This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

No id eots, you got spanked and refuse to accept fact. of course we understand, it's what you are used to doing.
yeah, its easy to ignore the facts when you claim all the media is in on it
but what he fails to understand is that only widens the number of people that could leak
This may be an older thread, but I don't care. Terral has put together a good collection of information that clearly shows and proves that NO PLANE STRUCK THE PENTAGON ON 9/11. The agrument still rages on, because morons like Gomer Ollie and Dawgshit are insistent that a "plane" struck the Pentagon on 9/11, but there is NO PROOF OF THAT.

Gomer Ollie has become increasingly more stupid as time goes on, because it NOT ENOUGH that I posted proof that clearly shows NO PLANE STRUCK THE PENTAGON, he is now bitchin that for me to post proof of the "Dead Bodies", the DNA and the plane wreckage.

A retarded monkey could figure out that NO PLANE HITTING THE PENTAGON = NO DEAD BODIES OF PASSENGERS OR NO DNA RESULTS OR NO PLANE WRECKAGE. There was wreckage at the site, but it did not come from a Boeing 757. A Boeing 757 is 60 tons and if it crashed in the Pentagon as the American people have been led to believe, then it would leave 60 Tons of scrap, NOT A FEW PIECES.

The lack of evidence that a Boeing 757 had crashed into the Pentagon is only surpassed by the incredulous nature of the DNA fable.

Here are some of the many inconsistencies:

The government story line alleges that the heat was so intense that the fuselage and engines of the plane vaporized, this is how the Pentagon explained away the nearly total lack of aircraft debris. Whatever wasn’t “pulverized” on impact, melted away in the ensuing fire — so went the official story. A BULLSHIT LIE

The melting point of aluminum is around 1,700 degrees F. The heat that was generated in the Pentagon fire supposedly was well above this, since they claimed that the aluminum vaporized! That happens at 11,000 degrees F!!!

DNA is an organic molecule that is very fragile, easily destroyed by temperatures at just a few hundred degrees C.

Proof No Plane Hit The Pentagon
[ame=]Proof NO plane hit the Pentagon - YouTube[/ame]

The exact area of the Pentagon involved on 9/11 just happened to be exactly where the only part of the building began undergoing a construction project to reinforce for a possible impact

From the archives of USA Today:
Luck — if it can be called that — had it that the terrorists aimed the Boeing 757 at the only part of the Pentagon that already had been renovated - Pentagon repairs to cost $700 million

Even an Air Force accident investigator made disturbing statements about the Pentagon Plane and the Shanksville plane crash sites:

Col. George Nelson, MBA, U.S. Air Force: U.S. Air Force aircraft accident investigator and airplane parts authority. Graduate, U.S. Air Force War College. 34-year Air Force career. Licensed commercial pilot. Licensed airframe and powerplant mechanic.

Quote: With all the evidence readily available at the Pentagon crash site, any unbiased rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon as alleged. Similarly, with all the evidence available at the Pennsylvania crash site, it was most doubtful that a passenger airliner caused the obvious hole in the ground and certainly not the Boeing 757 as alleged.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
Better be careful there, idb. 911 nut job will start calling you a government plant. After all, If you disagree with him/her/it you must be.

I'd like to give him the opportunity to convince me one point at a time.
If he is going to base his argument on expert testimony then at least the experts need to stand up to scrutiny.

since this thread has been brought back this guy unlike gomer pyle ollie is actually not a plant.He doesnt troll the boards everyday year after year coming back to have his ass handed to him on a platter like gomer does constantly either.He is a just a bush dupe in denial and afraid of the truth and only sees what he wants to see like so many americans.Like all americans and like gomer,he cant counter the facts and evidence in this five minute video or account for bld 7 either just like agent gomer never has been able to.

If loyal Bush dupe Idb was still here,he would cowardly run off with his tail between his legs without even trying to debunk the facts in this video like you always do Gomer.

No gomer,HE is just a Bush dupe frady cat in denial,YOU on the other hand as we both know,have exposed yourself as the agent fraud you are who has disgraced your fellow military officers taking money to troll these boards like you do.THAT being said Gomer,you REALLY should consider doing those fellow military officers a favor and putting that gun to your head selling them out for money like you have. this isnt like talking about a movie where people can disagree if it was bad or not and there is no right or wrong.

