of experts found is astonishing. What they found is not only astonishing but four years after 9/11, what’s even more incredible is that their findings have been completely ignored by most everyone, including the Bush administration, the 9/11 Commission, and the mainstream media, all who appear more interested in rubber stamping the official 9/11 story then getting at the real truth.

“Dr. Sherman was downwind from the Pentagon on 9/11 and her Geiger counter readings show an extremely high reading, a reading of more than eight to ten times higher than normal,” said Moret, also an expert in the cause and effects of depleted uranium.

“Dr. Sherman, who is well-respected radiation expert herself, then went about contacting the proper authorities in order to try and alert emergency responders of the radiation risk at the Pentagon crash site. And we have also kept photos of the Geiger counter readings in order to verify what Dr. Sherman found 12 miles away.”

After notifying the Nuclear Industrial Safety Agency (NIRS), experts from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the FBI were alerted and according to Moret, radiation experts later confirmed high radiation levels at the Pentagon crash site possibly from the presence from depleted uranium or other unknown causes.

But what disturbed Moret most has been the Bush administration’s lack of concern and its failure to mount a thorough investigation into what really caused the high radiation levels, saying perhaps the findings might reveal something contrary to the official story that a jetliner rammed through 12 Pentagon walls of solid concrete.

“Even if there was depleted uranium used, do you think the likes of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld would really care? These are bottom feeders that 20 or 30 years ago wouldn’t have been even allowed to set foot in such high positions of power,” said Moret.

Editor's note: Dr. Moret does not realize that the ones who inhabited the White House 20 or 30 years ago were just like Bush and Cheney.

Although Dr. Sherman’s Geiger counter can’t be a conclusive finding, another nuclear radiation expert, Marion Fulk, agrees the positive reading, if anything, is suspicious.

“It definitely looks suspicious but, of course, many factors have to be considered before a conclusion is reached,” said Fulk in a telephone conversation this week. “The type of Geiger counter used by Dr. Sherman needs to be looked at as well as the possibility of the true source of the radiation, whether it is depleted uranium in a missile, ballast in the airplane or within the structure of the building hit.”

Even though no one can be sure, one thing positive is the Bush administration never really seriously cared about addressing the possibility of depleted uranium at the Pentagon just like it cares little about the same problem at the World Trade Center and in the war fields of Iraq and Afghanistan.

And, more recently, Moret, Fulk, and Maj. Rokke, along with Dennis Kyne, Bob Jones, and Mark Zeller, have provided documentation for an explosive video written and produced by Joyce Riley and William Lewis called “Beyond Treason,” providing an in depth look at depleted uranium used in the Gulf Wars and its likelihood of causing numerous civilian and military illnesses.

“It has been determined that the equivalent of more than 400,000 Nagasaki bombs has been released in the middle east since 1991,” said Moret, citing a report and subsequent speech at a 2000 depleted uranium conference given by Professor Yagasaki, a physicist and well-respected nuclear radiation expert.

And in an 89 minute video, exploring a massive government cover up, Riley and Lewis point out the unexplained illnesses in civilians and military personal may be the cause of depleted uranium or perhaps a combination of overlapping causes, including chemical and biological exposure and the use of experimental vaccines.

The writers of Beyond Treason, added:

“The ailing Gulf War heroes from all 27 coalition countries slowly die from of 'unknown causes,' they wait for answers from their respective governments, but no satisfying or even credible answers have come forth from the military establishment. Records that span over a decade point to negligence and even culpability on the part of the U.S. Department of Defense and their ‘disposable army' mentality."

“The VA has determined that 250,000 troops are now permanently disabled, 15,000 troops are dead and over 425,000 are ill and slowly dying from what the Department of Defense still calls a mystery disease. How many more will have to die before action is taken?”

Editor's note: All of them will have to die because that is these "people's goal. See the 6th edition of this publication for who they are.

And in February, 2004, a conference called “Dialogues with Decision Makers” was held in New Delhi, India, where a group of experts gathered for the prevention of nuclear war and looked closely at the depleted uranium problem in the Middle East.

Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat, former chief of the Naval Staff in India, reported the following shocking details about the effects of depleted uranium:

“In the 2003 war, the Iraqi’s were subjected to the Pentagon’s radioactive arsenal, mainly in the urban centers, unlike in the deserts in 1991. The aggregate effects of illnesses and long term disabilities and genetic birth defects will be apparent only 2008 onwards."

“By now, half of all the 697,000 US soldiers involved in the 1991 war have reported serious illnesses. According the American Gulf War Veterans Association, more than 30 per cent of these soldiers are chronically ill, and receiving disability benefits from the Veterans Administration."

“Near the Republican Palace where US troops stood guard and over 1000 employees walked in and out, the radiation readings were the hottest in Iraq, at nearly 1900 times background radiation levels."

“At a roadside stand, selling fresh bunches of parsley, mint, and onions, children played on a burnt out Iraqi tank just outside Baghdad, the Geiger counter registered 1000 times normal background radiation."

“The Pentagon and the United Nations estimate that the US and Britain used 1,100 to 2,200 tons of armor piercing shells made of DU during attacks in March-April 2003, far more than the 1991 Gulf War (this does not include air dispensed DU munitions and missiles),” wrote the Post Intelligencer.

“The long term effects, as Dr. Asaf Durakovic elaborates, after the early neurological symptoms are cancer, and related radiation illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome, joint and muscle pain, neurological and/or nerve damage, mood disturbances, auto-immune deficiencies, lung and kidney damage, vision problems, skin rupture, increase in miscarriages, maternal mortality, and genetic birth defects/deformation.

“For years the US government described the Gulf War Syndrome as a post traumatic stress disorder. It was labeled as a psychological problem or simply as mysterious unrelated ailments much in the same way as health problems of Vietnam veterans suffering from Agent Orange poisoning.

Bottom line: Every single aspect of 9/11 is an inside job.


Wildcard and Cd.excellent stuff from you took the agent trolls to school and handed them their asses to them on a platter.well done.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
I see from the last three posts that 911IJ is hurt and upset by paid troll Dickie Gage not sharing any of his loot with him. That's a shame.

Shill Dickie really should pay him for all of his support. He is doing a valiant job here, considering he is the only 3 posters that still post trying to keep Dickie's fantasy alive.

But I guess Pope Dickie's motto is: "All for me, and none for thee".
Hey agent whining troll Moron In the Hat,your just in time to see the post that Creative Dreams made about you that exposes what a lying troll you really are.that thats all you ever do when you are cornered.thanks for exposing the truth to everyone what a lying agent troll you are.well done.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

That folks is WHY i put this dumbfuck troll on ignore ages ago.I asked him years ago to debunk the facts in a video and when he was cornered and could not do so,he had to resort to lies saying those people in that video said things they never did.and he exposed that AGAIN just now that thats all he ever does,is lie when he is cornered and can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Hey agent whining troll Moron In the Hat,your just in time to see the post that Creative Dreams made about you that exposes what a lying troll you really are.that thats all you ever do when you are cornered.thanks for exposing the truth to everyone what a lying agent troll you are.well done.

Look, I'm sorry Dickie the paid troll doesn't pay you for these high quality posts. Really, I am. I truly think he's a scumbag shill for not sharing the cake with you.

I'll bet if you get in touch with some of the other Dupes, you can put pressure on him to split some of the take. :thup:
I see from the last three posts that 911IJ is hurt and upset by paid troll Dickie Gage not sharing any of his loot with him. That's a shame.

Shill Dickie really should pay him for all of his support. He is doing a valiant job here, considering he is the only 3 posters that still post trying to keep Dickie's fantasy alive.

But I guess Pope Dickie's motto is: "All for me, and none for thee".

You'd think multiple clapping smilies, making poop references, and repeatedly saying "Watch these 347 YouTube videos" would be worth something, but surprisingly, they don't appear to be.

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