This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Disinformation is so readily available and believed..... I guess it's all in whether you want the truth or the truther version.........

However, DU is a radiation hazard when it is inhaled in
the form of tiny insoluble particles,
which lodge in the lungs
and remain there for very long
times. DU is less of a radiation
hazard than natural U because
it is less radioactive than natural
U. Direct (external) radiation
from DU is very low and
only of concern to workers
who melt and cast U metal.
DU used in commercial civilian applications does not
present a significant health hazard because it is usually
in solid form and not available for inhalation or ingestion.
Military operations with DU, however, may contaminate
soil, groundwater, and breathing air. When
used as a weapon, small particles of DU may be produced.
These particles have high density and most fall to
the ground very close to where they are produced

They get really upset when it can be pointed out that Boeing uses DU for trim weights on their planes.

Aircraft that contain depleted uranium trim weights (such as the Boeing 747–100) may contain between 400 to 1,500 kg of DU. This application is controversial because the DU may enter the environment if the aircraft were to crash. The metal can also oxidize to a fine powder in a fire
Depleted uranium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another meme bites the dust.
Disinformation is so readily available and believed..... I guess it's all in whether you want the truth or the truther version.........

However, DU is a radiation hazard when it is inhaled in
the form of tiny insoluble particles,
which lodge in the lungs
and remain there for very long
times. DU is less of a radiation
hazard than natural U because
it is less radioactive than natural
U. Direct (external) radiation
from DU is very low and
only of concern to workers
who melt and cast U metal.
DU used in commercial civilian applications does not
present a significant health hazard because it is usually
in solid form and not available for inhalation or ingestion.
Military operations with DU, however, may contaminate
soil, groundwater, and breathing air. When
used as a weapon, small particles of DU may be produced.
These particles have high density and most fall to
the ground very close to where they are produced

They get really upset when it can be pointed out that Boeing uses DU for trim weights on their planes.

Aircraft that contain depleted uranium trim weights (such as the Boeing 747–100) may contain between 400 to 1,500 kg of DU. This application is controversial because the DU may enter the environment if the aircraft were to crash. The metal can also oxidize to a fine powder in a fire
Depleted uranium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another meme bites the dust.

What the f*** are you talking about man with a low I.Q.....?
Disinformation is so readily available and believed..... I guess it's all in whether you want the truth or the truther version.........

They get really upset when it can be pointed out that Boeing uses DU for trim weights on their planes.

Aircraft that contain depleted uranium trim weights (such as the Boeing 747–100) may contain between 400 to 1,500 kg of DU. This application is controversial because the DU may enter the environment if the aircraft were to crash. The metal can also oxidize to a fine powder in a fire
Depleted uranium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another meme bites the dust.

What the f*** are you talking about man with a low I.Q.....?



Whaaa, the nasty man exposed our bullshit.

Disinformation is so readily available and believed..... I guess it's all in whether you want the truth or the truther version.........

They get really upset when it can be pointed out that Boeing uses DU for trim weights on their planes.

Aircraft that contain depleted uranium trim weights (such as the Boeing 747–100) may contain between 400 to 1,500 kg of DU. This application is controversial because the DU may enter the environment if the aircraft were to crash. The metal can also oxidize to a fine powder in a fire
Depleted uranium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another meme bites the dust.

What the f*** are you talking about man with a low I.Q.....?

Hey, since Rimjob won't answer, maybe you will.

Is paid troll Dickie Gage sharing any of his $85K annual salary from AE9/11T with you last few holdouts who believe his bullshit about 9/11?
They get really upset when it can be pointed out that Boeing uses DU for trim weights on their planes.

Depleted uranium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another meme bites the dust.

What the f*** are you talking about man with a low I.Q.....?

Hey, since Rimjob won't answer, maybe you will.

Is paid troll Dickie Gage sharing any of his $85K annual salary from AE9/11T with you last few holdouts who believe his bullshit about 9/11?