Idb is afraid of the truth and only sees what he wants to see blatantly ignoring evidence and facts that prove him wrong cause the truth scares him where with YOU,you already know it was an inside job and your just here to troll the boards cause thats what you have sold your soul down the drain for.I actually pitty gomer because he will suffer pain in the future the worst way imiagineable with the karma he is bringing down on himself for participating in this cover up for money like he does and denying that he is.
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The exact area of the Pentagon involved on 9/11 just happened to be exactly where the only part of the building began undergoing a construction project to reinforce for a possible impact

From the archives of USA Today:
Luck — if it can be called that — had it that the terrorists aimed the Boeing 757 at the only part of the Pentagon that already had been renovated - Pentagon repairs to cost $700 million

Even an Air Force accident investigator made disturbing statements about the Pentagon Plane and the Shanksville plane crash sites:

Col. George Nelson, MBA, U.S. Air Force: U.S. Air Force aircraft accident investigator and airplane parts authority. Graduate, U.S. Air Force War College. 34-year Air Force career. Licensed commercial pilot. Licensed airframe and powerplant mechanic.

Quote: With all the evidence readily available at the Pentagon crash site, any unbiased rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon as alleged. Similarly, with all the evidence available at the Pennsylvania crash site, it was most doubtful that a passenger airliner caused the obvious hole in the ground and certainly not the Boeing 757 as alleged.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Flight 77 was reported to still being in the air, with ACARS 20 minutes after the alleged
impact into the Pentagon. Whether it was the 757, or a smaller plane/drone/missile,
how was this allowed to happen, who was in charge of the security, at the airports and the WTC complexes? Terror drills happening at the same time?? Just like the tube bombings in London....

The bigger picture tells the story,, and points to an inside job, with help from a nation state...
This may be an older thread, but I don't care. Terral has put together a good collection of information that clearly shows and proves that NO PLANE STRUCK THE PENTAGON ON 9/11. The agrument still rages on, because morons like Gomer Ollie and Dawgshit are insistent that a "plane" struck the Pentagon on 9/11, but there is NO PROOF OF THAT.

Gomer Ollie has become increasingly more stupid as time goes on, because it NOT ENOUGH that I posted proof that clearly shows NO PLANE STRUCK THE PENTAGON, he is now bitchin that for me to post proof of the "Dead Bodies", the DNA and the plane wreckage.

A retarded monkey could figure out that NO PLANE HITTING THE PENTAGON = NO DEAD BODIES OF PASSENGERS OR NO DNA RESULTS OR NO PLANE WRECKAGE. There was wreckage at the site, but it did not come from a Boeing 757. A Boeing 757 is 60 tons and if it crashed in the Pentagon as the American people have been led to believe, then it would leave 60 Tons of scrap, NOT A FEW PIECES.

The lack of evidence that a Boeing 757 had crashed into the Pentagon is only surpassed by the incredulous nature of the DNA fable.

Here are some of the many inconsistencies:

The government story line alleges that the heat was so intense that the fuselage and engines of the plane vaporized, this is how the Pentagon explained away the nearly total lack of aircraft debris. Whatever wasn’t “pulverized” on impact, melted away in the ensuing fire — so went the official story. A BULLSHIT LIE

The melting point of aluminum is around 1,700 degrees F. The heat that was generated in the Pentagon fire supposedly was well above this, since they claimed that the aluminum vaporized! That happens at 11,000 degrees F!!!

DNA is an organic molecule that is very fragile, easily destroyed by temperatures at just a few hundred degrees C.

Proof No Plane Hit The Pentagon
Proof NO plane hit the Pentagon - YouTube



Yeah Gomer Ollie and all these other agent trolls in my sig below who defend the fairy tales of 9/11 to no end as you cant tell from reading their replys throughout this whole thread,they always got their asses handed to them on a platter by Terral when he was here.Terral kind of got nutty on other topics while he was making threads like the elion comet that was going to destroy the planet and things like that,but he for sure knew his material when is came to 9/11 though.He always made some really excellent threads on it.

There was this other great thread of terrals I will have to find for you that he produced on the shanksville crash.anytime he would challenge trolls like Gomer Ollie to produce the evidence that an airliner crashed there,they could never produce any.Just like they cant produce any that one hit the pentagon.But the shanksville crash he REALLY owned them on though.

