This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Do we really want to get into this he said she said BS again?

Saddam admitted that he wanted the world, especially Iran, to believe that he had WMD.

He ran his scheme too well.


Fact dumb ass, how many times must I prove you wrong?

Saddam Hussein Wanted Iran to Fear WMDs | NBC Chicago

Newly released FBI reports describe Saddam Hussein's reasons for refusing UN inspectors to enter Iraq | World news |

NBC Reports Saddam Hussein Planned to Re-start Nuclear Program |
do we really want to get into this he said she said bs again?

Saddam admitted that he wanted the world, especially iran, to believe that he had wmd.

He ran his scheme too well.


fact dumb ass, how many times must i prove you wrong?

saddam hussein wanted iran to fear wmds | nbc chicago

newly released fbi reports describe saddam hussein's reasons for refusing un inspectors to enter iraq | world news |

nbc reports saddam hussein planned to re-start nuclear program |

these media outlets were just repeating what the government told them there was no real reporting
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You have also never used a capital I

And you can't spell worth a shit...

you are just one little nat of a debwunker ...who gives a shit

It's GNAT moron.



That's what I thought.

Now take your weed-smokin' ass over to the other thread and defend your asinine "1 sec difference between the NIST and the Commission Report's collapse times for the south tower" bullshit you've been spewing.

No id eots, you got spanked and refuse to accept fact. of course we understand, it's what you are used to doing.
ONE more question for you IDB.are THESE people in this link below nutcases as well who ALSO say the 9/11 commission is a fairy tale?:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report and is this experienced jet airliner pilot a nutcase as well? lol.

Dennis Cimino – Commercial pilot rating for over 25 years. Systems Engineer. Navy Combat Systems Specialist (Radar, ECM, UHF/VHF/HF COMMS., GPS, INS, SATNAV, cryptographic communications). Millimeter wave RADAR and countermeasures expert since 1973. Two patents held for Doppler RADAR. Former Flight Data Recorder Engineer, Smiths Aerospace.

* Statement to this website 6/3/07: "I have been a licensed pilot with a commercial rating, multi-engine, IFR, since 1981. Prior to that I served as an Electronic Warfare / Electronic Signals Intelligence (EW ELINT) specialist in the U.S. Navy, with many 'first time' signal intercepts in the national (NSA) sigint database. Since I left the Navy in 1979, I have been heavily involved in DoD weapons system testing and certification. I have held high level clearances most of my career.

There is no doubt in my mind that what transpired on September 11, 2001, was an inside job carried out by members of our own government. Based on my experience as a commercial pilot, I do not believe that it's possible for four large commercial airliners to have gone off course for as long as they did and as far as they did and were not intercepted by Air Force pilots, without the explicit cooperation of highly placed people in the military and government.

I also do not believe that both of the WTC Twin Towers could have been identically pulverized and that both identically collapsed into their own footprints as a result of a single airplane impact and the fire from a few thousand gallons of jet fuel. I also do not believe that WTC Building 7, which wasn't even hit by an airplane, could have entirely collapsed as a result of a few fires, particularly in a manner that is entirely consistent with a controlled demolition.

Additionally, the visible evidence at the Pentagon is inconsistent with an impact by a Boeing 757. There was virtually no debris from the 80-ton airplane, except a few small pieces that were picked up by hand. Nor was there any evidence of holes in the building that surely would have resulted from the impacts of the two 6-ton RB-211 engines on the alleged Boeing 757. Similarly, at Shanksville, PA, the small gash in the earth is far too small to have resulted from the impact of a Boeing 757.

All of these factors have convinced me that our government was fully onboard with what took place on 9/11. The official account of 9/11 is absolute B.S. We, as citizens of this great country, need to do research, question the government, and demand a full, impartial investigation to determine what actually took place that day."

* Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

* Member: Pilots for 9/11 Truth Association Statement: "Pilots for 9/11 Truth is an organization of aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe that have gathered together for one purpose. We are committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September 2001. Our main focus concentrates on the four flights, maneuvers performed and the reported pilots. We do not offer theory or point blame. However, we are focused on determining the truth of that fateful day since the United States Government doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with answers."

or are you going to pull a Divecunt or Candytroll on me and say those people arent real?:lol::lol::lol: I always have to break their heart and tell them the truth these ARE real people and they DO have those professions.:lol: it makes them cry knowing they are defeated and cant counter it and have to resort to saying they arent real.:lol::lol::lol:

Have you carried out the same sort of extensive research on those that deny the conspiracy?

yes.I'll answer any questions YOU have? your not an agent that has penetrated this site such as Gomer Pyle for instance.You've just been brainwashed by the CIA controlled media and corrupt government agencys,dont take that as an insult cause its not meant to be.Thousands of other americans have been as well.
She is either blind or lying.





I see debris all over the place.