Do you even comprehend how much of the population besides him have a high enough I.Q. to be perceptive enough to comprehend everything that relates to the 9/11 event and everything that went on during that time frame....

Obviously not because many, many prominent figures in many different areas have well documented statements on the event that directly conflict with your view....but I guess you are much smarter than all of them....
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What the f*** are you talking about man with a low I.Q.....?

Hey, since Rimjob won't answer, maybe you will.

Is paid troll Dickie Gage sharing any of his $85K annual salary from AE9/11T with you last few holdouts who believe his bullshit about 9/11?

Do you even comprehend how much of the population besides him have a high enough I.Q. to be perceptive enough to comprehend everything that relates to the 9/11 event and went on during that time frame....

Obviously not because many, many prominent figures in many different areas have well documented statements on the event that directly conflict with your view....but I guess you are much smarter than all of them....

Right. So why are all your former heroes running away from the movement?

Avery is now saying 9/11 wasn't an inside job, but an intelligence failure.
Burmas has gone back to the family pizza parlor.
S. Jones has moved on to hawking free energy machines.
Nobody knows where 11.2G Balsamo & Aldo the Buffet Slayer from PfT have gone to.
And Rowe decided to peddle heroin instead of Gage's DVDs, and is now sitting in the jug.

Face it, the movement is dead. We'll build a Death Star before any money is wasted on a new investigation (now with fabulous subpoena powers TM)
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Hey, since Rimjob won't answer, maybe you will.

Is paid troll Dickie Gage sharing any of his $85K annual salary from AE9/11T with you last few holdouts who believe his bullshit about 9/11?

Do you even comprehend how much of the population besides him have a high enough I.Q. to be perceptive enough to comprehend everything that relates to the 9/11 event and went on during that time frame....

Obviously not because many, many prominent figures in many different areas have well documented statements on the event that directly conflict with your view....but I guess you are much smarter than all of them....

Right. So why are all your former heroes running away from the movement?

Avery is now saying 9/11 wasn't an inside job, but an intelligence failure.
Burmas has gone back to the family pizza parlor.
S. Jones has moved on to hawking free energy machines.
Nobody knows where 11.2G Balsamo & Aldo the Buffet Slayer from PfT have gone to.
And Rowe decided to peddle heroin instead of Gage's DVDs, and is now sitting in the jug.

Face it, the movement is dead. We'll build a Death Star before any money is wasted on a new investigation (now with fabulous subpoena powers TM)

Comprehensive assessment of the "movement"--gee aren't movements supposed to move somewhere?
What the f*** are you talking about man with a low I.Q.....?

Hey, since Rimjob won't answer, maybe you will.

Is paid troll Dickie Gage sharing any of his $85K annual salary from AE9/11T with you last few holdouts who believe his bullshit about 9/11?

Do you even comprehend how much of the population besides him have a high enough I.Q. to be perceptive enough to comprehend everything that relates to the 9/11 event and everything that went on during that time frame....

Obviously not because many, many prominent figures in many different areas have well documented statements on the event that directly conflict with your view....but I guess you are much smarter than all of them....

What happened to all of those investigations you said were going on in other countries dickweed?
Hey, since Rimjob won't answer, maybe you will.

Is paid troll Dickie Gage sharing any of his $85K annual salary from AE9/11T with you last few holdouts who believe his bullshit about 9/11?

Do you even comprehend how much of the population besides him have a high enough I.Q. to be perceptive enough to comprehend everything that relates to the 9/11 event and went on during that time frame....

Obviously not because many, many prominent figures in many different areas have well documented statements on the event that directly conflict with your view....but I guess you are much smarter than all of them....

Right. So why are all your former heroes running away from the movement?

Avery is now saying 9/11 wasn't an inside job, but an intelligence failure.
Burmas has gone back to the family pizza parlor.
S. Jones has moved on to hawking free energy machines.
Nobody knows where 11.2G Balsamo & Aldo the Buffet Slayer from PfT have gone to.
And Rowe decided to peddle heroin instead of Gage's DVDs, and is now sitting in the jug.