Because he would ask where is the nose section,where is the luggae and the seats that you see in a plane crash,and like they always do,they evaded those facts and had no answers and Terral would end the discussion with them rightly so saying the truth saying-SFC OLLIE here has NO EVIDENCE.they never do either so he was always telling the truth when he made that statement.

What always cracked me up about the loyal Bush dupes here is the ones that were not troll agents like Gomer Ollie,that were just loyal Bush dupes living in denial and afraid of the truth,Terral would make his thread and aks-what do you see here in this photo,I see nothing but an empty crater where is the all the wreackage that should be seen all over the ground? and some of them would actually come back and say-Okay Terral so they are lying,just because they're lying doesnt mean it was an inside job.:lol::lol::lol::lmao::cuckoo:

man these Bush dupes like IDb and agent trolls like Gomer Ollie should start a comedy club,they would have many people rolling out of their seats in laughter with their pathetic posts grasping at straws like they do here denying reality.:lol::lol::lol:

What REALLY cracks me up about Gomer Ollie is he accepts the governments version that the plane VAPORIZED which is why there was no luggage,no seats,no tail section or nothing.:lol::lol: Shit for brains Gomer Ollie and Dawshit and Idb they accept the governments version that the airliner vaporized and melted the aluminum off the plane yet they defend their fairy tale that even though it vaporized,they were still able to get the DNA off the bodies on the plane.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

That would for a movie in the movies but THIS is reality and that doesnt work in the REAL world which they cant deal with.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

If they're lying like that one poster admitted back then,they should be asking themselves WHY are they lying and covering it up then.Obviously thats not something she bothered to use her noodle on:lol: I remember who the exact poster was who said that so I remember it was a female one.I 'll have to find that thread for you and show you where she said that.:D
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The exact area of the Pentagon involved on 9/11 just happened to be exactly where the only part of the building began undergoing a construction project to reinforce for a possible impact

From the archives of USA Today:
Luck — if it can be called that — had it that the terrorists aimed the Boeing 757 at the only part of the Pentagon that already had been renovated - Pentagon repairs to cost $700 million

Even an Air Force accident investigator made disturbing statements about the Pentagon Plane and the Shanksville plane crash sites:

Col. George Nelson, MBA, U.S. Air Force: U.S. Air Force aircraft accident investigator and airplane parts authority. Graduate, U.S. Air Force War College. 34-year Air Force career. Licensed commercial pilot. Licensed airframe and powerplant mechanic.

Quote: With all the evidence readily available at the Pentagon crash site, any unbiased rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon as alleged. Similarly, with all the evidence available at the Pennsylvania crash site, it was most doubtful that a passenger airliner caused the obvious hole in the ground and certainly not the Boeing 757 as alleged.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Flight 77 was reported to still being in the air, with ACARS 20 minutes after the alleged
impact into the Pentagon. Whether it was the 757, or a smaller plane/drone/missile,
how was this allowed to happen, who was in charge of the security, at the airports and the WTC complexes? Terror drills happening at the same time?? Just like the tube bombings in London....

The bigger picture tells the story,, and points to an inside job, with help from a nation state...

those militay officers in the link that CD posted are the high ranking military officers gomer has disgraced selling his soul down the drain for money like he has.










You lose..........
I love how agent Gomers handlers sent him here so quickly to fart again..He sure enjoys his ass beatings he gets here constantly.He would never come back here so quickly for them for free all the time this sellout traiter to his military officers way.:D
I love how agent Gomers handlers sent him here so quickly to fart again..He sure enjoys his ass beatings he gets here constantly.He would never come back here so quickly for them for free all the time this sellout traiter to his military officers way.:D

Speaking of handlers, you never did answer my question in the other thread.

Is paid troll Dickie Gage sharing some of his $85K per year with you for keeping his movement alive?
Anytime a movement has people who cannot present any evidence and spend their time making feeble attempts to insult honorably retired soldiers, their movement is not alive.........

Yet these feeble minded few carry on........
You lose..........

Interesting how all the evidence at the Pentagon of a Jumbo Passenger plane is few enough to fit in the back of a pickup truck and small enough for one man to carry...

So how many jumbo jet tires were found at the scene for evidence? How many actually on a Boeing jumbo jet?

So how much of the rest of the jumbo passenger plane...seats...etc were found? are such a tool...