Or maybe she is just not stupid enough to think unidentified little scraps and the same 5ft piece of fuselage that showed up at shanksville equal a commercial airliners and bodies

Gomer Pyle Ollie can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is because he cant get around the FACTS that that green lawn there would not be green like that had an airliner slammed into the pentagon that pilots themselves have said that themselves and Gomer says THEY are wrong.I love it.:lol::lol::lol: This guy exposes himself as a plant all the time constantly.:lol::lol::lol: He also evades the FACTS that the best expert pilots in the world who have flied airliners have said THEY never could make the manuvers the coverup commission says that the highjackers allegedly made and that one of the air traffic controllers said the manuevers were so acrobatic,she thought it was a military aircraft.this guy kills me.:lol::lol:

I can ALSO tell from Eots replies here that Gomer has dodged these points as well below.:lol::lol:

not to mention why was nobody fired or court martialed for the alleged incompetence of the government which the government admitted the reason for, or why was nobody prosecuted for their crimes of removing and destroying evidence at the pentagon and trade centers,and why have there only been 5 flimsy pics of a fireball released of the alleged airliner hitting the pentagon,when there should be at least several dozens of showing the airliner coming in,not to mention the illegal removal of the tapes at the gas station and hotel across from the pentagonby the FBI ,and why were protocol orders violated by cheney and he wasnt reprimanded,and where the hell is the luggage and how can an ALUMINUM plane go through a wall but two STEEL engines cant? the trolls can only sling shit in defeat and post propaganda links.

He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey he is.:lol:
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Lt. Col. Karen U. Kwiatkowski, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former Political-Military Affairs Officer in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Also served on the staff of the Director of the National Security Agency. 20-year Air Force career. Member adjunct faculty, Political Science Department, James Madison University. Instructor, University of Maryland University College and American Public University System. Author of African Crisis Response Initiative: Past Present and Future (2000) and Expeditionary Air Operations in Africa: Challenges and Solutions (2001).


It is as a scientist that I have the most trouble with the official government conspiracy theory, mainly because it does not satisfy the rules of probability or physics. The collapses of the World Trade Center buildings clearly violate the laws of probability and physics. ...

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

A scientist?!!
Her PHD is in Politics!!!

you forgot USAF fighter pilot ,20 year air force veteran...and eyewitness

Proof that the OCTA'S " the official conspiracy theory apologists." here only see what they WANT to see and hear what they want to hear.they ignore little tidbits like that.:lol::lol::clap2:

See IDB,you are not a government agent like SFC Gomer Pyle Ollie or Daniel Nimrod,or Gam are who have penetrated this site that KNOW it was an inside job ,thats obvious,you dont go on long rants when proven wrong,you have short, sweet replies. Your an official conspiracy theory apologist,someone has been brainwashed by the government and media.You dont seem to understand that the mainstream media is a TOOL for the government,nothing more.

as I said before,congress did an investigation into the CIA's activites in the 1970's and through the freedom of information act,found documents that they have plants in the mainstream media everywhere,FOX,CBS,NBC,the LA times,chicago times,EVERYWHERE.the CIA didnt all of a sudden clean up their act after that either,congress is far more corrupt now that it ever was back then so their not going to do nothing about the CIA.:lol:
Notice when the subject of 9/11 comes up, the israeli firsters always jump in to support the "official" line, ask yourself, why is that?

I don't know about you but I support the truth and the USA.

SOo... does that mean your a truth-er, or the opposite?

Translation of Gomer Pyle Ollie-I dont know about you but I support the corrption of government agencys and the CIA controlled media and the terrorists in the Bush and Obama administrations in the USA.As long as my handlers pay me good money for being an agent,I will continue to be one for them here.thats all I care about.
I have been reading this thread.

So what we are to believe now.

Is that when the plane hit the Pentagon,

It's wings folded back and the whole plane slid into the building and basically disappeared from sight?

Kind of like the old putting the model ship into the bottle trick??? :doubt:

yep.thats what agents like Gomer are saying.:lol::lol:
Notice when the subject of 9/11 comes up, the israeli firsters always jump in to support the "official" line, ask yourself, why is that?

Another one raise's his head
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You hit the nail right on the head.yeah pretty funny isnt it? they NEVER want to look at what high ranking credible people say from that patriots question 9/11 link.:lol::lol:
they want to use the logic that THOSE people are wrong or are not real people or whatever, and our proven corrupt government institutions and the mainstream media which has always been a tool for the government for the reason i mentioned a couple times before recently,that THEY are right.that is priceless,their logic has me rolling on the floor EVERYTIME.:lol::lol::lol::lol: it never stops making me laugh,i sure get entertainment here from them,thats for sure.:lol: eventually I have to put the agents on ignore because who wants to discuss it with a bunch of retards like that,plus they just post the same propaganda and say the same thing over and over again with some pathetic answer one after another after scraping at the bottom of the barrel for a while,it gets old and tiresome after a while.
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She is either blind or lying.





I see debris all over the place.