Face it, the movement is dead. We'll build a Death Star before any money is wasted on a new investigation (now with fabulous subpoena powers TM)

Thank God.

I've become sooooooo bored with this. Time to move on.

But the twoofers will never let it go. I'm sure they will be making threads about it 40 years from now.
This may be an older thread, but I don't care. Terral has put together a good collection of information that clearly shows and proves that NO PLANE STRUCK THE PENTAGON ON 9/11. The agrument still rages on, because morons like Gomer Ollie and Dawgshit are insistent that a "plane" struck the Pentagon on 9/11, but there is NO PROOF OF THAT.

Gomer Ollie has become increasingly more stupid as time goes on, because it NOT ENOUGH that I posted proof that clearly shows NO PLANE STRUCK THE PENTAGON, he is now bitchin that for me to post proof of the "Dead Bodies", the DNA and the plane wreckage.

A retarded monkey could figure out that NO PLANE HITTING THE PENTAGON = NO DEAD BODIES OF PASSENGERS OR NO DNA RESULTS OR NO PLANE WRECKAGE. There was wreckage at the site, but it did not come from a Boeing 757. A Boeing 757 is 60 tons and if it crashed in the Pentagon as the American people have been led to believe, then it would leave 60 Tons of scrap, NOT A FEW PIECES.

The lack of evidence that a Boeing 757 had crashed into the Pentagon is only surpassed by the incredulous nature of the DNA fable.

Here are some of the many inconsistencies:

The government story line alleges that the heat was so intense that the fuselage and engines of the plane vaporized, this is how the Pentagon explained away the nearly total lack of aircraft debris. Whatever wasn’t “pulverized” on impact, melted away in the ensuing fire — so went the official story. A BULLSHIT LIE

The melting point of aluminum is around 1,700 degrees F. The heat that was generated in the Pentagon fire supposedly was well above this, since they claimed that the aluminum vaporized! That happens at 11,000 degrees F!!!

DNA is an organic molecule that is very fragile, easily destroyed by temperatures at just a few hundred degrees C.

Proof No Plane Hit The Pentagon
Proof NO plane hit the Pentagon - YouTube

Holy necrobump, Batman.

One of my best friends was burnt on a large percentage of his body and is 100% service disabled vet due to lung damage from jet fuel inhalation. My fiance helped recover bodies from the site and stepped over burnt fuselage to get to them.

You're a moron.
And widcard or 911nutjob just negged me a whole 13 points..... Gee it hurts so bad...LOL

And of course as most of these asshole cowards the kid has his/her/it's, pm's turned off so I get to respond in public.
This is what I would have said in PM:

Fuck off dipshit, you haven't proved one fucking thing yet, All you do is talk shit and claim things are wrong without disproving them. Keep it up, you're so good at it....Whose sock are you again?

And bring on some more opinion so we can use fact to destroy it.......

Carry on...........

No offense but you must have an I.Q. barely above 65pts....which is just high enough to avoid to be a legally dumbfuck.....

Yet I trained the troops who are now training those who keep your freedom to be a dumb fuck.. Carry on.....
Do you even comprehend how much of the population besides him have a high enough I.Q. to be perceptive enough to comprehend everything that relates to the 9/11 event and went on during that time frame....

Obviously not because many, many prominent figures in many different areas have well documented statements on the event that directly conflict with your view....but I guess you are much smarter than all of them....

Right. So why are all your former heroes running away from the movement?

Avery is now saying 9/11 wasn't an inside job, but an intelligence failure.
Burmas has gone back to the family pizza parlor.
S. Jones has moved on to hawking free energy machines.
Nobody knows where 11.2G Balsamo & Aldo the Buffet Slayer from PfT have gone to.
And Rowe decided to peddle heroin instead of Gage's DVDs, and is now sitting in the jug.

Face it, the movement is dead. We'll build a Death Star before any money is wasted on a new investigation (now with fabulous subpoena powers TM)

Thank God.