In your mind evedence could NEVER be planted for any reason in government...

Hate to break it to you but it happens at EVERY level of government...the only thing is when it's at the top of the pyramid scheme do you think they will investigate their selves?

*"Stephen Anderson, Ex NYPD Cop: We Planted Evidence, Framed Innocent People To Reach Quotas"

Stephen Anderson, Ex NYPD Cop: We Planted Evidence, Framed Innocent People To Reach Quotas

*"Genius Cops Caught Apparently Planting Evidence By Own Dash Camera"

Genius Cops Caught Apparently Planting Evidence By Own Dash Camera

*"Newspaper reports say FBI believes army planted evidence in Freeport mine shooting"

Newspaper reports say FBI believes army planted evidence in Freeport mine shooting

*"Planted Evidence Leads To Suit Against New Haven"

Planted Evidence Leads To Suit Against New Haven - Hartford Courant

*"The agency actually did make a video purporting to show Osama bin Laden and his cronies sitting around a campfire swigging bottles of liquor and savoring their conquests with boys, one of the former CIA officers recalled, chuckling at the memory. The actors were drawn from “some of us darker-skinned employees,” he said."

SpyTalk - CIA unit's wacky idea: Depict Saddam as gay

*"During planning for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the CIA's Iraq Operations Group kicked around a number of ideas for discrediting Saddam Hussein in the eyes of his people.

One was to create a video purporting to show the Iraqi dictator having sex with a teenage boy, according to two former CIA officials familiar with the project."

SpyTalk - CIA unit's wacky idea: Depict Saddam as gay
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So prove it......

Thousands would have had to be in on the planning execution and coverup, yet not one whistle blower has come forward....This from a government that can't keep a wire tap secret...........

You got nothing but Opinion and we all have those.... They're free......
So prove it......

Thousands would have had to be in on the planning execution and coverup, yet not one whistle blower has come forward....This from a government that can't keep a wire tap secret...........

You got nothing but Opinion and we all have those.... They're free......

Hundreds if not thousands were lured to be deputized as "special agents" during the 9/11 investigation literally making it illigal for them to say what they know and likely face prison time.

I read the article awhile back but am in the process of looking for it....
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I love how agent Gomers handlers sent him here so quickly to fart again..He sure enjoys his ass beatings he gets here constantly.He would never come back here so quickly for them for free all the time this sellout traiter to his military officers way.:D

Yep, Gomer Ollie is content on posting images of scrap that clearly DID NOT come from a Boeing 757 as well as posting fake images of burned and charred prop manniquins.

I had another disinfo puppet on another site post the exact same images and try to pass them off as the real deal, when it's clear that they are not. It's as if these disinfo puppets are reading from script.
Further proof that Flight AA77 DID NOT hit the Pentagon as the American people have been deceived to believe by a lying and corrupt US Government and media.

Radiation Expert Claims High-Radiation Readings Near Pentagon After 9/11 Indicate Depleted Uranium Used; High-Ranking Army Officer Claims Missile Used at Pentagon, Not Commercial Airliner


Two high profile radiation experts concur Pentagon strike involved use of a missile. Also Geiger counter readings right after the attack shows high levels of radiation 12 miles away from Pentagon crash site.

By Greg Szymanski
August 18, 2005

A radiation expert and high-ranking Army Major, who once headed the military’s depleted uranium project, both contend the Pentagon was hit by missile, not a commercial jetliner, adding high radiation readings after the strike indicate depleted uranium also may have been used.

“I’m not an explosives or crash site expert, but I am highly knowledgeable in causes and effects related to nuclear radiation contamination. What happened at the Pentagon is highly suspicious, leading me to believe a missile with a depleted uranium warhead may have been used,” said radiation expert Leuren Moret in a telephone conversation this week from her Berkeley, California home.

Moret, who has spent a life time working in the nuclear field, first as a staff scientist at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Laboratory in California, is now a member of The Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP), a privately funded group studying the devastating effects of depleted uranium especially in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Regarding the missile theory, it is also backed up by retired Army Maj. Doug Rokke, a Ph.D. educational physics and former top military expert banished from the Pentagon after the military failed to follow regulations regarding the use, clean up, and medical treatment regarding the use of depleted uranium.