Or maybe she is just not stupid enough to think unidentified little scraps and the same 5ft piece of fuselage that showed up at shanksville equal a commercial airliners and bodies

Gomer Pyle Ollie can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is because he cant get around the FACTS that that green lawn there would not be green like that had an airliner slammed into the pentagon that pilots themselves have said that themselves and Gomer says THEY are wrong.I love it.:lol::lol::lol: This guy exposes himself as a plant all the time constantly.:lol::lol::lol: He also evades the FACTS that the best expert pilots in the world who have flied airliners have said THEY never could make the manuvers the coverup commission says that the highjackers allegedly made and that one of the air traffic controllers said the manuevers were so acrobatic,she thought it was a military aircraft.this guy kills me.:lol::lol:

I can ALSO tell from Eots replies here that Gomer has dodged these points as well below.:lol::lol:

not to mention why was nobody fired or court martialed for the alleged incompetence of the government which the government admitted the reason for, or why was nobody prosecuted for their crimes of removing and destroying evidence at the pentagon and trade centers,and why have there only been 5 flimsy pics of a fireball released of the alleged airliner hitting the pentagon,when there should be at least several dozens of showing the airliner coming in,not to mention the illegal removal of the tapes at the gas station and hotel across from the pentagonby the FBI ,and why were protocol orders violated by cheney and he wasnt reprimanded,and where the hell is the luggage and how can an ALUMINUM plane go through a wall but two STEEL engines cant? the trolls can only sling shit in defeat and post propaganda links.

He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey he is.:lol:

The sad thing is that you really have no idea how much you embarrass yourself every day you post. It's quite remarkable.
She is either blind or lying.





I see debris all over the place.

Or maybe she is just not stupid enough to think unidentified little scraps and the same 5ft piece of fuselage that showed up at shanksville equal a commercial airliners and bodies

Gomer Pyle Ollie can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is because he cant get around the FACTS that that green lawn there would not be green like that had an airliner slammed into the pentagon that pilots themselves have said that themselves and Gomer says THEY are wrong.I love it.:lol::lol::lol: This guy exposes himself as a plant all the time constantly.:lol::lol::lol: He also evades the FACTS that the best expert pilots in the world who have flied airliners have said THEY never could make the manuvers the coverup commission says that the highjackers allegedly made and that one of the air traffic controllers said the manuevers were so acrobatic,she thought it was a military aircraft.this guy kills me.:lol::lol:

I can ALSO tell from Eots replies here that Gomer has dodged these points as well below.:lol::lol:

not to mention why was nobody fired or court martialed for the alleged incompetence of the government which the government admitted the reason for, or why was nobody prosecuted for their crimes of removing and destroying evidence at the pentagon and trade centers,and why have there only been 5 flimsy pics of a fireball released of the alleged airliner hitting the pentagon,when there should be at least several dozens of showing the airliner coming in,not to mention the illegal removal of the tapes at the gas station and hotel across from the pentagonby the FBI ,and why were protocol orders violated by cheney and he wasnt reprimanded,and where the hell is the luggage and how can an ALUMINUM plane go through a wall but two STEEL engines cant? the trolls can only sling shit in defeat and post propaganda links.

He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey he is.:lol:

Green Lawn? Really? That's what you see in those pictures?

Pilots wouldn't attempt those maneuvers, Of course they wouldn't be planning on slamming into a building either.

What was removed that shouldn't have been? In a rescue and then recovery I don't think they were thinking about a crime scene.

What cameras the Pentagon has or doesn't have is really none of your business, as it is none of mine. The tapes will be released when they are declassified.

None of us are privy to what any internal investigation at the pentagon may have been. But why would anyone be court marshaled?

I see lots of debris all over the place there. I also showed your buddy eots all about Fresh Kills and all the evidence found by people going through all the debris by hand.

When are you going to stop calling people names and actually answer the questions you have been dodging for a year?
you forgot fighter pilot...and eyewitness

The only thing she flew was a desk.
She was in logistical support in the Airforce.

you are in serious denial here.

Not denial, I just believe it is important not to accept anything on the 'net at face value.
After all, that's what you say you are doing by not accepting the 9/11 incidents at face value.

OK, we'll start with Ms Kwiatkowski as an easy one.
You have held her up as an expert in matters of flight and physics (for want of a better term).
I have looked her up and apparently she has a PhD in World Politics from The Catholic University of America.
She has an MS in Science Management from the University of Alaska.
She has an MA in Government from Harvard University.

The Science Management course, from the University of Alaska's own website, is described as follows
The master of science degree in engineering management is designed for engineers who hold, or expect to hold, positions as managers in such technical organizations as engineering design consultants, construction companies, petroleum and other manufacturing and development industries, public agencies and the military services. The master of science in science management is similar and is available to holders of bachelor's degrees in the physical, natural, and medical sciences. Since its beginning in 1959, the program and its counterpart at the Anchorage campus have granted more than 550 master's degrees.

Students take 30 semester hours of course work, including organization and management, human relations, economics and finance, quantitative, legal, and technical subjects that are important in the management of the technical enterprise. No thesis is required, but a project that examines "real world" technical management problems and presents a report of findings is required.
ref: Engineering and Science Management
Not too much in the way of scientific or engineering training there.

The PHD may allow her to call herself a scientist but I wouldn't have thought it would qualify her as technically qualified to comment on the laws of physics or flight.
Better be careful there, idb. 911 nut job will start calling you a government plant. After all, If you disagree with him/her/it you must be.

I'd like to give him the opportunity to convince me one point at a time.
If he is going to base his argument on expert testimony then at least the experts need to stand up to scrutiny.

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