I've become sooooooo bored with this. Time to move on.

But the twoofers will never let it go. I'm sure they will be making threads about it 40 years from now.

We still get JFK threads
Right. So why are all your former heroes running away from the movement?

Avery is now saying 9/11 wasn't an inside job, but an intelligence failure.
Burmas has gone back to the family pizza parlor.
S. Jones has moved on to hawking free energy machines.
Nobody knows where 11.2G Balsamo & Aldo the Buffet Slayer from PfT have gone to.
And Rowe decided to peddle heroin instead of Gage's DVDs, and is now sitting in the jug.

Face it, the movement is dead. We'll build a Death Star before any money is wasted on a new investigation (now with fabulous subpoena powers TM)

Thank God.

I've become sooooooo bored with this. Time to move on.

But the twoofers will never let it go. I'm sure they will be making threads about it 40 years from now.

We still get JFK threads

And "FDR let Pearl Harbor happen" threads. :eek:
You lose..........

Interesting how all the evidence at the Pentagon of a Jumbo Passenger plane is few enough to fit in the back of a pickup truck and small enough for one man to carry...

So how many jumbo jet tires were found at the scene for evidence? How many actually on a Boeing jumbo jet?

So how much of the rest of the jumbo passenger plane...seats...etc were found? are such a tool...


In your mind evedence could NEVER be planted for any reason in government...

Hate to break it to you but it happens at EVERY level of government...the only thing is when it's at the top of the pyramid scheme do you think they will investigate their selves?

*"Stephen Anderson, Ex NYPD Cop: We Planted Evidence, Framed Innocent People To Reach Quotas"

Stephen Anderson, Ex NYPD Cop: We Planted Evidence, Framed Innocent People To Reach Quotas

*"Genius Cops Caught Apparently Planting Evidence By Own Dash Camera"

Genius Cops Caught Apparently Planting Evidence By Own Dash Camera

*"Newspaper reports say FBI believes army planted evidence in Freeport mine shooting"

Newspaper reports say FBI believes army planted evidence in Freeport mine shooting

*"Planted Evidence Leads To Suit Against New Haven"

Planted Evidence Leads To Suit Against New Haven - Hartford Courant

*"The agency actually did make a video purporting to show Osama bin Laden and his cronies sitting around a campfire swigging bottles of liquor and savoring their conquests with boys, one of the former CIA officers recalled, chuckling at the memory. The actors were drawn from “some of us darker-skinned employees,” he said."

SpyTalk - CIA unit's wacky idea: Depict Saddam as gay

*"During planning for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the CIA's Iraq Operations Group kicked around a number of ideas for discrediting Saddam Hussein in the eyes of his people.

One was to create a video purporting to show the Iraqi dictator having sex with a teenage boy, according to two former CIA officials familiar with the project."

SpyTalk - CIA unit's wacky idea: Depict Saddam as gay

I'm curious, why do you refer to a 757 as a Jumbo jet? A 757 isn't even considered a wide body much less a Jumbo jet. The photo you display is the new 747-800 main gear, an aircraft that is referred to as a Jumbo jet..........huge difference between a 757-200 and a 747-800.
You lose..........

Interesting how all the evidence at the Pentagon of a Jumbo Passenger plane is few enough to fit in the back of a pickup truck and small enough for one man to carry...

So how many jumbo jet tires were found at the scene for evidence? How many actually on a Boeing jumbo jet?

So how much of the rest of the jumbo passenger plane...seats...etc were found? are such a tool...


In your mind evedence could NEVER be planted for any reason in government...

Hate to break it to you but it happens at EVERY level of government...the only thing is when it's at the top of the pyramid scheme do you think they will investigate their selves?