“When you look at the whole thing, especially the crash site void of airplane parts, the size of the hole left in the building and the fact the projectile’s impact penetrated numerous concrete walls, it looks like the work of a missile,” said Maj. Rokke from his Rantoul, IL home this week. “And when you look at the damage, it was obviously a missile. Also, if you look at the WTC and the disturbing flash hitting the tower right before the impact of the airplane, it also looks like a missile was used.”

And to prove the government’s jetliner theory is wrong, Moret said the quick actions of a friend near the Pentagon on the morning of 9/11, provide even more suspicion.

Moret recalls on the tragic morning that once she saw the jetliner strike the twin towers and then heard about the Pentagon crash, she immediately called a close friend in Alexandria VA, Dr. Janette Sherman.

Thinking radiation might be involved, she quickly asked Dr. Sherman, 77, a radiation expert and medical doctor who lived about 12 miles from the crash site, to get a Geiger counter reading.

What the pair of experts found is astonishing. What they found is not only astonishing but four years after 9/11, what’s even more incredible is that their findings have been completely ignored by most everyone, including the Bush administration, the 9/11 Commission, and the mainstream media, all who appear more interested in rubber stamping the official 9/11 story then getting at the real truth.

“Dr. Sherman was downwind from the Pentagon on 9/11 and her Geiger counter readings show an extremely high reading, a reading of more than eight to ten times higher than normal,” said Moret, also an expert in the cause and effects of depleted uranium.

“Dr. Sherman, who is well-respected radiation expert herself, then went about contacting the proper authorities in order to try and alert emergency responders of the radiation risk at the Pentagon crash site. And we have also kept photos of the Geiger counter readings in order to verify what Dr. Sherman found 12 miles away.”

After notifying the Nuclear Industrial Safety Agency (NIRS), experts from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the FBI were alerted and according to Moret, radiation experts later confirmed high radiation levels at the Pentagon crash site possibly from the presence from depleted uranium or other unknown causes.

But what disturbed Moret most has been the Bush administration’s lack of concern and its failure to mount a thorough investigation into what really caused the high radiation levels, saying perhaps the findings might reveal something contrary to the official story that a jetliner rammed through 12 Pentagon walls of solid concrete.

“Even if there was depleted uranium used, do you think the likes of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld would really care? These are bottom feeders that 20 or 30 years ago wouldn’t have been even allowed to set foot in such high positions of power,” said Moret.

Editor's note: Dr. Moret does not realize that the ones who inhabited the White House 20 or 30 years ago were just like Bush and Cheney.

Although Dr. Sherman’s Geiger counter can’t be a conclusive finding, another nuclear radiation expert, Marion Fulk, agrees the positive reading, if anything, is suspicious.

“It definitely looks suspicious but, of course, many factors have to be considered before a conclusion is reached,” said Fulk in a telephone conversation this week. “The type of Geiger counter used by Dr. Sherman needs to be looked at as well as the possibility of the true source of the radiation, whether it is depleted uranium in a missile, ballast in the airplane or within the structure of the building hit.”

Even though no one can be sure, one thing positive is the Bush administration never really seriously cared about addressing the possibility of depleted uranium at the Pentagon just like it cares little about the same problem at the World Trade Center and in the war fields of Iraq and Afghanistan.

And, more recently, Moret, Fulk, and Maj. Rokke, along with Dennis Kyne, Bob Jones, and Mark Zeller, have provided documentation for an explosive video written and produced by Joyce Riley and William Lewis called “Beyond Treason,” providing an in depth look at depleted uranium used in the Gulf Wars and its likelihood of causing numerous civilian and military illnesses.

“It has been determined that the equivalent of more than 400,000 Nagasaki bombs has been released in the middle east since 1991,” said Moret, citing a report and subsequent speech at a 2000 depleted uranium conference given by Professor Yagasaki, a physicist and well-respected nuclear radiation expert.

And in an 89 minute video, exploring a massive government cover up, Riley and Lewis point out the unexplained illnesses in civilians and military personal may be the cause of depleted uranium or perhaps a combination of overlapping causes, including chemical and biological exposure and the use of experimental vaccines.

The writers of Beyond Treason, added:

“The ailing Gulf War heroes from all 27 coalition countries slowly die from of 'unknown causes,' they wait for answers from their respective governments, but no satisfying or even credible answers have come forth from the military establishment. Records that span over a decade point to negligence and even culpability on the part of the U.S. Department of Defense and their ‘disposable army' mentality."