*"Stephen Anderson, Ex NYPD Cop: We Planted Evidence, Framed Innocent People To Reach Quotas"

Stephen Anderson, Ex NYPD Cop: We Planted Evidence, Framed Innocent People To Reach Quotas

*"Genius Cops Caught Apparently Planting Evidence By Own Dash Camera"

Genius Cops Caught Apparently Planting Evidence By Own Dash Camera

*"Newspaper reports say FBI believes army planted evidence in Freeport mine shooting"

Newspaper reports say FBI believes army planted evidence in Freeport mine shooting

*"Planted Evidence Leads To Suit Against New Haven"

Planted Evidence Leads To Suit Against New Haven - Hartford Courant

*"The agency actually did make a video purporting to show Osama bin Laden and his cronies sitting around a campfire swigging bottles of liquor and savoring their conquests with boys, one of the former CIA officers recalled, chuckling at the memory. The actors were drawn from “some of us darker-skinned employees,” he said."

SpyTalk - CIA unit's wacky idea: Depict Saddam as gay

*"During planning for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the CIA's Iraq Operations Group kicked around a number of ideas for discrediting Saddam Hussein in the eyes of his people.

One was to create a video purporting to show the Iraqi dictator having sex with a teenage boy, according to two former CIA officials familiar with the project."

SpyTalk - CIA unit's wacky idea: Depict Saddam as gay

I'm curious, why do you refer to a 757 as a Jumbo jet? A 757 isn't even considered a wide body much less a Jumbo jet. The photo you display is the new 747-800 main gear, an aircraft that is referred to as a Jumbo jet..........huge difference between a 757-200 and a 747-800.

His little fable would completely fall apart if he posted a real 757 main gear picture.


And look at the 2 "Jumbo Jets" together...


... yep, definitely the same thing. :rofl:
Interesting how all the evidence at the Pentagon of a Jumbo Passenger plane is few enough to fit in the back of a pickup truck and small enough for one man to carry...

So how many jumbo jet tires were found at the scene for evidence? How many actually on a Boeing jumbo jet?

So how much of the rest of the jumbo passenger plane...seats...etc were found? are such a tool...


In your mind evedence could NEVER be planted for any reason in government...

Hate to break it to you but it happens at EVERY level of government...the only thing is when it's at the top of the pyramid scheme do you think they will investigate their selves?

*"Stephen Anderson, Ex NYPD Cop: We Planted Evidence, Framed Innocent People To Reach Quotas"

Stephen Anderson, Ex NYPD Cop: We Planted Evidence, Framed Innocent People To Reach Quotas

*"Genius Cops Caught Apparently Planting Evidence By Own Dash Camera"

Genius Cops Caught Apparently Planting Evidence By Own Dash Camera

*"Newspaper reports say FBI believes army planted evidence in Freeport mine shooting"

Newspaper reports say FBI believes army planted evidence in Freeport mine shooting

*"Planted Evidence Leads To Suit Against New Haven"

Planted Evidence Leads To Suit Against New Haven - Hartford Courant

*"The agency actually did make a video purporting to show Osama bin Laden and his cronies sitting around a campfire swigging bottles of liquor and savoring their conquests with boys, one of the former CIA officers recalled, chuckling at the memory. The actors were drawn from “some of us darker-skinned employees,” he said."

SpyTalk - CIA unit's wacky idea: Depict Saddam as gay

*"During planning for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the CIA's Iraq Operations Group kicked around a number of ideas for discrediting Saddam Hussein in the eyes of his people.

One was to create a video purporting to show the Iraqi dictator having sex with a teenage boy, according to two former CIA officials familiar with the project."

SpyTalk - CIA unit's wacky idea: Depict Saddam as gay

I'm curious, why do you refer to a 757 as a Jumbo jet? A 757 isn't even considered a wide body much less a Jumbo jet. The photo you display is the new 747-800 main gear, an aircraft that is referred to as a Jumbo jet..........huge difference between a 757-200 and a 747-800.

His little fable would completely fall apart if he posted a real 757 main gear picture.


And look at the 2 "Jumbo Jets" together...


... yep, definitely the same thing. :rofl:

1 tire out of ten show up as evidence....couple small scraps of aluminum out of what should have been tons show up as seats what so ever etc...

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