“The VA has determined that 250,000 troops are now permanently disabled, 15,000 troops are dead and over 425,000 are ill and slowly dying from what the Department of Defense still calls a mystery disease. How many more will have to die before action is taken?”

Editor's note: All of them will have to die because that is these "people's goal. See the 6th edition of this publication for who they are.

And in February, 2004, a conference called “Dialogues with Decision Makers” was held in New Delhi, India, where a group of experts gathered for the prevention of nuclear war and looked closely at the depleted uranium problem in the Middle East.

Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat, former chief of the Naval Staff in India, reported the following shocking details about the effects of depleted uranium:

“In the 2003 war, the Iraqi’s were subjected to the Pentagon’s radioactive arsenal, mainly in the urban centers, unlike in the deserts in 1991. The aggregate effects of illnesses and long term disabilities and genetic birth defects will be apparent only 2008 onwards."

“By now, half of all the 697,000 US soldiers involved in the 1991 war have reported serious illnesses. According the American Gulf War Veterans Association, more than 30 per cent of these soldiers are chronically ill, and receiving disability benefits from the Veterans Administration."

“Near the Republican Palace where US troops stood guard and over 1000 employees walked in and out, the radiation readings were the hottest in Iraq, at nearly 1900 times background radiation levels."

“At a roadside stand, selling fresh bunches of parsley, mint, and onions, children played on a burnt out Iraqi tank just outside Baghdad, the Geiger counter registered 1000 times normal background radiation."

“The Pentagon and the United Nations estimate that the US and Britain used 1,100 to 2,200 tons of armor piercing shells made of DU during attacks in March-April 2003, far more than the 1991 Gulf War (this does not include air dispensed DU munitions and missiles),” wrote the Post Intelligencer.

“The long term effects, as Dr. Asaf Durakovic elaborates, after the early neurological symptoms are cancer, and related radiation illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome, joint and muscle pain, neurological and/or nerve damage, mood disturbances, auto-immune deficiencies, lung and kidney damage, vision problems, skin rupture, increase in miscarriages, maternal mortality, and genetic birth defects/deformation.

“For years the US government described the Gulf War Syndrome as a post traumatic stress disorder. It was labeled as a psychological problem or simply as mysterious unrelated ailments much in the same way as health problems of Vietnam veterans suffering from Agent Orange poisoning.

Bottom line: Every single aspect of 9/11 is an inside job.
Disinformation is so readily available and believed..... I guess it's all in whether you want the truth or the truther version.........

However, DU is a radiation hazard when it is inhaled in
the form of tiny insoluble particles,
which lodge in the lungs
and remain there for very long
times. DU is less of a radiation
hazard than natural U because
it is less radioactive than natural
U. Direct (external) radiation
from DU is very low and
only of concern to workers
who melt and cast U metal.
DU used in commercial civilian applications does not
present a significant health hazard because it is usually
in solid form and not available for inhalation or ingestion.
Military operations with DU, however, may contaminate
soil, groundwater, and breathing air. When
used as a weapon, small particles of DU may be produced.
These particles have high density and most fall to
the ground very close to where they are produced
And widcard or 911nutjob just negged me a whole 13 points..... Gee it hurts so bad...LOL

And of course as most of these asshole cowards the kid has his/her/it's, pm's turned off so I get to respond in public.
This is what I would have said in PM:

Fuck off dipshit, you haven't proved one fucking thing yet, All you do is talk shit and claim things are wrong without disproving them. Keep it up, you're so good at it....Whose sock are you again?

And bring on some more opinion so we can use fact to destroy it.......

Carry on...........
And widcard or 911nutjob just negged me a whole 13 points..... Gee it hurts so bad...LOL

And of course as most of these asshole cowards the kid has his/her/it's, pm's turned off so I get to respond in public.
This is what I would have said in PM:

Fuck off dipshit, you haven't proved one fucking thing yet, All you do is talk shit and claim things are wrong without disproving them. Keep it up, you're so good at it....Whose sock are you again?

And bring on some more opinion so we can use fact to destroy it.......

Carry on...........

No offense but you must have an I.Q. barely above 65pts....which is just high enough to avoid to be a legally dumbfuck.....
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